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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV SMW, perf.13½x12½ selection of 9 blocks of 4 as follows. 2d plate 1 John Ash "N over N" imprint MLH with corner perf missing & light crease a…
KGV SMW, perf. 14 & Perf. 13½x12½ perfined or ovptd "OS" selection on Hagner incl p.14 3d blue type ACSC 106ba, Cat. $375 MUH, 1d green dry ink F…
KGV SMW, perf.14 selection noting ½d orange (6), 1d green (9), 1½d red (15) incl inverted wmk & 1 variety, 2d brown (1), 3d blue (10) incl 5 x "O…
KGV SMW, perf.13½x12½ & CofA watermarks on 9 sheets ex Barrett-Lennard with SMW MLH/MH 1½d brown, 2d red, 3d blue x 3, 4d olive x 2 incl "OS", 5…
KGV SMW, perf. 13½x12½ group with ½d orange (14), 1d green Die I (27), Die II (32), 1½d (24) with 4 varieties, 2d brown (6), 3d blue (23) incl …
KGV SMW, perf. 13½x12½ selection of 1½d reds & browns plus a few 2d browns. Mixed MUH, MLH & used with singles, blocks, strips & pairs annotated…
KGV SMW, perf.14 MUH, MLH & used retired dealers stock on Hagners. Strong in varieties & extensively annotated on a range of ½d to 4½d values not…
KGV 4½d violet single wmk x 19 incl an "OS", SMW Perf.14 x 13 & another perfined "OS" before Perf. 13½x12½ x 2 (short perfs) plus "FIVE PENCE" s…
KGV 4d olive, SMW perf.14 group incl a MH well centred & a CTO well centred example with small gum thin. The 6 good to fine used display the variet…
KGV 3d blue, SMW perf. 13½x12½, Die Ia with annotated varieties consisting of 10 MUH/MLH & 6 used plus Die II good to fine used also with annotat…
KGV 3d blue in various shades incl single wmk Die I (22) plus 17 x perfined "OS", Die Ia (14) plus 13 "OS", SMW, perf.14 x 18 & 15 "OS" all type A …
KGV 2d reds in bundleware in Twinning's Tea tin. (4400)
KGV 2d red, SMW, perf. 13½x12½ with mostly Die II's noting 3 pairs, a block of 4 & 2 singles MLH plus 6 used singles. Also "TWO PENCE" surcharges…
KGV 2d red accumulation which approx. half have been sorted by wmk & flagged with varieties or perfins noting "OS", "VG", “GNSW" & "T" types. Als…
KGV 2d brown, SMW, perf. 13½x12½ group noting MLH imprint pair & 4 singles plus 18 good to fine used singles, most with annotated varieties. Tota…
KGV 1½d reds in bundles tied by cotton with a stated total of 3600.
KGV 1½d red, no wmk good to fine used selection with various annotated varieties, 12 of which are listed as ACSC (17)h, l, k, p, sa, v, vbb & vc(1…
KGV 1½d red Die II, SMW Perf.14 MUH/MLH selection incl 5 pairs & 3 blocks of 4 plus 14 good to F/U. Noted translucent paper with "blob of ink on e…
KGV 1d violets MUH, MLH & F/U range, the majority with varieties incl 4 pairs & a plate 3 bottom selvedge MUH block of 6 with part imprint (hinged …
KGV 1d reds, good to fine used in smaller envelopes labelled "Die II's" in Tea tin containing approx. 400-500. A quick look confirmed they were pro…
KGV 1d reds x 11 with 4 on smooth paper with 1918 Southern Cross cds's & 7 on rough paper with a range of 1918-1922 cds with all perfined "OS". All…
KGV 1d reds used accum off paper on 44 Hagners starting with attempted sorting by shade (40+) followed by smooth paper Die I (300+) & then annotate…
KGV 1d reds semi-sorted on Hagners with minor flaws, compartment lines, shades, rough paper, odd wmk variety & usual mix of machine cancels & cds's…
KGV 1d reds in "G" number order on Hagners. Approx 70 MLH & 600 used incl Die II, "OS" perfins, varieties & shades with postmark interest.
KGV 1d reds accumulation on showcards & in envs in Twining's Tea tin. Careful inspection may reward. (100s)
KGV 1d red, LMW selection of with varieties in good to fine used cond. 13 items incl 3 pairs incl ACSC electro (3)f, h, j, l, o & r, electro (4)f, …
KGV 1d red on stockleaves in Schaubek binder roughly sorted by SG numbers incl shades, rough & smooth papers, large mult wmk Die IIs (used only) & …
KGV 1d red in SG stockbook plus shade collection on loose pages, the latter useful as all are a still on paper so colours are untainted & unchanged…
KGV 1d red collection/accum in quality Lindner 60-page stockbook part of which is roughly sorted by shades with the remainder unsorted. Some useful…
KGV 1d red collection somewhat randomly laid out with some useful shades & varieties. Approx 25 MUH/MLH & 130 good to fine used noting 9 with Starl…
KGV 1d greens used in quality stockbook, the majority flagged with wmk, perf & plate locations by specialist collector incl many with identified va…
KGV 1d greens used accum in shoebox with 100's of loose plus groups in glassines & envelopes titled "unidentified faults", "SM 14 Pane VI plated", …
KGV 1d greens sorted & annotated on black stockleaves. All wmks, Dies & Perfs represented incl "OS" perfins & ovpts. Noted "no wmk" MLH (2), MUH (3…
KGV 1d greens & 1½d reds MLH & used no wmk singles, pairs & blocks on Hagners. Many have annotated varieties & are sorted by plate & electro numbe…
KGV 1d green, SMW, perf.14 varieties good to F/U x 9 & MUH/MLH incl singles (5), pairs (6) & blocks of 4 (6) incl 2 imprint blocks estimated cat. $…
KGV 1d green, no wmk selection with MUH/MLH singles (7), pairs (3) & blocks of 4 (2). ACSC 79 (21)
KGV 1d green MUH/MLH range with Cr/A (3), LM (4, 2 toned but showing white flaw under neck 78(4)h variety), no wmk & SM perf. 13½x12½ (2). Also 1…
KGV 1d engraved MUH block of 6 & 2 MLH singles, 1d red SLP (2) F/U in deep red shades plus reinforced block of 6 & 1d violet part imprint left hand…
KGV ½d to 1/4d single wmk bulk lot in 4 envelopes & loose in shallow box. Very good used to fine used noting numerous 4d orange, blue & violet exa…
KGV ½d to 1/4d SMW Perf.13½x12½ range of vals off paper in 4 envelopes & loose in small box. Noticed all values but majority 1d green & 1½d red…
KGV ½d to 1/4d Cof A wmk off paper in shallow box. Lots of 1d greens, 2d reds & 5d browns though all vals sighted. An estimate of about 20 x 1/4d …
KGV ½d to 2d vals MUH in singles, pairs & blocks. Majority are fine with usual variable centring. Ex dealer lot with retail of approx. $1200. Cont…
Kangaroos, KGV & States Two pocket stockbooks noting 1d red Die I sub cliché F/U, a variety of KGV shades, Cooke carmine-pink LMW F/U & 1d red LMW…
Kangaroos & KGV Balance of consignment with. 1st wmk 5d chestnut kangaroo MLH (crease), 3rd wmk 2d grey MH, 6d chestnut kangaroo with "broken leg" …
Kangaroos & KGV Range on 6 Hagners incl MLH & used with kangaroos to 5/- (3rd wmk good used) but majority used KGV to 1/4d x 2 SMW 13½x12½ & 5 Co…
Kangaroos & KGV Balance of consignment on Hagner sheet & album pages plus loose stamps & a display card. Noted a few used kangaroos to 10/- (CofA, …
Kangaroos & KGV Accum on Hagner sheets with approx. 200 kangaroos to 5/- incl numerous 1d reds noting 5/- 3rd wmk F/U with "elongated Spencer's Gul…
Kangaroos & KGV Several 1000 stamps on paper with majority appearing to be ½d to 3d vals in small Safe Deposit tin. Incls a few States appearing t…
Kangaroos A late entry to the auction so a brief summary noting MUH, MLH & used collection on 19 Hagners in ascending face value order from ½d to …
Kangaroos "OS" Perfins selection consisting "OS" large on ½d & 1d MNG & 2d MLH with 3d F/U & 1d pair before small on ½d, 1d & 5d on 1st wmk & the…


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