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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
World Stockbook with an oddly diverse but above average array noting Aust BCOF opts to 2/- used (odd perf fault), some NWPI opts to 1/- MLH & used,… $200 Sold $200 | |||
World SG "Improved" album (damage cover) well filled with majority good to fine used. Very little post-1950 but Australia with reasonable kangaroos… $80 Sold $270 | |||
World Old "Universal" (William Ackland) well filled album (200pp). Not many sets but does incl Belgium 1935 Queen Astrid Mourning MLH, Danzig 1936 … $60 Sold $70 | |||
World MUH & used on manilla stockleaves in old ring binder starting with 1915 Egypt, Alexandria & Port Said on/off paper blocks & strips showing va… $150 Sold $120 | |||
World Circuit sheets conservatively priced to sell for $950+ before suffering water damage in an Australia Post "accident". Nearly all mint, so stu… $50 Sold $50 | |||
World Random range on 32 Hagners noting pre-1940 range of Brazil, Colombia (early imperfs), Cuba (1931 Airs MLH, $1 thinned), Ecuador, El Salvador,… $60 Sold $250 | |||
World An ancient, repaired well-filled "Triumph" album (340pp) with a few multicoloured post-1980 but majority pre-1950 with useful incl Fiji 1871 … $150 Sold $260 | |||
World Three well filled albums with "A", "B" & "G-H" countries incl those less frequently encountered with Albania noting 1975 Return of Govt opts … $120 Sold $120 | |||
World 1937-1998 covers in FDC album with main value in Great Britain noting 1948 RSW pair on separate Registered Bradford & London illust FDC's in … $200 Sold $210 | |||
World 1899-1963 covers, cards & fronts plus 2 stockcards with NZ 2d Chalon "Hausberg" black reprints in blocks. A "balance of consignment" with mos… $30 Sold $30 | |||
World & Australia on Hagners in binder with slipcase starting with British Commonwealth 1953 Coronation singles (62) MUH, various cinderellas, USA … $120 Sold $260 | |||
Foreign 1900-1920 MLH & used in contemporary album with an SG cat. val in 1972 of £70! Odd item a little "stuck" but noted France 1917 War Orphans… $100 Sold $160 | |||
Europe Lightly duplicated used common on 50 Hagners neatly arranged. Incls Denmark, Italy, Monaco, Norway & Switzerland without any highlights with… $40 Sold $25 | |||
British Commonwealth Used range in alpha order on 60+ Hagners in matching binder. Noted quantities of 1950's-1960's omnibus issues & short defin se… $100 Sold $300 | |||
British Commonwealth Range with some duplication neatly presented on 36 Hagners of mixed MUH/MLH & used with no obvious highlights. Comprises Barba… $30 Sold $30 | |||
British Commonwealth MLH & used oddments in "Elephant" album arranged alphabetically from Antigua to Fiji incl Ascension, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barb… $50 Sold $100 | |||
British Commonwealth Good pickings amongst the mixed MLH & used noting Burma, KUT, Nigeria incl QV to KEVII, Ceylon Chalons (20) to 1/- used with l… $100 Sold $170 | |||
British Commonwealth Lighthouse stockbook with duplicated used incl British Levant noting QV 12pi with other useful ovpts on GB before British Solo… $75 Sold $50 | |||
British Commonwealth Good to fine used duplicates in Lighthouse interleaved black leaved stockbook with Aden to QEII 10/-, Antigua noting useful QV… $60 Sold $60 | |||
British Commonwealth Collector's duplicates used in Lighthouse stockbook starting with Great Britain (60) before Aden, Antigua, Ascension, Bahamas … $40 Sold $40 | |||
British Commonwealth "A-B" counties used on Hagners noting Antigua 1876/1908 with vals to 1/- (SG 49, Cat. £75), Aitutaki (SG 4/7, Cat. £130), Ba… $200 Sold $400 | |||
British Commonwealth 1990's to 2000's sets, odds & M/S's on Hagners in 3 display books. Good MUH ranges of India, Bangladesh, Canada, Malaysia, Hon… $150 Sold $150 | |||
British Commonwealth 1949 UPU omnibus issues mainly MUH with 1951 BWI University MUH & 1953 Coronation approx. 50/50 MUH or MLH in Lindner hingeles… $120 Sold $160 | |||
British Commonwealth 1946 Victory & 1948 RSW Commonwealth omnibus issues in Lindner "dual" album with slipcase. The RSW is complete with approx. 50… $500 Sold $750 | |||
British Commonwealth Useful KGVI/QEII group attractively arranged in quality Lindner album with slipcase noting Somaliland 1938 & 1942 sets to 5r M… $300 Sold $300 | |||
British Commonwealth 1935 Silver Jubilee & 1937 Coronation omnibus sets MLH in Lindner "dual" album with slipcase. A few Silver Jubilee are MUH inc… $250 Sold $260 | |||
British Commonwealth QV to QEII good to fine used ranges of Malta, Mauritius, Morocco Agencies, Nigeria incl Niger Coast, N&S & united issues befor… $50 Sold $50 | |||
British Commonwealth QV to QEII duplicated used with duplicates noting Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Grenada, Hong Kong, Ireland, Jamaica incl KGVI 10/- x… $50 Sold $120 | |||
British Commonwealth QV to QEII duplicated used in quality Lindner stockbook noting Orange Free State incl KEVII 5/-, Transvaal with KEVII to £1 &… $100 Sold $190 | |||
British Commonwealth QV to 1960's MLH & used range on 3 Hagners with original prices of $855 stated at top. Noted Mauritius 2d blue Lapirot, Turks … $250 Sold $200 | |||
British Commonwealth QV to 1960's used duplicates in quality Lindner black leaved stockbook. Incls Pakistan, Palestine, Pitcairn, Rhodesia, R&N, St… $80 Sold $170 | |||
Vatican Useful selection of MLH singles & sets in Lighthouse stockbook noting 1929 set of 15 (Cat. £120), 1933 Pope Pius set of 16 plus 2 extra 2l… $450 Archived | |||
Vatican Range of oddments in PW stockbook with the following all MUH; 1953 St Clare, 1954 Lombard x 3, 1947 Airs to 100l, 1949 Express pair x 2, 19… $75 Sold $75 | |||
USA 2000-2020 range in 2 Scott "Minuteman" albums with first vol containing 1918-1991 Airs (excl Zeppelins), Special Delivery, PD's, 1983-1995 Offi… $500 Sold $500 | |||
USA 1990-1999 in well-filled Scott "Minuteman" album with strength in MUH blocks, strips, M/S's & booklets with most issues also presented used & m… $250 Sold $250 | |||
USA 1851-1989 in "The All American" Scott album. Pre-1900 mostly used with faults noting vals to 90¢ Perry & 1895 $1 (approx. 100) before 1900-196… $200 Sold $300 | |||
USA 1851-1958 used in Scott album with sparse early but from 1900 about 95% complete simplified. Noted 1902 $1 Farragut, 4¢ car & 10¢ ship before… $100 Sold $120 | |||
USA 1847-1962 used range written up on leaves in Simplex binder missing all highly cat items but attractively arranged & useful lot to build on. (1… $50 Sold $60 | |||
Turkey 1876-2003 used in 2 medium binders noting 1898 Thessaly octagonals x 5 (Cat. £45) before a good range of 1901/09 types to 10pi, 1914 Pictor… $150 Sold $260 | |||
Tonga Scattered MUH, MLH & used accum in large stock album noting 1938 Accession MUH, 1942/49 defins to 2/6 MLH, 1953 defins to £1 with extras to … $50 Sold $80 | |||
Thailand 1980-2007 fine used with value in commem sets of 4 or more but also useful oddments finishing with 2020 100b Coronation Day. A good lot to… $50 Sold $110 | |||
Switzerland 1970's-1985 covers in 2 cover albums. Majority unaddressed FDC's with a few commercial addressed items of similar period. (approx. 90) $40 Sold $30 | |||
Switzerland 1940-1956 Pro Patria complete fine used on Hagners incl 1938/39 National Fete & 1941 pairs plus all the sets of 4 & 5 incl 1940 incl re… $60 Sold $50 | |||
Switzerland 1912-1934 covers x 9 incl 2 registered, one of which (1918) has been censored. All bearing tete-beche pairs, most with other extra fran… $75 Sold $60 | |||
Sweden 1858-2020 MUH, MLH & used in 2 black leaved stockbooks. Odd better pre-1920 incl 24ö yellow "numeral" & 5k PO F/U & 1978 Landstorm ovpts mi… $80 Sold $80 | |||
Spain Stockbook & 2 thick Hagner binders containing a rather disorganised MUH, MLH & used accumulation with duplication in places but value lies in… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Spain Used oddments with majority from 1930 to 2000 plus page of Portugal 1925 Castelo Branco commems to 1e60 MLH & 2e, 4e50, 10 & 20e used. Odd be… $40 Archived | |||
Spain 1851-2017 MUH, MLH & used on illustrated leaves with mounts added in 2 Davo peg-fitting albums. Average pre-1900 but later pickings noting 19… $200 Sold $360 | |||
South Africa 1925-1960 remnants on leaves with duplication but noting some better sets incl 1932/36 Voortrekker, ditto 1938 & 1939 Huguenot in F/U … $60 Sold $60 | |||
South Africa 1910-2015 MUH, MLH & used in 2 Davo hingeless albums, the first with stamps, the second mainly with M/S's. KGV incls 1½d T-B pair MLH… $200 Sold $200 | |||
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