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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV 1d greens sorted & annotated on black stockleaves. All wmks, Dies & Perfs represented incl "OS" perfins & ovpts. Noted "no wmk" MLH (2), MUH (3…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV 1914/20 1d red Die III, single wmk selection of 21 annotated on 2 Lindner pages with 10 MLH & 11 good to fine used incl an inverted wmk good us…
Sold $220
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1966-1988 MUH range in quality KA-BE hingeless album. A few items missing but incls all defins to top val & 1971 Christmas singles plus block of 7 …
Sold $180
Western Australia: Collections
"The Surface Printed Stamps of WA 1872-1912" titled collection in old springback album. Somewhat heavily picked over but still with useful material…
Western Australia: Collections
Commissariat Punctures 1854-1880's range of issues incl imperf 1/- pale brown, 2d vermilion & 6d sage-green before 1861 vals to 1/- with no wmk 1d …
Sold $240
Western Australia: Collections
OHMS Covers 1933-1957 RTS covers from Clerk of Courts at Boulder, Kalgoorlie, Meekatharra & Office of Titles, Perth. Written up for competitive exh…
Sold $270
Western Australia: Collections
Swans 1888-1907 written up on 2 pages incl 4d vermilion SG 40, Cat. £180 mistakenly taken to be SG 105! Also ½d surcharge (SG 111b) in red & gree…
Sold $220
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1854/55 4d blue with 2 broad & 2 close but clear margins. Fine MLH with large part o.g. SG 3a, Cat. £450++
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1854 4d slate-blue with 3mm commissariat puncture. Close to large clear margins with Perth GPO cancel. Useful shade. Ex Barrett-Lennard. SG 3c, Cat…
Sold $270
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1902/11 2/- red on yellow x 21 used examples & an "OS" perfined example MUH. All are fine used a& represent a wide range of shades noting 2 with si…
Sold $320
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1902 £1 orange. MVLH, 1 short perf at right but does not detract from the fresh colour. SG 128a, Cat. £750
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1906 3d red-brown, perf.11, Crown/double lined A wmk sideways reversed. Not listed in Stanley Gibbons. Note 4 page 314 states "Only a few examples …
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1899 (2nd Dec) OHMS envelope with "Public Works Department MEJ " Frank Stamp in blue cancelled by Fremantle Railway Station PO duplex. "TOO LATE" h…
Sold $270
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
9d violet from base of sheet with wmk line & flaw in lower left inner frame & first "N" of Nine unlisted in ACSC. MUH, centred a little low. Lovely…
Sold $240
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
5/- grey & chrome with "white line adjacent to coast in bight" duty plate variety. Fine MLH. ACSC 42A(D)e, Cat. $1750
Sold $290
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark
£2 black & rose handstamped "Specimen". Fine MH, well centred & fresh colour. ACSC 55Ax, Cat. $850
Sold $420
Kangaroos: 1915 2nd Watermark
5/- deep grey & yellow with "Broken tail on kangaroo" variety. F/U & well centred. ACSC var 43A(V)e, Cat. $900
Sold $220
Kangaroos: 1915 2nd Watermark
5/- deep grey & chrome. MVLH with minor perf defect lower left & subsequently repaired. A useful addition at this "Spacefiller" reserve. ACSC 43b, …
Sold $220
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark
6d ultramarine with "Bite out of kangaroo's left leg" variety. Stained perfs & could do with a good soak but fine used with variety clear. A diffic…
Sold $250
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark 10/- grey & pale pink ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. Fine MUH with good centring. (1920 issued) ACSC 49x, Cat. $1,250
Sold $220
Miscellaneous: King George V
1913-14 1d Engraved 1d bright scarlet, Plate 4 imprint block of 12 from the bottom of the sheet with "weak entry right of emu's head" & "spear in e…
Sold $220
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single watermark ½d orange, electro 6 Harrison imprint block of 18. Positions: left 46-48/ 52-54/ 58-60 & right 43-45/ 49-51/ 55-57 with "…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single watermark 1d plum (G71) on rough paper with "rusted top right corner" variety. Noted as a "Rare stamp" on Drury Cert. (2023). Good t…
Sold $160
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 4½d violet, Die II with "Flaw on emu's right leg" unlisted variety. CTO, centred left. A fine stam…
Miscellaneous: Officials
1929/30 2/- maroon, SMW John Ash imprint pair perfined "OS". MLH/MH with good centring. ACSC 39A(2)za, Cat. $1,000
Miscellaneous: Officials
1914/20 1d rose-pink on rough paper perfined "OS". Superb MVLH. Drury Cert. (2023) ACSC 72Hbb, Cat. $800
Sold $180
Miscellaneous: Officials
1926/30 4d olive, SMW perf. 14 perfined "OS". Fresh MUH. ACSC 115b, Cat. $875
Australia: Pre-decimal
1937/49 £1 Robes on thick paper ovptd "SPECIMEN". Sold "as is" but displays all the characteristics of being genuine. Fine MUH & perfectly centred…
Sold $220
Australia: Pre-decimal
1963/64 Navigators set of 6 to £2 King all in bottom left marginal blocks of 4. Stamps fresh MUH, MLH in selvedges only. Well centred noting 10/- …
Sold $260
Australia: Decimal
1973 1¢ Banded Coral Shrimp with yellow omitted. Fine CTO. ACSC 635cb, Cat. $2000 as MUH, unpriced CTO.
Sold $220
Australia: Decimal
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists 45c essay featuring Hayley Lewis "Swimming: 800m freestyle". She ended up not actually participating in these Games. S…
Sold $360
Australia: Decimal
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists 45c essay as above but featuring Caroline Hildreth for "Swimming: 200m breaststroke". She ended up not making the fina…
Sold $360
Australia: Decimal
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists 45c essay as above but featuring Matt Welsh "Swimming: 200m backstroke". In the end he won only bronze so did not end …
Sold $320
Australia: PNC Covers
2023 (24th-26th Mar) Perth Stamp & Coin Show set of 4 PNC's as above but all numbered "292" of only 300. (4)
Sold $220
States and Territories: New South Wales
1850 1d gooseberry-red Sydney View "with clouds" on hard greyish paper. 4 clear margins, tight at right. Lightly used by obliterator leaving all de…
Sold $220
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua
1905 2/6d black & brown, line perf, horiz wmk fine used by complete upright Port Moresby 12 OC 06 cds. SG 8, Cat. £550
Sold $220
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Guinea
1935 £5 emerald-green Bulolo Goldfields Airmail. Fine used. SG 205, Cat. £750
Sold $220
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Guinea
1939 ½d to £1 Bulolo Goldfields Airmails set of 14. MLH, a few lower vals with even gum toning & 4d with grease stain. SG 212/25, Cat. £1100 for…
Sold $180
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1867/83 5/- pale rose, plate 2 good to fine used by neat diamond barred obliterator at left. Lettered BA. Fine colour. SG 127, Cat. £1,500
Sold $220
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
China 1967 "Our Great Teacher" set & "18th Anniversary" pair. All MLH marginal examples. SG 2367/69 & 2370/71, Cat. £960 as MUH (5)
Sold $625
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Fiji 1875 "2d." in black on "Six Cents" on 3d green. Part o.g. with odd stained perf. Ceremuga Cert. (2004) noting "previously signed Stanley Gibbo…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1862/64 2d blue pair, 3d single (pulled perf at base) & 4 shades of 6d wmk large star perf.13 written up on page describing their use b…
Australia: Decimal
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists 45c essay featuring Hayley Lewis "Swimming: 800m freestyle". She ended up not actually participating in these Games. S…
Sold $300
Australia: Decimal
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists 45c essay as above but featuring Caroline Hildreth for "Swimming: 200m breaststroke". She ended up not making the fina…
Sold $300
Australia: Decimal
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists 45c essay as above but featuring Matt Welsh "Swimming: 200m backstroke". In the end he won only bronze so did not end …
Sold $300
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
1925 Penny with "broken N" variety. aVF Retails $450
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
2006 & 2007 "Discover Australia" 1oz silver tinted colour proof sets of 5 in Perth Mint wood cases with COA's for each coin plus single 2007 $1 Por…
Sold $400
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
2009 $15 Kangaroo Dreaming 2.5g gold rectangular coin in Perth Mint sleeve. Exc cond. Retails $350
Sold $400
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
2010 "Year of the Tiger" Lunar Series II Silver Coin set of 4 1oz silver typeset in Perth Mint box. Retails at $500+
Sold $240
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
2010 "Year of the Tiger" Lunar Series II Silver Coin set of 4 1oz silver as above.
Sold $220

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