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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Singapore 1948-1991 MUH, MLH & used range in Hagner album with value in MUH/MLH incl KGVI Perf. 17½x18 set MLH (Cat. £475), 1955/59 to $5 MLH, 19… $150 Sold $270 | |||
Singapore 1970's-1980's lightly duplicated mixed CTO/MLH on c30 Vario sheets in 4 ring binder plus FDC's for similar period with commem sets & M/S'… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Solomon Islands 1937-1986 MUH & MLH in Hagner album with KGVI to 10/- MUH/MLH (no RSW or UPU), 1956/63 to £1 MUH/MLH, 1963/64 wmk change MUH, 1965… $80 Sold $120 | |||
![]() $200 Sold $210 | |||
South Africa-Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 used GB & CGH (½d) with "Army P.O. 50" cds on 1/- GB & CGH ½d with Orange River Colony ovpt plus other GB i… $80 Sold $70 | |||
South Africa-Cape of Good Hope 1864-1910 "balance of consignment" MLH & used written up on leaves by Barratt-Lennard. The MLH incl 1876/77 "ONE PEN… $1000 Sold $1000 | |||
South West Africa 1923-1987 with MLH/used duplicated in Lighthouse stockbook with KGV ovptd bilingual pairs to 1/3d MLH & singles to 2/6d before la… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Spain 1937-1940 selection of covers & cards all with Censor markings noting 1937 (Sept) to Western Australia with Red Cross label on flap, 1938 upr… $50 Sold $40 | |||
St Helena 1937-1997 MUH with a few CTO on Hagners in matching binder. No RSW or UPU but otherwise a comprehensive lot in fine condition noting 1938… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Switzerland 1850-1989 MLH/used in old Davo album with 1850 2p & 10p, 1852 15rp imperfs (cut close), imperf Helvetias incl 45rp green before later d… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Switzerland 1862-1991 used on leaves with "Seated Helvetia" odds to 50¢, "Standing Helvetia" simplified to 3f, 1908/40 Type to 3f, 1914/18 & 1928/… $150 Archived | |||
![]() $200 Sold $210 | |||
Tristan da Cunha FDC range in "Collecta" cover album with those unaddressed comprising 1982 Sharks, 1984 Sharks, Livestock 1995 Transport, WWII set… $30 Sold $42 | |||
Tristan da Cunha 1952-1997 comprehensive collection with MUH, MLH & CTO on Hagner pages in green matching binder. Noted 1952 ovpts to 10/- with 195… $150 Sold $270 | |||
Turks & Caicos Islands 1882-1960 MUH/MLH on Hagners with 1882/85 ½d in 2 shades, 1887/89 6d & 1/-, 1889/93 1d shades x 3, 2½d, 1893/95 ½d Die II… $150 Sold $210 | |||
USA 1851-1965 with majority used at first while issues from 1950 are mostly fine MLH. Incls 1862/66 2¢, 1869 2¢ to 10¢ plus 15¢, 1893 Columbus … $200 Sold $200 | |||
USA 1864-1871 group of documents incl Fire Insurance policy, Land Contract & Indenture plus various receipts in good cond with copperplate writing … $40 Sold $30 | |||
![]() $30 Sold $30 | |||
USA 1976 Bicentennial PO book containing set of 4 M/S's & other issues MUH (hard cover) plus Hagners with "Farley's Follies" imperf ungummed sheetl… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Vietnam 1951-2008 range of sets, part sets & many odds priced on sheets. Mainly fine with some modest duplication. Majority used with a few MUH. Ca… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Vietnam 1999-2010 MUH range with some duplication incl 2005 60th Anniv of Republic folders with sheets of 54 Provincial Costumes x 18 (total cat. Â… $60 Sold $75 | |||
Zimbabwe Range of MUH & used in cat order in large Lighthouse stockbook starting with 1980 set to $2 MUH & F/U, 1985 to $5 MUH & used & 1995 to $10… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Americas Useful early to middle period ranges of most Central & South American countries plus USA incl 1873 12¢ blackish-purple used (SG 164, Cat.… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Antarctica KA-BE Hingeless album with slipcase. Range of MUH issues starting with AAT 1957-1999 incl "Capex" M/S (retails $50), BAT 1993 defins to … $180 Sold $250 | |||
Antarctica Postcards in small album noting b&w "Rotary Photo" showing Capt. Scott & his Exploration ship "Terra Nova" & "Ponies on Arrival in Antar… $80 Sold $110 | |||
Antarctica Ross Dependency FDC's x 14 plus 6 maxicards incl 3 signed & a 1958 Registered with 1957 set. Also South Africa (2), TAAF 1962-1999 range… $300 Sold $120 | |||
British Commonwealth QV to KGV MLH & used range on old New Imperial pages in binder. Incls a few 1935 Silver Jubilee sets MLH but defins are genera… $200 Archived | |||
![]() $40 Sold $65 | |||
British Commonwealth QV-KGVI with the majority from the latter period. MLH in 48pp stockbook noting Ceylon KEVII to 75¢, KGV to 2R, Falklands QV 1… $500 Archived | |||
British Commonwealth "A-F" countries 1953-1981 MLH & used on album leaves in 4 ring binder. Despite many part/ broken sets highlights abound incl A… $100 Sold $100 | |||
British Commonwealth "B-N" countries in large black-leaved Lindner stockbook. Duplicated used noting Cape of Good Hope triangulars x 16 plus a forg… $300 Sold $380 | |||
British Commonwealth "G" Countries noting Gilbert & Ellice Islands 1937-1975 (excl RSW, UPU) with majority MUH, Gilbert Is ovpts to $1 plus 9 comme… $160 Sold $160 | |||
British Commonwealth 1945-1964 "N" countries in MUH/MLH cond on double-sided Hagners in matching binder. Main value in North Borneo defin MLH sets … $300 Sold $300 | |||
British Commonwealth 1840-1936 SG New Imperial printed albums in 2 vols. Starts with GB 1d black x 2 (3 margins), 1858/79 1d reds (c90 to pl.217), … $100 Sold $270 | |||
British Commonwealth 1890's-1940's commems & short defin sets on black leaves in springback album. Noted Ascension KGV to 1/- F/U, Bermuda KGVI Pic… $240 Sold $190 | |||
British Commonwealth 1937 KGVI (202) & 1953 QEII Coronation (106) omnibus collections neatly MLH mounted on black leaves in springback album. Fresh… $50 Sold $50 | |||
British Commonwealth 1946 Victory complete issues in corner blocks of 4 MUH/MLH plus most issues used loose between pages. Also 1947 Royal Visit is… $40 Sold $40 | |||
British Commonwealth 1949 UPU complete omnibus set of 310 stamps in small stockbook. Fresh MLH throughout. SG £450 for MUH (310) $150 Sold $120 | |||
British Commonwealth 1990's MUH range in Lighthouse stockbook with highlights being AAT "Singapore 95" ovptd M/S (retails $50), Hong Kong "Skyline"… $100 Sold $100 | |||
British Commonwealth 1993-1999 selected countries with MUH in illustrated Lighthouse Hingeless album comprising Falklands (80 + 7 M/S's), Dependenc… $80 Sold $170 | |||
British Commonwealth Assortment mounted on leaves & stockcards. Most appear to have been priced for club auctions. Better incl S. Aust 2/- carmine … $50 Sold $70 | |||
British Commonwealth Ex-dealer stock on small white & standard black stockcards in long box. Cond varies but plenty of fine MUH to 1980's with stre… $50 Sold $65 | |||
British Commonwealth 1937-1999 Falkland Deps FDCs in SG Malvern cover album incl 1937 Coronation set with South Georgia cds, 1953 Coronation, 1993 … $100 Sold $100 | |||
British Commonwealth Group of 3 varieties incl Br. Honduras QV 5¢ on 3¢ on 3d MLH showing wide space between "I" & "V" (SG 49B, Cat. £60), Malta… $60 Sold $60 | |||
British Commonwealth KGV mixed MLH & used collection in Cumberland album with mounts added. Noted a few 2/6d vals & Ceylon to R5. Pickings in the l… $300 Archived | |||
British Commonwealth King George VI green SG album with MLH & used. Noted a few RSW high vals incl Bahrain F/U but defins are generally missing top… $300 Sold $300 | |||
British Commonwealth MUH/MLH collection with some better in "as new" Davo 64 page stockbook. Sets from Solomon Is, Cocos, Manibia, Mauru, Vanuatu, … $200 Sold $300 | |||
British Commonwealth QEII to 1970 MLH in matching Kensington albums & slipcases with mounts added. Noted many defin sets to the top val incl Aden (… $650 Archived | |||
British Commonwealth Selection in "as new" Lighthouse stockbook. Incls Princess Di's 21st b'day sets in alpha order plus most 1946 Victory sets wit… $50 Sold $50 | |||
British Commonwealth Range of covers in FDC album with various KGVI FDC's plus some Censored & Exhib commem covers incl 1939 "London Stamp Exhibiti… $50 Sold $55 | |||
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