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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1902/11 8d apple-green, 9d orange upright wmk, 10d red, 2/- brownish-red yellow, 5/- emerald-green & 10/- deep mauve, V/Cr wmk. All CTO with 4 conc…
Sold $240
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1902 4d chestnut wmk V/Cr, perf.11. F/U. ACSC (2023) page 318 note W39 1 states "The only recorded example without OS puncture is in the Bromfield …
Sold $220
Western Australia: Revenues
1904 1d to £25 bicolour swan Duty Stamp set of 14 (no £50 or £100). Most lower vals to 2/6d with m/s cancels while high vals F/U with oval cance…
Western Australia: Revenues
1911/13 3d x 2, 6d x 4, 2/-, 2/6d x 2, 5/- x 2, 10/- x 2 15/- x 2, £1 x 2, & 30/- x 2 bicolour swan Duty Stamp, large Crown A wmk, perf.11 set of …
Western Australia: Revenues
1914/23 group with 1914 2d blue, perf. 11, 1917/18 1d rose-red, 1917/22 1d, £1 & £5 x 2 in slate-purple & reddish-purple shades perf. 11 plus 192…
Western Australia: Revenues
1922/30 1d red x 5, 2d x 2, 3d x 2, 6d x 2, 1/- x , 2/-, 2/6d x 2, 5/-, 10/-, 15/-, £1, £5 & £10 on new paper with medium sized W Crown A wmk, p…
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1888 (2nd Apr) ½d Post Card tied by Fremantle "F" Dx-1 with printed "AUSTRALIAN NATIVES' ASSOCIATION, FREMANTLE BRANCH NO. 2." on reverse with loc…
Sold $550
Western Australia: Postmarks
"Katanning & Broomhill April 22nd 1913 Train Crash" These 4 photographic postcards depict various aspects of this train crash & the following clean…
Sold $300
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
1d red, Die IIA MUH block of 4, one stamp with small paper adherence on reverse (ACSC 4A, Cat. $600) & 2d slate MUH/MVLH well centred block of 4. (…
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
2½d indigo block of 4 with "White scratch extending from Cape Leeuwin" & "Islands east of Cape York" plate varieties. MLH with good centring. ACSC…
Sold $300
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
3d pale olive-green, Die I with partial "Kiss print" in right frame. MLH & well centred. Note; the "Kiss print" on this stamp is evidenced mainly b…
Sold $300
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
10/- grey & pink. Small blue crayon mark but otherwise fine used with light indistinct cds with no visible date. ACSC 47A, Cat. $1100
Sold $240
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
10/-, £1 & £2 ovptd "Specimen" Type A. MLH with hinge remnants on each, the £2 with pulled top left corner perf reflected in reserve. SG 14s/16s…
Sold $460
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
£1 red-brown & blue handstamped "Specimen", type A. MLH, centred a little to right. Rich colour. SG 15s, ACSC 51Bx, Cat. $1,000
Sold $420
Kangaroos: 1915 2nd Watermark
2d grey (ACSC 6a), 2½d bluish-indigo (ACSC 10B), 6d ultramarine (ACSC 18A) & 9d pale violet (ACSC 26B). Apart from the 2d with a couple of blunt p…
Sold $200
Kangaroos: 1915 2nd Watermark
9d violet. Superb MUH. ACSC 24a, Cat. $1000
Sold $300
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
3d yellow-olive in bottom right marginal left pane block of 4. MLH on one stamp only with excellent centring plus 2 MUH singles. Lower left stamp i…
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
1/- blue-green, Die IIB Mullett imprint pair. MUH item. ACSC 33A(4)ze, Cat. $850 + premium for imprint
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
5/- grey & deep yellow with “Two breaks in N.S.W. coast” variety wmk indicates a damaged dandy roll resulting top right of crown in watermark m…
Sold $240
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
£2 purple-black & rose ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. Fine MUH with fresh colour, centred a little high. ACSC 56Cxb, Cat. $1,250
Sold $200
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 9d pale violet in block of 4. Very slightly toned MUH, centred right. Fresh colour. ACSC 28B, Cat. $1500 plus prem…
Sold $300
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 1/- blue-green, Plate 3 John Ash "N over N" imprint block of 4. Superb MVLH in gutter only with stamps MUH. ACSC C…
Sold $300
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 5/- grey & yellow-orange with "Cut grass to right of tail" constant variety. MVLH, centred left. ACSC 45A(d), Cat.…
Sold $300
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 2/- maroon Die II x 3 MLH pairs with left unit displaying the "cut throat kangaroo" variety (ACSC 40A(1)l, Cat. $260 per pair) plus 4 …
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/16 "a, b, c" vert strips of 3 for 2½d 1st wmk with outer stamps MLH (SG 74), 6d with wmk inverted MLH (SG 78w, Cat. £975+) & 9d violet, 3rd …
Sold $420
Miscellaneous: King George V
1913-14 1d Engraved 1d carmine-red with "kiss print" variety. MLH with Drury Cert. (2019) stating "A rare stamp". ACSC 59Cca, Cat. $1,250
Sold $300
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single watermark 1d deep pink salmon eosin. Used with bold William Street 7 JA 18 cds. A couple of tone spots on reverse, one visible in to…
Sold $380
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single watermark 1½d green with coarse mesh paper & "white flaw left of crown" variety (not listed in ACSC). MUH with good colour, perfs &…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 1½d red right selvedge single with strong "Offset" on the back. MUH, MLH in selvedge only, centred…
Sold $200
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 3d pale blue, Die I type A in upper selvedge A/B/A/B strip of 4. First shows "White spot in front o…
Sold $300
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1d carmine-red left selvedge block of 6 for positions 19-21/ 25-27 with "dot before right 1" variety . Us…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 14 1d green in left selvedge pair with "wattle line 5th state" (ACSC 80B(4)fd) & "notch 5.25 below top left …
Sold $300
Miscellaneous: King George V
KGV NWPI 1926/30 1d KGV (SG 103) in upper plate right pane of 30 stamps showing Die II on stamps 8, 9, 14 & 15 plus recumbent "blunt spear" on 20 &…
Sold $1000
Miscellaneous: Officials
1913 2½d indigo, 1st wmk perfined small "OS". MUH, centred high. Excellent colour & perfs. ACSC 9Abb, Cat. $1,250
Sold $340
Miscellaneous: Officials
1913 4d orange, 1st wmk with right selvedge perfined large "OS". A couple of natural gum bends otherwise fresh MUH, hinged on selvedge only. ACSC 1…
Miscellaneous: Officials
1913 5d chestnut, 1st wmk perfined large "OS". Superb MUH. ACSC 16Aba, Cat. $1000
Sold $300
Miscellaneous: Officials
1929 6d, 9d & 1/- Sm Mult wmk group all perfined small "OS". Couple of split top perfs on 1/-, otherwise very fine. ACSC 22b, Cat. $125, ACSC 28b, …
Miscellaneous: Officials
1931/47 6d chestnut, CofA wmk John Ash imprint block of 4 with the Plate 3 "hairline from val circle to map" variety & ovptd "OS". Fine MUH/MLH wit…
Sold $300
Miscellaneous: Officials
1931/47 6d pale chestnut, CofA wmk, Plate 4 Ash imprint block of 8. Gum toning with stripping on reverse otherwise MUH & well centred with fine per…
Miscellaneous: Officials
1929/30 2/- maroon, SMW & perfined "OS". Fine MUH. ACSC 39Ab, Cat. $1,250
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915/28 5/- grey & pale yellow, 3rd wmk perfined "OS". Superb MVLH & well centred. ACSC 44Db, Cat. $1,250
Sold $300
Miscellaneous: Officials
1929 5/- greyish-black & yellow-orange Sm Mult wmk perfined "OS". MUH. Centred bottom left but right selvedge helps appearance. ACSC 45Bba, Cat. $2250
Miscellaneous: Officials
1926/30 3d dull blue, SMW perf. 13½x12½ marginal block of 4 perfined "OS". MUH, centred right. ACSC 107A/B, Cat. $1300 if A/B which the "OS" perf…
Australia: Pre-decimal
1914 1d deep brown KGV, Die I perf.12½ "North Terrace, Adelaide" illust Lettercard. Private printing for "Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co Ltd". Rat…
Australia: Pre-decimal
1928 Kookaburra Exhibition Miniature Sheets x 6 from different sheet positions. Majority are fresh MLH/MH with odd fault reflected in reserve but r…
Sold $320
Australia: Pre-decimal
1937/48 5/- to £1 Robes on thin paper in corner "By Authority..." imprint blocks of 4 with good centring. One stamp MVLH & in selvedge on £1 valu…
Sold $300
Australia: Pre-decimal
1952/65 2/6d aboriginal with wmk sideways inverted (top of crown facing to the left as seen from behind). Fine used. Similar sold in Ace Auctions S…
Sold $300
Australia: Decimal
1971 20c Aboriginal Art with blue omitted resulting missing shading in background. Incls normal for comparison. Fresh MUH. Sold for $945 incl BP at…
Sold $420
Australia: Decimal
2012 (1st Nov) Remembrance - "Greater love hath no man" PNC with $2 red poppy coloured coin with "C" mintmark & M/S tied by gold Canberra pmk. Mc12…
Sold $260
Australia: Decimal
2024 (8th-10th Mar) Perth Stamp & Coin Show set of 5 PNC's for the "South Perth Uglies", "Xantippe", "May Gibbs - Snugglepot & Cuddlepie" & the Gia…
Sold $420

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