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Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 Germany 1923 (30th July)) Lubeck to Melbourne Registered cover bearing 100mk numeral definitive with additional 500mk x2 franking on reverse tied b… $40 Sold $40 |
 Germany 1931 Zeppelin Polar Flight set of 3. Superb MLH. SG 469/71, Cat. £1000 (3) $340 Sold $420 |
 Germany 1934 Saar Plebiscite in marginal pairs. Fine & fresh MUH. SG 541/42, Cat. £230 $50 Sold $40 |
 Germany 1934 "Occupations" Welfare Fund set of 9. Fine MUH with top value being corner marginal with sheet totals. SG 551/59, Cat. £600+ $200 Sold $200 |
 Germany 1935 Ostropa M/S with Pictorial pmks of 27-6-35 twice applied. Gum has been properly removed & light diagonal selvedge crease barely notice… $300 Sold $300 |
 Germany 1936 Olympics M/S's x 2. Both MUH, one with slightly aged crazed gum. SG MS 613a, Cat. £170 (2) $50 Sold $50 |
 Germany 1936 Brown Ribbon M/S plus 1937 issue with red ovpt. Both MUH. SG MS618 & MS637a, Cat. £200 (2) $60 Sold $60 |
 Germany 1938 (1st May) Fahrbarest, Austria cds tying 6pf Austrian Plebiscite to a b&w photo postcard showing Hitler doing the Nazi salute. Exc cond. $30 Sold $24 |
 Germany 1940 42pf + 108pf Brown Ribbon Race. Fresh MUH. SG 735, Cat. £140 $40 Sold $40 |
 Germany 1941 (21st Aug) Third Reich issues x 5 tied by Vienna pictorial pmks on b&w photo ppc showing Hitler & Mussolini in their respective unifor… $90 Sold $100 |
 Germany 1945 (15th Sept) Russian Zone Mecklenburg Vorpommern cover front addressed to Perth WA stamp dealer "S. Mitchell" & Airmailed with 3pf, 4pf… $50 Sold $40 |
 Germany 1949 (17th Sept) Airmail cover to Northam, Western Australia with Allied Zone Goethe 20pf & 30pf (A149/50, Cat. £50) plus 20pf West "Parli… $60 Sold $40 |
 Germany - Berlin 1948 "BERLIN" ovpts in black to 5mk. 1mk centred left & 24pf &25pf with tone spots otherwise fine MLH. B1/B20, Cat. £475 (20) $50 Sold $50 |
 Germany – P.O.'s in China 1907 (12th July) "Sommerpalastides Kaisers" b&w postcard with Germania 10pf ovptd "China" & tied by bold Peking cds. Ne… $50 Sold $50 |
 Germany - Schleswig 1920 (23rd Mar) Plebiscite Registered cover to Dresden bearing 2½pf (3), 5, 7½, 10, 15, 25, 35, 75pf & 1mk stamps tied by Ape… $40 Sold $55 |
 German Colonies - Kiautschou 1912 (11th July) "TSINGTAU Prinz Heinrich Ecke Tirpitzstr" b&w postcard addressed to Albany with 2¢ "yacht" type tied… $40 Sold $70 |
 German Colonies - Marshall Islands 1904 (16th Apr) 5pf "yacht" postcard tied by Jalvit cds & addressed to Radebeal near Dresden with 27-6-04 cds of… $50 Sold $50 |
 German Occ of Lithuania 1918 (Oct) Commercial cover from Riga to Hamm/w (Germany) with 20pf Germania ovpt td "Post German Occ of Lithuaniagebiet Ob… $40 Sold $40 |
 German Occ of Poland 1940 "General Gouvernment" Official without denomination "in small format in black, proof on normal paper, imperf" confirmed o… $200 Sold $200 |
 Gibraltar 1977 Birds, Flowers, Fish & Butterflies Defin set of 18 to £5 Arms in MUH blocks of 4. SG 374/89a, Cat. £130 $50 Archived |
 Gibraltar 1982 1p to £5 Aircraft in MUH corner blocks of 4 with traffic lights & "LEEDS ENGLAND" printer imprints. SG 460/74, Cat. £150 (15 blks) $50 Withdrawn |
Gibraltar 1997 £1.90 Butterflies M/S's x 100. Fine MUH. SG MS808, Cat. £525 (100) $120 Archived |
Gibraltar 1999 £1.97 Maritime Heritage M/S's x 100. All MUH. SG MS876, Cat. £600 (100) $100 Archived |
Gibraltar 1999 £1 John Lennon & Yoko Ono Wedding Anniv M/S's showing them standing on aircraft steps. x 200. All MUH. SG MS880b, Cat. £850 (200) $150 Archived |
Gibraltar 1999 90p "Wings of Prey" M/S's x 200. Fresh MUH & a most attractive thematic. SG MS889a, Cat. £800 (200) $150 Archived |
 Gibraltar 2015 WWI Cent & 2016 Battle of the Somme commem sheetlets of 8. Fresh MUH & highly collectable. SG 1628/33 & 1684/88, Cat. £200 $80 Archived |
Gibraltar 2016 £2 Prince William & Catherine 5th Wedding Anniv M/S's x 100. Fine MUH with FV £200. SG MS1689, Cat. £550 (100) $120 Archived |
 Greece 1927 80l, 1d, 2d, 3d, 5d x 2, 10d & 15d Scenes. MLH, most with hinge remnants, 10d with a couple of gum bends & 2d with even gum toning. How… $60 Archived |
 Greece 1940 (20th Nov) Censored Airmail cover to London with Greek censor tape. Flown via Egypt where small Arabic & English 2 ring circle of "M" s… $40 Archived |
 Greece 1947 2000d, 5000d, & 10000d Restoration. Fresh MUH. SG 678, 680/81, Cat. £330 (3) $80 Sold $50 |
 Greece 1954 Ancient Greek Art set of 12. Fresh MLH. SG 713/24, Cat. £375 (12) $75 Archived |
 Greece 1954 Enosis set of 6. Fresh MUH. SG 728/33, Cat. £190 (6) $50 Sold $30 |
 Grenada 1902 10/- KEVII with CA wmk MUH & 10/- green & purple with MCA wmk MVLH. Both fresh. SG 66 &76, Cat. £360+ (2) $200 Sold $200 |
 Grenada 1935/44 KGV Colony Badge set of 10 to 5/- perfined "SPECIMEN". Fresh MLH verging on MUH. SG 135s/44s, Cat. £200 (10) $80 Sold $85 |
 Grenada 1938/50 10/- slate-blue & bright carmine perf. 14 (1943). Fine used. SG 163b, Cat. £160 $50 Sold $65 |
 Hong Kong 1898 "10 CENTS" surcharge on 30¢ grey-green. MLH with BPA Cert. (2000). SG 54, Cat. £600 $150 Sold $150 |
 Hong Kong 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4. 5c with minor gum mark but otherwise all fine MUH. SG 133/36, Cat. £55++ (4) $50 Sold $30 |
 Hong Kong 1935 Silver Jubilee as above but MLH. SG 133/36, Cat. £55 (4) $30 Sold $30 |
 Hong Kong 1935 Silver Jubilee as above. SG 133/6, Cat. £55 (4) $30 Sold $20 |
 Hong Kong 1938/51 $10 green & violet KGVI. Fine used block of 4 with slight paper wrinkling reflected in conservative reserve. SG 161, Cat. £560 $150 Archived |
 Hong Kong 1941 Centenary set of 6. Fine MVLH. SG Cat. £90 as MUH $30 Sold $30 |
 Hong Kong 1948 $10 Royal Silver Wedding Hong Kong. Fine & fresh MUH. SG 172, Cat. £275 $120 Sold $120 |
 Hong Kong 1962/73 QEII defins to $20, wmk upright (Cat. £160) plus additional short set to $1 with all vals $2 to $10 marginal. Also 1962 Stamp Ce… $60 Sold $70 |
 Hong Kong 1985 Dragon Boat Festival & Native Flowers in sheet number & colour plate number MUH blocks of 4 plus bottom selvedge MUH pairs of each. … $20 Sold $20 |
 Hong Kong 1987 $2, $2.30 & $5 to $50 QEII defins in MUH blocks of 4 with 1991 imprint (except $20 which has 1990 imprint). Also $1.30 & $2 QEII in … $40 Archived |
Hong Kong 2008-2016 Chinese New Year M/S's in pres packs all ovptd "SPECIMEN". Incls Year of the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Horse, Monkey & Snake plus 2015… $50 Sold $50 |
 Iceland 1930 Millenary set of 5. Fresh MLH. SG 174/78, Cat. £200 (5) $75 Archived |
 India 1877 (July) 1876 6a QV cancelled with Kashmir duplex on London addressed env & sealed on back with Jammu & Kashmire 1867/68 1a brown-orange i… $50 Sold $30 |
 India 1952 9pi pre-stamped pictorial postcards set of 4 different featuring b&w or sepia/white Gandhi photo reproductions. Unused. H&G 65/a/b/c (4) $50 Archived |
 Indonesia 1950 "RIS" ovpts on 2r-10r defins MUH (5r MLH). Some slight gum tropicalisation typical for this issue, otherwise fine. SG 597/600, Cat. … $100 Sold $100 |