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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Australia: Decimal | |||
1973 7c Agate in positional strip of 10 with colour bars imperforate at right between stamp & margin. Minor toning on top perfs of imperf unit & no… $800 Sold $800 | |||
1976 18c Nationhood Die II with misplaced gold resulting in double star & shield. MUH. ACSC 733ca Cat. $75 $40 Sold $40 | |||
1977 18c Silver Jubilee imperforate marginal pair. MUH. ACSC 765a, Cat $200 $75 Archived | |||
1977 18¢ Silver Jubilee imperforate pair. ACSC states "one sheet (300?) existed imperforate from first (Sydney) printing, which is believed to hav… $80 Archived | |||
1977 18c Silver Jubilee with superb offset variety of the blue and black. A popular error. MUH. ACSC 765c, Cat. $250 $150 Archived | |||
1977 18c Parliament House marginal block of 10 (2x5) from top of sheet with yellow largely omitted on 7th unit & partially omitted from 8th, 9th… $1000 Sold $1000 | |||
1978 18c Harry Hawker marginal block of 4 with dramatic perforation shift left & down resulting in "AUSTRALIA" appearing at the bottom of each stam… $100 Sold $150 | |||
1978 18c Kingsford Smith imperforate Plate Proofs on gummed paper comprising [1] cyan plate with magenta background & [2] magenta & cyan plates… $200 Archived | |||
1978 18c Ulm in marginal block of 4 with massively misplaced vertical perforations. Fresh MUH. A new discovery & unlisted in ACSC. $100 Sold $100 | |||
1978 Aviators M/S with "orange & pale yellow omitted" error. MUH. Spectacular & rarely offered. ACSC 794cb, Cat. $10,000 $3000 Withdrawn | |||
1981 85c Eastwood Epping Third Annual Bourse booklet containing 22c Aust day x 3. Pfeffer & Crum UB13-81a Cat. $95 $40 Sold $70 | |||
1982 60c Humpback Whale trial printing with solid blue-green background with normal for comparison. MUH ACSC 930E(1), SG 841a Cat. £250 $180 Archived | |||
1985-1989 Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix illust commem cover with 2 stamps & 3 "5000" Framas postmarked each year of the event in Adelaide. Most u… $20 Sold $20 | |||
1986 (11th April) Halley's Comet 24 carat gold on bronze Medallion FDC pmkd at Parkes, NSW. One of the earliest & rarely seen medal covers complete… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1986 33c Australia Day complete unfolded MUH sheet of 100 with shift of black resulting in strong blue outline to Aboriginal drawing. The gutter "t… $80 Sold $160 | |||
1986 America's Cup Victory Photographic Proofs/Essays incl Progressive Proofs in 33c then a range of unadopted designs. A lovely "Boat/ship" themat… $100 Sold $90 | |||
1986 Year of Peace gutter strip with "State Visit but Chaim Herzog President of the State of Israel 1986" inscribed in silver in 3 MUH gutter pairs… $30 Sold $40 | |||
1987 37c Wildlife se-tenant lower corner block of 10 totally imperforate at base between stamps & margin. Fresh MUH. ACSC 1218b, Cat. $4,000 in 200… $1600 Archived | |||
1988 First Fleet re-enactment set of voyage covers. all signed by the "Captain" or "Master in Charge" plus an additional set unsigned. The Portsmou… $25 Archived | |||
1990's Australia Post logo printed strip of MUH paper as used in their parcel calculator machines with the mauve imprint. A rarely seen item. Measu… $20 Sold $35 | |||
1991 Across Town Perth labels in vertical strips of 5 accompanied by copy of the "Terms & Conditions Valid until 31 December 1993. Interesting & no… $20 Sold $25 | |||
1992 $2.25 "Threatened Species" sheetlet of 5 with the "punch-hole at base" variety. ACSC 1567b, Cat $200 $75 Archived | |||
1993 "Threatened Species" Counter Printed Stamps joined strip of 6 all with "$1.00" value & NPC1 imprint. A scarce rate as the standard issue was 4… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1995 $2 Endeavour booklet with "CONGRESS 2000" ovpt in blue & numbered "90" inside. Pfeffer & Crum B181 (5b) Cat. $180 $30 Sold $120 | |||
1995 $2.25 Koalas & Kangaroos sheetlet of 5 with the "punch-hole at base" variety. ACSC 1752b, Cat $150 $60 Archived | |||
1995 45c Koala Joint China M/S's x 2 with "The Koala Preservation Society of N.S.W. Inc. PO Box 236 Port Macquarie 2444 Thanks for your Support" ov… $30 Sold $95 | |||
1997 $2.25 Wetlands birds S/A sheetlet of 5 totally imperforate. Some corner wear & marks suggesting printers waste. Unlisted in ACSC. SG 1687b var. $150 Archived | |||
1997 Creatures of the Night S/A imperforate pair with "SNP CAMBEC" imprint on reverse. Unlisted in ACSC. Fine MUH cond. $75 Archived | |||
1999 Maritime Heritage folder with $20 polymer note numbered "MARITIME HERITAGE 1082" & similarly numbered World Stamp Expo sheetlet of 10 addition… $40 Sold $40 | |||
1999 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia. It contains 28 proofs struck from the original dies in black. Includes the 1d… $75 Sold $110 | |||
2000 Victoria Cross set of 5 plus commem gutter strip & FDC with "For Valour Australians & the Victoria Cross" book produced by Aust Post for the i… $25 Archived | |||
2000 Sydney Olympic Games Prestige Stamp Album produced by AP with stamps incl Int Post issues, covers & maxicards covering all Olympic issues x 2.… $30 Archived | |||
2000 Sydney Olympic Games Coin Collection. 28 x $5 uncirculated coins each depicting a different sport in pres packs & album. Beautifully presented… $120 Sold $120 | |||
2001 "Wild Babies" pairs of M/S's ovptd "The ANDA Coin, Note & Stamp Show 19-21 October 2001 Melbourne Exhibition Centre" in gold x 4 sets. MUH (8 … $30 Sold $20 | |||
2001 Federation & "Wild Babies" pairs of M/S's ovptd "2001 Centennial Stampshow 26 27 28 October" in silver with small flag logo. Each numbered "20… $30 Sold $50 | |||
2001 $1.80 "Lord Howe Island Courier Post" cancelled label on cover addressed to NSW with 45c Aust Greetings stamp cancelled with pictorial Lord Ho… $20 Sold $25 | |||
2001 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia "Federation". It contains 30 proofs struck from the original dies in blue/blui… $75 Sold $95 | |||
2002 (6th Feb) QEII Accession Golden Jubilee PNC 50c Coin First Day Cover. Exc cond. Retails $320+ $90 Sold $90 | |||
2002 $1 Bilby imperforate block of 4 with left hand selvedge showing 2 koala reprint logos. A scarce modern error. MUH SG 2201 $400 Sold $400 | |||
2003 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia "Royalty". It contains 32 proofs struck from the original dies in rose-red. In… $75 Sold $95 | |||
2004 Railways Prestige Booklet ovptd "2004 S.A.P.C. Salisbury Congress" in gold. Exc cond. Pfeffer & Crum PB38(1) Cat. $220 $65 Sold $65 | |||
2004 (16th-30th August) Olympic Gold Medallists complete set of 15 FDC sets of 17 pmkd at Sydney, Newcastle, Chatswood, Hobart, Adelaide, Canberra,… $100 Sold $200 | |||
2005 Parrots, 2006 Queen's 80th Birthday & 2007 Botanic Gardens sheetlets from the respective AP Yearbook x 10 of each. MUH with a retail at $50 ea… $150 Archived | |||
2006 50c Commonwealth Games Stamp Ingots set of three in gold plate, 17.9 g silver & bronze in presentation wallet. No. 0464 of limited edition of … $20 Archived | |||
2006 50c Dale Begg-Smith Winter Olympics Gold Medallists sheetlets of 10 x 2 ovptd " Celebrating the 3rd Campbelltown Fishers Ghost Stamp Fair 12th… $20 Sold $45 | |||
2006 Pacific Explorer Snapshot Generic Prestige Booklet issued by AP with the rarer first pane being the $1.80 Int Post. Exc cond. Pfeffer & Crum P… $40 Sold $40 | |||
2007 Architecture/Landmarks Imperforate Miniature Sheets both MUH x 5, two with printers imprints. Retail $50 ea. (5) $40 Archived | |||
2008 Beijing Olympic Games AP collection with the Gold Medallists sheets of 10 plus the digitally printed pairs with Chinese characters. Also has t… $70 Archived | |||
2008 "Golden Heros" Olympic black folder with gold stamp medallions for the set of 3 plus the 50c London Bus design. Also the "Medallists" sheetlet… $60 Sold $55 | |||
2008 Behind The Stamp Prestige Booklets Issues 1, 2 & 3. Contain pre-decimal & decimal reprints in perf & imperf formats. Increasingly scarce. Reta… $75 Sold $75 | |||
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