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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Box Lots | |||
General accumulation of all world & Australia in albums, small boxes & envs but with unusual pickings incl a 1905 Suez Paquebot cancelled postcard … $40 Sold $290 | |||
Contains the largest stamp album seen in 30 years of collecting! The US manufactured Citation weighing 5kg. Sparsely filled but plenty of room for … $30 Sold $160 | |||
Suitcase lot crammed with albums, tins & small boxes. Noted stockbooks of Mauritius, Ireland, India (interesting tin also), Germany, Zimbabwe, PNG,… $50 Sold $460 | |||
Cover accumulation in box. All appear to pre-date 1960's, incl some Censor. Noted South America, Europe & C/wealth. Mixed cond. $20 Sold $20 | |||
Vendors stamp den clean out. Covers, stamps etc from variety of countries. Noted carton of KGV, Hagners of used Australian perf varieties, replica … $40 Sold $260 | |||
Essentially Australian with issues priced up on Hagners, FDC's incl AAT, Framas & some signed. Better early decimals & large quantity of mint aerog… $20 Sold $120 | |||
Red suitcase with 3 Sherwood colls; World of Stamps, US FDC's (c 100) & 1976 American Bicent. Japanese fiscals, Commonwealth & World in stockbooks,… $20 Sold $120 | |||
World on Hagners, with large quantity of PNG on Hagners, SS albums & stockbooks (1970 50c booklet also noted), a flowers thematic collection, Princ… $20 Sold $130 | |||
Australia & GB used in quantity, noted 5/- x 5 Victorian Postage Dues with pen cancels & Spain SG 4 with faults. (1000's) $20 Sold $85 | |||
Box full of packets & smaller boxes crammed with loose stamps, Aust pre-decimal in quantity incl kangaroos to 2/-, World Albums x 2 1920's era with… $20 Sold $130 | |||
Old suitcase with Australia pre-dec incl. Kangaroos & KGV, interesting 1960's OHMS used envelopes, World in classic albums & small boxes with picki… $20 Sold $190 | |||
A bewilderingly diverse postal history & stationery from over 50 countries, 19th Century to 1990's. Noted used unused letter & postcards, aerogramm… $100 Sold $250 | |||
Vendor's 'floor sweepings' in suitcase. Incls albums, covers & stamps. Sorters delight! $20 Sold $80 | |||
Box of all sorts with stockbooks of World & C/wealth both mint & used. 1940's Royal Visit collection, Aust FDC's, old catalogues plus 1000's of loo… $20 Sold $95 | |||
Aust PSE's No. 1 - 77, mint & FDI of each in PW albums, shoebox of covers, pages of world incl odd Cinderella item. $30 Sold $30 | |||
Postcards, all world with many themes. Some older noted. Approx. 200 $20 Sold $25 | |||
Stockbooks with Europe, bundle of Red Cross covers, club auction lots, 100+ FDC's, mainly Australian etc. $30 Sold $65 | |||
Australian covers incl 1972 Beef FDC, Swanpex Perfined Framas, Hutt River, etc & some auction lots still packaged. Mixed. $30 Sold $50 | |||
Box of random remnants in 20 small stock books. Mainly British Commonwealth with Malta, Rhodesia (from low value double heads), Bermuda, Canada (MU… $150 Sold $360 | |||
Mixed stamps & covers incl 2 volumes of Royal Wedding, tin of Aust pres. Packs & cards (Face Value $90+), Aust used accumulation with pre-decimal, … $30 Sold $130 | |||
Albums, stamps on/off paper, covers etc. Plastic containers with 100's of stamps in each. Pickings of pmks in KGVI Aust duplicates & Canada bundlew… $30 Sold $85 | |||
Small suitcase lot with stockbook of Australian Territories, NZ packs, tin of MUH with pre-decimal imprint blocks, early decimal MUH incl coil stri… $40 Sold $150 | |||
All World in packets & albums, Australia with a pre-dec album of good to F/U. Noted 1928 Kookaburra M/S used (faults), Anzac 1/-, Arms to £1, Robe… $20 Sold $150 | |||
Variety of countries & thematics in albums & loose. Better incl Zimbabwe, Mauritius, SWA & BEA auction lots, NZ Yearbooks with stamps for 1984 & 19… $30 Sold $120 | |||
Small boxes & packets of all World incl GB, USA, West Indies & Aust. 1000's with hours of sorting for a winters night! $20 Sold $65 | |||
Carton with 4 Hawid black stockcard books containing Netherlands, Great Britain & Germany used. Storage system worth the estimate alone! $90 Sold $200 | |||
Suitcase of on/off paper Australia & World. Large quantity of pre-decimal noted. Crammed full in bags & envelopes. (1000's & weighs 15kg!) This lot… $20 Sold $160 | |||
Box of albums, packets & covers. Some 1950's US covers, GB & Australia with both Cocos & Christmas Is also noted. 1000's $20 Sold $25 | |||
The classic box lot with springback of mint & used C/wealth, incl KGV & KGVI, 9 smaller stockbooks with Canada (2), Aust pre-decimal used, PNG, KUT… $20 Sold $150 | |||
Stocksheets of Aust pre-decimal with kangaroos & KGV, Aust States has WA Swans with 'OS' & 'WA' perfins & a ledger book crammed with 1000's of C/we… $20 Sold $85 | |||
Albums, covers & loose stamps in boxes. Thousands of loose for sorting. Useful GB incl F/U QV to 9d & KEVII to 1/-, later 1990's used, South Americ… $30 Sold $150 | |||
Various albums & packets of all world, some basic accessories incl a previous generation Morley Bright Wmk Detector. Thematic birds with SG Themati… $20 Sold $65 | |||
Carton of loose covers; South Africa, Swaziland, SWA & nearby, small stock book of Bermuda, Tonga & others, circuit sheet of GB c1985, other oddmen… $50 Sold $440 | |||
Large shoebox of postal history/stationery from a wide range of countries from QV to recent. Allow plenty of time to view as arrangement is random.… $300 Sold $310 | |||
Collectors Bookshelf lot incl. SG South America (1989), Michel Vols 1 & 2 (2000), JSCA Japanese Specialised (2001), Yvert Part 1 (2000), Cigarette … $10 Sold $40 | |||
Shoeboxes (4) containing envelopes of Australia used pre-decimal & decimal issues. Some NZ also noted. Appears unchecked. (1000's) $10 Sold $90 | |||
Various incl Commonwealth on album sheets, 350+ Pitcairn Is MUH multiples with vals to $2 (25), Aust MUH (FV $20+), packets of mounts, Nauru packs,… $20 Sold $110 | |||
Briefcase containing Hagners of world. Some interesting cinderellas noted. Also contains the 1984 Russian Collection in printed album. $20 Sold $130 | |||
Collectors 'Junk box' - One man's rubbish is another mans………. $30 Sold $95 | |||
Old SG catalogues, small boxes of sorted Aust & World, loose stamps etc. (1000's) $20 Sold $40 | |||
'Tidy the den' box lot from this collecting couple - twice the fun! $20 Sold $75 | |||
Small suitcase with unaddressed APO FDC's sorted by year into envelopes with 1976 (40); 1979 (8); 1981 (276); 1982 (130); 1983 (28) & 1986 (10). (5… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Briefcase with interesting mix of mint & used on and off paper. All World & Commonwealth with majority pre-1960's. $20 Sold $130 | |||
Shoebox of mixed covers, postcards, lettercards, envelopes etc. Noted 2 WWII Austrian Censor covers. Mixed cond. & varied. $20 Sold $25 | |||
Large carton of albums with Aust FDC's & PSE's (c100), tins of world, album of US Basketball cards, Europe used in stockbooks, shirt box of various… $40 Sold $80 | |||
The classic 'floor sweepings' & 'I don't know what to do with' box. 1000's on & off paper from all periods. Christmas sorting! $20 Sold $90 | |||
Netherlands kiloware cut primarily off postcards. Some odd from other Countries spotted. 20kg+ (1000's) $20 Sold $50 | |||
Wooden box (420mm x 310mm) with felt inlays. Random in packets, on Hagners, in year packs, covers & loose. Mainly NZ (c1980), with other countries … $30 Sold $90 | |||
1966-90 Australia soaked & sorted in approx 800 envelopes in 4 plastic cartons.Literally 1000's $25 Sold $65 | |||
Various old albums & covers in plastic carton. Noted Seven Seas pages in binder, stockbook crammed with used Australia, various FDC's incl some mod… $30 Sold $120 | |||
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