Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 Canada - Newfoundland 1857/64 8d scarlet-vermilion with 4 margins. MLH & seldom seen so fine. SG 8, Cat. £400 $80 Sold $110 |
 Canada - Newfoundland 1860 4d orange-vermilion with 4 close margins, just touching at lower left. Lightly used by barred obliterator. SG 12, Cat. Â… $100 Sold $100 |
 Cayman Is 1932 Justices & Vestry set of 12 to 10/-. MUH/MLH, the latter superb MUH. SG 84/95, Cat. £500 plus premium for MUH (12) $500 Sold $500 |
 Cayman Is 1935 KGVI Pictorials set of 12 to 10/-. Fine MLH. Vendor paid $240 for the set. SG 96/107, Cat. £200 (12) $100 Sold $100 |
 Cayman Is 1935 KGVI Pictorials as above but set is fine used . SG 96/107, Cat. £200 (12) $100 Sold $120 |
 Cayman Is 1938/48 KGVI Pictorials set to 10/- chocolate incl all shades & perfs & extra 1/- MLH. SG115/26a, Cat. £300 (24) $80 Sold $80 |
 Cayman Is 1938/48 ¼d to 10/- KGVI Pictorials incl all catalogued shades & perfs with the 10/- (4) being in both shades of perf. 11¾x13 & perf. 14… $180 Archived |
 Cayman Is 1938/48 KGVI Pictorials as above but including 5/- x 5 & 10/- x 6. SG Cat numbers shown for each stamp with 47 singles & a ½d imprint st… $200 Archived |
 Ceylon 1857/60 Used group comprising 2d (SG 3), 5d chestnut (SG 5), 6d brown (SG 6a), 10d dull vermilion (SG 9), 1/9d green (minor thin & stain spo… $240 Sold $180 |
 Ceylon 1947/51 KGVI Pictorials incl 1950 recess printed defins to 1r (Cat. £18) & 1951/54 photogravure set to 10R (Cat. £105). All fresh MUH & ar… $50 Archived |
 China 1936 (11th June) Registered "Woo Ken Kee, Shanghai" company env with 25¢ Sys & 50¢ "Martyr" tied by 11-6-2642 Buddhist dated cds's. Whetsto… $40 Sold $40 |
 China 1948 Commercial covers with "Associated China Traders" (Shanghai) printed envs with mixed frankings & addressed to their office in Hong Kong.… $30 Sold $100 |
 China 1967 8f Thoughts of Mao Tse-tung with both red & gold outer frames. Fine used set but all with minor faults such as creases & scuffing but no… $100 Sold $320 |
 China 1968 8f "Thoughts of Mao Tse-tung" CTO with neat corner cancel & full MUH gum. SG 2405, Cat. £50 $30 Sold $110 |
 China 1967 8f x 2 & 10f Poems of Mao Tse-Tung. All MUH with 2 marginal. SG 2378/79 & 2384, Total Cat. £1260 (3) $400 Sold $625 |
 China 1968 8f Mao Tse-tung Words, 1969 Red Lantern Opera pair & 1969 Agricultural Workers set of 4. All fine used & fault free. SG 2406, 2411/12 & … $50 Sold $55 |
 China 1971 4f to 22f 50th Anniv Communist Party horiz views. All fresh MUH. SG 2446/51, Cat. £60 (6) $40 Sold $120 |
 China 1971 Paris Commune Cent. set of 4, 22f thinned otherwise fine MLH. SG 2442/45 & 1972 Merchant Shipping set of 4, MLH SG 2485/88. Total Cat. Â… $50 Sold $290 |
 China 1978 National Science Conference M/S. MUH with a couple of light bends & small tone spot reflected in reserve. A fine MUH example sold in Ace… $100 Sold $250 |
 China 1979 2y The Great Wall M/S overprinted in gold for the International Stamp Fair, Riccione with new serial number. Fresh & fine MUH. SG MS2874… $200 Sold $400 |
 China 1980 1y Lotus Painting - "Fresh Lotus on Rippling Waters". Fine MUH. SG MS3002, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $220 |
 China 1996 China '96 Int Stamp Exhib M/S ovptd in gold plus the imperforate version together in the Official pres pack. SG MS4108 var. listed in SG… $30 Sold $20 |
 China 2003 Lilies & UNESCO M/S's & Gulangyu Island Sheetlet with 3 strips & the M/S plus 2003 Ancient Bridges in 4 sheetlets of 8 & Classical Liter… $120 Archived |
 China 2003 Year of the Goat pair in 2 sheetlets of 9 plus central tab. Fresh MUH. SG 4780/81, Cat. £160+ (2) $60 Sold $36 |
China 2008 "Olympic Games from Beijing to London" China Post pres book containing various commem issues incl "Handover from London" imperf sheetlet… $90 Archived |
China 2013 Yearbook complete with all issues for the year plus DVD in back cover as issued. Exc cond. SG Cat. £280 $120 Sold $60 |
 Colombia 1933 "1533 1933 CARTAGENA" ovptd set of 4 for 400th Anniv in MUH blocks of 4. SG 454/57, Cat. £140 MUH plus premium $60 Archived |
 Cook Island 1949/61 ½d to 3/- Pictorials set of 10 in imprint blocks of 4. Fine MUH. SG 150/59, Cat. £260+ $80 Sold $95 |
 Cook Island 1919 2½d to 1/- "RAROTONGA" ovpts on NZ KGV recess set, perf. 14x14½ singles plus "2 perf" vertical pairs of all 7 vals. SG 48a/b/55/… $80 Sold $60 |
 Cook Island 1944/46 Pictorials multiple NZ & Star wmk set of 9 to 3/-. MLH. SG 137/45, Cat. £110 (9) $30 Sold $20 |
 Cook Island 2019 $6 & $10 Islands of the Pacific M/S pairs x 25. Fresh MUH. SG MS1964/65, Cat. £550 (50 M/S's) $100 Sold $100 |
 Cook Is-Penrhyn "Village Scene Penrhyn, South Seas" unused b&w postcard "Printed in Saxony" b/w from FT series No.519 . Address side has box at top… $30 Sold $20 |
 Cyprus 1881 "Half Penny" 13mm ovpt on GB 1d red plate 218 MLH (gum cracks) plus Br. Guiana (37) odds MLH on Hagner noting $2 KGVI (stained). Total … $30 Archived |
 Cyprus 1928 British Rule Anniv set of 10 to £1. Fresh MUH. SG 123/32, Cat. £300 (10) $140 Sold $190 |
 Cyprus 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4. Fresh MUH. SG 144/47, Cat. £38++ (4) $40 Archived |
 Cyprus 1938/51 1pi orange Soli Theatre, perf. 13½ x 12½. Fine MLH. SG 154a, Cat. £550 $180 Sold $180 |
 Cyprus 1938/55 ¼pi to 10/- KGVI specialised range incl perf change on 1pi (Cat. £550) & 2pi plus thin papers on 1pi, 1½pi violet x 2, 3pi, 4½pi… $300 Sold $300 |
 Egypt 1872/75 5pi yellow-green Penasson block of 4, perf. 12½x13½. MUH & rarely seen in multiples. SG 34, Cat. £180 x 4 + premium for MUH. $100 Archived |
 Egypt 1933 Aviation Congress set of 5. Fresh MLH, hinge remnant on each. SG 214/18, Cat. £120 (5) $40 Sold $40 |
 Eritrea 1916 20¢ on 15¢ slate horiz pair imperf vertically. Not listed by SG. Sassone 46F, Cat. $300 $60 Sold $36 |
 Ethiopia 1926 (16th Mar) "Scenes et Types - Un marbout dans l'Oasis" b&w postcard with Dire-Daoua cds tying 1g surcharge on 6g Pictorial. Addressed… $30 Archived |
 Falkland Is 1891/1902 6d yellow QV. Fine MLH. SG 34, Cat. £55 $30 Sold $30 |
 Falkland Is 1929/37 £1 black on red KGV. Fine MLH with rich colour. SG 126, Cat. £325 $180 Sold $180 |
 Falkland Is 1953 QEII Coronation, 1955 defins to 1/-, 1960 birds to £1 plus wmk changes. All fresh MVLH verging on MUH in many instances with the … $50 Withdrawn |
 Falkland Island Deps - South Georgia 1963/69 QEII Defins to both £1 designs. MUH. SG 1/16 Cat. £200 (16) $100 Sold $100 |
 Falkland Island Deps - South Georgia 1963/69 QEII defins complete simplified as above. SG 1/16, Cat. £200 (16) $100 Sold $100 |
 Falkland Island Deps - South Georgia 1977/78 QEII Decimal Currency surcharges set of 12 with changed plus 1971/76 6p. Also the same again to 25p & … $40 Archived |
 Falkland Island Deps - South Georgia 1971/76 QEII Decimal Currency surcharges set of 14 plus 50p on glazed paper. All MUH. SG 18/31a, Cat. £95 $50 Archived |
 Fiji 1870/71 "Time Express" 1876 imitation made by the proprietors of "The Fiji Times" in form of vertical strip of 5 with 1d, 3d, 6d, 9d & 1/- val… $50 Sold $50 |
 Fiji 1870/71 1d black on rose "Times Express" rouletted on vertically ribbed paper with part o.g. BPA cert. (1998) stating "part original gum, smal… $150 Sold $150 |