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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Aden & States 1937-1966 MUH/MLH on Hagners missing RSW & later omnibus issues. Value in 1939/48 to 10r MLH, 1951 surcharges MUH, 1953/63 to both 20…
Sold $180
Antigua 1937-1980 MUH/MLH on Hagners with KGVI defins to £1 MLH incl shades to 2/6d, 1953/62 to $4.80 noting latter MUH with others MLH to $2.40 i…
Sold $95
Ascension 1937-1997 MUH, MLH &used collection on Hagner pages in matching binder missing only 1948 RSW & odd later omnibus issues otherwise complet…
Sold $550
Ascension & St Helena 1993-1998 FDC collection in SG Malvern cover album. Most to 1995 with typed S/A address labels, the later all unaddressed. No…
Sold $50
Austria 1945-2021 collection in 3 KA-BE albums & one Lighthouse with slipcase. The 1945-1955 mixed MUH/MLH with odd item having stained perfs while…
Sold $1250
Austria Useful earlier range incl stray Lombardy & Venetia 1864 15s used, pulled perf at top (Cat. £200) & 1919/21 20k, perf. 11½ MLH but faults …
Sold $340
Bahamas 1937-1981 MUH/MLH on Hagners with 1938/52 to £1 incl shades of most vals incl 5/- x 4, but not the expensive ones!, £1 x 2 MUH/MLH, 1942 …
Sold $500
Bahrain 1942-1966 on Hagners comprising 1942/45 set of 13 MUH (Cat. £160), 1948/49 to 10r on 10/- MUH (Cat. £100), 1948 Olympics MLH, 1950/55 to …
Sold $200
Bangladesh 1971-1996 MUH & MLH with the majority the latter. Arranged on Hagners in matching binder. Approx 70% complete for period. Not often seen…
Sold $50
Barbados 1937-1981 MUH/MLH on Hagners in binder with a few used sets 1960's-1970's too. Noted 1938/47 to 5/- MUH/MLH incl shades & perfs, 1950 to $…
Sold $120
Basutoland & Bechuanaland 1937 to 1965 MUH/MLH on Hagners, the former with KGVI to 10/- marginal MUH (tinge of toning on 10/-) before 1954/58 to 10…
Sold $150
Bechuanaland 1884/97 "BRITISH BECHUANALAND" ovpts on CGH incl 1886 3d claret MLH, wmk anchor ½d, 1d, 2d & 6d used plus most later types to 2d plus…
Sold $180
Belgium Railway Stamps on leaves, in bag & Lighthouse stockbook. Nothing scarce but 100's of different stations represented on clear rectangular ca…
Sold $85
Belgium & Netherlands Both incl Colonies with largely used in overfilled Schaubek binder. Some useful odds & part sets in the £10 or £20 cat. val…
Sold $260
Belgian Congo Postcards b&w selection with 17 different unused noting Belgian Occ. of German East Africa ovpts on 10¢ "Palm Trees" orange-brown. T…
Sold $50
Bermuda 1937-1981 MUH & MLH range on Hagner pages in matching binder noting KGVI dupl to 1/- incl shades, 1953/62 to £1 incl 10/- x 2, 1962 to £1…
Sold $140
Bhutan & Nepal Used on leaves in Erriner binder, the Bhutan 1962 to 1990 with 91 postally used, mainly part sets while the Nepal ranges from 1907 t…
Sold $80
British Antarctic Territory Range of covers in SG Malvern album plus some AAT from 1992-2010 with some signed or special event commem covers incl p…
Sold $160
British Antarctic Territory 1963-1995 MUH/MLH range on Hagners with first QEII set incl both £1 MLH while surcharges are MUH. 1971 Treaty set MLH …
Sold $150
British Honduras 1937-1969 plus a few later Belize on Hagners. Majority MLH noting 1938/47 set to $5, 1953/62 to $5 incl shades & perfs to 10¢ & 1…
Sold $180
British Indian Ocean Territory 1968-1996 MUH on Hagners with ovpts on Seychelles to 10r, Marine Life defins to 10r (SG 16/30, excl 17), 1975 Birds …
Sold $150
British Virgin Islands 1937-1981 neatly arranged on Hagners with majority defin sets incl 1938/47 to £1 MUH (Cat. £75), 1952 to $4.80 MUH (Cat. …
Sold $170
British West Indies Range of "Saints" MUH & MLH with odd used in Hagner album. 1937 to early 1970's (missing RSW & UPU sets). St Kitts incls KGVI d…
Sold $340
Brunei 1906-1994 MUH & MLH range on Hagners starting with ovpts on Labuan (7 vals to 10¢ MLH), 1909 to 50¢, 1908/22 to $5, 1922 Exhibition (7, he…
Sold $400
Canada QV to 1973 patchy range on 47 double sided Hagners with sparse pre-1940 before a duplicated range of later with QEII MUH & used. (100s)
Sold $50
Canada 1990's MUH on 21 "as new" DS Hagners with vals to $8 plus various strips & se-tenant blocks with odd booklet & a few M/S's. Approx FV C$160 …
Sold $42
Canada Accum to 1992 in 4 vols with main val (Est $150) in Davo album with mounts added. Cond varies with some stained perfs noted on MUH/MLH. The …
Sold $200
Canada, New Brunswick & Newfoundland on Hagners in matching binder, the former with 1860/63 1¢ (4), 2¢ (4), 5¢ (13) & 12½¢ mixed MLH & used in…
Sold $700
Canada - Provinces Collection in illustrated Minkus album with page showing Minkus & Scott Cat. numbers alongside each other. Better Newfoundland w…
Sold $1000
Ceylon Majority used from QV to KGVI with dupl on 8 Hagners. Mainly common but some useful F/U. (c240)
Sold $25
Ceylon 1937-1975 plus a few Sri Lanka to SG 646 on Hagners noting the KGVI MLH & used to 5r with a few perf vars. Value in later MUH/MLH with 1958/…
Sold $25
China 1952-1981 range on Seven Seas Hingeless pages incl 1952 Agragrian MNG as issued with other earlies while 1981 Year of the Cock is MUH. 1955 F…
Sold $60
China 1990's MUH blocks & M/S's plus 1997 "Terracotta Warriors" booklet. Unsorted bundles of single issues on cards with pictorial/commem cachets p…
Sold $40
China 2003 Lilies & UNESCO M/S's & Gulangyu Island Sheetlet with 3 strips & the M/S plus 2003 Ancient Bridges in 4 sheetlets of 8 & Classical Liter…
Sold $60
China MLH & used accumulation on old album leaves with no obvious highlights but may repay closer investigation of Junks, Sys etc. Includes some Ta…
Sold $110
Cook Islands Ex dealer MLH & used duplicated stock on 4 large double-sided stockleaves with the pre-KGV in usual mixed cond. Noted MUH/MH incl 1892…
Cyprus 1881 "Half Penny" 13mm ovpt on GB 1d red plate 218 MLH (gum cracks) plus Br. Guiana (37) odds MLH on Hagner noting $2 KGVI (stained). Total …
Sold $20
Cyprus 1881-1992 MUH, MLH & used mixed range in Hagner album with ovpts on GB of 1d red (plates 215 to 218 MLH), 2½d plates 14 & 15 each with larg…
Sold $220
Cyprus QEII collection with 1955/60 defins, 1960/61 ovpts & 1962 defins MLH before mainly MUH (some CTO) to 1992 with many sets plus M/S's. General…
Sold $120
Cyprus & Great Britain Mainly used in old peg binder with the former from 1881 to 1967 with KGVI, QEII 1955, 1960 & 1962 defins to £1 used (Cat. …
Sold $170
Denmark 1906-2015 Christmas charity labels MLH/used in chronological order to 1959 on Hagners with later in large blocks or full sheets from 1962. …
Sold $50
Dominica 1908-1977 mainly MUH/MLH on Hagners incl 1908/20 to 1/- with shades MLH, 1938/47 to 10/- MLH incl both 2½d shades, 1951 to $2.40 MUH, 195…
Sold $70
Falkland Islands 1937-1999 FDC/cover collection in SG Malvern cover albums. Noted 1937 Coronation set on Foxbay FDC plus 1962 Radio, 1963 FFH, Red …
Sold $200
Falkland Islands 1999-2001 FDC's unaddressed plus odd earlier noting 1984 HMS Endurance with cachet commemorating 2nd Anniv of Argentine invasion p…
Sold $55
Falkland Islands & Dependencies 1878-1996 collection of MUH/MLH in large Lighthouse Hingeless album. Excellent coverage from QV to 1/- incl shades,…
Sold $1000
Falkland Island Dependencies Comprehensive MUH/MLH to 1994 on Hagners in binder from ovpts on Falklands set of 32 + 3¢. The 4 blue-black centred 6…
Sold $500
Faroe Islands 2001-2022 Year albums (missing 2005 & 2007). Attractive productions with English language alongside Danish & German in the commentary…
Sold $340
Fiji MLH & used starting with 1871 1d blue Cakoobau MLH (SG 10, Cat. £65) before a modest range of 1878/99 mainly used noting 1/- x 3 & 5/- with 1…
Sold $100
Fiji 1878/80 1d pale & dull ultramarine shades, perf. 12½ x 3 MLH & 3 used, 2d on 3d green x 5 MLH, 2d green x 2 mint & 6 used (1 stained) plus 6d…
Sold $70
Fiji 1937-1990 MUH, MLH & used with duplication in Hagner album starting with a page of postal stationery cut-outs from c1900. No RSW but otherwise…
Sold $270

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