Auction Lots
Auction No. 23 - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All
Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Commonwealth & Foreign | |||
Austria 1931 Austrian Writers set of 6. Fresh & fine MLH. SG 677/77, Cat. £140 (6) $40 Archived | |||
Austria 1932 Views (excl 40g blue) to 64g. Fresh MLH. SG 678/85 & 687/91, Cat. £240 (13) $60 Archived | |||
Austria 1933 50g ultramarine WIPA on ordinary paper. Fresh MUH SG 703 Cat. £200 $90 Sold $90 | |||
Austria 1933 Relief of Vienna set of 6. Fine MUH. SG 706/11 Cat. £250 $100 Sold $100 | |||
Austria 1934/36 2s Costume defin in both colours. MLH. SG 734/35, Cat. £80 (2) $20 Archived | |||
Austria 1935 Airs set of 15 to 10s. Fine MLH. SG 763/77, Cat. £120 $30 Sold $30 | |||
Austria 1956 Schubert imperf die proof essay in grey on card signed by artist G. Wimmer showing profile of Franz Schubert. A rare item & an exhibit… $100 Archived | |||
Austria 1956 as above but showing the profile of Mozart & in olive, blue, black & claret die proofs also on cards each signed by G. Wimmer. Minor s… $300 Archived | |||
Barbados 1905 ¼d, ½d, 2½d & 6d Badge MCA vals. MLH/MH. SG 135, 136, 139 & 141, Cat. £100 (4) $30 Archived | |||
Barbados 1909/10 Seal of Colony set to 1/-. 6d has slight gum ageing otherwise fine MLH. SG 163/69, Cat. £90 $25 Sold $22 | |||
Basutoland 1961 25¢ on 2/6d with types I, II & III MUH. SG 66/66b, Cat. £80 $25 Sold $30 | |||
Basutoland 1961/63 1r QEII Mohair with bottom selvedge. Fine MUH. SG 79, Cat. £55 $20 Sold $25 | |||
Bechuanaland 1938 KGVI set to 10/- in marginal MUH blocks of 4. Cat. £440 as basic shades (11 blocks) $150 Sold $260 | |||
Belgium 1849/50 40¢ Medallions with wmk "LL" in frame. Good used with 3 clear margins, just touching on fourth. SG 5, Cat. £750 $100 Archived | |||
Belgium 1865 1f Leopold I, perf. 14. Fine used example with strong colour. SG 25, Cat. £160 $40 Archived | |||
Belgium 1866 Small Lion's with 1¢ perf. 15, 2¢ perf. 14½x14 & 5¢ tied to small piece all fine used. SG 41, 43 & 45, Cat. £280 (3) $50 Archived | |||
Belgium 1911 " CHARLEROI 1911" Exhib ovpts with tabs. All fine used & attractive. SG 125/32, Cat. £95 $25 Archived | |||
Belgium 1915/22 5f Franken. Centered slightly left, MLH. SG 193, Cat. £600 $120 Archived | |||
Belgium 1918 Red Cross Fund surcharges to 2f + 2f. MUH/MLH with 2¢ + 2¢ to 25¢ + 25¢ unused. SG 222/33, Cat. £320 (12) $80 Archived | |||
Belgium 1919/20 Albert I set of 14 to 10f. 2f & 10f have hinge thins & 5f has pinhole. MLH with reasonable centering. SG 237/50, Cat. £1000 $150 Archived | |||
Belgium 1921/25 50¢ indigo King Albert sheetlet of 25. This was a trial printing sold at the 1921 Brussels Philatelic Exhib. CTO with Exhib cds in… $50 Archived | |||
Belgium 1921/25 5f red-brown sheetlet of 4. This was a special printing sold only at the 1924 Brussels Philatelic Exhibition CTO with Exhib cds in … $80 Archived | |||
Belgium 1922/27 5f & 10f King Albert defin. Fine MUH. SG 372/73, Cat. £175 for MLH $80 Archived | |||
Belgium 1949 Social & Cultural Funds M/S's. SG MS1260 has few light finger marks on gum & SG MS1261 has minor crease otherwise fine MUH. Cat. £500… $100 Archived | |||
Belgium 1954 Political Prisoners Monument Fund. Fresh MLH. SG 1531/33, Cat. £140 as MUH $30 Archived | |||
Belgium 2012 Titanic 3D issue in special presentation pack complete with 3D glasses design around port-holes. 3D Image has lifeboat leaving sinking… $20 Archived | |||
Bermuda 1874 "THREE PENCE" on 1/- green QV with type 6a ovpt. Used with minor blemishes & a couple of shortish perfs. Both Friedl (1977) & BPA (199… $250 Archived | |||
Bermuda 1938/53 12/6d grey & yellow KGVI on ordinary paper. Superb used with crisp cds & rich colour. BPA Cert (1963) for the then listed SG 120b… $300 Archived | |||
Bermuda 1942 5/-bronze green & carmine red/pale yellow KGVI on ordinary paper & perf. 14. Fresh MLH. SG 118c, Cat. £325 as MUH $80 Sold $80 | |||
Bermuda 1970 Flowers set of 17 original vals from 1c to $2.40 in corner Plate Nº blocks of 4. Fine MUH. SG Nos between 249-265. Cat. £70++ (68) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Biafra 1968 "SOVEREIGN BIAFRA" ovptd set of 13 to £1 on Nigeria defins. Fine MUH. A scarce set. SG 4/16 Cat. £210 (13) $60 Sold $100 | |||
British Guiana 1888/89 $4 green with "Inland Revenue 4 Dollars" in black. Fine used with good colour. A rare stamp. SG 188a (larger figure "4"), Ca… $500 Archived | |||
British Guiana 1954/63 $2 Dredging Gold in both Waterlow & DLR printings. Both fine MUH. SG 344 & 344a, Cat. £110 $40 Sold $50 | |||
British Guiana 1954/63 $5 QEII DLR printing. Fresh MUH. SG 345a, Cat. £55 $20 Sold $20 | |||
British Solomon Islands 1914/23 KGV defins with MCA wmk set to £1 (excl SG 31). MH with moderate to heavy hinge remnants, the ½d, 2d & 5d with st… $100 Sold $100 | |||
British Solomon Islands 1956/63 QEII defin set to £1 excl ½d, 2½d & 5d low vals but extra 9d, 1/-, 1/3d, 2/- & 2/6d. All fresh MUH. SG 83/96 Cat… $30 Sold $50 | |||
British Virgin Islands 1879/80 1d green QV. Fresh MLH. SG 24, Cat. £75 $35 Sold $35 | |||
Canada 1908-1948 MUH/MLH group incl 1908 1¢ MUH (Cat. £32+), 1927 12¢ & 20¢, 1935 50¢, 1937/38 13¢ (small tear), 20¢ & 6¢ Air & 1942 14¢ t… $75 Archived | |||
Canada 1926 "2 CENTS" on 3c carmine in MUH/MLH block of 4. Fresh colour with good centering. SG 264. Cat. £200+ $30 Sold $30 | |||
Canada 2000 Millennium Collection with 68 specially minted stamp sheets incorporated in actual book. Only available in this format. Limited to 200,… $20 Sold $20 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1919 1c to 36c Caribou set with shades of 2c, 3c & 4c. Fine MLH. SG 130/41 & 131a-33a, Cat £230 (15) $150 Archived | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1920 Surcharges set comprising "TWO CENTS" on 30c, "THREE CENTS" on 15c in both types A & B settings & "THREE CENTS" on 35c. A… $180 Sold $180 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1923/24 1c to 24c Pictorials set of 14 by De La Rue. Usual mixed centering, MLH. SG 149/62, Cat. £180 $120 Sold $120 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1928/29 1c to 30c Publicity set of 15 in De La Rue printing. Fine MLH. SG 164/78, Cat. £140 $80 Archived | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1931 15c to $1 Air sets with & without watermarks. Fresh MLH. SG 192/97, Cat. £195 $140 Archived | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1932 1c to 30c Definitives set of 12. Fine MLH with 25c & 30c MVLH. SG 209/20, Cat. £80 $40 Archived | |||
Ceylon 1857/59 1d blue (thinned), 2d yellow green (2 margins), 6d purple brown x 2 but one faded with close margins & 1/- pale violet (thinned) plu… $40 Archived | |||
China 1950 Foundation of PRC set of 4. Original printing unused without gum as issued. Exc cond. SG 1432/35, Cat. £425 $200 Sold $240 | |||
China 1978 Galloping Horses set of 10 plus M/S. All fine MUH. SG 2771/80 & MS 2781, Cat. £765 $350 Sold $420 | |||
China 1978 3y "Flying Fairies" M/S. Fine MUH. SG 2815, Cat. £500 $250 Sold $280 | |||
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