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Lot No Description Est.
Lighthouse Grande Binders in black with slipcases x 8 as above. Also all in "as new" condition. (8)
Sold $240
Lighthouse Grande Binders in black with slipcases x 8 as above. Also all in "as new" condition. (8)
Sold $240
Lighthouse Grande Binders in black with slipcases x 8 as above. Also all in "as new" condition. (8)
Sold $250
Lighthouse Grande Binders in black with slipcases x 8 as above. Also all in "as new" condition. (8)
Sold $250
Lighthouse Grande Binders in black with slipcases x 5 as above. Also all in "as new" condition. (5)
Sold $150
Lighthouse Grande Binders in black with slipcases x 8 as above but 2 of the 8 are "Signum" with labelling fields on the spine. Also all in "as new"…
Sold $240
Quadrille album leaves in white suitable for SG size albums. Brand new in 2 boxes, save on the retail of pre-packaged pages. (1500+)
Sold $120
Seven Seas Australia 1913-1965 Pre-decimal Hingeless album in blue. Useful for an additional used collection. Very good condition with a retail of …
Sold $55
Seven Seas Australia 1966-1999 Hingeless pages in two SS burgundy executive binders with slipcases. VG to "as new" cond. Save on the new retail for…
Sold $80
Various accessories in small box including Hawid mounts, some in brand new packs of mixed sizes, Seven Seas perf gauges x 3, packs of 100 Arricator…
Sold $75
Miscellaneous: Literature and Publications
2021 Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth & British Empire 1840-1970 catalogue in full colour. Used but in good cond. Retailed at $175.
Sold $110
2022 Stanley Gibbons Stamps of the World in 6 volumes in full colour. Brand new & still wrapped & boxed. Treat yourself to an early Christmas prese…
Sold $480
Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogues for "Kangaroos" (2013), KGV (2007 & 2014) & KGVI (2015) plus the 1988 loose leaf edition. Kangaroos…
Sold $55
Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue for King George V - 5th Edition (2018). Good cond & incls the side face & engraved issues plus 1927-…
Sold $40
Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue for King George V - 5th Edition (2018) as above.
Sold $32
"Commercial Perfins of Australia" by J Grant & J Mathews (1992). Usefully illustrated & easy to follow with excellent detail regarding perforators,…
Sold $44
"Postage Stamps & Postal History of Western Australia" in 3 vols for "The De La Rue Printings 1862-1900, "Three Postmasters General 1847-1903", "Th…
Sold $50
"The Plating of The Penny Black Postage Stamp of Great Britain 1840". An invaluable guide to maximising your enjoyment & value of this stamp publis…
Sold $150
"Western Australia The Forces, Prisoner of War and Censor Mail" by Bruce Haynes & Brian Pope. VG cond. A massive wealth of information in 850 pages…
Sold $24
"Western Australia The Stamps and Postal History", "The Philatelic Collection of the Western Australian Museum" by Pope, "WA The Postal Stationery …
Sold $50
"Western Australia The 2d Perkins Bacon Plate 1860-1888" & "A Guide to the Goldfields Locals" Monographs. Both by Pope & Reynolds (1993/95). Extens…
Sold $30
Miscellaneous: Thematics
Birds Collection in 6 stockbooks sorted by geographic areas of the world. Useful items throughout noting Australia 1914 6d kookaburra F/U, Japan 19…
Sold $340
Olympics 1984 Worldwide Collection on German-produced large leaves missing only Jordan M/S otherwise appears complete plus USA Maxicards, China pre…
Sold $80
Railways Mixed MUH, MLH, used & CTO in 2 quality stockbooks, one a Lighthouse 8pp. Good starter lot with a few "cars" at the back! (c500)
Sold $36
Royalty 1948 RSW Omnibus. Missing 3 lesser sets but incls Hong Kong, Singapore, Falklands, Malta, KUT & other high cat. pairs. Some lower vals with…
Sold $300
Royalty 1985 Queen Mother 85th B'day - "Life & Times" with 40 x MUH sets incl duplication. (160 stamps)
Sold $20
Space 1960-1970 USA illust commem cover collection representing numerous test flight, various cachets & postmarks with latter incl Patrick & Eglin …
Sold $120
Space 1986 "The Silver Jubilee Collection - 25 Years of Soviet Space Stamps" Beautifully presented in quality hingeless album. Issues in complete s…
Sold $75
Trains & Railways Extensive collection in 26 Stanley Gibbons 22 ring binders. Superbly presented on typed up Stanley Gibbons quadrille pages with e…
Sold $600
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) 2005-2017 MUH sets of 4 with matching FDC's in 8 binders with slipcases. All different with a variety of animals represen…
Sold $200
Miscellaneous: Commonwealth & Foreign
Aden 1937 Dhows to 5r. Good to fine postally used. SG 1/11, Cat. £360 (11)
Sold $130
Aden 1937 Dhows complete to 10r. Fresh MLH, the 10r with a pulled perf at right. SG 1/12, Cat. £1200 as MUH
Sold $210
Aden 1937 Dhows complete to 10r. Fine MLH, 3a MH. SG 1/12, Cat. £1200 (12)
Sold $360
Antigua 1903/07 KEVII Crown CC wmk to 5/-. Fresh MLH, 12 no gum & light natural gum bends on 6d, 2/- & 5/-. SG 31/40, Cat. £325 (10)
Sold $90
Antigua 1908/17 KEVII Crown CA set to 2/- plus 1913 KGV 5/- grey-green & violet with this top marginal value virtually MUH. Incls shades of ½d, 1d…
Sold $120
Antigua 1921/29 ½d to 4/- KGV script wmk set of 18 plus shade of 1d violet. MLH. SG 62/80, Cat. £220 (19)
Sold $100
Antigua 1921/29 3d to £1 KGV MCA wmk set of 7 . MLH with 5/- MUH. SG 55/61, Cat. £300 (7)
Sold $140
Antigua 1932 Tercentenary set of 10. MLH, the 5/- marginal MUH. SG 81/90, Cat. £225+ (10)
Sold $150
Ascension 1924/33 KGV badge defins to 3/- complete incl both 1d. MLH SG 10/20, Cat. £460 (13)
Sold $220
Ascension 1938/52 KGVI set to 10/- MLH incl shades & perfs to 2/6d. 5/- & 10/- in perf. 13 only. Fine. Cat. £480 (29)
Sold $80
Bahamas 1865 1/- blue-green, Crown CC, perf. 12½ . MLH with a few short perfs, mentioned in Brandon Cert (2009). Vendor paid £350 for this item i…
Sold $270
Bahamas 1882 4d rose, Crown CA, perf. 12. BPA Cert (2005) states "Unused, regummed, toned is genuine". SG 41, Cat. £550
Sold $55
Bahamas 1884/90 QV set of 7 to £1 plus additional cat. shades of 1d. The £1 & other vals MLH with 6d is MUH. 5/- has patchy gum. SG 47/57 (no 2½…
Sold $180
Bahamas 1902/07 KEVII to 5/- & 1906/11 MCA wmk set of 4. All fresh MLH except for feint tinges of foxing on 5/- perfs. SG 62/69& 71/74, Cat. £200 …
Sold $80
Bahamas 1921/37 KGV defins script wmk set of 11 to £1 with latter fresh MUH. Others mainly MLH 1/- has toned per & 2½d with overall ageing. SG 11…
Sold $130
Bahamas 1938/52 KGVI defins to £1 incl shades of ½d, 1½d, 2d & 3 different prints of 1/- & 5/-. MLH with typical tropicalisation on one 1/-, all…
Sold $65
Bahamas 1878 5/- dull rose bisect with "1d" with curved serif at top. Fine used with "comma after "D" in lieu of stop" variety which has not been n…
Sold $300
Bahamas 1882/86 QV defins to 5/- incl shades of 1d, 3d & 4d. Gum varies from 2 x 4d without gum & one 4d brown with tone spots to fresh MLH. SG 89/…
Sold $180
Bahamas 1892/1903 Colony Seal, Crown CA wmk set to both 2/6d vals. MLH with 8d MUH, 10d without gum. SG 105/15, Cat. £230+ (10)
Sold $110
Bahamas 1905 Colony Seal, Mult Crown CA wmk set of 7 to 2/6d. MLH, 8d with paper hinge remainder. SG 135/44, Cat. £250 (7)
Sold $100


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