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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
China, Japan, Korea, Manchukuo & France in old stockbook. Some better post-war Japan & possible pickings in China SYS ovpts of 1945/47 & 1930/60 de…
Sold $200
Croatia 2016 Yearpack with 29 issues all MUH. SG STC £88
Cyprus 1937-1951 various issues MLH incl 1938/51 defins & commem sets (excl RSW). Mainly fine with total cat. exceeding £260. (28)
Sold $60
Cyprus, Gibraltar & Fiji MUH, MLH & used with duplication starting with Cyprus noting a few used QV to 6pi olive grey, KEVII to 2pi, KGV heads to 2…
Sold $390
Denmark 1904-1963 Christmas seals mounted in booklet with all issues plus leaves with 1904-1979 complete MLH or used & sometimes both, 1963 sheet o…
Sold $85
Egypt 1860-1976 noting 1866 5pa & 20pa unused but damaged, 10p MUH (Cat. £275) with wmk inverted plus upright (probably forgery?) & used 5pa, 10pa…
Sold $470
Egypt 1879-1980 collection mixed MUH/MLH & used on Hagners missing items cat. over £10 but incls useful Post Day sets & 10 M/S's. Also some USA 18…
Sold $130
Egypt Largely MUH/MVLH & used with duplication in quality "as new" Lighthouse 16 page stockbook. A few 1930's "Congress" sets of 3 & Farouk Airmail…
Sold $65
Falkland Is 1964-1983 range of MUH sets incl 1968 Flowers before jumping to the 2005 Postage Dues (Cat. £35). All MUH neatly arranged on Hagners. …
Sold $100
Falkland Is-South Georgia 1971-1979 complete MUH on Hagners incl both surcharge types & 1971/72 ovpt of ½p, 1d, 1½p & 50p plus 1977 change of wmk…
Sold $90
Faroe Is 1975-2004 MUH on stockpages with 1975-1988 & 1995-1999 complete. Solid range of other sets from 1989-1994 incl M/S's plus a useful range o…
Fiji 1974-1995 range of MUH issues in quality Lighthouse stockbook. 1977 onwards all in MUH pairs incl defs to $5. Total FV $420+ with a high retai…
Sold $160
Fiji KGV range on Hagner with Die I to 2/6d (11) & Die II to 5/- (20). All MLH with odd gum disturbance. Incls ½d War Tax in 2 shades & 1d in 3 al…
Sold $180
Finland 1885-1985 mostly good to fine used in Davo standard album. Missing all major items but pickings for gap filling. (500+, 2 booklets & cover)
Sold $65
French Polynesia 1958-1997 in quality Lindner album. Appears complete incl M/S's, PD's & Officials plus a few extras incl couple of the imperforate…
Sold $1200
Germany 1872-1949 MUH/MLH & used general collection with pickings incl 1926 & 1935 costumes used & later Third Reich. Not much cat. over £10 & mix…
Sold $170
Germany 1970-2000 Deutshe Post Office First Day cards/sheets in 13 vols all neatly boxed. High original cost. (approx. 1000)
Sold $360
Germany-West Berlin 1948-1090 in Lighthouse Hingeless album with 1948 black "BERLIN" ovpts MLH (MUH to 84pf) plus some used incl 15pf. 1949/54 buil…
Sold $640
Germany (c1100) & Austria (c200) used stamps filling large stockbook. A few common pre-war but main value in 1970-2000 pictorials. Generally fine b…
Sold $40
Ghana, Gibraltar, Gilbert & Ellice MLH on leaves in medium Rapkin springback. Ghana 1963 to 1967 incl M/S's, Gibraltar 1960/62 to £1 with later co…
Sold $55
Great Britain 1813 entire with boxed "Addl ½" in black & Oc 27 1813 double ring cds. Vg cond. Also 1952/67 Wildings range used incl wmk sideways p…
Sold $50
Great Britain 1840-1974 MLH & used in SG "One Country" album noting 1840 1d black (4 margins), 2d blue (3½ margins, but thinned), 1841 1d & 2d imp…
Sold $320
Great Britain 1841-1935 used in stockbook with couple of 1d red imperfs, 1858/73 1d red plates with 85 different, surface prints to 1/- incl 9d str…
Sold $170
Great Britain 1855-1900 QV surface printed used range to 5/- in mixed cond on 4 Hagners with "flags" noting year & SG number. Incls 1862/4 SG 82 4d…
Sold $140
Great Britain 1887-1983 MUH/MLH collection in Schaubek hingeless album with QV 1887 set only (hingeing varies with stain on 1/- green), KEVII to 1/…
Sold $700
Great Britain KGV/VI defins to 1/- heavily dupl used in small stockbook & manila stock leaves plus a few QV 1887/92 & 1881 1d lilacs heavily dupl i…
Sold $25
Great Britain 1935-1970 used in SG Windsor album mostly with neat cds's & incl £1 RSW & both 1939/48 KGVI 10/-. Gaps in early 1960's with about 70…
Sold $65
Great Britain 1937-1958 MLH neatly mounted up collection incl 1937/47 set of 15, 1951 Festival high vals, 1953 Coronation, 1952/54 Tudor Crown set …
Sold $120
Great Britain 1953-1988 MUH/MLH commems on leaves in Senator binder. Missing 1/3d Coronation & a few later in this simplified collection which is w…
Sold $50
Great Britain 1968-2004 in 3 large quality Lindner stockbooks with black leaves. Set out with flags showing cat. number & selling price. Largely co…
Sold $90
Great Britain 1979-1999 Benham silk covers in their commem album incl 1990 "Gibbons Stamp Monthly 75th Anniversary" & "125th Anniversary Stanley Gi…
Sold $150
Great Britain Range of Overprints on GB issues with duplicated range of MUH/MLH & used MEF (5/- & 10/- used x 2 ea., 2/6d several MLH), PD's mint &…
Sold $190
Great Britain Various varieties on Hagners noting 1937 1½d Coronation "colon flaw" MLH (SG 461a, Cat. £70), 1962 3d NPY positional block showing …
Sold $100
Great Britain-Lundy Island Attractive collection on Filey Philatelic Publishing leaves noting 1929/30 defins, 1938 ½p rouletted air stamp with "Lu…
Sold $80
Honduras-British KGVI with 1938/47 defins MLH (Cat. £190 with some vals incl $5 MUH). Also some British Guiana incl 1940 PD's on ordinary paper ML…
Sold $50
Iceland 1878-1995 mixed MUH/MLH & used in quality stockbook. Starts with 24 Posthorns 3a to 20a incl 6a x 3, odd 1902/11 types incl 1907 Officials …
Sold $150
Iceland 1925-1956 range on Hagner incl 1925 Views MLH (tanned gum from stockbook storage), 1930 Millenary to 40a & Airmail all with Official ovpts,…
India 1854-1931 on old "Imperial" pages. STC £1250 but usual mixed cond with reasonable 1854 imperfs (4a cut to shape), 1855/64 4a green & 20 othe…
Sold $220
India 1980-1987 & sporadic 1988-2000 on Hagners. Mainly good to fine used with a few MUH in 1990's period. Useful range of sets & odds on leaves. (…
Sold $30
India on Hagners noting 1874 9pi & 1876 6a blocks of 4, pair of 8a (SG 98) all MLH & 1895 2R, 3R F/U plus a few QV "CEF" to 8a mint, 1929 Airs MUH,…
Sold $210
India QV-KGVI used on leaves with shades & blocks. Noted KGV 1911/22 to 25R & 1926/33 to 15R. Also some Officials & Revenues. Odd pickings with car…
Sold $100
India & States 1830-1977 postal history selection well written up well however very mixed cond. Incls 1859 & 1863 registered letter receipts & othe…
Sold $100
India & States QV covers & cancels noting the first meter cancellations of Independent India, train cancels, early symbols & cancellations on stamp…
Sold $85
India & States QV to 1980's in chronological order with some items "flagged" with cat. no's & vals. A sheet folder with large blocks of KGV low val…
Sold $150
Iran Used range in stockbook with light duplication plus the usual swag of reprints. Also Bushire 1915 (Aug) 5ch & 1k "as is" (Cat. £535) with Pos…
Sold $60
Ireland 1922-1973 in 2 SG "One Country" albums noting 1922 1st ovpts set of 8 used (4d & 10d MLH) plus ovpt in red on 2½d (MLH), 4d & 9d used, typ…
Sold $190
Israel 1948-1970 range on Hagners MUH, MLH & used from 1948 New Year with tabs, 1949 MLH & 1950 without tabs, 1951 set & most later with tabs. Vari…
Sold $55
Israel 1948-1981 mainly used in standard Minkus album. Starts with 16.5.1948 Naharuya Local Council M/S MUH & CTO (Bale Cat. US$65), then 1948 coin…
Sold $150
Japan MUH/MLH in 2 stockbooks from a few useful 1950's incl 1955 Philatelic Week x 2 MUH & 1959 flowers set of 10 through to a strong 1960's to 198…
Sold $150
Malayan States 1957-1963 high vals MUH comprising Johore $5 block of 4 & single, $2 block of 4, Negri Sembilan $2 block of 4, $5 single (SG 79a) & …
Sold $320


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