Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV Numerous 1d reds, 1d greens & 1½d browns & reds plus 2d reds in this accumulation noting a few kangaroos as well. Many with ACSC listed variet…
Sold $440
KGV Single Crown wmk used group comprising 4d orange-yellow perfined "OS", 1½d red-brown, 2d scarlet & 4½d violet with 2 of each containing the f…
KGV Small box of stockcards with annotations accompanying the majority of ½d greens in various wmks with approx. 300 on 40 stockcards & almost 100…
Sold $100
KGVI Fine used/CTO range on leaves with defin Dies & perfs, Robes in thick paper only & all commems plus coil pairs of QM 1d maroon & no wmk 2d mau…
KGV Varieties presented on leaves in SG Simplex album with approx. 240 1d reds noting several better shades, a number of major & minor plate variet…
Sold $420
1913-1955 MUH, MLH & used lightly dupl with an impressive cat. value but unfortunately the majority of items have faults, many with gum stains, cor…
Sold $200
1913-1965 MLH & used on leaves starting with simplified kangaroos used in all vals & colours to 5/- (latter CofA CTO) plus "SPECIMEN" ovptd CofA se…
Sold $400
1913-1965 MUH, MLH & used in Seven Seas hingeless album with kangaroos comprising 1st wmk ½d, 1d, 4d & 5d average MLH, 3rd wmk 2½d, 3d, both 6d &…
Sold $500
1913-1965 MUH, MLH & used in Seven Seas hingeless album. Kangaroos incl 1st wmk 5d & 2/- CTO, 2nd wmk 2/- brown F/U, 3rd wmk 10/- perfined "OS" wel…
Sold $700
1913-1991 Seven Seas Hingeless album in 2 vols with a selection of good to fine used. Noted Arms to £2 F/U but majority common with value in the a…
Sold $80
1913-2005 MUH, MLH & used in 90mm thick Scott printed album from a used range of kangaroos noting 1st wmk to 1/- (excl 3d) & 2nd to 1/- (excl 9d) w…
Sold $480
1914-1953 (excl kangaroos & KGV heads) MUH, MLH & used collection in Lindner "dual" album with slipcase. Valuable duplication throughout noting 191…
Sold $1700
1920's-1940's group of 13 "Avis de Reception" (AR) cards with 3d olive-green kangaroo used in 1922, 1923 & 1924 plus 3d KGV perfined "WA" used on a…
Sold $160
1953-1965 MUH, MLH & used complete collection in Lindner "dual" album with slipcase. Mostly 2 of each MUH/MLH & used incl 5/- cattle & Navigators p…
Sold $220
1966-1980 in 3 Sherwood folders issued as pre-cursors to the AP Yearbooks. Complete MUH incl 1971 Christmas block of 7 & all M/S's. Exc cond. FV $ …
Sold $90
1966-1997 fine used/CTO collection in 2 albums with approx. 90% completion incl M/S's noting 1970 Anpex. Excls 1971 Christmas pane. A clean lot nea…
Sold $38
1966-2013 Seven Seas Hingeless albums with slipcases from Vol. 1 to Vol. 8. Appears 99% complete bar a couple of gutters & odd commem set. Fresh & …
Sold $1500
1992-2002 45c & 49c vals from various commem & defin sets incl S/A's. All on piece & uncancelled. Includes 1500 x 45c & 500 x 49c. Total FV $920 (2…
Sold $180
2003-2008 50c values from a variety of sets incl many S/A's. All on piece & uncancelled x 9,500. Total FV $4750 (9500)
Sold $800
2009-2010 55c vals from various sets incl many S/A's issues. All on piece & uncancelled x 3,500 with a total FV $1925 (3500)
Sold $300
2010-2014 60c vals from various commem & defin sets incl many S/A's. All on piece & uncancelled x 9,500. Total FV $5700 (9,500)
Sold $900
2010-2018 CTO & F/U arranged on pages in SG Senator binder. High degree of completeness with majority soaked off FDC's incl M/S's & Int Post. A dif…
Sold $340
2014-2015 70c vals from various sets noting S/A's. All on piece & uncancelled x 3,000. Total FV $2100 (3,000)
Sold $380
2016-2019 $1 vals from various sets incl many S/A's & commems. All on piece & uncancelled x 2800. Total FV $2800 (2800)
Sold $500
Airmails 1931-1958 range of covers noting 2 x Bromfield/Goodfellow, one with enclosed letter re Townsville being expected to be a stop on the new A…
Sold $90
Airmails Various covers & ephemera incl 1931 dispatch slip & original lead seal used to secure the bag containing 1929 Registered items on ANA Melb…
Sold $100
Booklets Selection of Prestige types all ovptd incl 2002 Lighthouses with "Campbelltown Philatelic Society Home of Fisher's Ghost Philately", 2002 …
Sold $110
Cinderellas 1936 Australia's 150th Anniv x 6 different & SA Cent celebrations x 8 (faults) plus 1954 Antarctica Expedition x 2 sets of 4 in differe…
Sold $30
Cinderellas Koala Research $5 & $6 M/S's for 1986, 1988/89 x 2, 1990 x 3, 1991 x 3 & 1992 x 4. Most attractive. FV $70+ (Not valid for Postage) (13)
Sold $20
Commonwealth Reply Coupons 1967 group used with a variety of Australian P.O. cds's with receival English cds's at right & vice versa (10) all with …
Sold $50
Counter Printed Stamps 1990's 45c Kangaroos & Koala sets & strips of 6 incl imprints for "Singapore 95", "NPC", "Melb GPO", "Perth GPO", "Capex 96"…
Sold $110
Decimals Various defins & commems as above with vals between $1.20 & $2.45 (100) plus many other denominations from 45c (930) to 98c. All MNG. Tota…
Sold $260
Decimals Various defins & commems with vals to $1 (200) & $1.45 (100) plus many other denominations from 10c to 50c. All MNG. Total Face value $100…
Sold $270
Field Post Offices Abroad Range of covers incl 1969 FPO2, Ubon & Thailand with relevant background on card with 3 similarly addressed covers (Airma…
Sold $30
FDC's Pre-decimal "Leslie Grant" produced covers with 1964 (1st July) 50th Anniv of First Airmail x 23 & 1965 (10th May) ITU x 17 unaddressed cover…
Sold $60
FDC's Pre-decimal range with majority Wesley, but also Royal, APO & even a couple of Atkins. Incls some early decimals noting more Wesley too. Usef…
Sold $210
FDC's Pre-decimal with considerable duplication noting Mappin & Curran, Miller Bros, Haslem & Turley produced examples with many fine & unaddressed…
Sold $230
FDCs 1930's to 1960's range of Plunkett & Atkin produced covers in both addressed & unaddressed cond with majority fine. Noted Navigators incl 1964…
Sold $625
FDCs 1940's to 1960's selection with both addressed & unaddressed. All in sleeves & identified by cachet marker/producer noting Turley, Wide World,…
Sold $800
FDC's 1960-1968 Alfred King Atkins of Perth WA produced covers with 60 different types noting duplication of about 10 of each. Atkins was prominent…
Sold $495
FDC's A range prepared by "Leslie Grant" of Ararat Victoria incl some souvenir covers with special pmks noting 1959 Helicopter Mail with cachets. L…
Sold $210
FDC's Both pre-decimal & decimal incl 1957-1962 Royal & 1962-1964 PO "Hermes" types (12) all addressed before 1964-1969 range of Aust Post Official…
Sold $180
FDC's Late pre-decimal to early decimal by various cover producers. Majority unaddressed in fine to very fine cond with much duplication. Could sui…
Sold $500
FDC's 1992-2013 Australia Post unaddressed covers in fine cond with minimal duplication. (approx. 500)
Sold $160
FDC's 2010-2022 Appears complete incl S/A's, M/S's & Int Post. All fine & unaddressed. Useful for the later issues rarely seen complete. Original F…
Sold $750
Flaws & Varieties Album with written up pages containing an array of both pre-decimal & decimal flaws & varieties. Majority are minor one-off flaws…
Sold $100
Framas 1984 Barred Edge to 2003 "Farewell" range of MUH sets noting 1984 BE 33c, 45c & 90c Button sets of 9 for all Postcodes (retail $150), 1986 P…
Hutt River Province 1983 27c Emu, 45c Red Kangaroo, 75c Echidna & 90c Possum in complete sheets of 50 with one animal in each pane separated by the…
Sold $90
Lettergram Greetings Card Envelopes 1990's range of unused "Lettergram card" envelopes each with a different design above the address cut-out & in …
Sold $80
Maxicards 1990-2013 which whilst not complete there is some useful duplication. All in fine to very fine condition. Reserve is a fraction of origin…
Sold $150


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