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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Japan 1972-1987 New Year M/S's complete bar 1974 & 1982 plus a selection of other commems & a 1978 Yearbook plus another titled "Traditional Craft …
Sold $38
Japan 1970-1993 MUH pairs & M/S's "flagged" with SG numbers & year of issue. Noted 1970 Expo booklets & M/S plus a few New Year Lottery M/S' & comm…
Sold $42
Japan 1876-2000's duplicated in catalogue order on Hagners in binder. Pre-1950 mainly common with a few better later noting 1955-1957 Philatelic We…
Sold $110
Ivory Coast 1892-1942 MLH/used selection with block of 4 parcel post imperf 1f on 10¢ P/D & a few 1892 Tablets to 1f MLH plus later part sets. (72)
Sold $40
Italy WWII Italian Social Republic (GNR) ovpts, Espresso & War Propaganda types ovptd MUH/MLH with varieties such as "I" for "L" in "Sociale" in ma…
Sold $100
Italy MUH/MLH selection in quality stockbook starting with 1890 Parcel Post 2¢ on 50¢ MUH/MLH block of 4 (Cat. £340+), 2¢ on 1.75 MLH (Cat. £6…
Sold $950
Italy Lighthouse stockbook in VG cond containing 1948 Revolution 50l (Cat. £200), 1950 radio (Cat. £400+), Tobacco (Cat. £140), 1925/27 60¢ ora…
Sold $200
Italy incl States & Colonies Heavy duplication of low val defins with odd better commem but few sets. Incls a few San Marino & Fiume interspersed. …
Sold $60
Italy Early range with Sardinia 1855/63 10¢ grey-brown used, Italy with 1862 20¢ used & 40¢ MNG (Cat. val is for used), 1863 PD MNG & 1863/65 2l…
Sold $150
Italy 1926-1927 Revenues on legal documents with handwritten accounts. "Tassa di Bollo" small types to 10lire & 20l to 150l large types with many o…
Sold $120
Italy 1807-1983 Selection of covers & card plus 1944 German Fremden "Foreigners" photo pass. lncls 1867 Italy stampless better with Firenze cds, 19…
Italy (Trieste Zone "A") Prinz stockbook starting with Regd 1953 Airmail cover to Perth WA bearing 7 diff "AMG-FTT" ovpts before 1952 60l Aeronauti…
Sold $100
Italy & San Marino Range on stockcards & album pages with many useful noting Italy 1926 Filiberto 1 lire 75 & 10 lire used (Cat. £260), 1935 Horac…
Sold $340
Israel (Judaica) Thematic type collection written up with issues from various countries reflecting Refugee Relief issues, Human Rights, 1960 Taviv …
Sold $200
Israel & Palestine Collection to 1965 in 4 vols attractively written-up. Starts with German P.O.'s in Turkish Empire 1pi & 2½pi ovpts on Reichspos…
Sold $700
Ireland 1974-1996 selection of booklets (19) incl 40p, 50p x 2 (1974 & 1977), 70p (1975) & £1 (1993) before commemorative/prestige booklets from 1…
Sold $50
Ireland 1946-1957 group of covers comprising 1946 to WA using 2½p & 3p Parnell/Davitt commems, 1948 Wolfe Tone 2½p pair & 3p on FDC (19 XI 48), 1…
Sold $30
Ireland 1922-2007 duplicated range with pre-1939 in very mixed cond but later MLH/used incls useful 1939-1960 commems MLH or used & sometimes both.…
Sold $40
Ireland 1922-1983 MLH & used mounted on leaves with no ovpts on GB, but then a good coverage incl some better noting 1937 St Patrick "Se" wmk 2/6d,…
Sold $80
Ireland 1922-1978 MLH/used on leaves with "Rialtas" ovpts to 1/- (26), "Saorstat" incl 2/6d used, 5/-, 10/- MLH (15) before a close to complete sim…
Sold $200
Ireland 1922-1954 MLH on Hagners noting KGV type I ovpt to 1/-, type II to 9d in both colours & 1/- "Saarstat" ovpts x 7 to 9d before 1922 defins t…
Sold $120
Ireland 1922-1932 MLH range on album page noting 1922 Dollard ovpts (Cat. £50), Thom incl 2d Die I & II (Cat. £50), Dollard 10/- (SG 21, Cat. £1…
Sold $100
Indonesia 1976-1999 range of booklets incl SG SB10, 11, 12 (3 incl "a" & "b"), 13a & b, 14a & b, 15a & b, 16 (2) & 21. All fine. Total Cat. £220+ …
Sold $30
Indonesia 1961-1999 miniature sheet collection close to complete in MUH/MLH cond on leaves in 4 ring binder noting 1989 Orang Utans pair (Cat. £27…
Sold $550
Indonesia 1949-1984 in Davo album with majority MLH though noted some MUH with sets to early 1970's before largely used sets & odds. Incls M/S's, P…
Sold $120
Indochina 1903-1960 covers & a 1903 postcard plus 1927 Cochin China with 5¢ pair on reverse & Singapore (11/10) & Rangoon (17/10) b/s's. Also note…
Sold $100
Great Britain 1980-2009 Prestige Booklet Panes incl those with tabs. Rarely seen so complete & well arranged in quality Lighthouse stockbook. Fine …
Sold $1400
India 1947-1973 Post Independence (incl 1949 to 15r) collection of MLH & used in Simplex album. Missing key vals but many issues present in both ML…
Sold $70
Hungary Range of better items in small "Magyar Posts" stockbooks noting 1920 Air surcharges in blocks of 4 fresh MUH, 1932 Madonna set fine MLH (Ca…
Sold $150
Hungary MLH & used range in Minkus album to 1965 but modest pre-1960 mainly used, later with most commem sets to 1965 MLH or used. No M/S's but inc…
Hungary Largely pre-1919 accum strongest in early issues with 1871/73 25k litho used (Cat. £500) & engraved issues used (45+) incl 3k (3), 15k x 7…
Sold $200
Hong Kong Accumulation in Lighthouse stockbook starting with QEII defins mainly used but noting $20 MUH (1982) plus useful commems incl CNY Year of…
Sold $150
Hong Kong 1985-1995 range of MUH commems mostly in blocks of 4 or 6 & M/S's noting 1987 Year of the Rabbit (3), 100 Years of Electricity in Hong Ko…
Hong Kong 1937-1983 selection on Hagners appearing 99% MUH incl 1954 to $10 MUH. 1962 defins to $20 are MLH but later QEII defins to $20 MUH plus 3…
Sold $260
Hong Kong 1862-1997 collection in 4 volumes. Variable condition with early QV mixed but many pickings incl 1885 20¢ on 30¢ MNG before useful KEVI…
Sold $480
Grenada & Gilbert & Ellice Islands MLH/used range in Lindner black leaved stockbook with the former starting 1d & 6d Chalons used (5 of each) befor…
Sold $260
Grenada KGVI used low vals incl 1938 blocks to 3d, RSW & decimal currency 1951 set to $2.50 plus UPU & New Constitution. All fine & mounted on blac…
Great Britain Post and Go Packs complete set of 30 housed in matching Royal Mail "Post and Go" Album. Incls the first 2008 issued pack (SG FS1/FS5,…
Sold $150
Great Britain Machins MUH & MLH selection in special printed album plus a semi-sorted used range incl Regionals in 2 stockbooks. Comprises 53 pre-d…
Sold $110
Great Britain 2010-2017 commem FDC's once again appearing complete incls M/S's & all with Royal Mail special pictorial pmks. Neat typed addresses &…
Sold $380
Great Britain 2010-2017 commem Pres Packs. All presented in 2 Royal Mail Albums. Exc cond. Face Value £860+ ($1600). SG Cat. £1,250+ (100+)
Sold $600
Great Britain 2001-2021 Self Adhesive Booklets. Complete set of SG PM Series with 83 different displayed in Lighthouse 4 ring binder. Incls the rar…
Sold $350
Great Britain 2000-2009 Commem FDC’s appearing complete with M/S's. Noted "Tallents House" & Royal Mail Special commem pmks. Typed addresses & ho…
Great Britain 1993-2015 Attractive range PNC’s x 55 with 50p to £5 pictorial coins & stamps to £10 Britannia. Occasional Medallion cover with m…
Sold $400
Great Britain 1992-2007 Pres Packs with a high degree of completeness. Incls the Greetings issues, Millennium sets & Royal events. Contents list up…
Sold $350
Great Britain 1990-1999 commem FDC’s incl Greetings Booklet Panes plus the Millennium Issues. Majority with Philatelic Bureau & Royal Mail Pictor…
Sold $100
Great Britain 1987-1997 issues in strips of 3 with marginal inscriptions also 1997-2000 range of sets incl some M/S's & booklets. Generally fine MU…
Sold $220
Great Britain 1971-2017 QEII Decimal Commems complete incl Prestige Booklet issues plus Smilers Sheet & S/A booklet stamps. All housed in 3 Royal M…
Great Britain 1952-1970 QEII Pre-decimal commem complete incl all Phosphor Band issues. Fine MUH in Royal Mail Album. Conservative reserve. SG Cat.…
Sold $150
Great Britain 1937-1973 & Regionals MLH/used range in Davo stockbook. Used incls £1 RSW (average), £1 Festival F/U block & QEII £1 regd block of…
Sold $30


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