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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
1999 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia containing 28 proofs struck from the original dies in black. Incls the 1d KGV,…
1997 $10 Kakadu M/S's ovptd “PHILANIPPON ‘01” in gold with Exhib logo. MUH x 18. Retail at $30 each ($540) FV $180 (18)
1997 $10 Kakadu M/S's ovptd “PACIFIC ‘97 World Philatelic Exhibition San Francisco…...” in silver. MUH x 26. Retail at $30 each ($780) Tota…
1995 25c Housing (Living Together) perf. 14½ in 4 MUH panes of 25. SG 1119a, Cat. £400, retail at $8 ea. (100)
Sold $50
1993 ICY Reversed Panes of 25 plus 1999 Navigators M/S's perfined "A99) with MUH & CTO of each. Total retail $210 (6)
1992 45c Sydney Harbour Bridge se-tenant pairs in both 14½ & 15½ perfs x 11 of each plus 4 gutter strips of 4 of each. Fine MUH. SG 1375ab/ba, to…
Sold $40
1992 45c Aust Day - "Young Endeavour" horiz strip of 5 with vert misplaced perfs resulting in "$" & "5" of 45c appearing on diff sides of 4 and onl…
Sold $120
1987 $100 "PATENT OFFICE" Revenue featuring Commonwealth of Australia Coat of Arms block of 4 fiscally used with 3 CED 1987 boxed cancel in blue.
1984 Unissued 1914 2d red KGV bust & 1/- blue swan on replica cards plus 1934 2d to 1/- Vic Cent in alternative colours issued for Ausipex '84. The…
1982 60c Humpback Whale trial printing with solid blue-green background with normal for comparison. Fine MUH ACSC 930E(1), SG 841a Cat. £250
Sold $80
1980 Nat Stamp Week M/S with the organisers Menu printed on the gummed side titled "SYDPEX 80 - TATTERSALLS CLUB 4/9/80" with the courses divided b…
Sold $75
1979 20c National Parks horiz strip of 4 with right pair imperforate at both top, bottom & sides incl between design & selvedge. Fine MUH. ACSC 843…
Sold $200
1973 7c Agate with black omitted resulting in "7c" value missing. MUH. ACSC 642c, SG 550a, Cat. £95
Sold $25
1971 Christmas pane of 25 x 7, blocks of 7 x 11 & 29 single sets plus a CTO block of 7, 2 pres packs & an FDC. Ideal for re-sale. SG 498a/ab, Retai…
Sold $120
1971 Christmas pane of 25 on cream paper plus pane of 25 on white paper CTO by GPO Melbourne 13 OC 71 FDI cds's. SG 498ab/bb. Retail $170
Sold $40
1971 Christmas panes of 25 in both cream & white papers plus half sheet of 50 in cream paper. All fine MUH. SG 498a/ab Retail $350+
Sold $55
1971 7¢ Desert Pea coil pair with "buff omitted" & misplaced green. Fine MUH. ACSC 535ce, Cat. $300ea
1970 Royal Visit commem cover set of 22 with 5c & 30c pairs pmkd at each location. Unaddressed in exc cond. Retail $140 (22)
Sold $45
1966 Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" with 75c in both 15mm & 15.5 mm types plus one with "hooked "c" of 75c" variety & another unlisted with vert strip…
Sold $160
1966 Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" set of 4 plus all the remaining decimal defins CTO as per the APO Pack issued at the time. Fresh MUH/CTO. (22)
Sold $50
1966 Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" set of 4 MUH plus ordinary set also MUH. Retail $150 (10)
Sold $30
1966 Navigators in blocks of 30 for 75c Cook, $1 Flinders, $2 Bass & $4 King blocks of 30 with an extra block of 20 for $4 King. Rarely seen multip…
Sold $190
1966 $1 Flinders in Plate 3 bottom selvedge gutter block of 20 plus $2 Bass in bottom selvedge block of 20. Fresh MUH & reserved at FV. ACSC 463zb/…
Sold $60
1966 40c to $2 Navigators in blocks of 4 with $1 Flinders in Plate 3 gutter block of 4 (ACSC 463za, Cat. $50). All fine MUH. (5 blks)
Sold $55
1966 4c red QEII in Plate number blocks of 20 for Plates "-21" bottom, "24" bottom & "27" top plus similar block without plate no. Pl "-21" is MUH,…
Sold $25
1966 1¢ to 50¢ CTO & Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" in 1968 folder plus another set excl 40¢ Tasman & outer folder.
Sold $50
Australia: Pre-decimal
1963/65 7/6d to £2 Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" set of 4 with the £2 ovpt centred rather than lower right. All fine MUH. ACSC 406x/09x, Cat. $1950…
Sold $550
1963/65 Navigators set of 6 in well centred blocks of 4, the £1 on white paper. Fine MUH. Similar sold in Ace Auctions 34 for $260+BP. SG 355/60 (…
Sold $260
1963/64 Navigators set of 8 to £2 with both 10/- & £1 cream & white papers. All fine MUH with perfect centering. SG 355/60, Retail $290+ (8)
Sold $120
1963/64 Navigators set of 6 to £2 King. Fine MUH SG 355/60, retail $180
Sold $50
1963/65 5d green QEII multiples from booklet sheets imperf between &/or below plus block of 6 showing Pl. 2 at top, a block of 9 with wide imperf a…
Sold $190
1957 4d claret QEII booklet pair with 6mm misplaced horizontal perfs. This variety not catalogued in ACSC & first we have seen. ACSC 320 var.
Sold $200
1954 Aust birds "Essay of Australian Stamp Designs in design competition conducted by "Stamp News" perforated & gummed sheetlet of 4 ovptd "ESSAY" …
1953/54 3½d red QEII with admonition in red panel with unshaded base of QEII neck. Ovptd "SPECIMEN". Very good cond. ACSC LC76w
1952 2/6d Aborigine left corner block of 4 without imprint on paper measuring .085mm compared to the normal .095mm which accompanies it for compari…
1951 "Card for Payment of a Broadcast Listener's or Television Viewer's Licence Fee by Postage Stamps" card with 34 postage stamps of 1/6d, 2/- & 2…
Sold $50
1950 2½d scarlet KGVI in complete sheet of 160 with perf pip on top selvedge & "Printed By Authority…" imprints at bottom. Light fold down gutte…
1949 (17th Oct) "Souvenir Commemorating the Commencement of Work by the SNOWY MOUNTAINS HYDRO-ELECTRIC AUTHORITY" booklet with programme of event, …
1949/50 10/-, £1 & £2 Arms ovptd "SPECIMEN" with the original 1950 PMG folder containing the other stamps to 5/- CTO, the 10/- to £2 ovptd Speci…
Sold $160
1949/50 Arms set of 3 ovptd "SPECIMEN". MUH with good centering. SG 224bs/ds, ACSC 269x/71x, Cat. $275 (3)
Sold $110
1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2. Fine MLH, £2 with pulled perf but MUH. SG 224a/d (4)
Sold $30
1949 1/6d Hermes, mult CofA wmk in lower left "By Authority" imprint block of 4 & part imprint single with pre-printing paper folds resulting in mi…
Sold $100
1946 5/10d KGVI Food Parcel labels x 2. 1 MNG with tan line, the other fine & fresh MUH. (2)
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thin paper MUH plus 5/- on thick paper F/U. Retail $400 (8)
Sold $140
1946 1d purple-brown QM with BCOF ovpt on bottom marginal part sheet of 40 with perf pip visible at base & full imprint bottom left. Fresh MUH. SG/…
Sold $75
1946 ½d kangaroo with BCOF ovpt on left marginal half sheet of 80 with perf pip visible at top & full imprint bottom left. Shows several varieties…
Sold $110
1945 Duke of Gloucester set of 3 in "By Authority..." imprint blocks & pairs with each val represented by 6 pieces displaying normal with no perfin…
Sold $140
1942 6d emu with "flaw on second "A" of "Australia" variety in horiz pair. MUH. ACSC 232e, cat. $60+
Sold $25
1942 2½d scarlet KGVI top right selvedge block of 4 with the top pair showing a doubling of the " WA" perfins with a trace of the "A"s (2 holes) f…
Sold $60
1942 2½d scarlet KGVI top left selvedge block of 4 with double & possibly triple "WA" perfins on top 2 stamps with normal WA perfins below. Also a…
Sold $210


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