Auction Lots
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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Commonwealth & Foreign | |||
Canada 1852/57 10d deep blue imperf with close margins, just touching above "D" of "Canada". Concentric rings cancel. SG 15, Cat. £1800 $280 Sold $280 | |||
Canada 1870/90 2¢ grass green imperf single with very wide margins on 3 sides & close at base. Used (uncut) with partial Montreal oval. SG 78a, Ca… $100 Archived | |||
Canada 1875/92 8¢ dull blue Registered Letter Stamp. Fine used with part cds on each side. SG R9, Cat. £275 $120 Sold $140 | |||
Canada 1897 50¢ pale & bright ultramarine shades Jubilee. MLH/MH & well centred. SG 134/35, Cat. £390 (2) $50 Sold $80 | |||
Canada 1897 $1 lake Jubilee. Well centred & F/U by light London cds. Vert crease & trimmed perfs at right reflected in reserve but frontally presen… $60 Sold $160 | |||
Canada 1897 $2 deep violet well centred, Montreal cds. A lovely stamp! SG 137, Cat. £425 $150 Sold $210 | |||
Canada 1897 $2 deep violet Jubilee. MLH with small hinge remainder. SG 137, Cat. £1000 $220 Sold $270 | |||
Canada 1897 $3 bistre Jubilee. MH with hinge remnant. Well centred & fresh colour. SG 138, Cat. £1500 $380 Sold $440 | |||
Canada 1897 $4 violet & $5 olive green Jubilee. Both without gum & dealers marks on reverse. Well centred with very good perfs. SG 139/40, Cat. £2… $440 Sold $900 | |||
Canada-New Brunswick 1851/60 3d bright red on blued paper with close but clear margins. Lightly used. SG 1, Cat. £425 $150 Sold $120 | |||
Canada-New Brunswick 1851/60 3d dull red on blued paper with close but clear margins. Lightly used with rich colour. SG 2, Cat. £350 $120 Sold $95 | |||
Canada-New Brunswick 1851/60 3d dull red with 4 clear even margins. Fine used with indistinct cancel. SG 2, Cat. £400 $75 Sold $75 | |||
Canada-New Brunswick 1851/60 6d olive-yellow on blued paper with close margins, touching at one corner. Attractively cancelled by bar obliterator. … $120 Sold $150 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1857 1d MNG, 1860 3d MLH, 1862 1d to 6d & 1/- from 2nd printing mixed MNG/MLH but all with 4 margins (5d close). Odd trivial fa… $150 Sold $180 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1857 8d scarlet-vermilion vertical bisect on piece tied by barred obliterator. Attractive usage. SG 8a, Cat. £4250 on cover $240 Sold $180 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1857/64 8d scarlet-vermilion with 4 margins. MLH & seldom seen so fine. SG 8, Cat. £400 $120 Archived | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1860 4d orange-vermilion with 4 close margins, just touching at lower left. Lightly used by barred obliterator. SG 12, Cat. £1100 $150 Archived | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1862 1/- rose-lake with 3½ margins, just touching top left. Lightly postally used by slightly smudged barred obliterator. SG 2… $50 Sold $65 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1876/79 1¢, 2¢, 3¢ & 5¢ rouletted Pictorials. MLH/MH with hinge remnants but very fresh without faults or stains. SG 40/43,… $220 Sold $240 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1911/16 Coronation set to 15¢ incl shades of 2¢ & 8¢ vals. Fine MLH. SG 117/27 & "a" numbers, Cat. £380 (12) $160 Sold $220 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1919 "Trans-Atlantic AIR POST, 1919. ONE DOLLAR." & 1921 "AIR MAIL to Halifax, N.S. 1921." ovpts. Both MLH & well centred. SG 1… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1920 "THREE CENTS" surcharges on 15¢ bright scarlet (SG 145/46, Cat. £290) & on 35¢ (SG 147, Cat. £18). SG 146 has hinge re… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Canada-Newfoundland 1923/24 1¢ to 24¢ Scenery defins incl both shades of 4¢ & 10¢. Fine MLH. SG 149/62, Cat. £210 (16) $100 Sold $110 | |||
Canada-Nova Scotia 1851/60 6d yellow-green with close even clear margins. Used with small part pmkd. SG 5, Cat. £550 $140 Sold $110 | |||
Cayman Islands 1907 "½D" handstamped surcharge on KEVII 5/- salmon & green. Fine MLH. SG 18, Cat. £300 $140 Sold $110 | |||
Cayman Islands 1907/09 KEVII defins to 10/-. Fine MLH. SG 25/34, Cat. £350 (10) $180 Sold $150 | |||
Cayman Islands 1912/20 KGV defins to 10/- MCA wmk incl shades of 2½d (2), 3d (4) & 1/- (2). MLH. SG 40/52b, Cat. £240 (18) $120 Sold $120 | |||
Cayman Islands 1932 Justices & Vestry set of 12. Fresh MLH. SG 84/95, Cat. £500 (12) $300 Sold $300 | |||
Cayman Islands 1935 KGV Pictorials to 10/-. Fresh MLH. SG 96/107, Cat. £200 (12) $100 Sold $120 | |||
Ceylon 1857 1/- slate violet with close but clear margins. Good to fine used by barred obliterator. Sismondo Cert. (2006) stating "has a repaired t… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Ceylon 1857 2/- dull blue. An attractive looking example however a closer examination reveals margins have been added. A useful space filler at thi… $100 Archived | |||
Ceylon 1857 2/- dull blue imperf with clear margins just touching at left. Fine used with crisp barred obliterator. Small thin at lower left. Sismo… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Ceylon 1857 4d dull rose. Cut square with clear but close margins. Fine used by light barred obliterator with RPSL Cert. (1986) which states "has b… $400 Sold $575 | |||
Ceylon 1857/59 Group, possibly 1861/64 with perfs removed on one but all with clear margins. Ceremuga statements (2002) state "all stamps are genui… $60 Sold $110 | |||
Ceylon 1861/64 4d deep rose-red, rough perf 14 to 15½. Unused without gum. Well centred unused. SG 30a, Cat. £700 $140 Sold $190 | |||
Ceylon 1863/66 9d sepia. Unused without gum, centred right but fresh colour. SG 57, Cat. £350 $60 Sold $95 | |||
Ceylon 1872/80 8¢ orange-yellow, perf 14x12½. Unused without gum. SG 125, Cat. £475 $90 Sold $65 | |||
Ceylon 1872/80 QV CC wmk set to 64¢ (excl 8¢). All mint without gum to 36¢, 48¢ with wing margin & 64¢ large part o.g.. SG 121/32 (excl 124), … $180 Sold $130 | |||
Ceylon 1885 "TEN CENTS" on 24¢ green. MLH/MH. SG 162, Cat. £550 $120 Sold $120 | |||
Ceylon 1885 "TEN CENTS" on 36¢ blue. Mint without gum. SG 163, Cat. £500 $100 Sold $100 | |||
Ceylon 1885 "TEN CENTS" on 64¢ red-brown. MH & perfectly centred. SG 164, Cat. £450 $150 Sold $150 | |||
Ceylon 1885 "FIVE CENTS" on 32¢ slate Postage & Revenue, perf 14x12½. Mint without gum. SG 172, Cat. £850 $160 Sold $160 | |||
Ceylon 1910 KEVII MCA wmk set to 10r black on red. Fine MLH. SG 292/300, Cat. £200 (9) $120 Sold $120 | |||
Ceylon 1912/25 20r black & red on blue, MCA wmk. MLH/MH, well centred. SG 319, Cat. £150 $75 Sold $75 | |||
Ceylon 1912/25 25¢, 30¢, R1 (3), R5, R10 & R20 KGV all Die I. MLH plus additional used R1 on orange-buff. R5 has white back (SG 317a). Total cat.… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Ceylon 1918 2¢ brown-orange with "WAR STAMP" ovpt doubled variety. MLH. SG 330b $20 Sold $18 | |||
China 1949 2¢ on $300,000 apple green Currency Revaluation in vertical pair. Used with lower Chinese character at right broken on upper stamp & up… $70 Archived | |||
China 1964 Peonies set of 15. MUH, blunt lower left corner of 8f Yao yellows. SG 2185/99, Cat. £400 (15) $180 Sold $420 | |||
China 1964 Petroleum Industry set of 5 to 20f. Minor gum blemishes/bends but frontally fresh & MUH. SG 2216/2220, Cat. £400 (5) $150 Sold $320 | |||
China 1969 Red Lantern Opera pair. MUH but tone spotting reflected in reserve. SG 2411/12, Cat. £170 (2) $30 Sold $110 | |||
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