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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Fiji Assorted range on Hagner noting 1871 Cakoban 1d mint, 1872 2¢ on 1d used (Cat. £65), 6¢ on 3d used (Cat. £85), KGV to 4d MLH, 5d & 6d used…
Sold $60
France 1849-1938 with some dupl. Noted 1849/52 15¢ Ceres used with a couple of small thins (Cat. £1300), 40¢ used (thinned) & 1f used (faults) p…
Sold $480
France Small stockbook with better fine used noting 1943 National Relief Fund, 1957 ditto, 1949 Stamp Cent strip MLH, 1920 3f mauve & red MLH (Cat.…
Sold $70
France Yvert-Tellier album & loose leaves, with pre-1920 in mixed cond but later generally F/U with many highlights noting 1929 20f Pont du Gard ty…
Sold $160
France 1968-1987 Very fine to F/U in catalogue order noting PhilexFrance '82 & 1986 Cinema M/S's plus a wide range of Charities & Pictorials incl s…
France 2005-2006 commem illust Souvenir Philatelic Folders containing "Deluxe" sheetlets. Various themes present. All fine & different with MUH con…
Sold $30
French Southern Antarctic Terr. 1980 & 1982-mid 1986 Defin & commem sets complete. Fresh & fine MUH. SG 138/48 & 167/218, Total cat. £250+ (63)
Sold $80
French Southern Antarctic Terr. 1990, 1991, 1993 & 1994 year sets complete MUH bar a couple in 1994. Fine MUH & a most attractive range. SG 259/84 …
Sold $180
French Southern Antarctic Terr. 1996-1999 (Research bases) Defin & commem sets almost complete for each year. Fresh MUH with many useful thematics.…
Sold $250
Gambia 1938-1981 & Ghana 1958-1959 with former to £1 MLH incl 1963 to £1 & ovpts to £1 MUH plus commems from 1961. Ghana is extensive with dupl …
Sold $110
Germany 1871-1980's MLH & used in thick Devon album with plenty of pickings incl 1872 ½g orange-vermilion & orange-yellow good used (Cat. £145) b…
Sold $170
Germany 1904 cover to NZ with 5pf Germania & handstamped "Vianeapel" in violet plus Hagners of German States, Bavaria & Wurttemberg in mixed cond b…
Sold $110
Germany Mostly used in peg fitting album noting Berlin 1949 UPU set MLH (Cat. £1000 as MUH), Bell "clapper to right" 30pf used (Cat. £65) & 1953 …
Sold $180
German Colonies Ranges of all Colonies with some modest duplication. Noted PO's in China 1898 3pf 48 degree ovpts MLH, perf fault at top (SG 1a, Ca…
Sold $625
Germany-DDR 1949-1990 in 3 Davo hingeless albums. Extensive but cond to 1960's is rather mixed with mint varying from MNG or with paper adhesions t…
Sold $240
Gibraltar 1937-1997 MUH, MLH & used on Hagners noting KGVI defins to £1 incl most perfs MLH or used, some both. No RSW or later omnibus types but …
Sold $260
Gibraltar 1986-1997 MUH c80% complete in illustrated SAFE "Dual" album. All fine. (205 +23 M/S's)
Sold $100
Gibraltar & Singapore 1992-1997 FDC's with 44 of the former & 51 for the latter. Many with typed address labels to 1995 then all unaddressed. Noted…
Sold $65
Great Britain 1840 1d blacks x 50 good to fine used selection from vendors "investment" portfolio. Incls intense blacks x 6, blacks x 42 & a grey-b…
Great Britain 1840-1993 range attractively presented in an "as new" SG Senator album (incls some blank pages) & SG Simplex both in original boxes. …
Sold $320
Great Britain 1841-1983 with sparse QV used but noted embossed with touching to clear margins good used & later Jubilee vals to 1/-MLH (1/- green u…
Sold $200
Great Britain 1864-1879 1d red plate 171 used arranged on leaves. Mounted in letter order rows from A to T with cond ranging from poor to fine. Com…
Sold $60
Great Britain 1902-1951 MLH/used oddments in Hagner binder noting KEVII incl 16 vals to 1/- MLH plus c50 to 2/6d in very mixed cond before KGV with…
Sold $40
Great Britain 1925-2008 MUH/MLH/MNG range in Lighthouse stock book starting with 1924 1d Wembley & 2/6d KGVI plus 10d & 1/- KGVI defins all MUH wit…
Sold $30
Great Britain 1937-1970 in Devon album with MUH, MLH & used. Noted KGVI wmk varieties & 5 booklet panes, RSW £1 MUH & F/U & 1951 Festival high val…
Sold $400
Great Britain 1952-1984 MUH/MLH range of QEII on Hagners in binder. Useful Wildings with Tudor & St Edwards Crown incl wmks, latter plus set to 1/6…
Sold $60
Great Britain 1953-1988 Aged SG Senator album with MLH pre-decimal commems before MUH decimals with a FV £88 (A$170) plus a stockpage with a few e…
Great Britain 1970-1999 Machins & PD's MUH & used in bulging "Devon" album. Starts with average range of single MUH & used before 250+ booklet pane…
Sold $160
Great Britain 1971-1995 commems with MUH & used, sometimes both plus booklet panes incl "1st" Gold QEII pane of 10 (3) & Prestige booklet panes (c2…
Great Britain 1994-2002 FDC collection in matching Royal Mail albums noting 1996 £2 Football Legends & 1997 £5 Royal Wedding PNC's plus all the M…
Sold $70
Great Britain 1997-2007 "Smilers" sheets incl 2000 "Stamp Show" x 4 (SG LS1) with light duplication of others up to 2 of each (24) plus 1997-2005 c…
Sold $150
Great Britain Davo "GB" branded stockbook in "as new" cond with MUH/MLH odds & sets with minor pickings incl 1935 Silver Jubilee, KGVI to 1/- & Wil…
Sold $35
Great Britain Fiscals starting with embossed cutouts in scarlet from 1880's to 1950's noting vals to £9 (116 singles, 9 multiples on pieces, 2 to …
Sold $150
Great Britain QV used range on Hagners incl 1840 1d blacks x 4, 2 of which have 3 margins, one has 2 margins & the other none. A couple with bold b…
Sold $180
Great Britain QV to QEII used on leaves & Vario sheets in binder with most items "flagged" with cat. details. Incls 1d red plate numbers from 74 to…
Sold $120
Great Britain QV-QEII Revenues mounted on leaves in binder. An impressive lot with strength in impressed duty types plus "Contract Note", "Estate D…
Great Britain Decimal Machins incl Regionals to 1995 on Hagners in matching binder with vals to 50p plus a good range of 97 commem sets from 1984 B…
Sold $90
Great Britain Prestige Booklets 1994-2002 small selection incl 1994 Northern Ireland, 1995 Nat Trust, 1997 BBC, 1998 "Breaking Barriers", 1999 Worl…
Sold $100
Greece 1870's-1880's Hermes head imperf used accum consisting 10l (69), 20l blue (68) & 20l rosine (98). Noted various shades. Cond varies but incl…
Sold $70
Greece 1938-1962 range with some MUH/used but mostly fine MLH noting 1946 Restoration of Monarchy surcharges, 1954 2400d to 20000d Ancient Greek Ar…
Sold $120
Grenada 1937/51 ½d, 1d, 1½d & 2d perf. changes on black leaves F/U plus neatly cancelled CTO 1½d blue green, 1d deep sepia & 2d bright orange bl…
Hong Kong 1938-1997 MUH, MLH & used accum in 2 Hagner albums starting with KGV "SPECIMEN" ovpts MLH to $10 (10 vals to 50¢ plus $3, $5 (2) & $10) …
Sold $800
Hong Kong 1970's-2000 MUH stamps & M/S's with duplication on Hagner & Vario sheets in box with covers with blocks, packs, booklets & Framas again w…
Sold $150
Hong Kong Duplicated lot mainly used in catalogue order with annotations in Lindner stockbook. Duplication is heavy in late QEII defins noting bird…
Sold $150
Hong Kong FDC collection in binder starting with 1966 Churchill Reg'd to England, then 1993-1998 range addressed on S/A labels to 1995 with later u…
Sold $140
India QV/KGV range of Revenues mounted on leaves. Strength in QV with Foreign Bill etc. Should be viewed to appreciate the "Stamp Office" range of …
Sold $230
India 1986-1998 Range with majority MUH. Some used but not incl in reserve with main value in over 700 diff commems. Fine lot on 36 DS Hagners.
Sold $160
India Majority used & common to 1930's with vals to 5r. Odd better later noting 1949 15r used, 1955 Five Year Plan to 10r MLH (Cat. £100), 1957 to…
Sold $120
Ireland 1922-1974 MLH & used in SG stockbook. Arranged in cat order flagged with SG & Scott Cat. Numbers for each. Good range of ovpts on GB to 1/-…
Sold $90
Israel Collection to 1965 well written up in 4 albums starting with German PO's in Turkish Empire 1900 1pi on 20pf & 2½pi on 50pf each tied to pie…

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