Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Western Australia: Revenues |
 1917/22 £5 slate-purple with inverted wmk. Superb used. Elsmore Cat. $375 $120 Archived |
 1917/22 £5 reddish-purple with inverted wmk. Fine used with a few rough perfs at left. Elsmore Cat. $375 $100 Archived |
 1920/23 1d to £10 grey set of 14. Good to fine used range, 3d has missing perfs top right, 10/- bright mauve has a white flaw over "E" of …stern… $120 Sold $120 |
 1919 £1 black & violet, perf. 11 W Crown A wmk with very low placed Swan vignette. "ONE POUND" is covered by the water & swan. Fine used with 2 JU… $220 Sold $230 |
 1911/13 6d x 2 with inverted wmk, vert crease (Elsmore Cat. $125) & second with grossly misplaced swan vignette. Not listed by Elsmore, Both fine u… $120 Sold $110 |
 1911/13 3d x 14, 6d x 11, 1/-, 2/- x 2, 2/6d x 6, 10/- x 4, £1 & 30/-. Elsmore Cat. $820 (14) $100 Sold $90 |
 1911/13 2/6d olive with inverted wmk used with minor perf irregularities (Elsmore Cat. $125) & 2/6d ochre with lower selvedge & vignette misplaced … $60 Sold $60 |
 1911/13 10/- & 15/- as above. Both fine used, latter with left selvedge but a couple of missing perfs at top. Elsmore Cat. $150 ea. (2) $50 Sold $50 |
 1911/13 10/- & 15/- as above but both very good used & off-centre. Elsmore Cat. $150 ea. (2) $40 Sold $40 |
 1911/13 10/- orange-red & 15/- deep blue-green. Both with inverted wmks & fine used. Elsmore Cat. $150 ea $90 Sold $80 |
 1911/12 2/6d brown-olive & 2/6d yellowish-olive both with inverted wmks. Both centred high with toning on perfs. Elsmore Cat. $500 (2) $90 Archived |
 1911-12 2/- x 2, 2/6d x 2, 5/- x 3, 10/- x 3 & 30/- x1. Good used to fine used with odd perf tone spot. Elsmore Cat. $315 (11) $50 Sold $45 |
 1909 1d to 1/- set of 4 vals incl vertical pair of 6d & 2 shades of the 1/- green plus additional 1d x 25, 3d, 6d x 4, 1/- x 23. Fine used group id… $120 Sold $110 |
 1909 1d reds x 3 all with inverted wmks. Good to fine used with minor faults. Elsmore Cat. $450 (3) $50 Sold $50 |
 1909 1d red-black with inverted wmk F/U (light tone spots on back), 1d scarlet greenish-slate centred inverted wmk fine MNG & scarlet-black with in… $50 Archived |
 1909 1/- green & 1/- yellow-green both with inverted wmks. Former with rough perfs) & latter with some rough perfs & a closed tear at right. Elsmor… $50 Sold $50 |
 1906/09 10/- dull green with inverted wmk x 2 examples. Both fine used. Elsmore Cat. $150 ea. (2) $60 Sold $55 |
 1906/09 5/- deep green with inverted wmk. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $125 $30 Sold $30 |
 1906/09 2/6d green with register mark lower right. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $200+ $50 Sold $70 |
 1906/09 1/- deep green & 2/- light green both with inverted wmks & fine used. Elsmore Cat. $200 (2) $60 Sold $60 |
 1906/09 1/- deep green & 2/- light green as above but former with short perfs at left & latter centred high. Elsmore Cat. $200 (2) $30 Archived |
 1904 1d to £25 short set excl £50 & £100. Fresh & fine used. Elsmore Cat. $600+ (14) $220 Sold $220 |
 1893 3/- & 5/- Internal Revenues postally used in contravention of the Act. 3/- has a few toned perfs otherwise fine with blue cancel. (2) $120 Sold $70 |
1881 swans ovptd locally with "IR" & "POSTAGE" obliterated by 1 or 2 bars in dark green. 1 genuine example & 9 forged ovpts. Genuine ovpt is on 1d … $150 Sold $150 |
Western Australia: Frank Stamps |
Frank Stamps mounted on Hagner sheets in the "Frank & Free Hans Karman" 4 ring reference book so the actual examples correspond with the printed te… $1200 Sold $1200 |
 Frank Stamps Range of Frank Stamp cut-outs incl Bureau of Agriculture W110.1, Harbour Masters Office W225.1, Mr Justice Pennefather W255.1, Clerk L… $800 Sold $1400 |
 Works & Railways OHMS cover from Perth to Hurstville, Sydney with Perth duplex index 4 dated SP 18 1894. Rated "R". W535.1 $120 Sold $180 |
 Western Australia Post Office Directory Prince's Buildings St. George's Ter. Perth Plain addressed cover to Perth with no evidence that it went thr… $90 Sold $210 |
 Warden Murchison Goldfields Registered OHMS Unclaimed & RTS cover with strike in violet top right. Enhanced by neighbouring Cue Savings Bank Sbii &… $300 Sold $460 |
 Treasury Western Australia Small env with Frank Stamp in violet ink at lower left with signature of S. Burt with "Under Treasurer" h/s below also i… $200 Sold $200 |
 Surveyor Generals Office & Department of Lands & Surveys Both examples on small OHMS env with L.C.Room OC 10 99 Index 6 GPO duplex & addressed loca… $180 Sold $180 |
 Resident Magistrate Carnarvon Complete clear strike on small piece in violet. Fine & appears previously unrecorded. $100 Sold $170 |
 Registrar of Friendly Societies OHMS long cover with embossed flap & Perth WA NO 9 00 cds. Addressed to Westralia Lodge, Cottesloe Beach with match… $200 Sold $290 |
 Railway Department Clear strike in red ink on OHMS cover from Perth to Fremantle with neat Perth GPO D NO 26 98 index 7 duplex. Rated "X" & not rec… $300 Sold $210 |
 Public Works Department OHMS cover addressed to Fremantle with SP 21 98 Perth GPO D duplex. Initialled authorising officers "Stores Manager's Branc… $100 Sold $100 |
 Public Works Department Bold strike with the M.E.J. (M.E. Jull was Under Secretary of Public Works) below in blue ink. "Water Works Office, Fremant… $180 Sold $180 |
 Public Works Department Bold strike in violet at top right with Perth GPO duplex dated AU 8 99. LAND PURCHASES & ESTATE OFFICE" s/l h/s down right … $75 Sold $75 |
 Public Works Department Clear frank stamp with the M.E.J. initials below constituting part of the h/s. Crisp Fremantle PO Index 6 duplex dated JA 2… $150 Sold $150 |
 Public Charities Department OHMS cover with typed "The Officer in charge, Government Labour Bureau, Sydney NSW" address. Ship Mail Room Perth WA OC… $220 Sold $290 |
 Premiers Department Plain cover from Perth to Fremantle with Perth GPO D duplex dated DE 12 00. Rated "R" & complete with neighbouring Premiers Dep… $100 Sold $100 |
 Premiers Department Long OHMS cover from Perth to Sydney with arrival b/s's & Ship Mail Room Perth GPO duplex (slightly smudged" dated JY 29 99. Pr… $150 Sold $150 |
 Mining Registrar Greenbushes W.A. Cut down OHMS cut down locally addressed Greenbushes cover with boxed "UNCLAIMED" & "UNKNOWN BY LETTER CARRIER" h… $200 Sold $200 |
 Medical Department of Western Australia Clear & complete strike in red on piece tied by Perth duplex dated AU 23 98. Note, this is different from W… $100 Sold $210 |
 Land Titles Department Two small OHMS envs with both Registered, Unclaimed & Returned. First example being W260.1 with authorising initials "AEB" s… $180 Sold $180 |
 Harbour Masters Office Small OHMS cover with light impression & locally addressed. Fremantle PO duplex dated NO 12 98. Unusually, the frank stamp i… $75 Sold $120 |
 Harbour Master's Office Local Fremantle addressed OHMS with Fremantle PO Duplex dated SP 13 98. Rated "R". W225.2. $150 Sold $260 |
 Governor of Western Australia Plain small envelope with Government seal on flap sent from Perth to Sydney. Ship Mail Room Perth duplex dated AP 1 0… $100 Sold $150 |
 Governor of Western Australia Mourning cover from Perth to Liverpool, England. Complete & bold " PAID OFFICIALLY WEST AUSTRALIA" circular cachet in… $180 Sold $240 |
 Government Storekeeper Large OHMS cover to Fremantle with Fremantle 3b cds front & back dated NO 2 99. Frank stamp & authorising initials CRP (Carl… $120 Sold $200 |
 Government Printing Office OHMS env addressed to The Commissioner of Titles, Perth with frank stamp at lower left & cancelled by 13 bar dumb oblite… $150 Sold $240 |