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Lot No Description Est.
Dealers "clearance" range of coins & banknotes being a massive quantity in several tubs incls much silver plus a couple of gold ¼oz Perth Mint coin…
Sold $42000
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
£1 brown & blue top right marginal corner block of 4. A couple of very light tan lines otherwise MLH in selvedge only with stamps MUH. Superb colo…
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
£1 chocolate & dull blue block of 9 ovptd "SPECIMEN" Type B with positions R40-42,46-48,52-54 & containing "broken coast in Bight" at both R41 & R…
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
1d red, Die II, sideways wmk Plate F "CA"' Monogram block of 6 without sheet margin at left. Usual rough perfs, MLH in selvedge & top 3 only with b…
Sold $10250
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
2006 "Eight Coin Gold Set" 1c to $2 in 24 carat gold (4.19oz) celebrating 40th Anniv of Decimal Currency. Stunning presentation in RAM wooden box.
Sold $14250
Coins and Banknotes: World
France 2003 20€ Tour de France Centenary set of 5 x 17g (85g) gold proof coins in Monnaie de Paris Mint pres case plus the original 6 individual …
Sold $8000
Coins and Banknotes: Miscellaneous
1966-2023 range of MUH issues incl commem gutters, M/S's, Specimens, special packs & S/A's plus some "Impressions" issues. Useful for the later, ha…
Sold $9000
Miscellaneous: King George V
1918-20 Large Multiple Watermark 1d carmine-pink (G101) "CA" Monogram corner strip of 3 from the Cooke Printing. MLH in selvedge only, stamps fine …
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos A late entry to the auction so a brief summary noting MUH, MLH & used collection on 19 Hagners in ascending face value order from ½d to …
Sold $5000
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
1/- blue-green, Die II with inverted wmk block of 12 (6x2) from the base of the right pane with part Harrison one-line imprint. A couple of natural…
Sold $3750
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
5/- grey & pale yellow in Harrison "N over MP" imprint block of 4 with "white flaw off NSW coast" variety. MUH/MLH with light tan lines barely noti…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d deep turquoise pair with thick 1 "retouched" variety on left stamp. MVLH verging on MUH with some perf separation on bo…
Sold $4000
Kangaroos: 1931-47 CofA
£1 grey John Ash imprint block of 4 with "Retouched Lower Frames" varieties at positions L60 & R55. MUH/MLH with a couple of very minor light gum …
Sold $5000
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
£1 grey Harrison imprint block of 4 with the second line of the imprint guillotined-off as is often the case. Minute tone spot in the gutter other…
Sold $4200
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915/28 10/- grey & pale aniline pink, 3rd wmk in top right marginal corner block of 4. Light diagonal bend on one unit otherwise fresh & fine MUH.…
Sold $2500
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Zanzibar 1908/09 200r black & orange-brown KGV in bottom left marginal block of 4. Fine MUH & a remarkable block. SG 260g, Cat. £7200 plus premium…
Sold $3200
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
£1 brown & blue. Fresh MUH, centred left. Rich colours. SG 15, ACSC 51A, Cat. $17,500
Sold $2000
Kangaroos: Miscellaneous
Range of decimal issues noting International vals to $20, S/A's, M/S's high vals to $5 & $10 with 100 of each plus other large blocks & multiples. …
Sold $3300
Kangaroos: 1931-47 CofA
£2 grey-black & rose-crimson. Centred a little high with very light patchy staining on reverse but MUH & frontally fresh. SG138, ACSC 58B, Cat. $1…
Sold $1900
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
2½d blue Harrison one-line imprint block of 4 with "Retouch around 'IA' of 'AUSTRALIA'" variety. Very fresh & fine MUH/MLH with variety MUH. A sup…
Sold $2000
Kangaroos: Miscellaneous
Dealers "clearance" range of decimal issues noting M/S's incl some ovptd, S/A's with message tabs, kangaroo & koala reprints, high vals & Int Post …
Sold $2900
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1902 Gold Sovereign Collection with 3 x KEVII sovereigns in fine cond in Downies pres folder with COA. Most attractive.
Sold $2500
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1995-2016 Baby Proof Coin Sets in RAM cases/boxes complete. Light outer box wear on 1997, 1998 & 2000 otherwise fine cond. Total retail $5500+ (22 …
Sold $1250
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1884 "½" surcharge in red on 1d yellow-ochre with the surcharge inverted. Fine used with neat 15-bar "6" of Guildford across the surcharge. Slight…
Sold $2500
Kangaroos: 1915 2nd Watermark
6d ultramarine marginal block of 4 from the lower-right of the left-hand pane with full central gutter. 2 units with minor gum flaws & minute tone …
Sold $2000
Kangaroos: 1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark
10/- grey & pale pink block of 4 with "muzzled kangaroo" variety on top right unit while bottom right displays the "white flaw before "P" of POSTAG…
Sold $2000
Australia: Pre-decimal
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge John Ash imprint strip of 3. Middle unit MLH but other MUH incl selvedge. Fresh & fine. A similar sold in Ace Auctio…
Sold $1500
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua New Guinea
1962 5/- Patrol in left & right marginal block of 20. This was the first Australian printed multicoloured stamp prepared for release in 1962 but wi…
Sold $2000
Commonwealth & Foreign: Miscellaneous
1994-2023 An attractive range with useful later issues noting AC/DC issues, Brock/Bathurst & 2023 "Aussie Big Things" set of 10 plus 2022 Dinosaurs…
Sold $2000
Commonwealth & Foreign: Miscellaneous
1962 5/- Patrol in left & right marginal block of 20. This was the first Australian printed multicoloured stamp prepared for release in 1962 but wi…
Sold $2000
Commonwealth & Foreign: Miscellaneous
Great Britain 1970-1994 comprehensive booklet & Machin collection well written up noting cylinder numbers, multiples, coil strips, phos bar variati…
Sold $2000
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Italy & Colonies Selected sets & others in large black leaved stockbook. Noted 1934 World Cup (Aegean Islands ovptd set of 9 MLH), 1935 Bellini Cen…
Sold $1450
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
2022-2024 Int Post high vals to $4 in pairs, gutter pairs & singles begin this final volume before Aust Dinosaurs, Roses & Peter Brock in S/A bookl…
Sold $1300
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
5d chestnut, plate 1 strip of 3 without monogram. "Upper Frame Damaged above 'S' of "AUSTRALIA" variety. A couple of nibbled perfs at left & MNG bu…
Sold $2300
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
6d pale ultramarine Die IIB block of 10 (5x2). Reasonable centering with a small paper inclusion & a couple of minor gum bends, otherwise fresh MUH…
Sold $1300
Kangaroos: 1931-47 CofA
10/- grey & pink John Ash imprint block of 4 with lower pair MUH. Very slight aged gum but remains attractive with rich colour. ACSC 50Az, Cat. $10…
Kangaroos: Commonwealth & Foreign
Zanzibar 1908/09 40r black & orange-brown Dhow in left marginal block of 4. Fine MUH with stunningly fresh appearance. SG 242, Cat. £3800 plus pre…
Coins and Banknotes: World
France 2005 20€ Bartholdi 17g gold proof in Monnaie de Paris Mint pres case.
Sold $1500
Coins and Banknotes: World
United Kingdom 2001-2002 Golden Jubilee Sovereign pair in wooden pres case with COA No. 40 of only 500 sets. Exc cond.
Sold $1500
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Russia 1858-2002 MUH, MLH & used collection in 17 matching black Lindner Hingeless illustrated albums with slipcases, a huge retail price for the a…
Sold $1600
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos Bulk partly sorted into 10 x 16 page stockbooks with mainly 3rd, Small Mult & CofA wmks noting 2d to 2/- vals. Mixed cond from "roadkill"…
Sold $2100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
2017-2018 & 2019-2020 with first vol containing the Legends of TV in gutters & S/A booklets set of 5 & noting 2017 "Rare Beauties" embellished M/S …
Sold $1500
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Booklets-Prestige 1997-2022 with a high degree of completeness tapering off on the later issues. 2004 AFL, 2005 Zodiac set & 2005 Pacific Explorer …
Sold $1600
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Yearbooks 1981-2023 complete annual collections from Australia Post. 1990 onwards are unopened in excellent cond. 1987 & 2022 are the leather editi…
Sold $1200
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1854 4d blue with "tilted border" variety with Ceremuga Cert. (2015). Superb MNG with rich colour. SG 3i, Cat. £3250
Sold $1500
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
5/- grey & yellow. Fresh MUH, centred slightly low right, otherwise superb. ACSC 42B, Cat. $5000
Sold $400
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
10/- grey & pink with inverted wmk. Fine MLH with good centering & perfs. Fresh colour. SG 43aw, ACSC 48A, Cat $4750
Sold $1100
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red without watermark. Ceremuga Cert (2008) states "Mint with lightly hinged & very fresh original gum. G…
Sold $1100
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d greenish-blue Mullett 2 line imprint block of 4. Top 2 stamps & selvedge MLH with lower pair fine MUH f…
Sold $500
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915/28 £1 grey, 3rd wmk perfined "OS". Slightly toned MUH. ACSC 53b, Cat. $4750

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