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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Officials
1914/20 2d orange with single wmk inverted in bottom marginal block of 4 perfined "OS". MH in selvedge only, stamps fine MUH. Drury Cert. (2023) AC…
Miscellaneous: Officials
1931 2d carmine-red Kingsford Smith Plate 7 top left corner block of 4 ovptd "OS". Fine & fresh MUH/MLH with Drury Cert. (2023). A useful exhibitio…
States and Territories: Tasmania
1853 1d blue imperf good to fine used on small piece tied by BN "64" & "PAID 7 AP 1855" boxed cancel in reddish brown. RPS London Cert. (1947) An a…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 2d deep full blue in horizontal strip of 3. Close but clear at lower right otherwise generous margins. Fine used by 3 clear strikes of the Mal…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Miscellaneous
1970’s-1990’s Range of MUH issues in sheets & large multiples ranging from 5c to $2.45 vals. Arranged in mint sheet folders noting useful thematics…
Sold $1300
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
2017 $10 Lowe/Fraser bundle of 100 Unc notes in consecutive numbers. Superb cond. Reserved at the Face Value of $1000. R326, Cat. $2000
Sold $1000
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Austria 1945-2021 collection in 3 KA-BE albums & one Lighthouse with slipcase. The 1945-1955 mixed MUH/MLH with odd item having stained perfs while…
Sold $1250
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
South Africa-Cape of Good Hope 1864-1910 "balance of consignment" MLH & used written up on leaves by Barratt-Lennard. The MLH incl 1876/77 "ONE PEN…
Sold $1000
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV Single watermark "Balance of Consignment" collection in quality Lindner album. There remains varieties, shades & a few nice postmarks noting ½…
Sold $1250
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1913-1932 Clean collection on leaves in black springback binder with 1st wmk kangaroos to 1/- used incl 4d shade, set to 1/- MLH incl 4d x 2, 6d x …
Sold $1000
Kangaroos: 1915 2nd Watermark
2½d to 5/- group of 5 with the latter perfectly centred, others only slightly off centre. Fine MLH with vibrant colours. ACSC 10 (Cat. $225), ACSC…
Sold $800
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 10/- grey & pink. Superb MUH. ACSC 49, Cat. $3000
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single watermark ½d blue-green with "cracked electro from left wattle to "U" of Australia" variety . Fine used with neat machine cancel & …
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 3d dull blue type A, A/A, B block of with inverted wmks. Fine MUH. ACSC 107Aa top pair, Cat. $1050 …
Miscellaneous: King George V
1931-36 CofA Wmk 1½d red-brown complete intact sheet of 120. Plate 3 with thick "I" re-entry 3R58, Plate dot block of 4 & John Ash imprint block o…
Sold $700
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915 2/- light brown, 2nd wmk perfined small "OS". Fine MLH, one pulled perf at right. ACSC 36ba, Cat. $5,000
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915 5/- deep grey & chrome perfined small "OS". Strong colour. ACSC 43Bb, Cat. $3,250
Sold $800
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915/28 £1 brown & blue, 3rd wmk perfined "OS" noting "broken coastline right of Spencer's Gulf" variety. Unfortunately there is a small tear at t…
Sold $1200
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1855/59 1/- yellow-green on blue paper, no wmk. Close but clear margins & lightly cancelled with crisp BN "15". Outstanding example of …
Sold $600
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1863 2d perf.13 on no wmk thick soft white paper (Cat. £750), 2d pale blue worn plate imperf on wmk "NZ" (Cat. £350) & 1d carmine-ver…
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1984 18c Christmas complete imperforate plate proof half sheet of 50. Ex the Heraclio Fournier Archival Sales. Fine MUH & rarely offere…
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
South Africa-Cape of Good Hope 1853 1d & 4d on blued paper, latter with right corner a trifle short before slightly blued paper for 1d brick-red & …
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
South Africa-Cape of Good Hope 1863/64 1d in 3 shades, 4d in 4 shades, 6d joined pair & 1/- bright emerald-green. Apart from 1d deep brown-red with…
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1966 50c round x 100 in EF to Unc cond (100)
Sold $1000
Coins and Banknotes: Miscellaneous
Miniature Sheets - Exhibitions 2008-2023 range of different issues incl 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 & 2022 Perth Stamp & Coin Shows. Noted gold & limite…
Sold $1000
Coins and Banknotes: Miscellaneous
FDC’s 1930's to 1960's pre-decimal range from various cover producers in both addressed & unaddressed. Mixed cond in places but noted some Register…
Sold $1300
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Yearbooks 1987-2017 complete annual collections from Australia Post an extras 2 x 2004. Exc cond. Total cost $2700 with a FV of $2260+ (39 vols)
Sold $900
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
£1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type B. MLH with several shortish perfs at base but well centres with fresh colour. ACSC Ax, Cat. $4,500
Sold $720
Miscellaneous: King George V
1931-36 CofA Wmk ½d orange, electro 9 complete intact sheet of 120 with nearly all of the 7 listed varieties in ACSC readily visible. Units L22 & …
Miscellaneous: Officials
1913 2/- brown, 1st wmk perfined small "OS". MUH, a little off centre & one short perf but a scarce stamp with strong colour. ACSC 35Abb, Cat. $5,000
Sold $1250
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915/28 2/- brown, 3rd wmk perfined "OS". Superb MUH example with excellent centring. ACSC 37Aba, Cat. $3,250
Sold $950
Miscellaneous: Officials
1932 2d deep golden scarlet, Die III, SMW, perf. 13½x12½ ovptd "OS". Fine used with a part Corryong cds. Scott Starling Cert. (2018) ACSC 102C(OS…
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Guinea
1915 "G.R.I. 3d." Surcharge on "Manus" registration label in vert left marginal joined pair, the top with "no bracket before Deutsch" variety. Fine…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
China 1967 "Poems of Mao Tse-Ting" set of 14. Fresh MLH with 7 marginal. SG 2372/85, Cat. £3800 as MUH. (14)
Sold $2600
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Italy 1923 Manzoni set of 6. Fine MUH with vg centring. SG 155/60, Cat. £900, Scott # 165/70, Cat. US$960 (6)
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1862 1d vermilion pair & single, orange-vermilion single, 2d shades x 4, 3d, 6d x 4 incl red-brown x2,& 1/- x 3 wmk large star imperf s…
Sold $550
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1862/63 1d orange-vermilion (Cat. £2,750), 6d black-brown with 4 large margins (Cat. £350), 1/- deep green (Cat. £1200) on pelure pa…
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915/28 1/- dull blue-green, 3rd wmk Die IIB perfined "OS" in MUH top left selvedge block of 9. Centred low but remains a striking multiple. ACSC 3…
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1966 50c round x 100 in EF to Unc cond in individual coin protectors similar to above. A rarely seen accumulation in such fine cond. (100)
Sold $1150
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Hong Kong 1938-1997 MUH, MLH & used accum in 2 Hagner albums starting with KGV "SPECIMEN" ovpts MLH to $10 (10 vals to 50¢ plus $3, $5 (2) & $10) …
Sold $800
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Sarawak Superb collection in Hagner album from 1869 3¢ mint plus one thinned & another postally used with an imperf gummed proof believed taken fr…
Sold $800
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Yearbooks 1987-2016 complete annual collections from Australia Post plus 2000 & 2004 Olympic Gold Medallists books with sheetlets of 10. Exc cond. …
Sold $720
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
6d ultramarine in top right corner block of 4. MLH in selvedge only impinging on one stamp. Superb colour. ACSC 17A, Cat. $875 x 3 (MUH) & $325 (ML…
Sold $800
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 2/- maroon redrawn Die (1945) complete sheet in 2 parts separated between the 3rd & 4th vertical columns. Perforation patterns strongl…
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink. MUH, centred high but compensated with top selvedge. Fresh appearance. SG 136, ACSC 50A, Cat. $2750
Miscellaneous: Officials
1913 5/- grey & chrome, 1st wmk perfined large "OS". MLH/MH, with a few "blind" perfs. Well centred with strong fresh colour. ACSC 42Aba, Cat. $3,250
Sold $800
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
South Africa-Cape of Good Hope 1861 4d pale milky blue "woodblock" with wide margins on all sides. SG 14, Cat. £2,750
Miscellaneous: Officials
1929/30 6d pale chestnut, SMW perfined "OS" in large interpaneau block of 50 incl imprint & varieties. Fine CTO by Melbourne 24 MR ?? cds's. Plate …
Sold $780
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV 1d specialised used collection with 1d red smooth paper dry ink x 8 singles & vertical strip of 3, Substitute cliché Die I x 15 examples with …
Sold $850
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1914-1952 MUH/MLH on Hagners with an excellent range of KGV noting 1d reds in 5 shades plus perf "OS", 4d orange shades x 4 plus other Cr/A wmks to…
Sold $950

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