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Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark |
 2½d deep blue in left pane part Harrison imprint block of 4. Tiny hinge trace on lower right stamp, otherwise MUH. Normal imprint (gutter) block C… $400 Archived |
 2½d deep blue. Superb MUH. ACSC 11c, Cat. $125 $40 Sold $42 |
 2½d indigo right selvedge strip of 3. A couple of short perfs on middle unit. Reasonable centring & lovely colour. ACSC 11C, Cat. $375 $100 Archived |
 2½d pale bright blue in Harrison one line imprint pair. MH with small thin due to hinge removal gum & slight vert perf separation. Frontally prese… $200 Sold $220 |
 3d olive in Die I/Die II horiz pair. Fine used & scarce. ACSC 13Ec, Cat. $875 $340 Sold $360 |
 3d olive, Die II. Fine used & well centred. A premium example. ACSC 13f, Cat. $200 $70 Sold $70 |
 3d olive, Die IIB block of 4 with a substantial coloured flaw on top left stamp left of value circle. MUH with characteristic "fluffy" perfs. Well … $300 Archived |
 3d olive, Die IIB in 3 different shades incl pale olive, 2 tone spots (ACSC 14A), olive in bottom selvedge example with part imprint & characterist… $160 Sold $160 |
 3d olive-green, Die II. MLH, 2 shortish perfs TR otherwise well centred with good colour. ACSC 13L, Cat. $600 $120 Sold $120 |
 3d pale olive-green, Die I upper left pane top selvedge block of 4, positions 1+2/ 7+8 with distinctive minor flaws. MUH with some very slightly to… $200 Sold $120 |
3d pale olive-green, Die I. MUH/MVLH/MLH block of 4 with 2 fine MUH. Well centred with good colour & perfs. ACSC 13I, Cat. $470 as singles plus pre… $160 Archived |
 3d pale olive-green, Die II MLH (light diagonal crease) with fluffy perfs (ACSC 14D) & 2d grey, Die I perfined "OS" MUH. ACSC 7ba, Total Cat. $325 (2) $80 Sold $65 |
 3d yellow olive Die I. Fine MUH. ACSC 13A, Cat. $175 $50 Sold $55 |
 3d deep olive Die IIB. MUH, fluffy perfs with left selvedge. ACSC 14b, Cat. $250 $75 Sold $45 |
 3d yellow-olive, 3d pale olive & 3d olive Die 2 shades. Y. Good to fine used selection. Mixed centring with odd minor perf fault. ACSC 13B, D, & E,… $100 Archived |
 3d vals in a range of six Die I shades. All fine used examples. ACSC 13A, C, E, G, I & K, Cat. $140+ (6) $50 Sold $50 |
 6d ultramarine & a milky greyish-blue shade. Both fresh MLH with strong respective colours, latter with a couple of shortish perfs. ACSC 19A & 19F,… $100 Sold $80 |
 6d blue with inverted wmk. Fine used with 1917 cancel. ACSC 19Ba, Cat. $275 $60 Sold $60 |
 6d chestnut Harrison imprint pair. MLH with horiz crease but frontally presentable. ACSC 21B(3)ja, Cat. $500 $50 Sold $30 |
 6d chestnut Ash imprint pair with "N over N". Fine & fresh MLH with stamps MVLH. ACSC 21A(3)zg, Cat. $300 $100 Sold $100 |
 6d chestnut pair in marginal corner vert pair with top unit showing "broken leg" variety. MUH (hinged in selvedge only). ACSC 21(3)d, $250 + premium $70 Archived |
 6d chestnut top selvedge pair with rh unit showing "broken leg on kangaroo" variety. Variety is MVLH. ACSC 21A(3)d, Cat. $290 + premium for MLH pair $90 Sold $55 |
 6d chestnut selection of shades with 2 x MLH, 2 x fine used/CTO & 4 perfined "OS" incl 2 x MUH & 2 x fine used. Generally a fine lot with a couple … $100 Sold $60 |
 6d light violet-blue shade, Die IIB. MNG, good centering & perfs. ACSC 20B, Cat. $400 as MLH $75 Sold $75 |
 6d pale greyish-violet horiz pair. Fine used by Geelong cds's, centred slightly left. ACSC 19G, Cat. $300 $60 Archived |
 6d pale ultramarine with "white flaw over Arnhemland" variety. MLH with small gum thin. ACSC 20C(u)e, Cat. $750 as used. Note #3 page 86 ACSC (2021… $750 Sold $750 |
 6d ultramarine, Die II with "Islands in Bass Strait" variety. Bold 1917 cds clear of variety. ACSC 19(2)f, Cat. $300 $50 Sold $30 |
 6d ultramarine, Die II with inverted wmk. Used by overlapping cds's. ACSC 19a, Cat. $275 $50 Sold $50 |
 6d violet-blue Die IIB in 2 distinct shades. MH with hinge remainders & both centred left but clear shade comparison. ACSC 20B, Cat. $400 ea. (2) $240 Sold $140 |
 9d pale violet with "white flaw under "TA" of Postage" variety. Fine MLH. ACSC 26B(1)d, Cat. $250 $90 Sold $55 |
 9d pale violet, Die IIB Mullett imprint block of 4. MLH/MH with pencil annotation under imprint. Usual mixed centring. Good perfs & colour. ACSC Ca… $320 Sold $320 |
 9d violet Die IIB with inverted wmk. Fresh MVLH & very slightly off centre for accuracy. ACSC 27Aa, Cat. $475 $150 Archived |
 9d violet, Die IIB with "thin neck kangaroo" variety. Fresh MUH, top right. ACSC 27A(3)g, Cat. $500 plus premium for MUH (Est. $1100) $280 Sold $280 |
 1/- blue green MUH (light toning of gum) with second example perfined "OS" & Die II CTO. Both well centred example. ACSC 32, 32b, Cat. $500+ (2) $140 Archived |
 1/- blue-green Die II with CA monogram single. MLH with a couple of irregular perfs top left & uniform light gum toning. A small thin on selvedge h… $800 Sold $800 |
 1/- blue-green, Die II. MLH with fresh colour & good centring. ACSC 32A, Cat. $150 $40 Sold $40 |
 1/- blue-green Die IIB with "1 for first I in SHILLING" variety. Fine MLH with average centring. ACSC 33A(4)l, Cat. $300 $80 Archived |
 1/- blue-green Die IIB with inverted wmk & the "white flaw off Queensland coast" variety. MVLH, centred high. Fresh colour & could easily be viewed… $180 Sold $180 |
 1/- blue-green, Die IIB in top selvedge block of 4 with sideways wmk. MUH with light even gum toning & centred left but a scarce multiple. ACSC 33A… $220 Archived |
 1/- blue-green, Die IIB Mullett imprint pair. MLH reinforced with hinge in lower selvedge. ACSC 33(3)2c, Cat. $500 $120 Sold $95 |
 1/- blue-green, Die IIB with sideways wmk. MLH with natural paper inclusion visible only from reverse. ACSC 33aa, Cat. $275 $75 Archived |
 1/- blue-green, Die IIB, Plate 4 John Ash imprint with "N" over "A" pair. MH with missing corner perf & staining reflected in reserve. ACSC 33A(4)z… $40 Sold $30 |
 1/- blue-green, Die IIB, Plate 4 strip of 6 perfined "OS". Positions 4L 7-12 incl "LI of SHILLING deformed" variety. Note varieties "f" & "g" don't… $200 Sold $200 |
 1/- pale blue-green kangaroo, 3rd wmk perfined small "OS". MVLH. ACSC 32Ab, Cat. $275 $75 Sold $95 |
 1/- blue-green John Ash imprint (N over N) block of 4 with "break in northern coast of Tasmania" variety (pos 3R49). MLH with aged yellowish gum & … $280 Sold $170 |
 1/- blue-green with inverted wmk. Fine CTO & well centred. ACSC 32a, Cat. $275 $80 Archived |
 2/- brown with inverted wmk. Good to fine used with heavyish Vic cds. Light crease in right corner reflected in reserve but not apparent from front… $400 Archived |
 2/- brown with inverted wmk. Used with Sydney Parcel cancel. Well centred with very good perfs. ACSC 37Aa, Cat. $2250 $280 Archived |
 2/- brown, 2/- pale brown, 2/- dull brown, 2/- deep brown & 2/- reddish-brown. All are fine used, brown shade with a couple of short perfs otherwis… $120 Sold $90 |
 2/- brown. MLH & well centred. ACSC 37A, Cat. $450 $150 Sold $190 |