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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Fiji 1878/92 semi-sorted MLH & used range on Hagners noting 1878/99 4d dull purple perf. 10 used with a couple of short perfs (SG 43, Cat. £140), …
Sold $200
Fiji 1878/80 1d pale & dull ultramarine shades, perf. 12½ x 3 MLH & 3 used, 2d on 3d green x 5 MLH, 2d green x 2 mint & 6 used (1 stained) plus 6d…
Fiji 1876-1900 collection remnants on leaves with useful noting 1876/77 "VR" ovpts incl 2d on 3d MLH & used, 6d pair & single MLH, 4d on 3d MLH & u…
Sold $340
Falkland Is Deps - South Georgia MUH 1997-2003 MUH range of commem & defin sets on Hagners incl 1999 birds to £5 with commems incl M/S's. Many use…
Sold $120
Falkland Islands MLH & used range starting with QV (5) defective ½d, 1d (2), 2½d & 1/-, KEVII ½d & 1d with 2 shades each, KGV MLH/used to 1/- pl…
Sold $270
Falkland Islands 1980-1982 OHMS stampless covers registered) to Cape Town x 7 addressed to standing order recipient each still containing the FDC's…
Sold $44
Falkland Islands 1977-1990 booklets complete for the period. SG B1-B10, Cat. £110 (11)
Sold $55
Falkland Islands 1946-2000 range of commem sets. All MUH on Hagners. 50+ sets & 7 M/S's. Total Cat. £385
Falkland Islands 1938-2003 MUH on Hagners incl 1952 1/3d to £1 & 1933 6d black incl birds defins to £5. Also strong in 1993-2003 commems. Cat. £…
Sold $200
Falkland Islands 1937-1952 selection attractively arranged in mounts on leaves with some low vals of 1938 defins & 1937 Coronation MLH with others …
Sold $380
Egypt 1961-1985 range with majority in chronological order. All appear MUH & different arranged on Hagners incl se-tenant pairs & strips. STC £380…
Sold $80
Dominica QV-QEII group on Hagners noting 1882 "½" bisect on 1d (SG 11, Cat. £90), QV "One Penny" surcharge on 1/- mauve MLH & fiscally used, KEVI…
Sold $200
Cyprus MLH & used range in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook noting ovpts on GB x 4, incl 4d before later QV monocolours with 2½pi "CC" & others C…
Sold $230
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles & Suriname Scattered early issues to 1960's with MUH/MLH sets. Some occasional toning otherwise majority fine noting …
Sold $120
China 1978-1982 MUH issues in small "silk" folder& stockbook incl 1978 Highway Bridges, 1979 "Pilgrimage to the West" scenes, 1979 National Games i…
Sold $500
China 1940's group "flagged" with Yang catalogue numbers & prices in US$ totalling US$153 (1991). Incls N, E, NW & NE China items. (17)
Sold $110
Ceylon Duplicated & mainly used from QV to 1996 in slim stockbook. Middle period well covered with many issues both MLH & used noting 1d QV imperf …
Sold $70
Cayman Is & Dominica Noted KEVII 1902/05 to 1/- orange (mixed MLH CA/MCA), 1907/09 to 1/- MLH, 5/- used (washed), 1912/20 to 3/- MLH, 1921/26 to 10…
Sold $320
Canada & Newfoundland Mounted on Scott leaves starting with Newfoundland (100) in mixed cond but useful pickings noting "long" Coronation set MLH b…
Sold $200
Canada Odds on stocksheet noting 1865 5¢ brown common seal (SG 26, Cat. £180), 1887/96 ½¢ dogs x 3, 1890 3¢ shades x 5 all used, 1932 8¢ to 4…
Sold $55
Canada Lindner hingeless album with usual mixed cond for the early period but many collectable incl 1893 50¢ used, 1891 $1 Jubilee (MNG), 1908 Que…
Sold $500
Canada 1947-1989 range of complete booklets listed with SG numbers in booklet pages incl the later difficult 34¢ to 45¢ letter rate period. Major…
Sold $100
Canada 1927-1947 range of FDC's (76) & First Flight Covers (19) in Lindner cover album. Noted 1927 2¢ Jubilee, 1932 6¢ on 5¢ Air x 6 covers, inc…
Sold $230
Canada 1870's to 2002 in chronological order with vast majority used with duplication arranged on Hagners, Varios & in stockbook. Noted Ottawa Conf…
Sold $60
Canada 1851-1981 collection in 2 superb Schaubek hingeless albums. Noted 1859 1¢, 5¢, 12½¢ & 17¢ good used, 1868/90 large ½¢, 2¢, 5¢, 6¢,…
Sold $420
Burma KGVI range incl complete sets of "MILY ADMN" ovpts & Officials MLH (SG 015/017, Cat. £250) & SG 028/040, Cat. £80 plus other short sets, od…
Sold $160
British Honduras, British Solomons & British Guiana Very good range of B.H. with QV 1/- green perf. 12½ used (Cat. £48), perf. 14 CA 1d, 4d x 3, …
Sold $400
Bermuda 1901-1953 MLH & used range on leaves noting MLH "Colleens", 1920 Tercentenary sets of 9 (Cat. £114 & £100), KGV Pictorials to 6d MLH & to…
Sold $280
Belgium 1866-1946 interesting range of covers incl 1866, 1867 local covers, 1872 to Brazil (damaged), 1891 5¢ postcard uprated 5¢ to Germany, 189…
Belgium 1849-1949 in Davo hingeless album with slipcase. MUH, MLH & used noting 1849 "Epaulettes", 1849/61 imperfs to 40¢ (excl 1¢), 1863 to 40¢…
Sold $300
Belarus 1992-2006 range on Hagners incl 2 covers. Fresh MUH with some in both pairs & singles plus 2005 & 2006 Year packs (these alone Cat. £125).…
Bechuanaland/Botswana Collection in 2 Pronto stockbooks assembled in reverse order with QV at back of vol. 1 but not in strict order in vol. 2. Man…
Sold $220
Bechuanaland 1888-1964 range on Hagners with approx. 70% MLH incl QV 5/-. Noted KGV 1953 to 1/- used & 4 vals to 6d MLH plus a few QV & KEVII ovpts…
Sold $80
Basutoland/Lesotho 1933-1981 MLH/used (often both) in 2 stockbooks & 2 vol of FDC's in ring binders. Incls KGVI to 10/- MLH & used, 1954/56 to 10/-…
Sold $150
Barbados Computer-generated leaves in Hagner binder with matching slipcase. Majority fresh MLH with used incl useful "Britannicas" with imperf 1858…
Sold $525
Bahrain 1966 Defins to 1977 Saluki Dogs with most commems in-between incl Costume Jewellery, UPU Cent, Concorde & 300f to 1d Sulman al-Khalifa. All…
Sold $90
Bahamas & Bermuda MLH & used in KA-Be stockbook noting Bahamas from QV (9) incl 4d yellow & 1/- green (2) used, 1d MLH & used, 2½d used & 6d MLH b…
Sold $400
Austria 1877-1949 group of covers comprising 1877 5k on Trieste to Presburg (current day Bratislava), 1881 newspaper masthead with 1k blue imperf n…
Sold $90
Antigua & Ascension MLH & used in Lighthouse stockbook, the former from QV (10) incl 1d (4) & 6d (3) mostly used, 1903 2/- MLH (Cat. £90) & 1908/1…
Sold $420
Aden & States 1939-1960's MUH & MLH range on Hagners noting 1939 to 10R MLH, South Arabia ovpts on Seiyan to 500f on 10/- MUH/MLH with same for Had…
Sold $130
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Box Lots
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $210
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $120
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $85
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $60
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $65
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $75
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $40
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $70
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $65
As a result of the increased number of box lots and the logistics of storing these and delivering them to the auction venue, we have had to simply …
Sold $60


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