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Lot No Description Est.
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
£1 grey, good to fine used with indistinct cds. Well centred with good perfs. ACSC 53, Cat. £575
£1 grey. Used with indistinct cancel with a couple blunt perfs top left reflected in reserve. ACS 53A, Cat. $575
£1 grey Harrison imprint block of 4 with the second line of the imprint guillotined-off as is often the case. Minute tone spot in the gutter other…
£1 grey Harrison 2 line imprint pair but lower line trimmed off as perf ACSC footnote 12. MLH with light even toning. ACSC 53za, Cat. $6250
£1 deep grey. Fine used with neat double cds, centred right. ACSC 53B, Cat. £575
£1 brown-olive & pale blue. Used with smudged Sydney Registered cds. Closed cut top left & amateurish repair using another stamp stuck to the back…
£1 chocolate & dull blue block of 9 ovptd "SPECIMEN" Type B with positions R40-42,46-48,52-54 & containing "broken coast in Bight" at both R41 & R…
10/-, £1 & £2 ovptd "SPECIMEN" Type B. 10/- thinned & £1 with small tear & nibbled perfs but these remain a useful "spacefiller" set at this res…
10/- grey & pale aniline-pink. Slightly aged MUH & centred a little right but fresh colour with a conservative reserve. ACSC 48E, Cat. $3000
10/- grey & deep pink with "Short Spencer's Gulf" variety. F/U with good centring & perfs. ACSC 48D(e), Cat. $650
10/- grey & pink with inverted wmk. Fine MLH with good centering & perfs. Fresh colour. SG 43aw, ACSC 48A, Cat $4750
10/- grey & pink ovptd "SPECIMEN" Type B. MLH, centred slightly bottom right but strong colour. Cat. $600
5/- grey & pale yellow in Harrison "N over MP" imprint block of 4 with "white flaw off NSW coast" variety. MUH/MLH with light tan lines barely noti…
5/- grey & pale yellow with "white flaw off NSW coast" variety. Good used. ACSC 44(D)r, Cat. $450
5/- grey-black & chrome with "broken coast near Sydney & break in right frame 3.5mm from top" variety. Fine used. ACSC 44A(D)d, Cat. $450
5/- grey-black & chrome (used with heavyish cancel), 5/- grey-black & yellow-orange (F/U with cds) & 5/- grey & pale yellow perfined "OS" (CTO Melb…
2/- maroon. MUH with very slightly toned gum but good centring & fine frontal appearance. ACSC 38A, Cat. $750
2/- maroon with inverted wmk. MLH, centred high. Excellent colour & perfs. SG 74w, ACSC 38A, Cat $6000
2/- brown. Fine MLH. ACSC 37A, Cat. $450
2/- brown in various shades. Mixed good to F/U incl F/U pair. Min Cat. $245 (7)
2/- brown & 2/- maroon. MH & MLH respectively. Both well centred. ACSC 37/38, total Cat. $750 (2)
1/- blue-green, Die IIB. Fresh MUH. ACSC 33A, Cat. $425
1/- blue-green, Die IIB with wmk sideways. MH & centred low. ACSC 33Aaa, Cat. $275
1/- blue-green, Die IIB with sideways wmk. MLH with natural paper inclusion visible only from reverse. ACSC 33aa, Cat. $275
1/- blue-green, Die IIB with sideways wmk in horiz pair. MLH, toned perf on rh stamp. ACSC 33Aaa, Cat. $550+
1/- blue-green, Die IIB top left corner selvedge with double perforation across selvedge. MH ACSC 33Ab, Cat. $400
1/- blue-green, Die IIB Mullett imprint pair. Fine & fresh MUH. ACSC 33A(4)ze, Cat. $850 + imprint premium
1/- blue-green, Die IIB Mullett imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH with slightly aged gum but frontally fine with good centering & strong colour. ACSC 33(…
1/- blue-green, Die II. Fresh MUH centred slightly high. ACSC 32A, Cat. $475
1/- blue-green, Die II with inverted wmk block of 12 (6x2) from the base of the right pane with part Harrison one-line imprint. A couple of natural…
1/- blue-green, Die II in bottom selvedge single with Plate 2 JBC monogram. Fine used with 2 neat NSW cds's. Well centred with good perfs. ACSC 32A…
1/- blue-green with "break in the base of "O" of ONE" variety. Superb used with bullseye Rockhampton Telegraph Office 9 DEC 14 cds. ACSC 30A(2)h, C…
9d violet, Die IIB with inverted wmk. MLH. ACSC 33Aaa, Cat. $450
9d pale violet, Die IIB. MUH slightly aged gum but frontally fresh & good centring. ACSC 27B, Cat. $375
9d violet, Die II. MUH, centred left. ACSC 26A, Cat. $375
6d pale greyish-violet Die II. MLH. Good perf & centring. Drury cert. ACSC 19G, Cat. $575
6d milky greyish-blue Die II. Fine MUH with some "fluffy" perfs at base. Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 19F, Cat. $700
6d dull grey-blue Die II, MLH, light even gum toning but a distinctive shade & frontally fresh. Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 19E, Cat. $575
6d violet-blue Die IIB. MVLH well centred with good perfs. Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 20B, Cat. $400
6d ultramarine Die II MH, (stained with small thin lower right), 6d dull dark blue, Die II perfined "OS", fine MLH & well centred plus 6d violet- b…
6d ultramarine Die I (ACSC 19A) & 6 ultramarine perfined "OS" (ACSC 19Aba). Slightly aged gum, "OS" with tan line but frontally fresh & well centre…
6d pale-ultramarine Die IIB. MLH, centred a little right. Good colour with Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 20C, Cat. $375
6d pale-ultramarine Die IIB as above but MUH with better centering. Also with Drury cert. (2024) ACSC 20C, Cat. $750
6d pale ultramarine Die IIB block of 10 (5x2). Reasonable centering with a small paper inclusion & a couple of minor gum bends, otherwise fresh MUH…
6d pale ultramarine Die IIB. MH, centred left with fluffy perfs MH. Fresh true good colour with Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 20C, Cat. $325
6d pale to bright ultramarine in 3 diff shades. All Die IIB. MH with mixed gum reflected in reserve. ACSC 20A/C, Cat. $1000 (3)
6d chestnut, Die IIB MUH top selvedge (ACSC 21A) & 6d pale chestnut Die IIB bottom selvedge single with full Mullett imprint. Aged gum MUH & centre…
3d pale olive green Die I (ACSC 13I), 3d olive green Die II (ACSC 13L) & 3d pale olive green Die IIB (ACSC 14D). All fresh MLH. Total Cat. $760 (3)
2½d blue Harrison one-line imprint block of 4 with "Retouch around 'IA' of 'AUSTRALIA'" variety. Very fresh & fine MUH/MLH with variety MUH. A sup…
2½d indigo. MUH horiz pair, one short perf at base. SG 36, ACSC 11C, Cat. $250


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