Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 New Zealand 1913 Auckland Exhibition set of 4. MLH. SG 412/15, Cat. £325 (4) $180 Sold $180 |
 New Zealand 1913 Auckland Exhibition set of 4, the ½d & 1d cancels are bold to heavy cds's with the 3d very fine & 6d has light corner pmk. SG 412… $300 Sold $180 |
 New Zealand 1910/16 KEVII "OFFICIAL" ovptd set pf 5. MLH 1/- aged gum reflected in conservative reserve. SG O73/O77, Cat. £140 (5) $40 Sold $40 |
 New Zealand 1909/16 4d yellow MUH/MLH block of 4 plus 5d & 6d line perf singles fresh MLH. SG 390a, 397a, 398, total Cat. £100 (6) $40 Sold $40 |
 New Zealand 1909 2d mauve in various shades x 6 & 3d chestnut x 13 with variable centring & mixed MUH/MLH gum. Minimum Cat. £380 (19) $50 Sold $50 |
 New Zealand 1908 1d Shackleton Expedition engraved with "King Edward VII Land" ovpt in green. F/U. SG A1, Cat. £100+ $40 Sold $30 |
New Zealand 1907/11 1/- orange-red ovptd "OFFICIAL.". MLH. SG O65, Cat. £130 $50 Sold $50 |
 New Zealand 1907 Christchurch Exhibition set used, the 1d with full Exhibition cds (toned perfs) plus ½d, 1d & 6d MLH with minor bends. Cat. £600… $150 Sold $100 |
 New Zealand 1906/07 Christchurch Exhibition publicity labels x 11 different designs inscribed "2" x 3, "3", "4", "5" x 4 & "7" x 2 plus an imperf m… $120 Sold $120 |
 New Zealand 1906 Christchurch Exhibition set of 4. Fresh MLH with moderate hinges. SG 370/73, Cat. £275 (4) $100 Sold $100 |
 New Zealand 1906 3d Christchurch Exhibition fine used with cancel just touching at left plus another with the "flaw behind chieftain" variety & nea… $200 Archived |
New Zealand 1902/07 5/- dull red, perf. 14 with wmk sideways. Fine used with triple circle Dannevirke cds. Well centred. SG 329b, Cat. £375 $180 Archived |
 New Zealand 1902/07 5/- deep red, perf 14 with sideways wmk. F/U with crisp 1905 Kaiaua cds. (SG quotes issue date as 1906). SG 329, Cat. £375 $160 Sold $95 |
 New Zealand 1902/07 5/- Mt Cook, perf. 14. Fine used. SG 325, Cat. £325 $150 Archived |
 New Zealand 1902/07 6d rose-carmine, perf. 11 block of 6, some perfs separation. 5 MUH, adherence on other. SG 312, Cat. £300 + MUH premium $140 Archived |
New Zealand 1902 1d carmine perf. 14x11, Crown paper without wmk in top marginal MUH pair (hinged in selvedge only). SG 297, Cat. £220 + MUH premium $120 Sold $120 |
New Zealand 1899/1900 Postage Dues used to 5d (excl 3d), the 1d & 2d vals with both large & small "D", other values small "D" only incl 4d x 2. All… $30 Archived |
 New Zealand 1899/1902 Postage Due selection with 8d (SG D2) MUH, 1/- (SG D3) MLH, small "D" 5d (SG D6) MLH, 10d (SG D8 x 3 MLH), type II ½d MUH & … $120 Sold $120 |
 New Zealand 1895 7/- pale blue QV postal fiscal, perf 11. MLH, centred to right. SG F62, Cat. £450 $80 Sold $50 |
 New Zealand 1890 ½d x 2, 1d x 2, 3d, 4d & 6d Railway stamps. This first issue was framed with "simulated perfs" & had a crown with the words "NZ R… $40 Sold $24 |
 New Zealand 1885 (8th Oct) Supreme Court Probate document in lovely copperplate script bearing QV £20, £8, 10/- & 3/- long fiscals plus 2d SSF. E… $50 Sold $50 |
 New Zealand 1882 ½d Newspaper stamp perf. 10x12½ with jumbo margins. MNG. SG 145a, Cat. £180 $50 Archived |
 New Zealand 1878 5/- grey QV. Used & well centred used. SG 186, Cat. £300 $50 Sold $110 |
 New Zealand 1878 2d rose perf. 12x11½ MLH(Cat. £70), 1907 1d Christchurch MLH & used, latter with Exhibition pmk, 1909/16 2d mauve & 1/- line per… $60 Archived |
 New Zealand 1864/71 1d vermilion, 2d blue, 3d lilac & 6d red-brown, wmk large star & perf 12½. Above average with varying cancels & centring. SG 1… $30 Sold $30 |
 New Zealand 1864 1d carmine-vermilion with "NZ" wmk MNG (Cat. £950 as MLH), 2d blue used (Cat. £275) & 1/- green F/U with cds (Cat. £275). Latte… $200 Sold $150 |
 New Zealand 1862 1/- deep yellow-green on pelure paper without wmk. 4 clear margins, close at base. Used. SG 86, Cat. £1100 $300 Sold $300 |
 New Zealand 1862/63 1d orange-vermilion, 2d blue, 6d black brown, 6d red-brown & 1/- yellow-green with star wmk. 1d is 3 margin while others are al… $240 Sold $180 |
 New Zealand 1857-1865 Chalon selection good to fine used with mixed margins. Comprises SG 9 (pair) & single, SG 36 & SG 38 x 2 (faults), SG 41 x 2,… $100 Sold $130 |
 New Zealand 1857/63 2d pale blue & 6d brown 4 margin imperf examples. Fine used. SG 10 & 13, Cat. £530 (2) $180 Sold $130 |
 New Zealand 1855/58 1d red on blue paper, touching on all sides & lightly fine used. An attractive example of this scarce stamp & useful at this co… $150 Sold $100 |
 New Zealand QV 2nd sideface "adson" group with useful dupl to 3 each. Incls "Beecham's Pills", "S. Myers & Co Dentists", "Cadbury Bros" etc. Odd bl… $50 Sold $60 |
 New Hebrides - French 1921 "05¢." on 40¢ in top block of 6 with selvedge on 3 sides. MUH with light gum cracks/creases. SG F34, Cat. £35 x 6 plu… $50 Archived |
 New Hebrides 1938 Gold Currency set of 12 to 10f. Fine MLH. SG 52/63, Cat. £360 (12) $100 Sold $100 |
 New Hebrides 1938 5c to 1f "POSTAGE DUE" ovpts. MNG. SG D10, Cat. £190 as MLH $40 Archived |
New Hebrides 1938 50¢ to 10f Lopevi Islands & canoe top vals. Fresh MUH & seldom offered thus. SG 59/63, Cat. £340+ (5) $160 Sold $95 |
 New Caledonia 1940 (21st July) Pan American 1st Flight to San Francisco with pictorial cachets in green & in black, the green partially covered by … $60 Sold $60 |
Netherlands Indies 1935 Suerebaja to Melbourne addressed b&w photo postcard showing Balinese dancers in traditional costume) with 5¢ definitive ti… $40 Archived |
 Netherlands Indies 1868 10¢ King William III, perf 12½x12. Fresh MVLH, possibly skilfully regummed? Sold "as is". SG 2, Cat. £2000 $300 Archived |
Netherlands Indies 1868 10¢ King William III, perf 12½x12 with partial cds of Batavia. Perfs slightly trimmed at top otherwise fine. SG 2, Cat. … $60 Sold $50 |
Netherlands Indies 1864 10¢ King William III imperf with clear margins. Fine used by light Palembang cds. SG 1, Cat. £170 $50 Sold $40 |
Montenegro 2006 €5.50 50th Anniv Europa M'S's x 100. An attractive imperf M/S showing map of Europe. Fine MUH with a FV €550 ($910). Ideal for … $220 Archived |
 Monaco 1955 100f Monte Carlo Rally. Fine MVLH. SG 517, Cat. £110 $30 Archived |
 Monaco 1946/49 Airs set of 7 to 1000f. 300f to 1000f MUH, lower vals MLH. SG 323/326c, Cat. £300 (7) $100 Archived |
 Monaco 1937 Charity set of 5. MUH. SG 144/48, Cat. £190 plus premium (5) $100 Archived |
 Monaco 1925/43 Postage Dues to 5f. Fine MUH plus 1f on 50¢ MLH. SG D113/D121, Cat. £40++ (10) $30 Archived |
 Monaco 1925 Postage Dues set of 6 to 2f. Fine MLH. SG D106/11, Cat. £260 (6) $70 Archived |
 Monaco 1911/19 Postage Dues with 1¢, 10¢, 30¢ & 20¢ on 10¢ plus 40¢ on 30¢ surcharges. MLH, the 1¢ & 40¢ MUH but 20¢ thinned. SG D36/40, … $100 Archived |
 Monaco 1906 Postage Dues to 50¢ incls 10¢ brown fine used, others MLH with odd hinge remnant or minor thin reflected but the key 10c is fine. SG … $50 Archived |
 Monaco 1891/94 Prince Albert set to 5f. Mostly fine MH with small hinge remnants. 25¢ small thin & 10¢, 15¢ & 40¢ fine used. SG 11/21, Cat. £6… $90 Archived |