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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single Watermark 1921 ½d lilac-brown Plate Proof Perforated 14 on single watermark ungummed paper. A great rarity & the most important it…
Sold $17500
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth KGVI MLH & used in SG KGVI printed album with interleaving. Simplified collection as printed album hence no provision for shad…
Sold $4400
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1879 1d bistre & 6d lilac Telegraph Stamps, perf. 14 on watermark Crown CC paper in MLH blocks of 4. Ceremuga Cert. (2015) Scarce in blocks with on…
Sold $4000
Western Australia: Revenues
Part 1: 4 pages incl Emergency Tax 10/-, £1 x 3 & £5 x 27 incl a block of 6 (unique), 2 strips of 3, 6 pairs & 3 singles. Hospital Fund incls £1…
Sold $5000
Western Australia: Revenues
Part 5: 5 pages with Emergency Tax consisting a 10/-, £1 x 8 with 1 pair & 6 singles & £5 x 36 incl 2 strips of 4, 7 pairs & 14 singles. The Hosp…
Sold $4500
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd Watermark 5/- deep grey & yellow with "Doubly printed frame plate" variety resulting in the second impression of the frame appearing 8mm b…
Australia: Pre-decimal
1934 Macarthur set of 3 with the 2d being "light hills" all in complete MUH sheets of 80. Minor marginal separations. Otherwise fine & very rarely …
Western Australia: Revenues
Part 2: 4 pages with stamps for Emergency Tax with a 10/-, £1 x 7 with 2 pairs & 3 singles & £5 x 14 in a block of 8 (unique), a strip of 4 & 2 s…
Sold $3300
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st Watermark £2 black & rose. Fine MLH with lovely colour. ACSC 55A, Cat. $12,500 (see front cover)
Sold $6200
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915 2nd Watermark 2/- light brown. Centred slightly to left, MUH. SG 29, ACSC 36A, Cat. $8500 (see front cover)
Australia: Decimal
1978 Aviators M/S with "orange & pale yellow omitted" error. MUH. Spectacular & rarely offered. ACSC 794cb, Cat. $10,000
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/28 3rd Watermark £2 purple black & rose. A superb MLH example, difficult to find better. SG 45, ACSC 56C, Cat. $6000 (see front cover)
Sold $3250
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1929/30 Small Multiple Watermark £2 grey & rose crimson. MLH & well centred with rich colour. ACSC 57A,Cat. $7000, SG 114 (see front cover)
Sold $2950
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1840 1d black, MLH with large part original gum. Cut down left side, hence just touching otherwise 3 huge margins. Lettered "LA". A reasonably fres…
Sold $3300
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine on pink single wmk paper. This plate proof is also perfined "OS". MUH, centered right. A similar item sold for …
Sold $2200
Western Australia: Revenues
Part 3: 5 pages with Emergency Tax 10/- x 5 singles, £1 x 39 incl a strip of 6 (unique), a strip of 5 x 4, 2 pairs & 9 singles & £5 with 10 singl…
Sold $2000
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st Watermark 5/- grey & yellow with wmk frame showing above the map. Superb well centred & fresh MUH. SG 13, ACSC 42B, Cat. $5000 (see front …
Sold $2400
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st Watermark £1 red brown & blue. MLH. String fresh colour. ACSC 51B, Cat. $4500 (see front cover)
Sold $2000
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1913 1st Watermark £2 black & deep rose. Used with blurred Sydney Registered cds. Centred high but good perfs & colour. A nice genuine usage examp…
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA Watermark £2 grey-black & rose-crimson. MLH with rich fresh colour & good centering. ACSC 58B, Cat. $4500, SG 138 (see front cover)
Sold $3150
Australia: Decimal
2016 $1 50th Anniv of Decimal Currency stamp with the actual $1.00 banknote featured on the stamp numbered "AAU792806" plus the QEII £1 banknote &…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1913-1965 MUH/MLH in Seven Seas Hingeless Album noting kangaroos 1st wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 5/- (excl 1/-), small mult to 2/- & ditto CofA with bot…
Sold $1600
Western Australia: Revenues
1909 1d red & black, perf. 11 strip of five vertically imperforate with selvedge at both sides. One unit MLH & a light crease straight down between…
Sold $1350
Western Australia: Revenues
1922/30 1d red perf. 14½x13½ block of 20 with four rows of five stamps from the top of the sheet with double perforations. The second perforating…
Australia: Pre-decimal
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge John Ash imprint strip of 3. MLH on 2 outer units with the central stamp MUH. Slightly aged gum but frontally stunni…
Sold $1200
Australia: Decimal
1987 37c Wildlife se-tenant lower corner block of 10 totally imperforate at base between stamps & margin. Fresh MUH. ACSC 1218b, Cat. $4,000 in 200…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Switzerland 1845-1970 in Lighthouse standard album. The few Carvalho are clear & probable forgeries & are not counted in collection estimate. Defin…
Sold $1500
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
USA 1950-2010 huge accumulation of full & part sheets & sheetlets incl some modern S/A's all in quantity for a range of issues incl better such as …
Sold $1500
Western Australia: Revenues
1905 1/- red ovptd "Specimen" on "Commemoration of the First Impressed Duty Stamps into the State of Western Australia" presentation card. Listed b…
Sold $1050
Western Australia: Revenues
Part 4: 4 pages incl Emergency Tax with a 10/-, £1 x 5 incl a pair & 3 singles & £5 with 9 examples in 3 pairs & 3 singles. Hospital Fund consist…
Sold $2300
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1915/28 3rd Watermark £1 chestnut & blue from Cooke printing noting small white flaw in left frame just below "A" of Australia & not listed in ACS…
Sold $1550
Australia: Decimal
1972 7c Christmas with "brown-red (Australia 7c) omitted" variety. Fine MUH & a scarce error. SG 530a Cat. £2750 (see front cover)
States and Territories: Queensland
Queen Victoria "Impressed Duty" selection of 55 different to £500 (no 9d, 2/6d, 6/- or £12-£15 range). All MLH with large part original gum with…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1860 1½d rosy mauve which was prepared for use on blued paper but not issued. MLH, centred low. Good perforations & an ideal example of the shade …
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1983 15½p Salmon vertical imperforate pair with bottom selvedge. MUH with some light wear/creasing from the usual "pocket" transportation from the…
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
French Polynesia 1958-1997 in quality Lindner album. Appears complete incl M/S's, PD's & Officials plus a few extras incl couple of the imperforate…
Sold $1200
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1878 Telegraph Stamp Master Die Proof without value in black on highly surfaced card (92x61mm) & handstamped "Dec 21, 1878 BEFORE HARDENING". Rare …
Australia: Decimal
1973 1c Coral Shrimp strip of 4 with "Yellow omitted" on the 4th unit & largely omitted on adjoining unit. Fine MUH. A rarely seen error. ACSC …
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British West Indies Retired old-timer dealers accum/stock of MUH/MLH/MH & used in 6 old stockbooks of varying sizes. Largest volume with Barbados i…
Sold $1000
Western Australia: Revenues
1947/48 The Hospital Benefits Fund of WA contribution book in very good cond with 40 x 6d green The Metropolitan Hospitals Benefit Fund Receipt Sta…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine rose dry ink perfined "OS" positional plate block of 4 from pane V with 10 & 11/16 & 17. 1x MUH, 3x MLH. ACSC 7…
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d crimson, pane 8 with JBC monogram. MLH, centred right with "fluffy" perfs. A scarce stamp. Drury Cert. (2018). ACSC 71N…
Australia: Decimal
1977 18c Parliament House marginal block of 10 (2x5) from top of sheet with yellow largely omitted on 7th unit & partially omitted from 8th, 9th…
Sold $1000
Commonwealth & Foreign: NWPI
NWPI 1918 £1 chocolate & milky blue kangaroo, 3rd wmk with "N.W.P.I." type C ovpt. "Break in right frame 10mm from top" variety. Fine used with li…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1884 £1 brown lilac, three Imperial Crowns wmk with bold London duplex cancel. One pulled perf at base otherwise a sound example, well centered wi…
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1924 1d & 1½d British Empire Exhibition Wembley pair in complete MUH sheets of 50. Small bit of selvedge removed from adhesion top right of 1d she…
Sold $900
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1884 £1 brown lilac, three Imperial Crowns wmk good to fine used with indistinct Registered oval cancel. A couple of slightly short perfs but not …
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Netherlands 1852-1971 MLH/used in "Collecta" printed album. Very little missing with complete sets incl 1852 imperfs, 1864, 1867/71 & 1869/91 to 2g…
Sold $900
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1966-2008 range of MUH issues incl reprints, commem gutters, CPS's, S/A's incl reprint logos on backing papers & the advertising label strips, CTO …
Sold $900
Miscellaneous: King George V
1914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet G17 block of 16 for 27-30/ 33-36/ 39-42/ 45-48 with varieties 4.34 & 35 state/= pre-rusted clichés, 4.40 thin …
Sold $900

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