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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia | |||
Medallion Covers 2006-2022 Range 86 different from 2006 Commonwealth Games (Retails at $175) through to 2022 "Under Sail". Incls multiple medallion… $700 Sold $630 | |||
Military Mail 1942-1945 selection of covers, cards & original letters with majority Australian noting 1943 Censored cover to England with Lady Gowr… $50 Archived | |||
Military Mail WWII selection incl Registered covers & Prisoner of War mail with cond varying from good to fine. Annotated details accompany most it… $480 Sold $360 | |||
Miniature Sheets - Exhibition Overprints 1970-2023 range starting with 1970 ANPEX on Cook & finishing with the latest 2023 Perth Stamp & Coin Show … $300 Sold $420 | |||
Officials KGV 1931/36 ½d, 2d, 3d & 5d CofA wmk "OS" ovptd MLH (Cat. $110) plus 3d blue (tone spot) & 2d orange, single crown wmk both MLH & perfin… $80 Archived | |||
PNC's 1994-2022 An attractive range with useful later issues noting AC/DC issues (3) & set of 3 National Heritage plus some limited-edition issues.… $650 Sold $650 | |||
PNC's 1995-2021 selection of issues with odd duplication noting 2018 John Monash, 2018 Ford, 2018 Year of the Dog (No. 9525 of 8888), 2019 Citizens… $100 Sold $140 | |||
Postage Dues 1902-1958 MLH & used range on printed leaves noting 1902 ½d "blank at base" MUH & MLH (shades), second series to 5/- with 2d to 5/- F… $60 Sold $150 | |||
Postage Dues 1902-1960 used range on Hagners with dupl low vals. Useful as majority fine used with cds cancels noting blocks of 10 etc. (c120) $40 Sold $90 | |||
Postage Dues 1909/38 used range on 2 printed leaves comprising 1909 to 5/-, 1922 perf. 14 to 6d & 4d perf. 11 plus 1931 CofA with 2d, 4d & 1/- plus… $60 Sold $95 | |||
Postal Stationery Pre-WWI 1d carmine "Coronation" type postcards with b&w "Gilderoy Ranges, Victoria", "Coimadas, Bacchus Marsh" & "Swanston St, Me… $70 Sold $70 | |||
Postmarks 1970-1974 group of small envs with 5c or 6c issues all neatly tied by a commem pictorial pmk, majority having an additional full strike t… $50 Archived | |||
Pre-decimals 1930-1940 Commems duplicated MLH & used in large Lindner binder. Incls 1930 Sturt pair normal & perfined "OS" F/U & MLH of each, 1934 … $150 Archived | |||
Pre-decimal Accum in loose leaf album from kangaroos to 1950's with former to 10/- (CofA), KGV to 1/4d x 2 with a few 1d red varieties & "OS" perfi… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Pre-decimal Potpourri lot comprising 1940/41 stampless Censored covers, 1956 2/- Olympics in bottom 2 rows of 8 with imprint MUH, KGV 1d red Die II… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Pre-decimal Various early incl common kangaroos & KGV with lower value early 1930's MLH & used noting 1915/28 6d perfined "OS" MH (SG 046d, Die 2B,… $50 Sold $60 | |||
Pre-decimals Range of issues noting KGV ovptd "OS", Kingsford Smith pair CTO & 6d Airmail ovptd "OS", SHB 2d x 3 & 3d x 2, KGVI 3d blue Die I + II,… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Presentation Packs (large A4 format) 2007-2017 Range of issues from AFL Teams to Disney/Pixar Films to Sporting Legends. Noted Angry Birds, Bugs Bu… $500 Sold $500 | |||
Reprints 1992-2000 range of defin & commem issues all with selvedges displaying kangaroo & koala reprints logos incl S/A strips & booklets plus Ter… $400 Sold $400 | |||
Self Adhesives 1992-2012 strips & tabs as issued in the special "Collectors Packs". All neatly arranged on Hagners incl diff printers e.g. Aust Wil… $200 Sold $360 | |||
States Small contemporary briefcase crammed full of off paper States incl WA swans plus a range of KGV. Noted perfins, bags of Tasmania Pictorials … $100 Sold $525 | |||
Yearbook Miniature Sheets/Sheetlets 2000-2019 complete MUH & CTO for every issue only available in the yearbooks incl all Olympic Gold Medallists, … $300 Archived | |||
Yearbook Miniature Sheets/Sheetlets 2000-2019 complete as above. Retail $1500+ (42) $300 Archived | |||
Yearbooks 2009-2021 Aust Post Leather Executive editions. Exc cond. Cost $1680+ with a FV of $1340 & a retail of $2660+ (13 vols) $750 Sold $600 | |||
NSW 1880-1910 MLH/MH group incl 1867/93 4d red-brown (SG 203), 1871/1902 2d Prussian blue & 3d yellow-green (SG 209 & 211), 1872 6d bright mauve (S… $200 Archived | |||
NSW A mainly used accumulation noting 1851/82 1d "Laureates" x 3, 1856/60 1d imperf x 5 & perf x 4 with similar for 2d blue also duplicated before … $60 Sold $270 | |||
NSW Range on leaves commencing with 1d & 2d Sydney Views, 1851/52 1d MLH, 2d, 3d & 6d used laureates, 1854/59 6d grey, 8d orange imperf, 5 MLH, 6d … $300 Sold $420 | |||
Queensland Close to complete simplified on printed leaves noting better than average 1900 charity pair MLH, Chalons 2/- & £1 MNG with others fisca… $200 Sold $360 | |||
South Australia 1880-1893 mint selection incl 9d rose-lilac (SG 123), 2/- rose-carmine (SG 134), 1d green & 2d pale orange, perf. 15 (SG 173/74), 4… $80 Sold $65 | |||
South Australia Accumulation sorted by face value through to 2/- with some "flags" showing SG numbers. Incls 3d on 4d x 5 used with a separate rang… $80 Sold $280 | |||
South Australia MLH, MNG & used on printed pages with 1855/56 1d green, 2d red, 1858/59 1/- orange with some later pickings incl 2/- MLH, 1868/79 3… $100 Sold $160 | |||
Tasmania ½d Lake Marion bundleware in small sweet tin with 10 bundles. Good to fine used with some cds examples visible. (900-1000) $40 Sold $75 | |||
Tasmania 1d red Mount Wellington Pictorial bundleware with 16 bundles. A quick "flick" reveals there to be a fair percentage of cds cancels. (appro… $120 Sold $160 | |||
Tasmania 2d violet Hobart bundleware with 15 bundles of 100 in "Abdulla" cigarette tin. Good to F/U. (c1500) $100 Sold $140 | |||
Tasmania Duplicated used accumulation noting 1d Van Diemens Land Chalons in mixed cond (22 imperf & pair with "69" BN), 4d blue x 24 imperf & 4 per… $100 Sold $270 | |||
Tasmania MLH, MNG & used starting with re-backed 4d Courier before imperf 2d, 4d & 6d good to fine used Chalons then 6d reddish mauve perf 12 pair … $150 Archived | |||
Tasmania MLH/MNG/MUH & used range in black leaved stockbook starting with ½d (19), 1d (40), 2d (23), 3d (12), 4d (6) & 6d (2) Pictorials mixed MLH… $50 Sold $170 | |||
Victoria MLH, MNG & used collection on printed leaves with imperf "half length" 1d in 3 shades with 2d pair before Queen on Throne 2d pair & 2 sing… $400 Sold $440 | |||
AAT 1957-2013 Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. Complete (excl 1998 Transport & Singapore & Capex ovptd M/S's). Fresh MUH incl gutters & M/… $100 Sold $110 | |||
AAT 1980-1995 FDC's in base cancels sets of 4 for Davis, Macquarie Is, Casey & Mawson except 1987 Scenes set of 6 which incls Law Base & Heard Is. … $100 Sold $100 | |||
Christmas Is 1958-2004 MUH collection complete incl 1986 wildlife sheetlet & 1993/94 Exhibition ovptd M/S's. All housed in quality KA-BE hingeless … $180 Sold $210 | |||
Christmas Is 1977, 1978, 1980-1991 Annual Year Stamp Packs. Complete incl M/S's noting 1987 Wildlife set of 16 & 1990 NZ ovptd Booby M/S. Exc cond.… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Nauru 1916-1985 complete simplified collection incl M/S's on Seven Seas Hingeless leaves in binder. KGV to 1/- is mixed MLH & MNG though the 2/6d, … $220 Sold $260 | |||
Nauru Seahorses selection noting 2/6d yellow-brown DLR MLH x 2 (one stained top perfs), 2/6d brown in 2 shades (SG 21), 5/- bright carmine MLH & 10… $120 Sold $140 | |||
Norfolk Is 1947-1989 near complete MUH incl Ball Bay white papers in green padded KA-BE Hingeless album. Also includes top left & lower right 10/- … $200 Sold $260 | |||
New Guinea & Papua MLH& used in quality black leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Noted New Guinea 1925 2/- Hut used, 1931 dated Airs to 1/- MLH/used with… $50 Sold $160 | |||
New Guinea, Papua & PNG MLH & used in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook starting with 1952 PNG set MUH/MLH & used plus 10/-, £1 "Specimen" MUH & 1… $650 Sold $650 | |||
Papua 1916/31 bicolour Lakatois imprint blocks of 6 for 1d, 2½d, 3d, 4d (all Harrison) & 5d (Ash) vals plus CA monogram & JBC 5/- strips of 3. All… $50 Sold $85 | |||
PNG 1952-1984 in Seven Seas hingeless album with 1952 set mainly used but noted 10/- x 2 & £1 MLH. Later pre-decimal patchy but decimals complete … $50 Sold $50 | |||
PNG 2000's Miniature Sheets with an excellent cross section of thematics incl Olympics, Marilyn Monroe, Aviation, Rotary, Orchids & Royalty. 36 dif… $100 Sold $150 | |||
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