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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
1977 18c Silver Jubilee pair with superb complete offset. MUH. ACSC 765c, Cat. $250 Sold in Ace Auctions No. 12 for $200.
Sold $90
1977 18c Silver Jubilee imperforate horiz pair & vert pair with strong blue & black offset. Both fine MUH. ACSC 765b & c, Cat. $450
Sold $100
1977 45c Silver Jubilee imperforate proof pair on thick paper. MUH ACSC 766PP(1), Cat. $300
Sold $85
1978 18¢ Charles Ulm in yellow & orange-yellow shade plus normal for comparison. MUH. ACSC 793B, Cat. $150
1978 18¢ Kingsford Smith imperf horizontal pair (ACSC 792b, Cat. $100) & single 18¢ Hinkler with misplaced perfs (ACSC 791bd, Cat. $50). Former M…
Sold $42
1978 18c Kingsford Smith left marginal imperforate block of 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 792b, Cat. $200+
Sold $60
1978 18c NT Govt with 4mm perf shift up & 2mm left used plus 37c Aussie Kids with similar perf shift down by 3mm & also used. Latter similar to ACS…
1979 20c National Parks left marginal totally imperforate horiz se-tenant pair. Only 10 such pairs recorded. Fresh MUH. ACSC 843ba, Cat. $2000
1979 20c National Parks horiz strip of 4 with right pair imperforate at both top, bottom & sides incl between design & selvedge. ACSC 843b, Cat. $2500
1982 24c Thylacine imperforate vert pair. Fresh MUH. SG 788a, ACSC 902b, Cat. $150
Sold $40
1982 27c Tree Frog with hugely misplaced perforations. MUH marginal example with normal for comparison. A difficult stamp. ACSC 938b. This sold in …
Sold $120
1982 60c Humpback Whale trial printing with solid blue-green background with normal for comparison. Fine MUH ACSC 930E(1), SG 841a Cat. £250
Sold $100
1982 60c Humpback Whale as above. MUH ACSC 930E(1), SG 841a, Cat. £250
Sold $100
1982 60c Humpback Whale as above but fine used with used with corner cds. ACSC 930E(1), Cat. $300
Sold $100
1983 27¢ QEII Birthday - HMY "Britannia" with vertical perfs misplaced 4mm to right. Used. Not listed in ACSC.
Sold $32
1985 33c Children's Books "Blinky Bill" & "Snugglepot" pair imperforate on three sides. Fine MUH. ACSC 1110b. This lot sold in Ace Auctions sale 12…
Sold $200
1985 33c Children's Books "Ginger Megs" & "Blinky Bill" pair imperforate on three sides. MUH. ACSC 1109b. This lot sold in Ace Auctions sale 12 for…
Sold $200
1987 37c Wildlife top strip of 10 showing ''MODULE 6'' in top selvedge. Fine MUH. ACSC 1218za, Cat. $120
Sold $32
1988 (19th-24th April) QEII Royal Tour of Western Australia set of 6 commem covers each ovptd with date & journey details & a different pmk on each…
Sold $30
1988 Bicentenary Leather boxed set of 25 gold stamp reproduction ingots. Struck in solid silver & 24 carat gold plated, this collection cost from A…
Sold $300
1989 $3.60 Christmas booklet overprinted "World Stamp Expo '89 17 Nov-3 Dec 1989" with Washington logo. Pfeffer B161(2), Cat. $180
Sold $28
1990 $4.00 Kangaroo Island Lighthouses perforated M/S cinderellas with card insert detailing the 4 different Lighthouses shown x 100. Fine MUH & us…
Sold $190
1993 Women in Parliament reversed panes of 25 x 7. MUH. FV $78.75 & a retail of $290+ (7 panes)
Sold $55
1993/94 $40 Wood Duck sheetlet of 4 with matching $10 Telecom phonecard & $12 & $8 Koala Conservation also with matching $5 phonecard all in "Colle…
Sold $30
1994 45c set of 6 CPS kangaroo & koala with "GPO PERTH WA" literal, the addition of "WA" making this the scarce imprint. Fine cond. (6)
Sold $210
1994 85c Pelican horiz strip of 5 with a clear doubling of the deep mauve caused by a blank offset. Far more pronounced towards the left selvedge w…
Sold $150
1994 Kangaroos & Koalas CPS set of 6 x 45c vals with "NPC" imprints but clear double print of value & "NPC" plus additional "45c" inverted at top c…
Sold $90
1994 Kangaroos & Koalas sheet stamps in 4 diff designs & all showing misplaced horizontal perfs resulting in "AUSTRALIA 45c" in the middle of the s…
Sold $65
1995 45¢ Medical Science gutter block of 4 with error of format AB/AB with normal gutter pair A/B for comparison. ACSC 1881 zc/zh, Cat. $750 for g…
Sold $95
1996 $1.50 Monetel Kangaroo Counter Printed Stamps (CPS) with "HILLARYS" imprint. MUH. Monetel "HILLARYS" Imprint with $1.50 value. MUH. Scarce as …
Sold $110
1996 $2 Blackwood Wattle imperforate horiz pair. Fresh MUH. ACSC 1969b, Cat. $300
Sold $95
1996 45c Monetel Koala Counter Printed Stamps (CPS) with "ROCKINGHAM" imprint. MUH. Another unauthorised impression. Pfeffer M 2/2f, Cat. $150
Sold $90
1996 5c set of 6 Kangaroos & Koalas Monetel CPS's with "GPO PERTH" Literal imprints. MUH. Incorrectly issued as change. Pfeffer M 1/2b, Cat. $100 (6)
Sold $110
1997 45c Roses Greetings S/A with massively misplaced upwards die cuts resulting in "AUSTRALIA" missing. Used on commercially cover with 14 FEB 199…
1999 Navigators Australia '99 Imperforate Miniature Sheet set of 2 overprinted "STAMP NEWS CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS PUBLICATION 1954-2004…
Sold $24
2000 $1 Koala Emergency International Post ovpt with personalised tab in complete "Greetings" SES sheet. Incls original A4 personalised photo sheet…
Sold $250
2000 (15th Sept) Sydney Olympics Sports Pictorial pmk collection in album with sports incl Archery, Softball, Sailing, Wrestling, Boxing, Hockey et…
Sold $14
2001 $7.20 "Emergency Issue Lord Howe Island Courier Post" booklets consisting of 4 x $1.80 S/A "stamps". Courier service detailed on the back of e…
Sold $16
2001 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia "Federation". It contains 30 proofs struck from the original dies in blue/blui…
Sold $50
2001 Sir Donald Bradman $4.50 sheetlet, Bradmans $2 "Baggy Green" numbered block of 4 & 2008 $5 RAM coin pres folder. No. 230 of 750. Attractive hi…
Sold $75
2002 Albert Namatjira illust Gutter Blocks of 10 ovptd "APTA Melbourne Stamp & Coin Show August 24th & 25th 2002" in black with APTA logo x 7 & all…
Sold $55
2004 "Athens to Athens" SES set of 3 sheets with commem tabs plus extra "The Early Years". MUH in original packaging. Cost $64 from AP. (4)
Sold $30
2004 "Celebrating 45 Years of Television in South Australia" SES sheetlet with tabs of b&w & colour TV celebrities. One of the scarcest SES sheets.…
Sold $75
2004 (16th-30th Aug) Olympic Gold Medallists complete set of 15 FDC sets of 17 pmkd at Sydney, Newcastle, Chatswood, Hobart, Adelaide, Canberra, Na…
Sold $50
2006 "Driving Through the Years" Chequebook of 20 x $5 Ford TT S/A panes with the "Missing Year (2006) left of windmill" variety on each. Fine cond.
Sold $170
2006 Commonwealth Games Snapshot Generic Prestige Booklet issued by AP with the C/W Games & Heritage Sites panes. Pfeffer & Crum PB86A
Sold $20
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP presentation album all neatly CTO with crisp GPO Melbourne cds's. SG MS2607/23 Retails…
Sold $65
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP presentation albums x 2. All fine MUH. SG MS2607/23. Retail at $180 each. (2)
Sold $220
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne as above also with 2 collections. All fine MUH. SG MS2607/23. Retail at $180 each. (2)
Sold $220
2006 Dangerous Australians Spider packs x 5 containing the semi-imperforate Miniature sheet with $1 Redback. Retail $275 (5 packs)
Sold $75


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