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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
1988 $2 & $5 World Expo '88 x 50 of each in consecutive nos. These were legal tender for the event. Unc (100)
1988 37c First Fleet Arrival se-tenant gutter block of 10 ovptd Melbourne "Stamp and Coin Show 1988" with illustrations of Dampier, Tasman, Hunter …
Sold $20
1988 37c First Fleet Arrival se-tenant gutter block of 10 ovptd Melbourne "Stamp and Coin Show 1988" with illustrations of Dampier, Tasman, Hunter …
Sold $24
1987 (8th July) $2.50 Airmail "The Flat Rate Envelope" with stamp area tied by the "Philatelic Sales Centre Devonport" FDI Pictorial cancel x 20. F…
Sold $40
1985/87 Cuppex - Americas Cup Commem cover sets of 26 up to Australia II v Liberty x 2 plus Cuppex Exhib pmkd set of 9 covers & another 2 sets with…
Sold $50
1983 30c America's Cup "Australia II" illust PSE signed by John Bertrand (skipper) & Sir James Hardy ovptd "Murray Bridge Sailing Club Inc.". VG cond.
Sold $42
1982 60c Humpback Whale trial printing with solid blue-green background with normal for comparison. Fine MUH ACSC 930E(1), SG 841a Cat. £250
Sold $110
1979 (13th Nov) 20c 50th Anniv Blood Donor PSE with red pictorial "Australian Red Cross "I Feel Fine, I'm a Blood Donor" Hobart Tas 7000" pmk. Fine…
Sold $20
1977 $10 Coming South painting in horiz strip of 4 with massive perforation shift resulting in "AUSTRALIA $10" appearing in the top half of the sta…
Sold $400
1975 45¢ Wildflower right marginal vertical strip of 5 with outer stamps normal while middle has dull yellow-green omitted while 4th partially omi…
Sold $80
1975 18¢ flower in right marginal block of 4 with black printing omitted resulting in "Australia" & "18¢" totally missing. ACSC 725c, Cat. $240
Sold $80
1975 10c Richardson, perf. 14x15 in top marginal block of 8 with spectacular paper join visible on both back & front with irregular line through de…
Sold $320
1975 10c QEII embossed PTPO env for "Cumberland Area Camporee Yarramindi 3-6 October 1975". Produced by the Australasian Scout & Guide Stamp Collec…
1975 10¢ IWY with dramatically misplaced perfs upwards resulting in most of "INTERNATIONAL" missing at the top & large white margin at base. MUH w…
Sold $30
1974 $4 Shearing Rams complete sheet of 50. Incls 2 sheet numbers & "red dot on shearer's back" variety. Fresh MUH. ACSC 666d & za/zd, Cat. $300+ F…
Sold $120
1974 $2 "Red Gums" Painting in complete sheet of 50 with "Green flaw between trees" variety plus sheet numbers on 2 panes in the central positions.…
Sold $80
1973 Metric set of 4 in complete sheets of 100. Some light edge wear but gutters unfolded & fresh MUH. SG 532/35, retail $300+ (4 sheets)
Sold $30
1973 1¢ Banded Coral Shrimp with yellow omitted. Fine CTO. ACSC 635cb, Cat. $2000 MUH, unpriced CTO
1972 (9th Oct) WAPEX large Souvenir Registered cover with tri-colour "WAPEX 72 Philatelic Exhibition Perth West. Aust." label. Various stamps & cin…
Sold $50
1971 Christmas panes of 25 x 15, blocks of 7 x 18 & 2 single sets plus a CTO block of 7, 2 pres packs & 7 FDC's incl one set split over 2 WCS's. Id…
Sold $220
1971 Christmas set of 7 good to fine postally used sets x 300. SG 498/504, Cat. £350 (700)
1971 Christmas half sheets of 50 in both white & cream papers. Fine MUH with complete selvedges on all sides. Fresh MUH. SG 498/504 & 498b/504b, Re…
Sold $50
1971 6c Stock Exchange proof sheet with 10 imperforate impressions with 2 colour options for the "lightening bars" incl one cut-out & taped to the …
Sold $500
1970 (16th Nov) Qantas 50th Anniv "Greetings" card from the matching Pres Pack with 6c Qantas tied by Newtown cds & signed by Sir Hudson Fysh below…
Sold $20
1970 (1st May) Cook M/S ovptd ANPEX on large Excelsior illust cover tied by pictorial exhib pmks in reddish pink. Unaddressed & fine. Rarely seen.
Sold $70
1970 (April-June) "Capt. Cook Centenary Celebrations" set of 12 "long" covers with the strip of 5c & 30c postmarked at each of his landing points d…
Sold $75
1970 Cook M/S with the imitation "ANPEX" ovpt No. 1502 that has then been obliterated by a brown/green boxed ovpt & the wording "Blotted-out copy o…
Sold $30
1970 Cook M/S's x 10 with "double spear" variety. Fine MUH & useful for re-seller. ACSC 528d, Cat. $350 (10)
Sold $75
1970 5c Cook in complete sheets of 100 x 2, one folded down gutter, the other unfolded. Also a half sheet of 30c Cook (20) MUH. Retail $120+
Sold $60
1968 5c Soil & Medical complete gutter strip of 20 with thick lines plus gutter strip of 12 with thin lines. Former folded down gutter otherwise fi…
Sold $30
1966/67 4¢ QEII Lettersheet with "SPECIMEN ONLY" diagonal h/s (42mm x 55mm). ACSC LCP2wa, Cat. $100
1966 $1 Flinders perf. 14¾ in top marginal pair & 2 singles. All off centre but fresh MUH. Sg 401c, Cat. £340 (4)
Sold $40
1966 4c QEII booklet panes set of 6 with diff tabs, 1969 & 1972 Prime Ministers & 1968 & 1970 Famous Australians all MUH on Seven Saes Hingeless Pa…
Sold $40
Australia: Postal Stationary
1912 "ONE PENNY" surcharge on 2d red Postcard (PC20) Fine used with crisp & attractive Wonnerup cds & addressed to Capel. Some damage lower right c…
Sold $40
1912 "ONE PENNY" red surcharge on 2d ultramarine surcharged Letter Card LC6 in 2 different shades with bright ultramarine & the light ultramarine. …
Sold $30
1909 1d slate blue Postcard on unsurfaced paper suitable for "hand painting" (PC17). Fine unused with only 5150 of these cards reported as being de…
Sold $90
1902 2d orange envelope with UPU 4R cancel. Very different shade to the orange-yellow shade. VG cond. EN3
Sold $40
1902 1½d & 1½d blue-green stock Reply Card (RPC2). Fine unused with only 3120 delivered. Rarely seen in such good cond. Ex Brian Pope
Sold $50
1902 1d rose envelope fine used with 2 Leonora cds's dated AU 1 03. Addressed to Islington, Sth Australia with Ship Mail Room Perth transit & Adela…
Sold $30
1902 1d red wrapper with double line, line rouletted border (WR2). 2 folds & light creasing but clean with good colour.
Sold $40
1902 1d & 1d red Reply Picture Postcards RPC1 x 5 unused examples with annotated varieties incl flaw on "N" of "ON" & red spot in NE triangle surfa…
Sold $70
1902 1d & 1d red Reply Card. Unseparated pair (RPC1). Fine unused but fragilely held together. Only 8400 delivered.
Sold $30
States and Territories: Victoria
1980's "CAMBERWELL PAID VIC AUST 3124" original postmarker with steel head & red Bakelite handle. Missing the date changing pin otherwise in VG cond.
1912 "Australian Pictorial Letterette" b&w six-fold sheet with 8 photos of RMS "Orama" docked at outer harbour, South Australia. 1d QV franking & a…
1900 2/6d yellow QV. Fine CTO example with MLH gum. SG 379, Cat. £48+
Sold $20
1897-1905 "Altona Gold Mine" Diamond Hill, Bendigo "TIME BOOK" completed in m/s listing various names, dates, occupations etc with QV Revenues tied…
Sold $50
1895 5/- Postage Due. CTO with partial Melbourne cds. MLH with full gum. SG D20, Cat. £50+
Sold $25
1882 2d dull grey-brown. MLH. SG 210a, Cat. £65
Sold $40
1854/55 2/- dull bluish green on pale yellow "woodblock" with 4 margins (tiny nick at top & tear near "E" of "POSTAGE"). Large part o.g. with small…
Sold $140
States and Territories: Tasmania
1912 3d brown Port Davey, perf. 12½ on thin paper with Crown/A sideways wmk. MLH SG 262, Cat. £70
Sold $20


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