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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign
Bahamas 1912/16 KGV to 3/-. MLH, 4d & 1/- creased but 2/- top marginal MUH. SG 170/80, Cat. £225 (11)
Sold $130
Bahamas 1920/21 Victory set to 3/- incl both wmks of 1d. MLH/MH. SG 210/12, Cat. £150 (12)
Sold $65
Basutoland 1886 (1st Apr) Receipt for Registered letter signed by postmaster & bearing clear Maseru Basutoland AP 1 86 cds & 1932 (3rd Nov) OHMS st…
Basutoland 1896 (29th Apr) Cape of Good Hope QV 1d Post Card addressed to London tied by Mafeking duplex with Aliwal North C.G.H. transit cds for M…
Sold $25
Basutoland 1933 KGV set to 10/-. MLH, 1d & 6d aged gum but 10/- especially fine MLH. SG 1/10, Cat. £325 (10)
Sold $160
Bechuanaland 1888 "Protectorate" ovpts on ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d (MH) & 6d. MLH, 1d with light tone spot. SG 40/45 (excl 44), Cat. £400 (5)
Sold $110
Bechuanaland 1888 "lilac & green" set to 10/- with the 1d MLH & used, 2d & 3d used plus 2 shades of latter. 4d to 10/- are all fine MLH. SG 10/19, …
Sold $280
Bechuanaland 1888 4d on 4d lilac & black with "Protectorate" ovpt. MLH, thinned at extreme right. "Echt" (genuine) Apolda h/s on reverse. SG 51, Ca…
Sold $30
Bechuanaland 1925/27 "Seahorses" group with 5/- Waterlow, 2/6d pale brown DLR & both BW printings. All well centred & MLH. Total cat. £480 (4)
Sold $200
Bechuanaland 1932 KGV Pictorials set to 10/-. 1/- MH, low vals MVLH & others MLH. SG 99/110, Cat. £500 (12)
Sold $200
Bermuda 1865/1903 3d yellow-buff without gum & trimmed off left wing margin. SG 5a, Cat. £475
Sold $55
Bermuda 1865/1903 3d yellow-buff, wmk crown CC. Mint without gum. SG 5a, Cat. £475
Bermuda 1875 "One Penny." surcharges on 2d blue. MLH but soiled top left (SG 15, Cat. £750) & 3d yellow-buff used with 3 clipped perfs at top (SG …
Bermuda 1875 "One Penny." on 1/- green (SG 8). MLH, one short perf at right. SG 17, Cat. £500
Sold $90
Bermuda 1918/22 KGV high value set to £1 with MCA wmk. MLH & well centred except for 5/-. SG 51b/55, Cat. £600 (6)
Sold $340
Bermuda 1924/32 10/- green & carmine on pale bluish-green, script wmk. Fresh MLH. SG 92, Cat. £250
Sold $80
Bermuda 1924/32 10/- green & red on pale emerald, script wmk. Fine used with clear Hamilton 1935 cds. Barest hint of foxing. SG 92, Cat. £250
Sold $110
Bermuda 1924/32 10/- green & red deep emerald, script wmk. Fine MUH. SG 92g, Cat. £150 for MLH.
Sold $80
Bermuda 1930 10/- green & red on deep emerald, Script wmk. Fresh MUH & well centred. SG 92g, Cat. £150+
Sold $110
Bermuda 1938/53 10/- bluish-green & deep red on green KGVI & 10/- deep green & dull red on green x 2. All fine MLH & perf. 14. SG 119a & 119d x 2, …
Sold $80
Bermuda 1938/53 10/- green & deep lake on pale emerald KGVI perf. 14. MLH with streaky gum typical of this shade. SG 119, Cat. £400
Sold $80
Bermuda 1938/53 2/- purple & blue on deep blue KGVI, perf. 14 & 2/6d comb perf. 14 in 3 shades plus perf. 13 2/- dull purple & blue on pale blue x …
Sold $30
Bermuda 1938/53 5/- green & scarlet on yellow KGVI on chalky paper, perf 13 x 2. Both MUH examples, one of which has hinged top selvedge. SG 118g, …
Sold $32
Bermuda 1938/53 5/- KGVI selection with SG 118a, Cat. £350, SG 118d x 2, one with selvedge & SG 118e. All MLH, SG 118a off centre, others fine. To…
Sold $80
Bermuda 1938/53 12/6d deep grey & brownish-orange. MLH, tropicalised gum. SG 120, Cat. £625
Sold $120
Bermuda 1938/53 £1 deep reddish-purple & black on pale red KGVI, perf. 14 MLH & £1 violet & black on scarlet (SG 121d) & bright violet & black on…
Sold $80
Bermuda 1939 10/- bluish green & deep red on green, perf 14. Fine MLH. SG 119a, Cat. £200
Sold $60
British Antarctic Territory 1963/69 QEII defins. MUH plus SG 15a MLH. SG 1/15, Cat. £250
Sold $80
British Guiana 1905 $2.40 green & violet ovptd "POSTAGE AND REVENUE". MLH. SG 251, Cat. £190
Sold $150
British Guiana 1853/55 4¢ pale blue. MLH with broad margins top & left, close to touching on others. Light staining reflected in very conservative…
British Honduras 1891/1901 QV set to $1. Fine MLH except light soiling on 24¢, short perf top of 25¢ & split perf top of $1. SG 51/63, Cat. £280…
Sold $90
British Honduras 1899 50¢ on 1/- grey ovptd "REVENUE". MLH, centred top right. SG 69, Cat. £275
Sold $110
British Honduras 1899 $5 green & black. Fresh MLH. SG 65, Cat. £350
Sold $140
British Honduras 1904/07 KEVII CA wmk set of 9 to $5. Fine MLH with 10¢ & 25¢ MUH. SG 84a/93, Cat. £600 (9)
Sold $280
British Honduras 1913/24 KGV MCA wmk set to $5 incl shades of 1¢ & 2¢. MLH. SG 101/10, Cat. £400 (12)
Sold $180
British Solomon Islands 1907 "Large canoes" set to 1/-. MLH/MH with faults reflected in reserve. Frontally fresh. SG 1/7, Cat. £275 (7)
Sold $100
British Solomon Islands 1908/11 "Small canoes" complete to 5/-. MVLH, small tone spot on 2/-. SG 8/17, Cat. £200 (11)
Sold $90
British Solomon Islands 1914/23 KGV set to £1 incl shades of ½d, 1d & 5d in MCA wmk. A couple of small tone spots on 6d otherwise fine MLH. Cat. …
Sold $200
British Solomon Islands 1922/31 KGV set to 10/- in script wmk. All fresh MLH. SG 39/52, Cat. £225 (15)
Sold $110
Brunei 1906 "BRUNEI" surcharge ovpts in red on Labuan. Complete MLH. Nibbled perfs at right of 3¢ otherwise fresh & fine SG 11/22, Cat. £600 (12)
Sold $200
Brunei 1907/10 Brunei River set to $1 plus extra 1¢ with pale figures. SG 23/33, Cat. £200
Sold $100
Brunei 1908/22 Brunei River set to $5 incl both catalogued dies of 1¢ & 3¢. Unused, MLH & MH mix reflected in reserve. SG 34/47, Cat. £250 (15)
Sold $85
Brunei 1908/22 Brunei River, MCA wmk set to $5 incl paper varieties of 10¢ & 50¢ with one of each MUH plus catalogued shades of 25¢. Light tropi…
Sold $120
Brunei 1908/22 $25 black on red. MLH & perfectly centred MLH. SG 48, Cat. £650
Sold $380
Brunei 1922 "Malaya-Borneo Exhibition 1922" ovpts set of 9. 1¢ faulty, 4¢ no gum but $1 appears MUH. SG 51/9, Cat. £200 (9)
Sold $130
Brunei 1937 "BURMA" ovpts on India before further ovptd "SERVICE". Fine MLH, small tone spot on 5r but compensated with the superb MUH 10r. SG O1/O…
Sold $400
Canada 1852/57 ½d deep rose imperf with clear margins. Bold "21" concentric rings cancel. Possible trace of 2 perfs at top left, but perfd stamp i…
Canada 1852/57 3d brown red with close to huge margins. Fine used with concentric circles cancel. A premium example! SG 8, Cat. £275
Sold $100
Canada 1852/57 3d brown-red imperf on wove paper without gum. Close to clear margins, tiny black spot in lower right margin. Fine fresh colour. Con…
Canada 1852/57 6d Prince Albert in greenish-grey shade on wove paper with 4 clear even margins greenish grey shade on wove paper. Used with indisti…
Sold $320


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