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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Miscellaneous: Officials | |||
1914/20 1d carmine-rose KGV single wmk Die I, Die II pair (separated) perfined "OS". MH with Drury Cert (2024). ACSC 72Q(1)ic, Cat. $1200 pair $200 Sold $200 | |||
1914/20 1d carmine-rose Die I on rough paper, single wmk perfined "OS". MLH, centred extreme right. ACSC 72(1), Cat. $1,000 $150 Archived | |||
1914/20 1d pale terracotta (brick G25) KGV perfined "OS". Drury Cert. (2024) MLH & a superb example. Drury Cert. ACSC, Cat. $900 $300 Archived | |||
1914/20 1d crimson (G23) single wmk perfined "OS" with "dry ink" variety. Drury Cert. (2024) F/U with neat light 1918 machine cancel. ACSC… $200 Sold $200 | |||
1914/20 1d carmine-rose, single wmk strip of 4 Die II, II, I, I & perfined "OS". Attractively used with Yandanooka 23 JA 1922 cds's. ACSC 71Via, Ca… $50 Sold $130 | |||
1914/20 1d carmine-rose (G 30) Die I, Die II pair perfined "OS". MLH, centred left. Drury Cert. (2024). ACSC 71V(1)ic, Cat. $1750 $400 Archived | |||
1926/30 ½d pale orange (MUH), 1d green Die II (MH), 1½d scarlet (MUH) & 4½d violet (MH, light crease & centred high). All SMW, perf 13½x12½ pe… $120 Sold $90 | |||
1914/20 ½d orange on single wmk coarse mesh paper perfined "OS" but inverted. MLH with very light crease at left. Good perfs & centring complete w… $1500 Archived | |||
1931/36 ½d orange, CofA wmk in irregular Plate 8 block of 21 ovptd "OS". Positions R30-32/ 35-38/ 43-47/ 49-53/ 55-59 with some minor perf separat… $100 Archived | |||
1926/30 ½d orange, SMW, perf 13½x12½ blocks of 4 perfined "OS". Fresh MUH. ACSC 68Aba, Cat. $160 as singles plus block premium $50 Sold $30 | |||
1926/30 ½d orange, SMW, perf 13½x12½ block of 14 (4x4) perfined "OS", electro 8. MUH with a couple of short perfs for accuracy. ACSC 68Aba, Cat.… $80 Sold $30 | |||
1926/30 ½d pale orange perfined "OS". Fine used & difficult to find. ACSC 67Bba, Cat. $325 $100 Sold $75 | |||
1926/30 ½d pale orange KGV, SMW, perf. 14 perfined "OS". Fine used, centred right. ACSC 67Bba, Cat. $325 $60 Sold $80 | |||
1914/20 ½d emerald KGV, single wmk perfined "OS" on "thin paper". MH, well centred with good colour & perfs. Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 63Aaaba, Cat.… $50 Sold $30 | |||
1915/28 £1 grey, 3rd wmk perfined "OS". Slightly toned MUH. ACSC 53b, Cat. $4750 $1500 Archived | |||
1918 10/- grey & deep aniline pink, 3rd wmk perfined "OS" CTO with good centring. ACSC 48ba, Cat. $200 $50 Sold $50 | |||
1915/28 10/- grey & pink, 3rd wmk perfined "OS". CTO, centred a little to right. ACSC 48wa, Cat. $200 $50 Sold $40 | |||
1915/28 10/- grey & pale aniline pink, 3rd wmk perfined "OS". Fine CTO. ACSC 48Ewa, Cat. $200 $70 Sold $55 | |||
1915/28 10/- grey & pale aniline pink, 3rd wmk in top right marginal corner block of 4. Light diagonal bend on one unit otherwise fresh & fine MUH.… $3200 Sold $2500 | |||
1915/28 10/- grey & deep aniline pink, 3rd wmk perfined "OS". CTO with part gum. ACSC 48BWa, Cat. $200 $70 Sold $55 | |||
1915/28 10/- grey & deep aniline pink, 3rd wmk perfined "OS" with "misplaced kangaroo" (top of the head & back both out of the map) variety. Superb… $750 Sold $1200 | |||
1915/28 10/- grey & aniline-pink with "broken coast near Sydney" duty plate variety & perfined "OS". CTO with full gum. Centred right but a very fi… $120 Sold $95 | |||
1929 5/- greyish-black & yellow-orange Sm Mult wmk perfined "OS". MUH. Centred bottom left but right selvedge helps appearance. ACSC 45Bba, Cat. $2250 $200 Sold $200 | |||
1915/28 5/- grey & pale Yellow, 3rd wmk perfined small "OS" with "Break in coast of Bight" unlisted variety. Aged MLH & centred top left but possib… $300 Archived | |||
1915/28 5/- grey & pale yellow, 3rd wmk perfined "OS" with "broken coast near Sydney & break in right frame" variety. Used with neat corner cds cle… $80 Sold $65 | |||
1929/30 5/- grey & yellow-orange, SMW with "misplaced kangaroo" variety with part of kangaroo head outside map & perfined "OS". Superb CTO with gum… $1200 Sold $350 | |||
1929/30 5/- grey & yellow-orange, SMW perfined "OS". Fine CTO, centred top right. ACSC 45Awb, Cat. $250 $50 Archived | |||
1929/30 5/- grey & yellow-orange with "broken coast near Sydney & Spencer's Gulf elongated" variety & perfined "OS". CTO with gum MLH. Well centred… $70 Archived | |||
1929/30 5/- grey & bright yellow-orange, SMW with "white collar on kangaroo" variety & perfined "OS". Much brighter yellow-orange shade than others… $100 Sold $30 | |||
1915/28 5/- grey black & chrome, 3rd wmk perfined "OS" with "break in coast near Bonaparte Gulf" variety. Fine used, centred high. ACSC 44Ab(D)k, C… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1915/28 5/- grey & yellow, 3rd wmk perfined small "OS" with "long curved tail on kangaroo" variety. Fine used by light top right cds. ACSC 44B(V)p,… $100 Archived | |||
1915/28 5/- grey & yellow perfined small "OS". CTO with good centering & perfs. ACSC 44wa, Cat $200 $90 Archived | |||
1915/28 5/- grey & deep yellow, 3rd wmk perfined "OS" with "Fox-faced kangaroo" variety. CTO, centred high. ACSC 44(V)bu, Cat. $650 $120 Sold $120 | |||
1915/28 9d violet, Die II pair perfined "OS", the left unit with "white flaw to left of "P" in "PENCE" unlisted variety plus 2/- brown also "OS" & … $40 Archived | |||
1915/28 2d grey, Die I 3rd wmk block of 4 perfined "OS/NSW". Centred low otherwise fresh MUH. Rarely seen with State perfin. ACSC Cat. $600 for nor… $120 Archived | |||
1929/30 2/- maroon, SMW John Ash imprint pair perfined "OS". MLH/MH with good centring. ACSC 39A(2)za, Cat. $1,000 $120 Sold $120 | |||
1929/30 2/- maroon, SMW & perfined "OS". Fine MUH. ACSC 39Ab, Cat. $1,250 $150 Sold $150 | |||
1913 2/- dark brown, 1st wmk perfined large "OS". 3mm closed tear at right otherwise fine used with good perfs. An excellent "budget" example. ACSC… $30 Archived | |||
1915/28 2/- reddish-brown, 2/- brownish-grey & 5/- grey-yellow, 3rd wmk perfined "OS". Good used with mixed centering. Useful group at this reserve… $100 Sold $100 | |||
1915/28 2/- reddish-brown strip of 4 perfined "OS". Attractively used with Elizabeth St, Melbourne cds's. ACSC 37Aba, Cat. $500+ $100 Sold $100 | |||
1915 2/- light brown, 2nd wmk perfined small "OS". Fine MLH, one pulled perf at right. ACSC 36ba, Cat. $5,000 $500 Sold $250 | |||
1915 2d, 6d, 9d & 5/- 2nd wmk perfined small "OS" used (5/- thinned at left) plus 2/- SMW block of 4 with parcel cancel, a useful multiple. ACSC Ca… $120 Archived | |||
1913 2/- brown, 1st wmk perfined large "OS". MVLH with toned gum but frontally fresh. ACSC 35Aba, Cat. $1,750 $100 Sold $170 | |||
1913 2/- brown, 1st wmk horiz pair perfined small "OS". Used with indistinct parcel cancel. ACSC 35b, Cat. $400 $80 Archived | |||
1929/30 1/- emerald, SMW John Ash imprint pair perfined "OS". Fine MLH & well centred. ACSC 34Cza, Cat. $450++ $80 Sold $80 | |||
1915/28 1/- dull blue-green, 3rd wmk Die IIB perfined "OS" in MUH top left selvedge block of 9. Centred low but remains a striking multiple. ACSC 3… $500 Sold $180 | |||
1913 1/- blue-green perfined large "OS" with inverted wmk. Good to fine used with central Melbourne Registered cds. Light diagonal crease not visib… $60 Sold $240 | |||
1929/30 9d pale violet, Die IIB, SMW perfined "OS". MLH, centred slightly left. ACSC 28Bb, Cat. $325 $80 Sold $80 | |||
1929/30 9d pale violet Die IIB, SMW perfined "OS" in bottom right corner block of 4 with "white flaw over 2nd "E" of Pence" variety. MUH/MLH. ACSC … $500 Sold $500 | |||
1915/28 9d red-violet, Die IIB perfined "OS". MUH/MLH block of 4 with shortish perfs on a couple & top 2 units creased but true colour & rarely see… $150 Sold $40 | |||
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