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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Collections
Array of selected items incl 1854 1d black with three margins & F/U (SG 1) before a mainly MLH group (incl several MUH) noting 1885/93 2½d blocks …
Sold $300
Collector's duplicates in 3 slim stockbooks with majority good to fine used incl shades & perf "OS" but without scarce cancellations. Noted surface…
Sold $290
Early oddments starting with 1860 2d orange imperf x 11 used with shades & mostly 3 or 4 margin examples, 1861 4d intermediate perf. 14-16 x 6, per…
Sold $170
Neatly arranged early group on 2 printed pages incl 1854 1d black & 4d blue, 1860/64 6d average used but SG Cat. .£950. Later mainly used with rec…
Sold $340
Commissariat Punctures group with 1860/64 sage-green imperf, 1861/64 6d purple-brown intermediate perf. 14-16, 4d vermilion perf. 14, 1864/79 4d ca…
Sold $290
Commissariat Punctures on 1d bistre (2), 1d lake, 2d blue, 4d carmine, 6d violet & 1/- green with 2 shades & "WA" perfins on 1d & 2d swans (2) plus…
Sold $140
Forgeries A useful range with 50 examples on card noting both imperf & perf types with vals to 6d plus "ONE PENNY" & "½" forged surcharges (3 of e…
Sold $200
Postal Stationery Group consisting of Postcards PC1 fine unused, PC3 unused (surface damage), PC4 unused (tape at left), PC5 fine unused, PC6 fine …
Sold $80
Postcards 1910's -1920's Postcards of Albany with various scenes incl "Middleton Beach" used with crisp DE 23 1904 Albany duplicates with Wagin rec…
Sold $150
Postcards 1917 "The Trans-Australian Railway" Rose Series nos. W.1 to W6 with featuring b&w photos of the train & wildlife/scenes enroute titled "L…
Sold $120
Postcards 1917 "The Trans-Australian Railway" Rose Series nos. W.7 to W12 with Indigenous Aust titled "Wild Harry", "Charlie", "King Moonlight", "W…
Sold $180
Postmarks in Rapkin springback album picked over but 300+ remaining arranged in alphabetical order & all on swans plus large Chinese stockbook cont…
Sold $200
Postmarks Small collection 44 postmarks on sheets & cards. Postmarks Range on sheets & cards noting full strikes for "GROUP 116" in mauve date 1 JY…
Sold $150
Postmarks A-C on Swans noting Albany 2b, Baandee, Balbarrup, Balingup, Bonnievale, Boyanup, Brisbane St, Bullfinch, Burnakurra, Carabin & Cuballing…
Sold $85
Postmarks D-K on Swans incl Dardanup, Day Dawn, Davyhurst, Daylerking, Esperance Bay, Gilgerring, Gabanintha, Gindalbie, Greenhills, Gwalia, Higgin…
Sold $42
Postmarks L-M on Swans with Lawlers, Lennonville, Lion Mill, Leederville, Lowden, Maninga Marley, Malcolm, Marble Bar, Mandurah, Morgans, Mogumber,…
Sold $85
Postmarks N-R on Swans all different incl Nangeenan, Nannup, New Norcia, Northampton, Noggerup, Nungarin, Niagara, Onslow, Paddington, Railways Per…
Sold $80
Postmarks S-Y on Swans incl Sandstone, South Perth, Strawberry, Sharks Bay, Tenterden, Timbermills Greenbushes, Three Springs (incl Violet), Trafal…
Sold $70
Postmarks A-B on KGV incl Arrino, Balingup, Baandee, Balkulling, Beria, Blackboy Hill, Bindi Bindi, Bolgart, Broad Arrow, Bowgarda, Buckland Hill, …
Sold $55
Postmarks C-D on KGV noting Caron, Chidlow, Coolup, Coorow, Comet Vale, Cuballing, Cue, Dandaragan on 1½ KGV with 4 dot control tag, Dangin, Dinin…
Sold $55
Postmarks F-K on KGV with Fimiston, Fitzroy Xing, Gabbin, Gingin MR, Greenhills, Timbermills, Greenbushes, Hoffmans Mill, Hamel, Jarnadup, Jarrahwo…
Sold $42
Postmarks L-M on KGV incls Linden, Lomos, Lowden, Ludlow, Lyon Camp, Mandurah, Marradong, Margaret River, Mardella, Marrinup, Marvel Loch, Morawa, …
Sold $65
Postmarks N-Q on KGV with Nanga Brook, Nangeenan, Nannup, Noongar, Nedlands, Noggerup, Northcliffe, North Fremantle, Nukarni, Nungarin, Nyabing, Or…
Sold $42
Postmarks R-V on KGV noting Rawlinna, Ravensthorpe, Red Lake, Reedy, Roelands, Rottnest, Ruabon, Sanatorium Woorooloo, Sawyers Valley, Serpentine, …
Sold $65
Postmarks W-Z on KGV incl Waleabing, Walkaway, Waterloo, Watheroo, Wellington Mills, West Leederville, Westonia, Whim Creek, Winchester, Witchcliff…
Sold $42
Postmarks Post & Telegraph and Post Office ORS selection incl Bulong, Harvey P&TO, Kookynie P&TO, Menzies & Niagara plus 4 various Coolgardie impre…
Sold $180
Registered Covers 1950's range plus a 1971 "ring in"! All originating at WA Post Offices noting 1/0/½d KGVI x 4, three Registered Letter POP (Manj…
Sold $100
Registration Labels Blue R6 labels in complete intact blocks of 25 (5 rows x 5 columns) for the following towns; Bolgart, Boulder, Busselton, Eneab…
Sold $160
Revenues 1906/09 Inscribed "Stamp Duty", Perf 11. 1d to £10 balance of consignment group noting 1d x 9, 3d, 6d x 6, 1/- x 12, 2/- x 3, 2/6d x 11, …
Sold $220
Revenues 1922/30 1d to 10/- selection noting 1d x 36, 2d x 4, 3d x 10, 6d x 7, 1/- x 11, 2/- x 3, 2/6d x 2, 5/- x 19, 10/- x 9 & 30/-. Good to fine…
Sold $150
Swans Mainly 2d yellow used off paper in small env box plus env of 1d reds & another with vals to 1/- (dozens). Ex Brian Pope thus probably checked…
Sold $100
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1854 1d black with 4 clear even margins & fine used by barred numeral "1". SG 1, Cat. £350
Sold $210
1854 1d black, possibly rouletted 3 margin example. MNG, slight staining on reverse & trimmed at left with indistinct traces of roulette at top rig…
Sold $380
1854 4d blue rouletted on all sides. Clear margins on 3 sides with the top just cut into by the rouletting. Fine used by light 15 bar 2 for Perth. …
1854 4d imperfs in dull blue & blue both with3 margins plus a pale blue with 4 margins. Incls annotated colour photo from WA Study Group confirming…
Sold $200
1854 4d pale blue with pre-printing paper crease at right. Lightly used. SG 3, Cat. £200++
Sold $85
1855 1/- pale brown with traces of pin perf at top left & base. Touching at right, slightly cut into top & right. Indistinct, light obliterator. SG…
Sold $160
1857 6d grey-black Hillman. Broad margins at right & base with half margins top & left & cut to shape at top left corner. MLH with rarely seen o.g.…
Sold $380
1857 6d grey-black used Hillman with 4 clear margins & fine used with crisp BN "1" obliterator. A fine example. SG 19, Cat. £600
Sold $200
1860 2d pale orange with rouletting visible along the top only. MNG with close but clear margins. Small natural paper inclusion near swans neck. SG…
Sold $80
1861 4d vermilion, perf. 14 with design shifted up cutting "POSTAGE" which is partly visible at base below "FOUR PENCE". Excellent example of how c…
1861 4d vermilion, perf. 14 with straight edge at base while perfs cut into "POSTAGE". MNG. SG 40, Cat. £475
Sold $70
1861 6d purple-brown intermediate perf. 14-16 unused. Unused without gum & well centred. SG 36, Cat. £1100
Sold $210
1861 1/- yellow-green, clean cut perf. 14-16. Centred high & showing part of adjacent stamp at base. Mint with approx. 60% o.g. SG 43, Cat. £1000
Sold $210
1861 1/- yellow-green, clean cut perf. 14-16. MLH with fresh colour, straight edge at base. SG 43, Cat. £1000
Sold $130
1863 1d rose-carmine, no wmk, perf. 13 with "double tailed" swan variety. Fine MNG. SG 49 var.
Sold $75
1879 1d & 6d Telegraph set of 3 with 1d in both perfs. All postally used. Similar sold in Ace Auction Sale 32 for $170+BP. SG T1, T1a & T2, Cat. £…
Sold $140
1883 1d yellow-ochre, Cr/CA wmk, perf. 12x14. Superb used. SG 81, Cat. £180
Sold $90
1885 "1d." surcharge in green on 3d cinnamon with sloping top "1" (SG 91a, Cat. £85) MVLH & 1d brown with straight top "1" (SG 92, Cat. £200) MNG…
Sold $110
1890 1/- pale olive-green with "SPECIMEN" h/s. Fine MH. SG 101s
Sold $65


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