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Commonwealth & Foreign |
 USA 1940 (Dec) Incoming Registered Mouden Manchukuo env franked with 30f & 6f defins. San Francisco Jan 2 1941 & (unreadable) Jan 3 1941 b/s's. Sen… $120 Sold $70 |
USA 1934 Byrd Antarctic Expedition "Crossing a Crevasse with Loaded Sledge" b&w postcard. Address side with 3¢ blue Byrd commem tied by "Little Am… $100 Archived |
 USA 1926 Tourist folders of postcards showing Atlanta, Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial, Atlanta GA, Catskill Mountains, NY., the last franked w… $50 Sold $50 |
 USA 1896 Original Stereoscopic photo mounted on thick card by Strokmeyer & Wyman, NY publisher, showing "Group of Natives eating Poi, Hawaiian Isla… $50 Archived |
 USA 1885 10¢ deep blue Special Delivery with "At a special Delivery Office" inscription. Centred high with top perfs just clear. MLH SG E217, Cat.… $75 Archived |
 USA 1875 2¢ to $60 (excl $3) Newspaper Plate Proofs engraved on thick card plus the Plate Proofs of 1860 90¢ deep blue & 1870/71 24¢ purple. Sco… $150 Sold $90 |
 USA 1875 2¢ to $60 (excl $36) Newspaper Stamps ovptd "FACSIMILE" & with Falsch incorporated into design. Faults (especially $3) but a "spacefiller… $50 Sold $50 |
 USA 1873 Treasury Dept officials (Scott #O72/O82) complete imperf proof set on card. MLH. Attractive in showing the fine detail typical of proofs. … $100 Sold $70 |
 USA 1870 (3rd Dec) 3¢ Washington PSE uprated with 6¢ Lincoln & 1¢ Franklin for service to Netherlands from Minneapolis. S'Gravenhage 22 DE 70 re… $80 Sold $80 |
USA 1865 Newspaper Stamps group of 3 incl 5¢ light blue with yellowish border, 10¢ green & 25¢ orange-red, latter creased & with rounded at lowe… $100 Sold $100 |
 USA 1861/62 1¢ blue strip of 3 on cover tied by Lockville Mass cds on 1st stamp & penned cross cancelling the other two. Scott #63, Cat. US$75 as … $40 Sold $24 |
 USA 1861 incoming stampless Ship Letter from Matanzas, Cuba showing 29mm circular "STEAMSHIP 10" in black. 10¢ was the correct ship letter rate fo… $40 Archived |
 USA 1860 (22nd Dec) Stampless cover with 4 page letter to NYC with "5 Cents" & "Paid" cachets in red. Letter beginning "Dear Father" going on for 4… $40 Archived |
 USA 1857/61 10¢ green Washington fine used on San Francisco addressed cover tied by neat Auburn, NY cds. Scott type III. #33, Cat. US$250 on cover $50 Sold $50 |
 Uganda 1962-1975 booklets comprising 3/-, 5/- x 4 diff & 10/- x 2 diff plus 1962 5/-, 1965 birds 5/-, 1970 flowers 3/-, 5/- x 2 diff, 10/- & 1975 1… $30 Sold $30 |
 Turks & Caicos 1921 6d KGV with wmk reversed. Fresh MUH, centred slightly low left. SG 160x, Cat. £100 as MLH $50 Sold $90 |
Turks & Caicos 1918 3d purple on yellow KGV with "WAR TAX" ovpt in red single from block of 4 with "OVERPRINT DOUBLE" variety. Fine & fresh MUH. Ac… $180 Sold $180 |
 Tristan da Cunha 1961 QEII New Currency defins to 1R. Complete right marginal MUH set of 13. SG 42/54, Cat. £80 (13) $40 Sold $30 |
 Tristan da Cunha 1942 Cachet type VII applied to Antigua 1937 Coronation set on 1912 South African cover with neighbouring Simonstad Simonstown cds… $40 Sold $42 |
 Tristan da Cunha 1937 (12th May) Type VII cachet on cover to Simonstown, South Africa with KGVI portrait in blue & "Certified Posted On The Island … $40 Archived |
 Trinidad 1851/55 1d deep blue in top imperf marginal block of 4 with clear even margins. Fresh MLH. SG 4, Cat. £150 x 4 + premium $150 Sold $150 |
Trieste Zone "B" 1951 0.50d Red Cross with "STT Vuja" ovpts on Yugoslavia. Fine MVLH. SG B49a, Cat. £40 & SG BD54,Cat. £400 (2) $70 Sold $70 |
 TransJordan 1933 Pictorials complete to 500m. Fresh & fine MUH. SG 208/20, Cat. £400+ (13) $300 Sold $300 |
Tonga 2019 $9.50 & $13.80 Gardens of the World M/S's x 25 pairs. Fresh MUH. SG 1884/85, Cat. £575 (50 M/S's) $100 Sold $60 |
 Tonga 2015 Butterfly $15-$89 "AIRMAIL EXPRESS" set of 6 without white borders. Fine MUH & rarely seen! SG MSE13/E16 & MSE 18/19, Cat. £330 (6) $100 Sold $60 |
Tonga 2015 $8 Year of the Sheep in full sheetlets of 16 with commem tabs in each corner x 4. Fresh MUH. SG 1761, Cat. £480 (4 sheetlets) $100 Archived |
 Tonga 2012 $3 "Education - Penmanship" with the lithographic printing omitted resulting in most of the central design, "Education - Penmanship" wor… $90 Archived |
Tonga 2012 $13.60 Titanic Anniv M/S's x 50. Fresh MUH. Most attractive & perfect for the re-seller. SG MS1645, Cat. £700 (50) $120 Sold $70 |
Tonga 2012 $27 Democracy 1st Anniv imperf M/S's x 70. Fresh MUH. SG MS1643, Cat. £1890 (70) $150 Archived |
 Tonga 1994 T$10 "Tonga & Walsall Security Printers in Self-Adhesive Stamps" Prestige booklet with stamps on every pane ovptd "SPECIMEN" in black. T… $50 Archived |
 Tonga 1927 (27th Feb) "Nukualofa from Wharf" b&w ppc bearing 10d & 1/- Queen on picture side of formular 1d red postcard. Addressed to Belgium & Re… $90 Archived |
 Tonga 1923/24 "TWO PENCE" surcharges as above. MLH/MH with mixed gum cond. SG 64/70a, Cat. £160 (7) $30 Sold $30 |
 Tonga 1923/24 "TWO PENCE" surcharges set of 7. MLH with mixed gum, 10d toned. Frontally respectable. SG 64/70a, Cat. £160 (7) $50 Sold $40 |
 Tonga 1914 (15th Jan) Vavau to Schleswig cover franked with 1897 ½d blue & 2d bistre & sepia. "Via Samoa-Amerika" in m/s at top left. Odd minor sp… $50 Archived |
 Tonga 1913 (13th Jan) stampless wrapper endorsed "O-H-M-S" from Nukualofa with cds top left & addressed to Levuka, Fiji. Faint Govt frank h/s & "To… $50 Archived |
Tonga 1912 (Nov) 1½d Letter Card to Sydney with 8 NO 1912 machine arrival. Admonition on reverse "Should any other matter be enclosed…". Good co… $75 Archived |
 Tonga 1906 1d Pre-stamped illustrated postcard unused plus 1907 & 1910 (2 of latter) used. All 4 cards with different scenes in colour on reverse. … $80 Sold $50 |
 Tonga 1906 1d Pictorial postcard with printed 1897 1d black & red design. Unused coloured back with seated group of Tongans titled "Stripping Bark … $40 Sold $24 |
 Tonga 1904 (26th March) Registered letter to Germany with 3 address changes. 1897 ½d blue, 2½ black & blue, 3d & 4d Pictorial franking all tied b… $100 Sold $60 |
 Tonga 1901 (23 June) Registered cover to Germany with 6d (sulphuretted) tied by Noroalofa Tonga cds with neighbouring "R" h/s in red plus ½d blue … $50 Archived |
 Tonga 1896 "Half-Penny" surcharge, perf. 12 x 11 on SG 26b with additional Tongan surcharge in black reading downwards. Fresh MLH. (SG 36A, Cat. £… $150 Archived |
 Tonga 1893 "GFB" as above, 8d with small tone patch. SG O1/O5, Cat. £275 (5) $40 Archived |
 Tonga 1893 1d to 1/- "G.F.B." ovptd Officials. 1d & 8d MH, others MNG with 1/- slightly faded. SG O1/O5 Cat. £275 (5) $50 Sold $30 |
Tonga 1891 "Tongan Envelope Letter" on buff stock with Arms in red oval on flap reading Postage One Penny Tonga. Unused. H&G MI. $40 Archived |
 Thailand 1947/49 20b King Bhumibol. Very small on top selvedge but stamp fine MUH. SG 322, Cat. £500 $200 Sold $200 |
 Tanzania 1993 500/- EAP Military Aircraft M/S's x 40 & 1994 500/- Dimetroden Dinosaur M/S's x 12. SG MS1680 & MS1806, Cat. £80+ (52) $30 Archived |
Tanganyika 1927/31 KGV to £1 MLH excl 75¢, but with extra 30¢ bright blue MUH. 1/-with blunt corner & odd light tinge of toning but majority MLH… $200 Sold $210 |
Tanganyika 1922/24 10/- black & deep blue, upright wmk with top selvedge. Centred low but fresh MUH. SG 74a, Cat. £150 + MUH premium $100 Sold $130 |
 Switzerland 1905 5¢ Zieher-type embossed postcard with spread of Swiss stamp images embossed on front with St Gallen view & addressed to Tasmania … $40 Archived |
Switzerland 1852 15c vermilion imperf with close to touching margins. Used with indistinct cancel & small thin mentioned in accompanying Brandon Ce… $40 Sold $65 |