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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
French Somali Coast 1894-1949 MLH & used range incl 1894 1¢ to 10¢ imperfs MLH, 5¢ & 15¢ used & a few 1892/1903 types incl 1f, 2f (2) plus 5f M… $60 Sold $85 | |||
French Southern & Antarctic Territories 1955-1986 range on Hagners with vals to 185f. Missing some of the key items but numerous sets with thematic… $400 Sold $480 | |||
Gambia 1937-1980 collection neatly arranged on stockbook pages. MUH from 1949 with the earlier MLH. Close to complete incl all defins to the top va… $150 Sold $190 | |||
Gambia MLH/used range from "Cameos" to 1970 in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Noted 1886/93 ½d myrtle-green sheet of 15 MLH on selvedge, 1898 … $220 Sold $340 | |||
Gaza (Egyptian Occupation) 1948-1957 "Palestine" ovpts on Egypt & on 1958 UAR designs incl inscribed Palestine UAR 1958-1965 MLH & ovpts on Transjo… $300 Sold $300 | |||
German Colonies Selection of postcards comprising Kiautschou 2¢ with bold 1906 Tsingtau cds & addressed to Germany, German East Africa 4h card wit… $75 Sold $110 | |||
German P.O.'s in the Turkish Empire Valuable range noting 1884 to 1pi on 20pf F/U plus 1¼pi on 25pf used (small thin), 1889 with top 2 vals F/U, 1… $340 Sold $300 | |||
Germany 1872-1945 attractively arranged in album starting with Bavaria with average early but better 1916-1920 MLH/used (230) before Germany from s… $600 Sold $600 | |||
Germany Post WWII French & Russian Zones incl local issues Mecklenburg, Cottbus, Spremberg, Storkow & others noting "V" & morse code ovpts on Hitle… $260 Sold $575 | |||
Germany 1945-1965 Allied Occ & "Bund" issues MLH/used, often both, lightly mounted on leaves in binder. Incls extra items of interest eg: 1947 cove… $300 Sold $300 | |||
Germany 1948-1967 covers comprising 1948 Leipzig Fair pair FDC (Regd Hamburg), 1949 Berlin-Austria with black ovpt on 2pf x 3, 10pf x 2 & 24pf, 194… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Germany Third Reich pre-stamped postcards unused with light duplication x 36. A couple with marginal tears, otherwise fine & fault free. (36) $50 Sold $50 | |||
Germany, Danzig & Poland Range of used stamps & covers from the 1922/23 inflation period. Danzig comprising 15-9-23 cover with franking totalling 1… $300 Sold $180 | |||
Germany - Bavaria 1850-1920 MLH & used mounted collection on printed leaves noting "numeral" 1k pink, 3k grey-blue, ditto rose, 6k blue, 9k & 12k y… $120 Sold $190 | |||
Germany - DDR Starts with 1948 Soviet Zone ovpts, Leipzig Fair 1947-1950 issues, 1948 portraits (& DDR set with wmk ), Goethe MLH/used before MLH c… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Germany - Berlin 1948-1965 mounted collection on leaves from black ovpts to 5mk MLH, red ovpts to 2mk MLH plus latter used (Cat. £350) before 1949… $500 Sold $500 | |||
Germany - West & Berlin Accumulation in quality Lighthouse album with heavy dupl of common used but noted 1950 10pf Bach, 1963 International Reply … $60 Sold $60 | |||
Germany - West 1954-1998 Defins from Heuss to 1995/98 Tourist Sights with many issues both MLH (mostly MUH) & used. Noted se-tenant & tete-beche it… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Gibraltar 1953-1987 used/CTO range on Hagners incl 1953 QEII Defins to £1 (Cat. £130), 1960 to £1 (Cat. £85) & 1967 ships also to £1 plus extr… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Gibraltar 1953-1993 near complete run of defins & commems arranged on Hagners with 1953 QEII to £1 & 1960 to £1 all MLH before later appearing co… $180 Sold $180 | |||
Gibraltar 1999 Complete year set of all commems x 20 neatly arranged on stockcards for re-sale. Conservative reserve. Cat. £750 $100 Sold $100 | |||
Great Britain 1847 1/- green embossed cut to shape on folded (through stamp!) cover to USA & 1841 1d red-brown with part o.g. & "basal shift" below… $75 Sold $55 | |||
Great Britain QV to QEII range of cards, covers, fronts & tags noting Censored "Maritime Mail", 1893 QV 1d & 6d embossed front Regd to Belgium & up… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Great Britain QV-1970s MUH, MLH & used lightly dupl in red Lindner stockbook. MUH/MLH incl 1925 BEE 1d vert strip of 3 MUH (Cat. £75), 1929 UPU to… $240 Sold $250 | |||
Great Britain A mainly used accumulation in large "SG" quality stockbook. KEVII ½d heavily duplicated before later incl a few "seahorses" to 10/- … $50 Sold $90 | |||
Great Britain KGV to QEII commercial mail incl 2 with 2/6d re-engraved Seahorses, another with KGVI 1938/47 2/6d green private perfin on 1947 Airma… $60 Sold $50 | |||
Great Britain 1840-1900 range in Lighthouse stockbook. Very mixed cond but incls 1840 1d black (2 margins) tied by black Maltese Cross on 1842 open… $100 Sold $170 | |||
Great Britain 1840-1965 collection in album with slipcase starting with 1d blacks x 2 (faulty) & cut-to-shape 6d embossed, wing margin 1865/67 1/- … $400 Sold $420 | |||
Great Britain 1841 to 1970 used accumulation from in stockbook with the various items flagged with SG Cat. numbers & 2003 Cat. values. Noted range … $50 Sold $80 | |||
Great Britain 1841-1981 MUH, MLH & used in 3 Lindner hingeless albums starting with imperf 1d red "Ivory Head" & F/U BN"900" on deeply blued paper … $300 Sold $400 | |||
Great Britain 1937-1973 & Regionals MLH/used range in Davo stockbook. Used incls £1 RSW (average), £1 Festival F/U block & QEII £1 regd block of… $40 Sold $30 | |||
Great Britain 1952-1970 QEII Pre-decimal commem complete incl all Phosphor Band issues. Fine MUH in Royal Mail Album. Conservative reserve. SG Cat.… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Great Britain 1971-2017 QEII Decimal Commems complete incl Prestige Booklet issues plus Smilers Sheet & S/A booklet stamps. All housed in 3 Royal M… $1200 Withdrawn | |||
Great Britain 1987-1997 issues in strips of 3 with marginal inscriptions also 1997-2000 range of sets incl some M/S's & booklets. Generally fine MU… $220 Sold $220 | |||
Great Britain 1990-1999 commem FDC’s incl Greetings Booklet Panes plus the Millennium Issues. Majority with Philatelic Bureau & Royal Mail Pictor… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Great Britain 1992-2007 Pres Packs with a high degree of completeness. Incls the Greetings issues, Millennium sets & Royal events. Contents list up… $500 Sold $350 | |||
Great Britain 1993-2015 Attractive range PNC’s x 55 with 50p to £5 pictorial coins & stamps to £10 Britannia. Occasional Medallion cover with m… $500 Sold $400 | |||
Great Britain 2000-2009 Commem FDC’s appearing complete with M/S's. Noted "Tallents House" & Royal Mail Special commem pmks. Typed addresses & ho… $300 Archived | |||
Great Britain 2001-2021 Self Adhesive Booklets. Complete set of SG PM Series with 83 different displayed in Lighthouse 4 ring binder. Incls the rar… $440 Sold $350 | |||
Great Britain 2010-2017 commem Pres Packs. All presented in 2 Royal Mail Albums. Exc cond. Face Value £860+ ($1600). SG Cat. £1,250+ (100+) $750 Sold $600 | |||
Great Britain 2010-2017 commem FDC's once again appearing complete incls M/S's & all with Royal Mail special pictorial pmks. Neat typed addresses &… $480 Sold $380 | |||
Great Britain Machins MUH & MLH selection in special printed album plus a semi-sorted used range incl Regionals in 2 stockbooks. Comprises 53 pre-d… $90 Sold $110 | |||
Great Britain Post and Go Packs complete set of 30 housed in matching Royal Mail "Post and Go" Album. Incls the first 2008 issued pack (SG FS1/FS5,… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Grenada KGVI used low vals incl 1938 blocks to 3d, RSW & decimal currency 1951 set to $2.50 plus UPU & New Constitution. All fine & mounted on blac… $20 Archived | |||
Grenada & Gilbert & Ellice Islands MLH/used range in Lindner black leaved stockbook with the former starting 1d & 6d Chalons used (5 of each) befor… $260 Sold $260 | |||
Hong Kong 1862-1997 collection in 4 volumes. Variable condition with early QV mixed but many pickings incl 1885 20¢ on 30¢ MNG before useful KEVI… $460 Sold $480 | |||
Hong Kong 1937-1983 selection on Hagners appearing 99% MUH incl 1954 to $10 MUH. 1962 defins to $20 are MLH but later QEII defins to $20 MUH plus 3… $260 Sold $260 | |||
Hong Kong 1985-1995 range of MUH commems mostly in blocks of 4 or 6 & M/S's noting 1987 Year of the Rabbit (3), 100 Years of Electricity in Hong Ko… $120 Withdrawn | |||
Hong Kong Accumulation in Lighthouse stockbook starting with QEII defins mainly used but noting $20 MUH (1982) plus useful commems incl CNY Year of… $60 Sold $150 | |||
Hungary Largely pre-1919 accum strongest in early issues with 1871/73 25k litho used (Cat. £500) & engraved issues used (45+) incl 3k (3), 15k x 7… $200 Sold $200 | |||
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