Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 Italy 1949 ERP set of 3(light tan line on gum), Volta pair, 1950 55l UNESCO, 55l Radio & 1951 Milan Fair pair. All MLH with very light album tan li… $240 Archived |
 Italy 1945/48 25l green, 30l blue & 100l carmine definitives. Fine MUH. SG 666, 667 & 669, Cat. £1200+ (3) $300 Archived |
 Italy 1945/48 30l blue & 100l carmine. Fine MLH. SG 667 & 669, Cat. £1150 as MUH (2) $150 Archived |
 Italy 1945/46 defins to 50l (excl 30l) MLH with ovpts in red or black commemorating the 300th anniversary of the Council of Trent (1945). This is a… $60 Archived |
 Italy 1942 50¢, 1 lire & 2 lire War Propaganda unissued Airs of 1930 design complete with pictorial tabs. All MLH & well centred. Sassone S1601, C… $240 Archived |
 Italy 1938 (3rd May) Hitler & Mussolini colour postcard with 3 x 2c Arms tied by special Roma Swastika pmk & Napoli & Firenza cds's. Good cond. $75 Sold $75 |
 Italy 1937 Child Welfare set of 16. Fine used, 30¢ with machine cancel, others neat cds's. A premium set. SG 490/505, Cat. £950, Scott Cat. US$13… $500 Archived |
 Italy 1936 2l55¢ slate-green Horace Bimillenary . Fine used. SG 484, Cat. £190, Scott Cat. US$350 $150 Archived |
 Italy 1935 Bellini Airmails. Fine used. SG 468/72, Cat. £350 (5) $220 Archived |
 Italy 1935 Bellini Cent set of 11. Fine used with neat cds's. SG 462/72, Cat. £700 (11) $300 Archived |
 Italy 1934 Military Medal Centenary set of 11. 25¢ with machine cancel, others all cds pmks. SG 424/34, Cat. £250 $75 Archived |
 Italy 1933 Holy Year set of 5. Fine used. SG 384/88, Cat. £230 (5) $60 Archived |
 Italy 1933 Zeppelin set of 6 to 20l. MVLH. SG 372/77, Cat. £120 (6) $50 Sold $50 |
 Italy 1933 15l & 20 l Zeppelins. Fine used with partial Roma Posta Aerea cds's. A most attractive pair. SG 376/77, Cat. £1100 (2) $500 Archived |
 Italy 1932 10th Anniv Fascist March on Rome set of 20 incl Airs. Majority MLH with some MUH & 1l25 MNG. SG 350/57, Cat. £200 (20) $100 Archived |
 Italy 1932 March on Rome Postage set of 16. Tone spot on 2l55¢ otherwise fine MUH. SG 250/65, Cat. £160 plus MUH premium (16) $150 Archived |
 Italy 1930 Virgil Airmails set of 4. Superb fine used. SG 299/302, Cat. £725, Scott Cat. US$1200 (4) $440 Archived |
 Italy 1930 Ferucci Postage set of 5 in MUH blocks of 4. Fine but for light diagonal crease affecting one 5l stamp. Fresh colours. SG 282/86, Cat. Â… $60 Archived |
 Italy 1924 (23rd Jan) Manzoni set of 6 on unaddressed cover with all 6 tied by individuals Milano 32 Via Paolo da Cannobio cds's & accompanied by b… $2000 Sold $1400 |
 Italy 1923 Manzoni set of 6 with top value very well centred. Fine MLH with Expertisation h/s's on each. SG 155/60, Cat. £900, Scott # 165/70, Cat… $440 Sold $300 |
 Italy 1923 (1st Feb) "Venezia Piazzetta S. Marco e Torre Oralogio" Postacrd franked with 15¢ vertical strip of 4 tied by Genovia Ferrovia cds's wh… $100 Archived |
 Italy 1922 Philatelic Congress "TRIESTE 1922" ovpts. MLH with usual gum toning & mixed centring. SG 122/25, Cat. £1200 (4) $400 Sold $400 |
 Italy 1879 25¢ blue King Umberto. Well centred & MUH but fresh enough to suggest it has been re-gummed! Sold "as is". SG 34a, Cat. £950 as MLH $75 Archived |
 Italy 1878 2¢ on 1l Official. Short perf at left with streaky MLH gum but useful at this reserve. SG 27, Cat. £700 $100 Archived |
 Italy 1863 1¢ grey-green used as newspaper stamp on 1878 "Annunzi Legali" leaves from "Prefettura Di Sasari" journal. Tied by neat Sassari cds. Sa… $40 Sold $40 |
Ireland 2009 Annual "Commemorative Stamp Collection" in original folder & unopened with contents MUH. SG Cat. £80 $30 Sold $24 |
 Ireland 1937 St Patrick "Se" wmk set of 3. Fresh MLH. SG 102/04, Cat. £450 (3) $90 Sold $95 |
 Ireland 1937 St Patrick "Se" wmk set of 3. MLH, 2/6d has light toning at top. SG 102/04, Cat. £450 (3) $75 Sold $60 |
 Ireland 1922 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- Seahorses with "Saorstat" Dollard ovpts. MH with small hinge remnants. SG 17/21, Cat. £300 (3) $120 Sold $130 |
 Iran 1953 Oil Discovery 2r50, 5r Postage (stain spot), 10r & 20r Airs & 1953 Oil Nationalisation set of 5 plus 1954 Fishing Industry set all MUH. T… $40 Sold $40 |
 Indonesia 1950 "RIS" ovpts on 2r-10r defins MUH (5r MLH). Some slight gum tropicalisation typical for this issue, otherwise fine. SG 597/600, Cat. … $100 Sold $100 |
 India 1952 9pi pre-stamped pictorial postcards set of 4 different featuring b&w or sepia/white Gandhi photo reproductions. Unused. H&G 65/a/b/c (4) $50 Archived |
 India 1877 (July) 1876 6a QV cancelled with Kashmir duplex on London addressed env & sealed on back with Jammu & Kashmire 1867/68 1a brown-orange i… $50 Sold $30 |
 Iceland 1930 Millenary set of 5. Fresh MLH. SG 174/78, Cat. £200 (5) $75 Archived |
Hong Kong 2008-2016 Chinese New Year M/S's in pres packs all ovptd "SPECIMEN". Incls Year of the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Horse, Monkey & Snake plus 2015… $50 Sold $50 |
 Hong Kong 1987 $2, $2.30 & $5 to $50 QEII defins in MUH blocks of 4 with 1991 imprint (except $20 which has 1990 imprint). Also $1.30 & $2 QEII in … $40 Archived |
 Hong Kong 1985 Dragon Boat Festival & Native Flowers in sheet number & colour plate number MUH blocks of 4 plus bottom selvedge MUH pairs of each. … $20 Sold $20 |
 Hong Kong 1962/73 QEII defins to $20, wmk upright (Cat. £160) plus additional short set to $1 with all vals $2 to $10 marginal. Also 1962 Stamp Ce… $60 Sold $70 |
 Hong Kong 1948 $10 Royal Silver Wedding Hong Kong. Fine & fresh MUH. SG 172, Cat. £275 $120 Sold $120 |
 Hong Kong 1941 Centenary set of 6. Fine MVLH. SG Cat. £90 as MUH $30 Sold $30 |
 Hong Kong 1938/51 $10 green & violet KGVI. Fine used block of 4 with slight paper wrinkling reflected in conservative reserve. SG 161, Cat. £560 $150 Archived |
 Hong Kong 1935 Silver Jubilee as above. SG 133/6, Cat. £55 (4) $30 Sold $20 |
 Hong Kong 1935 Silver Jubilee as above but MLH. SG 133/36, Cat. £55 (4) $30 Sold $30 |
 Hong Kong 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4. 5c with minor gum mark but otherwise all fine MUH. SG 133/36, Cat. £55++ (4) $50 Sold $30 |
 Hong Kong 1898 "10 CENTS" surcharge on 30¢ grey-green. MLH with BPA Cert. (2000). SG 54, Cat. £600 $150 Sold $150 |
 Grenada 1938/50 10/- slate-blue & bright carmine perf. 14 (1943). Fine used. SG 163b, Cat. £160 $50 Sold $65 |
 Grenada 1935/44 KGV Colony Badge set of 10 to 5/- perfined "SPECIMEN". Fresh MLH verging on MUH. SG 135s/44s, Cat. £200 (10) $80 Sold $85 |
 Grenada 1902 10/- KEVII with CA wmk MUH & 10/- green & purple with MCA wmk MVLH. Both fresh. SG 66 &76, Cat. £360+ (2) $200 Sold $200 |
 Greece 1954 Enosis set of 6. Fresh MUH. SG 728/33, Cat. £190 (6) $50 Sold $30 |
 Greece 1954 Ancient Greek Art set of 12. Fresh MLH. SG 713/24, Cat. £375 (12) $75 Archived |