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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 1½d pink, SMW perf. 13½x12½ perfined "OS". Fine MUH with Drury Cert. (2023). ACSC 92Cbc
Sold $230
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 4½d violet. Very slightly toned MUH block of 4, centred right. ACSC 120A, Cat. $900
Miscellaneous: King George V
1931-36 CofA Wmk 5d orange-brown with "Eight wattles at left" variety in pairs x 5 MUH plus 3 MLH also in pairs MLH & a single. All with the left s…
Miscellaneous: Officials
1913 ½d to 2/- kangaroos incl 1d Die I & II plus 4d in 2 shades, 1st wmk all perfined large "OS". Apart from a pulled perf on 2/-, this is a good …
Sold $160
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915/28 3d olive, 3rd wmk, Die I block of 4 perfined "OS". 2 units with thins from a hasty hinge removal with slightly toned MUH/MLH gum. Remains a…
Miscellaneous: Officials
1913 4d orange-yellow, 1st wmk perfined large "OS". Fine used, centred a little right. Drury Cert. (2023). ACSC 15Eba + premium for rare shade
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915 6d ultramarine, 2nd wmk perfined small "OS". Fine MVLH, centred slightly right. ACSC 18Aba, Cat. $850
Sold $180
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915 1/- green, 2nd wmk perfined small "OS". MH with 3 hinge remainders but 75% o.g., centred left. A useful "budget" example. ACSC 31Aba, Cat. $2,250
Sold $160
Miscellaneous: Officials
1929/30 1/- blue-green, SMW block of 4 perfined "OS". Superb MUH & well centred. Ex Arthur Gray. Superb. ACSC 34Ab, Cat. $130++
Sold $200
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915 5/- deep grey & chrome, 2nd wmk perfined "OS". Fine used by "Late Fee Rly" cds. Well centred. ACSC 43Bb, Cat. $700
Miscellaneous: Officials
1929 3d blue Die II, SMW, perf. 13½x12½ perfined "OS" in left marginal block of 10 (5x2). MUH & as close to perfect as you can find! ACSC 108b, C…
Miscellaneous: Officials
1918/23 4d olive-yellow, single wmk, perf. 14 block of 4 perfined "OS". MUH, centred top left. ACSC 114Cba, Cat. $900
Miscellaneous: Officials
1926/30 4d greenish-olive, SMW perf. 14 perfined "OS". MUH, centred to left. ACSC 115b, Cat. $875
Miscellaneous: Officials
1914/20 5d bright chestnut SLP on rough paper perfined "OS" with "damaged NE corner state 2" variety. Superb fine used with Drury Cert. (2023). ACS…
Australia: Pre-decimal
1933 (5th Dec) "Parcels Post Form P.P. 1 with centrally applied 9d violet, CofA wmk kangaroo & 6d kookaburra tied by neat Northam cds's.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1938/41 2d scarlet KGVI coil pair. Fine MUH. ACSC 188Bl, Cat. $750
Sold $130
Australia: Pre-decimal
1949/50 Arms set in "By Authority…" imprint corner blocks of 4. The £2 has black album page adhesion affecting 1 stamp and part selvedge otherwi…
Sold $240
Australia: Decimal
1966 7c purple QEII sheet of 100 with intense dr blade flaw running vertically affecting 5 units, 2 with the Queens face defaced by the effect. Att…
Sold $200
Australia: Decimal
1988 Bicentenary Leather boxed set of 25 gold stamp reproduction ingots. Struck in solid silver & 24 carat gold plated, this collection cost $2465 …
Sold $200
Australia: Decimal
2000 45c Olympic Gold Medallist, "Simon Fairweather" digitally printed complete A4 rouletted but not separated sheet of 20 with grossly misplaced v…
Sold $180
Australia: Decimal
2012 Olympic Gold Medallists set of 7 in sheetlets of 10 x 6 sets. Fine MUH. FV $48. SG 3820/26. Retail $145 per set ($870) & FV $250+ (42 sheetlets)
Sold $180
Australia: Booklets
2003 Special Occasions Prestige set with "White tape" & "Black tape" for all occasions except "Celebrations" & "Birthdays" plus "RAFLATAC" inverted…
Sold $200
Australia: PNC Covers
2011 (2nd Nov) Remembrance Day 11.11.11 with $5 red coloured Poppy coin & matching 60c tied by Canberra pictorial pmk. No. 03189. Exc cond. Similar…
Sold $220
Australia: PNC Covers
2013 (10th-15th May) Kangaroo & Map 50c coin with matching $10 commem set of 6 all with coloured metallic foil pmks & individually numbered. Exc co…
Sold $1200
Australia: PNC Covers
2023 (24th-26th Mar) Perth Stamp & Coin Show set of 4 PNC's incl Socceroos & Kristina Krystic Gold Medallist both with coloured $2 coins and the la…
States and Territories: Queensland
1907/11 1d QV with Crown/A wmk in horiz strip of 4 with selvedge at left totally imperforate. Some natural gum bends otherwise fine MLH with rich c…
Sold $260
States and Territories: Tasmania
1914 (19th Sept) "Military Camp" rubber cds impression on 1d KGV in violet. Based on this date & its origin, it is thought to be from the recently …
States and Territories: Victoria
1867/81 5/- blue & carmine, perf. 13. MVLH. SG 140a, Cat. £850
Sold $280
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua
1932 Pictorials to £1 MLH, the 10/- MUH with others varying from MVLH to small remnants but £1 is MVLH. Incls extra ½d orange (not the buff shad…
Sold $200
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Guinea
1935 £2 bright violet Bulolo Goldfields. Marginal MUH. SG 204, Cat. £350 plus premium for MUH
Sold $160
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 2d blue Mulready envelope. Fine & fresh mint unused cond. Superb! SG ME4, Cat. £450
Sold $200
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Aden 1937 10r olive-green Dhow. Fine MLH. SG 12, Cat. £750
Sold $200
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
China 1967 "Talks on Literature & Art" 25th Anniv. MLH slight hint of toning on "Supporters". SG 2359/61, Cat. £975 (3)
Sold $260
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
China 1979 2y Peonies M/S ovptd in gold for the China Stamp Exhib in Hong Kong. Fine MUH. MS 2923, Cat. £300
Sold $200
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
France 1937 PEXID M/S. MUH with light bend close to top left of top selvedge, otherwise fine & fresh. Cat. £600 + premium
Sold $160
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Italy 1944 Italian Social Republic ovpts on Parcel Post. Set of 12 in se-tenant MLH pairs. SG P77/88, Cat £950
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Morocco Agencies 1914/26 Spanish Currency ovpts on Seahorses with Waterlow 6p on 5/- in 2 shades (SG 136/37), DLR 3p on 2/6d (SG 139) & 12p on 10/-…
Sold $200
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
New Zealand 1857/63 2d pale blue, blue & deep dull blue in 2 shades imperfs, no wmk. Margins clear to touching but much above average with neat BN …
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Samoa 2006 50th Anniv of First Europa Stamps set of 4 in sheetlets of 4 plus the accompanying M/S's x 100 of ea. Fine MUH. FV WST$8800 (A$4830). SG…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Samoa 2006 50th Anniv of First Europa Stamps M/S's x 500. Fresh MUH. FV WST$8800 (A$4830). SG MS1172, Cat. £4750 (500)
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign
Solomon Is. 1991 65¢ Health Campaign - "Less Healthier Food" top right corner block of 6 complete with "1D" plate letters & traffic lights printed…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Solomon Islands 2012-2018 range of 200 different M/S's with a varied cross section of thematic subjects. All fine MUH. Total FV is SBD $7400 (A$123…
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Miscellaneous
2024 (8th-10th Mar) Perth Stamp & Coin Show set of 4 PNC's for the "South Perth Uglies", "Xantippe", "May Gibbs - Snugglepot & Cuddlepie" & the Gia…
Sold $200
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Miscellaneous
Huge carton of World & Australia stamps & covers incl various stockbooks, bags of loose stamps, Hagners of Aust with some MUH plus used selections …
Sold $300
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
2002, 2004, 2005 & 2006 Six Coin Proof sets in RAM boxes commem Year of the Outback, Australia's Coins, Peace & 40 Years of Decimal Currency. All i…
Sold $180
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
2015 Fine Silver Proof Year Set in RAM case/box. Ex cond. Retails at $550
Sold $240
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
2016 "Fifty Years of Decimal Currency" Proof & Unc sets if RAM boxes. Exc cond. Total retail $500+ (2 items)
Sold $180
Coins and Banknotes: Australia
KGV, KGVI & QEII Halfpenny coins in bulk weighing 5.7kgs
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Aden & States 1937-1966 MUH/MLH on Hagners missing RSW & later omnibus issues. Value in 1939/48 to 10r MLH, 1951 surcharges MUH, 1953/63 to both 20…
Sold $180
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Bechuanaland 1884/97 "BRITISH BECHUANALAND" ovpts on CGH incl 1886 3d claret MLH, wmk anchor ½d, 1d, 2d & 6d used plus most later types to 2d plus…
Sold $180

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