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Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1050_sml.jpg) 1902/11 2d yellow F/U (SG 130), 5d bistre MNG (SG 132), 9d orange MH (SG 133) & 2/- brownish red yellow MLH V over Crown wmk, perf.11 selection. Us… $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1049_sml.jpg) 1909 £1 orange. MNG but excellent colour & good perfs. SG 128a, Cat. £750 $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1048_sml.jpg) 1910 10/- bright purple. Superb MLH. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1047_sml.jpg) 1902 2/- bright red yellow with wmk sideways. Fine MNG. SG 124a, Cat. £500 as MLH $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1046_sml.jpg) 1902/11 ½d to £1 simplified V Over Crown wmk perf 12½x12 or 12x12½ set with a few extras. Consists SG 117 MLH, SG 117a MH, SG 118 MUH, SG 118a … $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1045_sml.jpg) 1899 2d bright yellow, W CR A wmk perf.14 left selvedge block of 4. Fresh MUH/MLH. SG 113, Cat. £150+ $75 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1044_sml.jpg) 1899 2d yellow, W Crown A wmk Specimen pair with "ULTRAMAR" in blue ink. Between 1895 & 1910 UPU Specimen stamps of Western Australia were sent to … $200 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1043_sml.jpg) 1898/1907 1d to 1/-,W CR A wmk, perf.14. Fine MUH/MLH set of 5. SG 112/16, Cat. £190 (5) $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1042_sml.jpg) 1898 1d carmine, W CR A wmk with "PWD" perfin vertically reading down. MH. Very few mint examples recorded. SG 112 var. $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1041_sml.jpg) 1898 1d carmine with inverted wmk. F/U by part Fremantle MY 9 08 cds. SG 112w, Cat. £140 $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1040_sml.jpg) 1898 1d carmine in vert pair & 2d bright yellow both with inverted W CR A wmks, perf 14. Fine used with neat & clear Perth duplex cancels. SG 112w/… $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1039_sml.jpg) 1895 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 3d pale brown, CR/CC wmk perf.14 with grossly misplaced surcharge with "E PENNY ON" as a result plus a right… $60 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1038_sml.jpg) 1895 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green ink on 3d red-brow, CR/CA wmk, perf.14. Fine MUH. SG 111b, Cat. £85+ $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1037_sml.jpg) 1895 "Half-penny" surcharge in red & green ink on 3d cinnamon, CR/CC wmk perf.14 MNG (SG 111a) & on 3d red-brown CR/CA wmk perf.14 MVLH (SG 111b). … $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1036_sml.jpg) 1895 "Half-penny" surcharge in green on 3d pale brown MUH (SG 110), 3d cinnamon MH (SG 110a) & in red & green on 3d red-brown (SG 111b) with red su… $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1035_sml.jpg) 1895 "Half -penny" surcharge in green on 3d cinnamon, Crown/CC wmk perf.14 in lower selvedge block of 10 (5x2). Annotation on selvedge suggesting a… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1034_sml.jpg) 1888 1d, 2d & 4d, CR/CA wmk, perf.14 set of 3. MNG with fresh colours. SG 103/05), Cat. £200+ (3) $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1033_sml.jpg) 1889/92 UPU "SPECIMEN" issues as above but 7 different colours & vals incl ½d yellow-green SG 94a, 2d blue-grey SG 96, 2d grey SG 104, 2½d blue S… $350 Sold $420 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1032_sml.jpg) 1889/92 UPU "SPECIMEN" group with type 1 handstamps for ½d green SG 94a, 2½d blue SG 97a, 4d chestnut SG 98 & 5d bistre SG 99. All MH with odd gu… $100 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1031_sml.jpg) 1893 6d bright violet, Cr/Ca wmk perf.14 with "Medical h/s. Used with bold Bunbury duplex cancel which partly obscures handstamp. Rarely seen on th… $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1030_sml.jpg) 1896 4d chestnut, crown/CA wmk perf. 14 with crisp "Medical" h/s. Fine used with some staining but 1903 cancel & rarely seen. $90 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1029_sml.jpg) 1890 4d chestnut, C/Ca wmk with "Medical" h/s. Fine used with fresh colour. Scarce. SG 98 var. $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1028_sml.jpg) 1885/93 ½d to 1/- set of 12 with 4 subshades. Nearly all MUH except SG 96 MLH (crease) & SG 100 & SG 101 MLH. All with fresh appearance. SG 94-102… $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1027_sml.jpg) 1885 "1d" surcharge in green on 3d pale brown, CR/CA wmk, perf.14 with thin "1" with straight top & 3d cinnamon. Both MH with minor faults hence re… $80 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1026_sml.jpg) 1885 "1d" surcharge in green on 3d brown, CR/CA wmk, perf.14 MNG & 3d cinnamon MH (SG 91a) plus 3d pale brown thick "1" with short seriph at top & … $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1025_sml.jpg) 1882/85 3d brown in 2 shades, ½d surcharge in red on 1d yellow-ochre Cr/A wmk, perf. 14 & "1d." ovpt in green on 3d brown Crown CC wmk, perf.12 in… $40 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1024_sml.jpg) 1884 "½" surcharge in red on 1d yellow-ochre with the surcharge inverted. Fine used with neat 15-bar "6" of Guildford across the surcharge. Slight… $2000 Sold $2500 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1023_sml.jpg) 1884 "½" surcharges in red on 1d yellow-ochre, CR/CA perf.14 small thin (SG 89) & on same but Perf.12 (SG 90) with 3 examples incl pair, left unit… $40 Sold $20 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1022_sml.jpg) 1895 3d red-brown, CR/CA wmk, perf. 14 with "Medical". Fine used. SG 87 var. $70 Sold $70 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1021_sml.jpg) 1883 1d yellow-ochre MLH (SG 82), 4d carmine MNG (SG 84) & 6d lilac MNG (SG 85), wmk CR/CA, perf.12 group. Total SG Cat. £960 (3) $300 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1020_sml.jpg) 1882/85 2d chrome-yellow, CA wmk, perf.14 block of 4. MH with light gum bend affecting 2 stamps. Bright, fresh colour. SG 77, Cat. £170+ $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1019_sml.jpg) 1882/85 1d yellow-ochre MUH (SG 77), 2d chrome-yellow MLH (SG 77), 4d carmine MLH (SG 78), 6d reddish-lilac MLH (SG 79) & 6d lilac MNG (SG 80) CR/C… $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1018_sml.jpg) 1876/81 1d ochre (SG 68), 1d yellow-ochre (SG 70), 2d chrome-yellow (SG 71), 6d lilac (SG 75) & 6d reddish-lilac (SG 75c), wmk Crown CC, perf.14 gr… $300 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1017_sml.jpg) 1874 "ONE PENNY" surcharge in green on 2d yellow with wmk reversed plus 2 forgeries with CR/CC perf.14 & CR/CA perf.14. SG 67x, Cat. £60 (3) $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1016_sml.jpg) 1871/73 3d pale brown & 3d cinnamon, wmk Crown/CC perf.14. MNG & MLH respectively. SG 63/63a, Cat. £120 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1015_sml.jpg) 1864 2d, 4d, 6d & 1/- vals, wmk Cr/CC, perf.12½ group incl upright wmk for 2d, 4d, 6d in 2 shades & 1/- plus 6d upright inverted. Also 1871 3d cin… $60 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1014_sml.jpg) 1864 1d bistre MNG (SG 52), 2d chrome-yellow MLH (SG 54), 2d yellow MNG (SG 55), 4d carmine MNG (SG 56), 6d violet MNG (SG 57), 6d indigo-violet MN… $500 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1013_sml.jpg) 1863/64 6d violet no wmk, perf. 13. MNG with APES Cert. (1998). SG 51a, Cat. £400 $100 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1012_sml.jpg) 1863/64 1d carmine-rose, 1d lake, 6d deep lilac & 6d dull violet no wmk perf 13 set. Fresh MNG. SG 48/51a, Cat. £900 (4) $200 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1011_sml.jpg) 1961 4d rose-carmine, very rough Perf.14-16. MLH with o.g. SG 44, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1010_sml.jpg) 1861 4d vermilion, perf.14. Used with traces of a pmk. SG 40, Cat. £200 $60 Sold $65 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1009_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue, perf.14 with redistributed o.g. Frontally fresh. SG 39, Cat. £180 $40 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1008_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue clean cut, perf 14-16 MNG plus 2 used (one trimmed lhs) & 1905/12 5d pale olive-bistre, perf.11 Cr/A wmk F/U (SG 155). (5) $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1007_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose, perf.14. MNG. Strong colour. SG 38, Cat. £375 $160 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1006_sml.jpg) 1861 1d rose, perf.14 with 2 straight edges. MNG, excellent colour. SG 38, Cat. £375 $80 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1005_sml.jpg) 1861 1/- yellow-green intermediate perf.14-16. MLH but repaired top left corner. A useful "spacefiller" example. SG 37, Cat. £2000 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1004_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown as above also MNG with rich colour. SG 36, Cat. £1200 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1003_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple-brown intermediate perf.14-16. MNG SG 36, Cat. £1200 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1002_sml.jpg) 1861 2d blue intermediate perf.14-16. MNG x 2 examples. SG 34, Cat. £250 each (2) $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/35/lots/1001_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green with close but clear even margins. Fine used with 15 Bar "8" Fremantle numeral cancel. SG 28, Cat. £400 $120 Sold $90 |