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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
World in large carton containing juicy long-time collections to mid 1950's in albums, covers in a box, duplicates in tins & small stockbook, envelo…
Sold $2250
Interesting array of material in large suitcase incl Aust pre-decimal FDC's (noted Guthrie) & MLH/MUH blocks of 4, early decimal MUH, stockbook of …
Sold $320
''Everything on that shelf can go..'' and here it is in a box. 23 albums & folders of all World mint & used just as this collector original bought …
Sold $190
Australia & Territories & World accumulation in albums & on Hagners. Noted KGV Stationary cut-outs, WA Revenues, KGV 1d reds with shades & minor va…
Sold $40
13 albums incl. Switzerland, thematics, cinderellas, NZ & World. Noted small album with Belgium, Denmark & Sweden oldies cat £120. Potential. (1000…
Sold $155
Briefcase of small boxes with countries sorted & labelled in each. Useful for circuit sheets or club auction lots. 50 boxes containing 100's if not…
Sold $110
World off paper, envelope of Australian recent decimal M/S's & high value commems on paper F/U, unused aerogrammes, large private FDC's late pre-de…
Sold $85
Box with 8 albums, plus world sorted into envs, large box loose, tins & bags of stamps. Pre-decimal mint mounted in exercise book. Victory omnibus …
Sold $120
1980's GB, Australia & others on paper in bags, plus bag of covers (70+), folder with GB 1997 Princess Diana MUH (4 strips), 2000 QM M/S's, Aust PS…
Sold $50
Crate with Aust MUH issues in pres packs with better modern noted incl Int. Post (FV $180+), 1978-1986 PSE's pmkd FDI & mint in PW & Cumberland alb…
Sold $200
World & Europe in 9 albums incl. Germany, South Africa, Russia, Sweden, Romania, NZ, Mexico. Mixed mint & used. Noted small album of early Belgium …
Sold $140
2010 WA Postmarks on commercial covers. Noted ''CLAREMONT'' with inverted date & a nice ''BULK MAIL PERTH BUSINESS CENTRE'' cds. Useful for modern …
Sold $120
Various incl UN FDC collection in official album (50 covers), world used in springback, shoebox of South African used on paper, Canada on Hagners w…
Sold $60
Mixed box lot incl Aust. used in 3 stockbooks. A further 2 stockbooks of World & a few cats.
Sold $65
Literature & Prinz mounts. Noted 1950 Japan Tourist Library publication ''Japanese Postage Stamps'' with interesting background info on the subject…
Sold $30
Albums Galore! Printed albums for Argentina (1867 onwards), Dominica, Haiti, Mexico, Columbia & Uruguay (1864 onwards), Burundi (nice thematics), 2…
Sold $70
Suitcase with 7 albums incl world G-L, world R-Z, Machins, Suriname, Belgium, world mixed & Royal Wedding. Few old cats, lunch box of WA pre-decima…
Sold $90
World covers with earliest sighted being GB 1908 through to 1988 German FDC with everything in between. Noted Postage Dues, Reg & RTS covers. Mixed…
Sold $130
Box of 1000's mint & used world off paper - nothing more to add!
Sold $85
Array of junior albums, stockbooks, loose in bags, PSE's (unused and FDI cancels). Your typical box lot!
Sold $75
Suitcase of all sorts - albums, cats, covers. If you get board of looking at the stamps there's even some nude girl photos on WA postcards! (1000's)
Sold $130
Australia 1966-2005 used sorted in bags by catalogue number. Incls later self adhesives & vals to $10. 4 quality plastic cartons containing literal…
Sold $150
MUH world in box and many M/S's in pack. Useful for circuit sheets etc.
Sold $70
Australia 1970's MUH in quality Lighthouse stockbook (FV $650+), 1985 Yearbook, further Aust used in 2 stockbooks, some odd covers & Pres Packs inc…
Sold $600
World & Aust incl pre-decimal mint & used in stockbooks & loose in packets (noted Kangaroos on to 5/- on stockcard), quality black binder & slipcas…
Sold $260
Suitcase lot crammed with albums, tins & small boxes. Noted GB FDC's & used off paper incl KGV, Zimbabwe used, Malaya BMA (100's), 9 stockbooks of …
Sold $190
Australia pre-decimal & decimal on & off paper in shoebox. Many F/U with pmk potential. Literally months of sorting here. (1000's)
Sold $85
Suitcase of 12 albums includes PNG, China, Germany, Thematics, GB high values, Aust, Ireland & general world. (1000's)
Sold $150
World in suitcase with 11 albums incl West Berlin, Malaysia, Burma, Indonesia, Germany and Bavaria, Romania, Czech, Fiji, Ghana etc., Aust in SS al…
Sold $120
Stamps & covers incl PW album with complete Aust PSE's No. 1-57 FDI, Aust pre-decimals in imprint blocks. Mint & world used in stockbooks with some…
Sold $65
Australia used pre-decimal & decimal massive accumulation in 16 stockbooks. Noted Across Town labels & 1980's booklet panes. Useful pickings for co…
Sold $160
Blue suitcase with boxes & tins of decimal Aust, world in envs, world covers, UK FDC's & packs, Aust SS album 1980-1986 with stamps, Nauru, Dutch I…
Sold $80
Post office box with 100's of thematics mint & used World. Noted some WA Swans.
Sold $50
Box from collectors' den incl. World on & off paper, 1984 NZ yearbook, 1981 Royal Wedding coll., Elton John PSS, old cats, empty SS album & FDC pag…
Sold $30
Literature lot with a variety of old Catalogues, books & magazines incl. the 1970's APO Guide & Info books x 9, 2002 SS Vol. 2; 1961, 1971, 1976 & …
Sold $12
Box of albums etc incl. PNG (MUH), Aust SS album 1913-1983 with stamps, Hutt River album with many MUH incl. M/S's, Nauru stamp packs in quantity, …
Sold $160
Sparse World in two old timer stockbooks, 2 drying books (Guard Book No.901), 6 empty stockbooks & a ''The Collector'' peg album with new pages.
Sold $65
Accumulation in box Aust 2007 FDC's incl S/A's, Netherlands in quality stockbook, thematic art, Hutt River, quantity of Hagners & mounts, etc.
Sold $160
Box of stamps on pages in env. & tins. Covers, Aust. SS albums 1913-1976. Noted 5/- kangaroo. Good variety. (1000's)
Sold $110
Charity lot ''as delivered'' in large box. Loose stamps, envelopes, odd album etc. This lot is been sold commission free with all funds going to th…
Sold $30
Vendors clearout lot with World albums, loose stamps, empty binders some with leaves, old cats incl a 2007 GB CBS, Aust pre-decimal used to 10/-, G…
Sold $50
Deceased estate with Senator album of Europe, GB, USA, Americas, Asia, Middle East & 3 schoolboy albums. Also  2 boxes of used on & off paper. Not…
Sold $230
Variety of empty FDC albums & stamp albums incl Hagners & booklet pages in binders, Lighthouse stockbooks with black pages, Cumberland FDC albums i…
Sold $210
World on paper. Quality mix with good variety. Hours of sorting in this box.
Sold $85
WA postmarks in 1 album plus 2 scrapbooks. Good variety. (100's)
Sold $60
Everything in various albums, stock books etc with strength in Europe incl. Netherlands, Suriname, Europa issues (200+), general All World, Aust us…
Sold $120
Foam Container (No.1) with 10 kilos of World on paper. Minimal Australia with good cross section of Countries. Ideal for quality packet mixture. (1…
Sold $150
Foam Container (No.2) with 6.5 kilos of World on paper but with useful high value Australian defins, commems & M/S's F/U on piece. Again ideal for …
Sold $120
Unusual box lot with great diversity. Cigarette cards, album pages, homemade circuit books, etc. KGVI & Hitler bundleware in the same tin! (1000's)
Sold $75
Great Britain KGVI sorted in bags, some totalling 1000 per bag. Vals to 10d. Some commems also noted. 1000's
Sold $45


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