Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
2006 Dangerous Australians Spider packs x 4 containing the semi-imperforate Miniature sheet with $1 Redback. Retail $220 (4 packs)
Sold $60
2006 Dangerous Australians Spider M/S's containing the semi-imperforate $1 Redback. A MUH & CTO single of each. Retail $110 (2)
Sold $24
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP presentation albums x 3. All fine MUH. SG MS2607/23. Retail at $540. (3)
Sold $290
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP presentation files with dividers for "Ceremonies, "Champions" etc x 2. All fine MUH. S…
Sold $230
2006 (12th Sept) Sutherland Shire Philatelic Society 50 Years Jubilee Dinner ovptd 1970 Capt. Cook M/S. Quality ovpt in gold with Cook SSPS logo pl…
Sold $180
2006 50c "Roses" Greetings sheetlets of 10 x 3 in uncut sheet complete with full margins showing cut guide lines. All CTO with GPO Melbourne undate…
2005 Rotary Centenary Imperforate M/S's x 5. All numbered in black in selvedge. MUH. Retail $150 (5)
Sold $36
2005 Australian Parrots Sheetlet from the 2005 Aust Post Yearbook x 33. MUH. Retail $48ea ($1584) with FV $82.50 (33)
Sold $70
2005 & 2006 $5.50, $6, $8, $6.25 & $9.25 Bush Wildlife International Post S/A booklet panes x 2 of each. Increasingly to source. Fine cond. FV $72 …
Sold $55
2004 Australian Olympic Gold Medallists sheetlet of 17 x 50c from the Aust Post Yearbook x 25. Fine MUH. Retail $40ea ($1000) with FV $210+ (25)
Sold $85
2004 $5 Bridges illust gutter block of 10 ovptd "Lockyer Valley Stamp Club 25th Annual Stamp Day - 8th August 2204" in silver. Numbered "0023" with…
Sold $34
2004 "Celebrating 45 Years of Television in South Australia" SES sheetlet with tabs of b&w & colour TV celebrities incl Humphrey B. Bear! One of th…
Sold $75
2004 (6th Feb) Adelaide to Darwin Inaugural Journey by "THE GHAN" with "Guaranteed Carried on the ….Ghan Train" cachet & signed by Adrian Kloeden…
Sold $30
2004 (1st-6th Feb) Adelaide to Darwin Ghan set of 6 carried covers each with a set of the 50c "GHAN TO DARWIN" imprinted 50c kangaroo & koala CPS s…
Sold $40
2004 (15th-17th Jan) "FREIGHTLINK2004" imprinted 50c kangaroo & koala CPS sets of 6 with matching pictorial pmks for Adelaide, Port Augusta, Alice …
Sold $30
2003/04 Disney-Pixar Aust Post Souvenir Album containing sheetlets for "Finding Nemo", "A Bugs Life", Toy Story", "Monsters Inc" & "The Incredibles…
Sold $30
2003 $5 "20 Years at Post Data" SES sheet with 10 tabbed x 50c Aust & Globe. Rarely seen as low quantities were printed due to this being an Austra…
Sold $80
2001 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia "Federation". It contains 30 proofs struck from the original dies in blue/blui…
Sold $50
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists sheetlet of 17 x 45c from Aust Post Yearbook x 34. Fine MUH. Retail $50ea ($1700), FV $260 (34 sheetlets)
Sold $120
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists group of 9 different athletes in complete A4 sheetlets of 10 x 2 rouletted but NOT separated in the matching AP album …
Sold $120
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists 45c essay as above but featuring Matt Welsh "Swimming: 200m backstroke". In the end he won only bronze so did not end …
Sold $220
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists 45c essay as above but featuring Caroline Hildreth for "Swimming: 200m breaststroke". She ended up not making the fina…
Sold $220
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists 45c essay featuring Hayley Lewis "Swimming: 800m freestyle". She ended up not actually participating in these Games. S…
Sold $220
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists set of 16 in complete rouletted A4 digitally printed sheets with the swan logo for the WA printing. Incls the black A4…
Sold $100
2000 Olympic Games Prestige Stamp Album produced by AP with stamps incl Int Post issues, covers & maxicards covering all Olympic issues. Attractive…
Sold $20
2000 $1 Koala Emergency International Post ovpts with personalised tabs x 2. MUH ACSC 2024a. Retails $100
Sold $30
1999 $4.50 Millennium Greetings SES Personalised stamp sheetlet of 20 but without any design printed either on selvedges or the individual tabs. Po…
Sold $40
1999 (11th Oct) Lord Howe Island Courier Post FDC with set of 4 x $1.80 Marine Life with "This First Day Cover was one of 100 carried aboard the 33…
Sold $40
1999 Navigators M/S's perfined "A99" x 3 pairs. Fresh MUH. Retail $135 (6)
Sold $30
1999 Navigators M/S perfined "A99" pairs in both MUH & CTO plus an imperforate MUH pair. Retail $110 (6)
Sold $30
1999 $2.70 Dampier/King/Bass imperf M/S's x 100. Fine MUH. FV $270 SG MS1852ac (100)
Sold $150
1996 AFL Football Clubs set of 16 self-adhesive booklets in presentation folders x 2. Exc cond. FV $144
Sold $50
1996 30 Years of Decimal Currency 45c QE B'day gutter block of 10 & $5 Macfarlane/Evans Polymer banknote pres folder. No. 457 of 3000 with both ovp…
Sold $40
1995 $50 Howard Florey banknote & stamp sheetlet of 10 as above but numbered in black "HF 0001362" also with matching banknote serial number. Limit…
Sold $95
1995 $50 Howard Florey banknote & stamp sheetlet of 10 both numbered in red "HF 000155" with matching banknote serial number in commem portfolio. L…
Sold $100
1994 "Kangaroos & Koalas" CPS set of 6 x 45c vals with "NPC" imprints on a 3 x 2 single piece of backing paper with no separation. First we have se…
1994 "Kangaroos & Koalas" CPS set of 6 x 45c vals with "NPC" imprints inverted with the "45c" value at top centre of all 6. "PC" of the "NPC" just …
Sold $75
1994 45c "Kangaroos & Koalas" CPS strip of 6 with "NPC" imprint. Third unit down with the 2 kangaroos has a clear double printing of the 45c value …
Sold $40
1994 "Kangaroos & Koalas" CPS set of the 6 different designs with "45c SWANPEX 99" ghost imprints inverted on the backing paper side but nothing ap…
1994 45c "Kangaroos & Koalas" with "45c" denomination imprint only. This was part of the test/trial programme in advance of their formal introducti…
1994 $12 & $8 Koala Conservation M/S's with matching $5 Telecom phonecard in "Collectors' Folio Edition" folder plus 1993/94 $40 Wood Duck sheetlet…
Sold $42
1993 (28th Aug) WWII Navel Ships set of 4 on "Collins Class - The all new Australian Submarine" illust commem cover with attractive pictorial "Laun…
Sold $24
1993 Eminent Women - Mary Gilmore folder with $10 polymer banknote with matching numbered Women in Parliament sheetlet of 25 ovptd in black. This p…
Sold $50
1993 CPS black dummy trial labels strip of 4 with "candle & holder inverted" to the imprints, one without imprint. Others with the "NPC1" for "$1.2…
Sold $150
1993 $25.50 CPS dummy trial labels x 2 with "candle & holder" upright to the "NPC1" imprint & value. Both fine on backing paper. (2)
1992 Boxlink labels commercially used x 300+. Rarely seen in such quantity & all appearing to have the time & dated "Boxlink" cancels in blue. (300+)
Sold $60
1992 $1.20 Weightlifting Barcelona Olympics with "SPECIMEN" ovptd shifted to above design & into border frame. Normal for comparison. MUH Most unus…
Sold $32
1991 43c QEII Birthday imperforate plate proof pair. MUH ACSC 1513PP(1) Cat. $500
Sold $160
1990 $4.00 Kangaroo Island Lighthouses perforated M/S cinderellas with card insert detailing the 4 different Lighthouses shown x 100. Fine MUH & us…
Sold $100
1988 Bicentenary Leather boxed set of 25 gold stamp reproduction ingots. Struck in solid silver & 24 carat gold plated, this collection cost from A…
Sold $200


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