Lot No |
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Est. |
Western Australia: Frank Stamps |
 Government Analyst OHMS cover from Fremantle to local address dated OC 25 98. Rated "R". W120.1 $90 Sold $180 |
 General Post Office Western Australia Two small covers with each in a different coloured ink. The first on OHMS cover with h/s in violet from Perth… $180 Sold $260 |
 Fremantle Infantry D Company Small OHMS cover with Fremantle PO duplex dated NO 15 00 & addressed to North Fremantle with 3b arrival b/s. Poor cond… $120 Sold $290 |
 Electoral Printed "Frank Stamp" in black in lower left corner of small env. & sent from Perth to West Perth with L.C.Room Perth duplex dated FE 4 0… $150 Sold $250 |
 Department Of Mines OHMS covers x 2 with different impressions. First from Perth to Sydney with Ship Mail Room Perth GPO duplex dated FE 14 00 with… $180 Sold $260 |
 Department of Lands & Surveys Long OHMS env with bold & complete Ship Mail Room, Perth duplex Index 2 dated SP 8 99 & addressed to Sydney. Unusuall… $300 Sold $400 |
 Crown Law Offices OHMS long env addressed to "Dr John EJ Moffitt Palace Hotel, Perth" with "Left By Cue Train added in m/s below. "UNKNOWN BY LETTE… $150 Sold $170 |
 Chief Justice of Western Australia Plain small env with bold Ship Mail Room Perth WA Index 1 dated AU 4 98 cancel top right with frank stamp bottom… $180 Sold $180 |
 Chief Inspector of Mines Full & clear strike in blue on small piece. Fine & rare. A few small light tone spots but not seen before & unlisted by Ka… $100 Sold $200 |
 Audit Department W130.1 rated "R", Executive Council rated "R", Police Magistrate's Office W400.1 rated "X" (Exceptional) & Sheriff's Office W475.1… $280 Sold $340 |
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
 1912 3d deep orange-brown perfined "OS". Fine used, short perf top right. An increasingly scarce stamp. ACSC W31Bb, Cat. $300 (2004) $90 Sold $90 |
 1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d yellow with the 4 possible wmk versions; sideways to left, sideways to right, upright & inverted. All good to fine… $30 Sold $42 |
 1908 9d yellow-orange, line perf MLH (ACSC W51B(OS), Cat. $200 (2004)) & 9d orange perfined "OS" used. ACSC 51A(OS), Cat. $150 (2) $50 Sold $38 |
 1905 5d pale olive-bistre, perf 12½, MLH (SG 143, Cat. £40), 5d olive-green, perf 12½ MH, tone spot. (SG 143a, Cat. £40), 5d pale olive-bistre,… $50 Sold $80 |
1905 5d brown perfined "OS". Fine used with good perfs & excellent centring. Note 1 states, "Perhaps as many as ten mint & 20-30 used examples are … $100 Sold $100 |
 1906 3d brown in block of 4 with 1 stamp MUH, others MLH. "Fluffy" perfs with fresh colour. SG 141, Cat. £260+ $80 Sold $80 |
 1905 2d yellow with left hand selvedge example. Fresh MVLH. SG 152, Cat. £50 $20 Sold $15 |
 1906 1d carmine-red perfined "OS" block of 4 with upright wmk. MH with part original gum. Well centred. SG 139a, ACSC w6ba, Cat. $160+ (2004) $30 Sold $30 |
 1905 1d rose-pink with neat clear offset on the reverse. A couple of short perfs but fine used with Smiths Mill cds. SG 139 var. $30 Sold $42 |
 1903 9d yellow-orange with sideways V/Crown wmk MH (SG 122, Cat. £55) & another with wmk upright inverted MLH (SG 122a, Cat. £150). (2) $70 Sold $70 |
 1902 2/- bright red/yellow. MLH with strong colour. SG 134, Cat. £300 $100 Sold $60 |
 1902 4d chestnut, V/Crown wmk, perf. 11. Fine used with part Kookynie cds. SG 131, Cat. £425 $120 Sold $160 |
 1902 2d yellow with V over Crown wmk, perf 11. Good to fine used with 22 FEB 1905 cds. Not known mint. Irregular perfs. SG 130a (wmk upright), Cat.… $150 Sold $100 |
1902 10/- deep mauve fine used with neat part duplex cancel. SG 127, Cat. £110 $35 Sold $36 |
 1899 2d yellow "W Crown A" wmk inv used with P.O. obliterator & normal for comparison. SG 113w, Cat. £150 $30 Sold $30 |
 1899 2d bright yellow with inverted wmk. Superb used with part Laverton 1902 cds. SG 113w, Cat. £150 $60 Archived |
 1898 1d carmine with inverted wmk. Fine used. SG 112w, Cat. £140 $50 Archived |
 1895 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green on 3d cinnamon, perf. 14, Crown CC. Fine used with corner barred cancel. SG 111a, Cat. £300 $75 Sold $110 |
 1893 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 3d pale brown, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 in MUH/MLH vert pair. Noted a blob of green ink between "ONE" & "PENNY… $70 Sold $70 |
 1893 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 3d pale brown, Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 in lower inter-Panneau block of 6 from the top of the sheet with rough… $60 Sold $95 |
 1890 1/- pale olive-green with "SPECIMEN" h/s. Fine MH. SG 101s $50 Sold $65 |
 1885 "1d." surcharge in green on 3d cinnamon with sloping top "1" (SG 91a, Cat. £85) MVLH & 1d brown with straight top "1" (SG 92, Cat. £200) MNG… $90 Sold $110 |
 1883 1d yellow-ochre, Cr/CA wmk, perf. 12x14. Superb used. SG 81, Cat. £180 $40 Sold $90 |
 1879 1d & 6d Telegraph set of 3 with 1d in both perfs. All postally used. Similar sold in Ace Auction Sale 32 for $170+BP. SG T1, T1a & T2, Cat. £… $100 Sold $140 |
 1863 1d rose-carmine, no wmk, perf. 13 with "double tailed" swan variety. Fine MNG. SG 49 var. $75 Sold $75 |
 1861 1/- yellow-green, clean cut perf. 14-16. MLH with fresh colour, straight edge at base. SG 43, Cat. £1000 $100 Sold $130 |
 1861 1/- yellow-green, clean cut perf. 14-16. Centred high & showing part of adjacent stamp at base. Mint with approx. 60% o.g. SG 43, Cat. £1000 $140 Sold $210 |
 1861 6d purple-brown intermediate perf. 14-16 unused. Unused without gum & well centred. SG 36, Cat. £1100 $150 Sold $210 |
 1861 4d vermilion, perf. 14 with straight edge at base while perfs cut into "POSTAGE". MNG. SG 40, Cat. £475 $70 Sold $70 |
 1861 4d vermilion, perf. 14 with design shifted up cutting "POSTAGE" which is partly visible at base below "FOUR PENCE". Excellent example of how c… $70 Archived |
 1860 2d pale orange with rouletting visible along the top only. MNG with close but clear margins. Small natural paper inclusion near swans neck. SG… $80 Sold $80 |
 1857 6d grey-black used Hillman with 4 clear margins & fine used with crisp BN "1" obliterator. A fine example. SG 19, Cat. £600 $200 Sold $200 |
1857 6d grey-black Hillman. Broad margins at right & base with half margins top & left & cut to shape at top left corner. MLH with rarely seen o.g.… $500 Sold $380 |
1855 1/- pale brown with traces of pin perf at top left & base. Touching at right, slightly cut into top & right. Indistinct, light obliterator. SG… $80 Sold $160 |
1854 4d pale blue with pre-printing paper crease at right. Lightly used. SG 3, Cat. £200++ $70 Sold $85 |
1854 4d imperfs in dull blue & blue both with3 margins plus a pale blue with 4 margins. Incls annotated colour photo from WA Study Group confirming… $200 Sold $200 |
1854 4d blue rouletted on all sides. Clear margins on 3 sides with the top just cut into by the rouletting. Fine used by light 15 bar 2 for Perth. … $300 Archived |
 1854 1d black, possibly rouletted 3 margin example. MNG, slight staining on reverse & trimmed at left with indistinct traces of roulette at top rig… $140 Sold $380 |
 1854 1d black with 4 clear even margins & fine used by barred numeral "1". SG 1, Cat. £350 $90 Sold $210 |
Western Australia: Collections |
Swans Mainly 2d yellow used off paper in small env box plus env of 1d reds & another with vals to 1/- (dozens). Ex Brian Pope thus probably checked… $30 Sold $100 |