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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $130
Another "balance of consignment lot" with best being mounted mint in one of three South African exchange books noting West Germany 1952 Museum, Sch…
Sold $220
Late lot with little time to detail, however amongst the common in a variety of stockbooks & albums with Aust & all World, noted NZ 1916/19 2½d & …
Sold $420
"Balance of Consignment" noting China 1999 Ethnic Groups MUH sheet of 56 (Cat. £55), Tristan Da Cunha 1960 QEII Pictorials to 10/- MVLH (Cat. £75…
Sold $210
Literature box lot with the added surprise of the 1999 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia containing 28 proofs struck …
Sold $100
SG 2018 British Commonwealth plus 2 other catalogues, Burma post-independence to c1970 (19), stockpage of 48 B/C used incl Gilbert & Ellice 1956 5d…
Sold $70
Aust commercial covers in large box with largely Airmail envs to Finland bearing mostly 60¢ to 85¢ commems of the early 1980s' incl some AAT & la…
Sold $60
Another "balance of consignment" noting Bechuanaland 1935 Silver Jubilee set MUH (Cat. £170), "Globe" album with 100's of stamps in mixed cond, la…
Sold $120
Hungary 1900-1983 accum in 17 large stockbooks. The duplication reveals a surprising number of issues showing significant shade variations. Also si…
Sold $100
Australian States duplicated used plus some MLH) on stocksheets & Hagners, Aust 1995-2001 used range in Prinz stockbook, Hungary & a few other odds…
Sold $200
Medium briefcase with World & Australia off paper sorted into envs. (1000s)
Sold $110
Large crate with wide range of world in many albums & stockbooks, on leaves etc. Noted useful Bulgaria collection, Indonesia & Netherlands with MUH…
Sold $130
A large donation tub with various collections given on our road trips & valuation days. Incls Christmas Is CTO sets & 1970's Aerogrammes, World cov…
Sold $190
"Balance of consignment" lot with near-empty albums (2 with slipcases), album of Commonwealth A-Z countries ½d vals good to fine used (100s), file…
Sold $180
Album of Great Britain with a range of QEII 1960’s to 1980’s good to fine used plus Jersey 1981-1991 FDC’s (70+) & Isle of Man early range of…
Sold $85
Various material as donated to the Cancer Council on our road trips. This lot is being sold commission free with all funds going to the Cancer Coun…
Sold $190
New Zealand Millennium Album with MUH issues (FV NZ$70) plus a New Zealand "Heritage 150 Years Collection" MUH in Album (FV NZ$30). Australia pre-d…
Sold $320
Viceroy album well filled world with used to 1940, small stockbook with better MUH at front incl ovpts on GB Castles for Bahrain, Kuwait & Tangier …
Sold $220
Interesting small "box lot" with WWI "Diggers" Postcards (no stamps) x 66, many with messages talking about camp life in Egypt before heading to Eu…
Sold $220
Great Britain Royal Mail Postcard Albums x 3 with mint & FDI PHQ Card sets plus World mint & used with latter both on & off paper (100’s). Incls …
Sold $120
This lot consists of stamp & coin material collected by local collectors & WA Stamp Club members to assist the Native Animal Rescue group in Wangar…
Sold $230
Tin of mixed mint & used world on and off paper (100’s) plus small tin of world coins. Range of Great Britain FDC’s from 1970’s to 2000’s i…
Sold $180
A worthwhile lot noting quality stockbooks of Cocos & Norfolk incl AAT F/U incl modern issues to $3 vals noting NI $2 Wrasse x 26, Europe used with…
Sold $300
Airmails: World Airmails
1930 (23rd Sept) "Dornier Riesenflugzeug Do. X 12 Motore = 6000PS." titled b&w postcard franked by 1926/30 1mk "Eagle" Air tied by Friedrichshafern…
Sold $95
1912 (23rd June) Rhein am Main Airmail card franked with 5pf Germania & matching 30pf green x 3 tied by 3 "Flugpost Rhein u. am Main Darmstadt" cds…
Various First World Flight covers with strength in USA & Pacific noting Wallis & Futuna, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa & NZ plus a few GB, Australia, Canada, …
Sold $120
Miscellaneous range incl Belgium x 3, Switzerland 1941, 1946 & 1947 to New York, Australia 1958 First Flight Polar Route bearing 2/- pair plus anot…
Sold $50
New Zealand 1934 Trans-Tasman covers with the Auckland-Sydney franked with 7d Trans-Tasman, 3 different 1d Healths, 1d "Admiral" & 1925 1d Exhibiti…
Sold $30
Monaco 1914 (1st-15th April) "Le Rallye Aerien" Monte Carlo Air Rally souvenir postcard, the third such event, designed on similar lines to the car…
Great Britain 1937 (8th May) "Anglo-American Goodwill Coronation Flight New York to London" blue cachet on long Airmail env with 6c Airmail tied by…
Great Britain 1911 (9th Sept)" First UK Aerial Post" carmine Pictorial postcard with London address & franked by 1d carmine KGV. Minor wear on edge…
Sold $100
Airmails: Airmails - Australia
1984 (31st Dec) "Asia-Pacific Jamborella Scout Flying Activity" cachet on illust Scout and Guide Stamp Society of Aust Jamborella cover with matchi…
Sold $30
1978 (13th Oct) New Zealand to Australia 50th Anniv Kingsford Smith Trans-Tasman commem flight cover with typed endorsement incl times etc. NZ 20c …
Sold $40
1978 (10th June) Sydney to Brisbane & return carried on Qantas Boeing 747 charter flight QF143161 to commem the 50th Anniv of the Trans-Pacific fli…
Sold $40
1978 (9th June) Brisbane to Sydney cover with original perforated silver Kingsford Smith vignette tied by Brisbane Airport cds. Signed by W. Hunt (…
Sold $110
1978 (9th June) Brisbane to Ballina return pair of covers with 18c Kingsford Smith on one & 18c Ulm the other incl the imperf stamps from M/S & pmk…
Sold $85
1978 (9th June) Brisbane to Ballina & return on Qantas "William Lawson" with 18c Kingsford Smith tied by Brisbane 50th Anniv First Trans-Pacific fl…
Sold $40
1978 (4th June) Coolangatta Air Pageant flown South Queensland Aero Club cover in Avro Cadet by C Douglas & signed by him & endorsed "Flown to Chew…
Sold $24
1978 (31st May) USA to Aust by Charles A. Kingsford Smith in a Cessna, "Southern Cross" from Oakland to Brisbane with 18c KS & original silver vign…
Sold $30
1978 (31st May) USA to Aust by Charles A. Kingsford Smith as above but with US 31c Airmail tied by Oakland Airport cds with neighbouring Brisbane A…
Sold $75
1976 (Sept-Oct) 50th Anniversary of First Flight Overseas by RAAF incl 1975 de Pinedo Jubilee Flight commem cover with 35¢ Aboriginal Art x 2 tied…
Sold $50
1974 (10th Sept) Last flight of VH-BRC "Beachcomber" from Lord Howe Island with photo card signed by Harry Woolnough, Lord Howe Island Museum Patro…
Sold $50
1972 (2nd June) Concorde 002 G-BSST test flight from Melbourne to London. Signed by the Chief Test Pilot Brian Trubshaw plus his crew all on 7c QEI…
Sold $85
1970 (16th Nov) Qantas 50th Anniv Pres Pack insert card with set attached & tied by Newtown cds's & signed by Sir Hudson Fysh below. Most attractiv…
Sold $24
1970 (10th Nov) 50th Anniv Royal Aero Club of NSW EA Crome cover with 2 x 6c Qantas tied by Sydney Airport & Bankstown Aerodrome cds's. Signed by t…
Sold $40
1970 (20th Sept) Bankstown Airshow EA Crome addressed cover signed by Airport Manager, President of the NSW Aero Club & the Mayor & Town Clerk of B…
Sold $25
1964 50th Anniversary of First Airmail Service covers with Guillaux pair x 6 or 5d only x 4 incl letter addressed in envelope dated 16 JLY 64 summa…
1959 (3rd July) 7d Flying Doctor block of 4 pmkd Charters Towers on Royal Flying Doctor illust cover with "Carried by Flying Doctor Aircraft to Cha…
Sold $30
1957 (21st Aug) 7d Flying Doctor on Official FDC tied by Brisbane cds & "Carried by Flying Doctor Aircraft to Brisbane Airport…......for Onward T…
Sold $30
1954 (13th March) Crash cover as above but with single "SALVAGED MAIL -AIRCRAFT CRASH - SINGAPORE 13.3.54" red cachet applied to Aust 10d Aerogramm…
Sold $85


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