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Lot No Description Est.
States and Territories: Tasmania
1905/11 ½d yellow-green Lake Marion perf compound of p12½ & 11 with top selvedge. MLH on selvedge, stamp MVLH. SG 249b, Cat. £130
Sold $35
1892 1d pinkish-red QV x 3 embossing's on env tied by BN "63" strikes with neighbouring New Norfolk Tasmania cds dated DE 5 92. Addressed to Wellin…
Sold $30
1880/91 4d olive-yellow x 2. MUH & MLH singles with typically rough perfs but clearly perf. 11½. SG 162b, Cat. £150 plus premium (2)
Sold $80
1880/91 4d chrome-yellow, perf. 11½ in marginal block of 4 with typically uneven perfs. Top pair MLH with creasing, bottom pair fine MUH. SG 162a,…
Sold $70
1871/78 2d blue-green with double horizontal perf at top. Fine used. SG 145c var
Sold $30
1871 4d buff QV Plate No. 3 selvedge block of 4. MLH in selvedge only with light diagonal crease affecting 2 units otherwise fine MUH. Attractive w…
1870 4d blue QV proofs on ungummed thick card with an imperf block of 4 with wide left wide margin & horiz pair. Both fresh & fine.
Sold $95
1865/71 6d reddish-mauve pair, perf 12. MLH with large part o.g. Well centred. SG 76, Cat. £190 x2
Sold $70
1860/67 4d dull cobalt with 4 generous margins & clear wmk "6". MNG. SG 47, Cat. £1500 as MLH
Sold $270
1857/67 4d blue in different shades x 5. All good to fine used with 3 or 4 margins. SG 36 or 37 shades, Cat. £160 (6)
Sold $130
1857/67 2d slate green wmk "2" with close to clear margins. Good to fine used. SG 34, Cat. £100 ea. (3)
Sold $60
1857/67 1d carmine, wmk "I" & slightly cut into top left & lower right. MNG & a useful "spacefiller". SG 29, Cat. £375 as MLH
Sold $40
1857/67 1d carmine imperf with 4 close but clear margins. MUH with rich colour. SG 29, Cat. £375
Sold $80
1857/67 1d pale brown-red with clear to huge margins. 3mm margin at base indicates from bottom of sheet. Fresh MLH/MH. SG 26, Cat. £650
1856/57 4d blue no wmk pair with wide margins between & at base, other sides touching in places. Fine used by "81" BN & part red cds. SG 22, Cat. Â…
Sold $200
1856 1d deep red-brown, no wmk on pelure paper with trimmed margins. Light central BN cancel. Ceremuga Cert. (2009). SG 24, Cat. £750
Sold $60
1855 4d blue & deep blue shades, wmk large star. Both used 3 margin examples. SG 17 & 18, Cat. £280 (2)
Sold $40
1855 4d deep blue, wmk large star in horiz strip of 3 with clear BN "64" strikes. Close margins, touching top right & right but premium multiple ex…
Sold $120
1855 4d deep blue, wmk large star in horiz pair, Fine used & slightly cut into at base & right otherwise fresh rich colour. SG 17, Cat. £280
Sold $55
1855 2d green, wmk large star with 3½ margins. Lightly used with BN & part red cds. Ceremuga Cert. (2009). SG 16, Cat. £450
Sold $95
1855 1d carmine, wmk large star, imperf pair roughly separated at base. Used by twice struck BN "60". Ceremuga (2009) cert stating "margins as perf…
Sold $240
1853 4d bright red-orange, no wmk from plate 1, first state. Fine used with light "59" barred numeral. BPA cert (1991) notes "repaired at lower rig…
Sold $90
1853 4d pale orange "Courier" plate II with margins touching at base & at left, otherwise clear & F/U with light BN "60". SG 12, Cat. £375
Sold $40
1853 4d pale orange "Courier" plate II with close to clear margins. Used by BN "68". SG 12, Cat. £375
Sold $75
1853 4d pale orange "Courier" plate I, second state with close to touching margins. Fine used with light grid cancel. SG 9, Cat. £450
Sold $60
1853 4d red-orange "Courier", plate II second state" with clear margins except cut at angle parallel to lower left frame. Fine used with BN "60" ca…
Sold $75
1853 4d red-orange "Courier", plate I, second state with wide margins top & left, others touching. Attractively used by neat BN "59" for Launceston…
Sold $60
1853 4d red-orange "Courier" from "worn plate" with clear margins. Lightly used with BN "60". SG 7, Cat. £475
Sold $120
1853 4d dull orange "Courier", plate II with coarse engraving. Touching margins top & left clear bottom & wide to right. SG 11, Cat. £375
Sold $80
1853 4d dull orange "Courier", plate II with coarse engraving used with indistinct BN. Margins touching top & right but presentable with conservati…
Sold $50
1853 4d orange "Courier", plate II with coarse engraving. 3 clear margins, just touching at base. Used with bold BN "6…" cancel. SG 10, Cat. £400
Sold $50
1853 4d bright red-orange "Courier" with 4 large clear margins & BN cancel. Ceremuga cert. (2009) states "position 10, early impression". Superb. S…
Sold $320
1853 4d bright red orange "Courier" with 3 clear margins just touching at base. Fine used with BN "59". Lovely rich colour. SG 5, Cat. £1000
1853 1d blue "Courier" with close to large margins. Used by neat BN cancel. Ceremuga Cert. (2009) notes "early impression". SG1/2, Cat. £1500
Sold $440
States and Territories: South Australia
c1910 "Government House & North Adelaide from North Terrace", "Memorial Gardens, St Peter's Cathedral & Cross of Sacrifice, Adelaide" & "Arches & S…
1910 "Fire Station, Adelaide" b&w postcard with 1d QV tied by Peake cds dated 20 JU 10 & addressed to Boulder Block, WA. VG cond.
Sold $20
1902/04 4d & 6d thin "Postage" plus 1904/11 & 1906/12 thick "Postage" vals to 1/- incl perfined "SA" 3d, 6d & 9d with a 6d "OS". All good to fine u…
Sold $40
1858 1d deep yellow-green, wmk large star with close to touching margins. Fine used with NO 26 1861 cds. SG 5, Cat. £600
States and Territories: Queensland
1900 Patriotic Fund pair. MLH with a few natural gum creases & odd short perfs on 2d. SG 263/64, Cat. £500
Sold $130
1898 1½d QV "On the North Coast Railway Line" illust Postcard. Good unused cond.
1879/81 4d orange-yellow with SG wmk 6 showing through to front right. MLH with usual uneven perfs. SG 141, Cat. £450
1880 10/- reddish-brown litho with diagonal "SPECIMEN" h/s in black. MLH. SG 125, Cat. £950 unoverprinted
Sold $75
States and Territories: New South Wales
1940's "Federal Income Tax Instalment Stamp Book" with rates of deductions etc printed in inside front cover. Contains "Tax Instalment" revenues wi…
Sold $210
1897 1/- Diamond Jubilee/Consumptive Homes charity pair in MUH lower right marginal with stains in selvedge & odd minor imperfection on gum. SG 280…
Sold $60
1897 1½d vermilion Letter Card on grey stock ovptd "Specimen". Type I perforation with curved corners at base. Unused with very minor wear at base…
1892 ½d grey QV wrapper ovptd "SPECIMEN" plus 1d red "shield" Postcard ovptd "Specimen" in lower case. Both unused in VG cond. (2)
1860/72 1d orange red (SG 131), 1d scarlet (SG 132), 2d Prussian blue pls I & II (SG 136/37), 1d scarlet & 1d dull red (SG 154/55) & 3d blue-green …
Sold $40
1854/59 5d dull green laureate, wmk double lined "5" with wide top & right margins, close at base & touching at left. F/U by light numeral cancel. …
1841 (3rd May) "Paid Ship Letter Sydney" crowned oval in red on wrapper addressed to London with s/l "SHIP LETTER" in black & SP 19 1841 receival i…
Sold $30
Western Australia: Officials
1931 6d brown Kingsford Smith Airmail ovptd "OS" as above but in bottom block of 10 with John Ash imprint. Fine MUH with complete selvedges at side…
Sold $320


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