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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth Range on 2 Hagners with mainly MLH incl Br. Honduras 1953 to $5, New Guinea 1925 "OS" ovptd Huts set of 9 (Cat. £85), Mauriti…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth Retired dealers selection on 33 Hagners with items PTSA $700+. Mostly 1930's-1990's with Jersey, Guernsey, Bahamas, Newfoundla…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth SG KGVI album tragically damaged by water but fortunately a used collection, so salvageable. Many stamps have understandably c…
Sold $550
British Commonwealth 1937-1982 MUH/MLH/used in SG New Age loose leaf album starting with Great Britain, before "A-C" countries. Comprehensive omnib…
Sold $400
British Commonwealth SG KGVI album which has suffered the same fate as above but was the "MLH Collection" originally! Majority are substantially st…
Sold $750
British Commonwealth SG King George VI album (boxed) containing useful used noting defin sets incl Antigua to 10/-, Australia Arms to £2, Barbados…
Sold $200
British Commonwealth Stanley Gibbons New Ideal "British Empire" album to 1936 incl Cape of Good Hope 1d & 4d triangulars, GB 1d reds (13) & 6d QV o…
Sold $400
British Commonwealth Various countries noting Kenya 1963 to 20/- MUH plus a few used & 1966/71 animals to 20/- MUH, KUT KGVI simplified MLH to £1 …
Sold $160
British Commonwealth Various in Hagner album noting Montserrat 1951 to $4.80 MUH (Cat. £75), Morocco Agencies (Tangier) 1950/51 to 10/- MUH/MLH, Q…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth Various MUH/MLH on Hagners in binder noting Botswana ovpts on Bechuanaland to 2r MUH & 20 commem sets to 1979, Burma 1937 1r &…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth King George VI red SG album with MLH & used collection. Some removed but noted Bahamas £1 RSW used, ditto Barbados 5/- & 1938…
Sold $500
Channel Islands & IOM 1993-1996 FDC's, the majority with typed S/A address labels in FDC album. Incls defins to £5 plus "One Crown" PNC's x 3 diff…
Sold $48
Europe & Colonies Majority pre-1950 in thick binder. Untidy with some duplication but items cat. £1+ (excl seriously faulty) total £2800 alone & …
Sold $190
Latin America Argentina 1873-1975 incl 1928 72¢-3p50 Airs used, 1935 Philatelic Exhib M/S MLH (faults), 1945/46 5p-20p MLH (Cat. £131, brownish g…
Latin America Untidy collection in binder with most countries represented. Noted middle period Mexico fresh MUH (some MLH) incl multiples, Uruguay …
Sold $100
Middle East Forces Overprints on GB comprising MEF 5d (14mm & 13½mm ovpts), other 13½mm ovpts incl set to 10/- MUH/MLH plus PD's MLH, BMA "Eritre…
Sold $360
Postcards World sorted by subject with most dated 1900-1930's. Incls numerous general postcards plus some birthday cards & individual people postca…
Sold $180
Thematics Air & Space Colourful range with Romania incl several M/S's from restricted printings MUH (not listed in SG) & Russia noting 1931 1r. Nor…
Sold $100
World Retired dealer lot on 900+ stockcards/part cards in long boxes. Mostly in alphabetical order, the foreign with useful France, Germany, Icelan…
Sold $290
World 1991-1993 Exhibition covers incl some Australia relating to 1991 Qld Stamp Show, Stampex '91, Dubbo Stamp & Coin Fair plus 1992 International…
Sold $25
World Album with UN complete excl 1955 & 1960 M/S's to 1966 WFUNA fine MLH (Cat. £120+), page of India Azadhind issues perf & imperf MLH, Italy in…
Sold $170
World FDC's in box noting Montserrat 1990's (11 sets + M/S) & Cook Is 1993/94 $3, $5, $7 & $10 on 3 FDC's plus various other 1990's covers from Kir…
Sold $100
World Mixed range noting Aust 1980-2003 CTO & MUH M/S's (32), QEII odds from Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland & Japan plus New Year Lottery M/S'…
Sold $60
World 1856-1949 covers & postcards individually priced & PTSA $450+. Incls Nigeria (2), Zieher card No.48 (South Aust) posted to WA from Czechoslov…
Sold $50
World Retired dealer lots comprising UNO New York & Geneva issues to 1976 MUH (Cat. £50+), USA 1976 Declaration of Independence M/S set of 4 MUH, …
Sold $50
World 1928 Triumph album (worn cond) with a basic selection plus an accompanying SG KGVI Imperial printed album (good cond) with some useful Britis…
Sold $290
World Range of FDC's with United Nations, BIOT, Zambia, Cayman Is & Tokelau FDCs before a GB selection with majority from 1993 incl Regionals on ma…
Sold $60
World 1940's-1980's FDC's in Cumberland FDC album noting a few Zimbabwe 1980's & Seychelles 1962 defins (15) to R10,plus several KGVI/early QEII Ma…
Sold $48
World Sparsely filled old "Triumph" & "Imperial" albums with some better in the latter noting USA 10¢ Washington imperf, ditto with 12¢ black wit…
Sold $160
World Random group on 35 Hagners starting with WA forgeries, Sierra Leone, other British Commonwealth, German States before Turkey WWI, German Stat…
Sold $180
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos "The Philatelic Album" binder with leaves annotated noting 1st wmk to 5/- good to fine used, 2nd wmk to 2/- & a rugged 5/- "OS" perfin be…
Sold $480
Kangaroos Used selection on Hagners with 1st wmk perfined large "OS" to 2/- (excl 9d) & small "OS" to 3d plus 5d, 1/- & 2/- before 2nd wmk 2d & 2/-…
Sold $180
Kangaroos 1915/28 Range of 3rd wmk varieties on stockcard. Good to fine used & "flagged" with ACSC numbers & cat. figures totalling $1250 plus a 3d…
Sold $160
Kangaroos Small "old time" springback album sorted by wmk & face value. Some annotation on pages & some in pencil on reverse of stamps. Noted inver…
Sold $500
Kangaroos 1915/28 Selection of 3rd wmk varieties noting 1/- (5), 2/- brown (5), claret (6) & 5/- singles "flagged" with the relevant ACSC numbers &…
Sold $160
Kangaroos 32 page Lighthouse stockbook with ½d to 10/- vals arranged in ACSC catalogue order. Incls shades, "OS" perfins, some inverted wmks & oth…
Sold $825
Kangaroos Range on Hagner with 1st wmk to 6d incl 2½d indigo MLH, centred right, 2nd wmk 5/- grey & yellow good to F/U, 3rd wmk 2d MLH & 2½d MUH/…
Sold $160
Kangaroos (44) & KGV (152) with latter incl "OS" set, 1/4d CofA x 2 & 4d yellow plus common WA, PD's & small "Revenue Duty" odds on Hagners. Odd pe…
Sold $110
Kangaroo & KGV Remnant range in catalogue order in black leaved quality VST stockbook. Noted CofA 5/- x 14 before various KGV 1d red Die II incl ro…
Sold $270
Kangaroos & KGV Accumulation in envelopes in neat wooden box with Kangaroos in 4 envs, KGV in approx. 50 envs & KGVI in approx. 40 envs plus Postag…
Sold $360
Kangaroos & KGV Mainly used on Hagners with no "flags" so potentially unchecked for varieties? 1200+ KGV with approx. 100 kangaroos. Mix of machine…
Sold $160
Kangaroos & KGV on DIY pages with pencil annotations identifying "varieties" with most correct though some questionable? A few ½d with 1d violet x…
Sold $150
Kangaroos & KGV Accumulation in envs with vals from ½d to 2/- in former & 5d in latter with all sorted by wmk. A quick glance reveal some fine use…
Sold $170
Kangaroos & KGV used in mixed cond with heavily dupl in low val kangaroos & KGV. Noted 5/- & 10/- kangaroos CofA wmk (average), 1/- & 2/- Sm Mult p…
Sold $150
Kangaroos & KGV Used range in Simplex album written up with scope for inverted wmks, varieties & shades. Noted 1st wmk 1d varieties/retouches (16) …
Sold $250
Kangaroos & KGV Biscuit tin noting Kangaroos to 2/- & KGV to 1/4d. The majority appear to be KGV ½d to 3d vals. Mixed cond but noted many F/U exam…
Sold $130
Kangaroos 1st wmk ½d green, 1d red Die I, Die II x 2, Die IIa & 2½d indigo, all MUH/MLH & 3rd wmk 2d grey perfined "OS" in damaged block of 4, 2…
Sold $100
Kangaroos Mostly 1st & 3rd wmks perfined "OS" x 50 with 17 MUH/MLH/MNG, the remainder used noting ½d to 5/- vals incl SMW with "short Spencer's Gu…
Sold $240
KGV ½d green & 1½d brown LMW in 3 different shades in MUH/MVLH blocks of 4. Reasonable centring. Total cat. $400+ (4 blocks)
Sold $50
KGV ½d green LMW fine MUH/MLH annotated study on album pages incl singles, pairs, 5 blocks of 4 & a block of 6. Example with watermark inverted & …
Sold $240

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