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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Aden-Barbados Used range, the former with KGVI values to 2/- & QEII to 20/- (black centre) & South Arabia ovpts to 10/-, then Antigua with QEII 195…
Sold $130
Aitutaki & Tokelau on 35 Hagners in large binder with Aitutaki incl 1984 Birds to $9.60 MUH plus few OHMS, 1981 Birds to $5 & 1983 surcharges to 72…
Sold $95
Albania Sparse earlies then 1938 set of 8 MLH, 1940 PD's & 1944 Refugees all MLH. 1952/53 0,50l on 2l air used (cat. £190), 1964 Olympics M/S perf…
Sold $70
Andorra-French 1932/43 & 1944/51 pictorials. First missing both 1f25 vals & 10f otherwise complete. (53 of the 56) & the 1936/42 Arms to 70¢ (ex35…
Sold $90
Andorra-Spain 1928-1948 range on Hagner incl 1928 Overprints complete MLH to 10p perf. 12 x 11½ (2¢, 5¢, 1 pseta are perf. 13 x 12½), 1929 Pict…
Sold $160
Andorra-France & Spain on 18 Hagners, Upper Volta on 13, Niger Coast (1 Hagner) & Niger (incl 1959 500f x2 used) on 23 Hagners. Strong thematic con…
Sold $70
Antigua/Barbuda Earlies with faults & not assessed in estimate but pickings later incl 1938 to 5/- (+ extra 2/6d, 5/-), 1949 RSW, 1953 to $4.80 MLH…
Sold $85
Argentina 1858-2006 range with a few earlies in mixed cond noting 1864 5¢ imperf used (cat. £80), 1892 Columbus pair MLH & used, 1899 5p MLH, 192…
Sold $90
Ascension 1922-1956 oddments MLH & used on leaves incl 1922 ½d, 1d, 3d, 1934 to 1/- (ex 1d), 1949 UPU, 1956 Coronations & 1956 to 1/- all MLH plu…
Sold $30
Ascension, BIOT & BAT Mainly MUH & MLH with earlies of little value but then KGVI to 5/- (ex 3d blue Long Beach), 1956 to 10/- (ex 2/-), 1963 to £…
Sold $150
Austria Early imperf accumulation on leaves with some Lombardy & Venetia, newspaper stamps incl 1851/56 0.6k blue used (cat. £900), 1861 1k05 &sha…
Sold $270
Austria starting with 1766 & 1862 stampless entires in good cond. then a smattering of early plus a solid range of mainly used (M/S MUH) from 1948 …
Sold $80
Austria 1850-1968 general range to 1918, then incls Air set MLH, 1922/23 charity sets MLH, 1937 Doctors plus useful post-war incl 1950 Airs used & …
Sold $130
Austria 1858-1999 MUH, MLH & used on 50 Hagners incl PD's & Austrian Military Post. Nothing major, but worth buying for the Hagners, which are in "…
Sold $55
Austria 1890-1955 plus odd later in new Lighthouse stockbook. General range pre-1940 (noted Doctors set MLH) with useful 1950's incl 1952 Olympics …
Sold $120
Austria 1967-2001 selection commems x 20 diff issues x 100 of each MUH plus 100 x 1991 Mozart M/S's (Cat. £350). Noted 1997 6s Train (Cat. £140),…
Sold $120
Austria 1968-2010 range with a few early MUH then mostly F/U. 2004 sparse otherwise about 90% complete. Stunning designs in suitably fine cond on 5…
Sold $110
Austria 1990-1993 official PO FDC's x 140+ & all different. Unaddressed. An attractive lot with high F/U cat. value. (140+)
Sold $20
Austria 1990-2001 (excl 1993) Year packs of MUH issues. Exc cond. Cat. €580+ ($830) Reserve is much less than FV. (11)
Sold $140
Austria, Hungary & few others in stockbook incl Austria 1935 sepia PPC showing north side scenery of Grossglochner & special motor race cancel, mod…
Bahamas 1863-2009 on 35 Hagners in binder noting a few 1863-1877 Chalons to 6d, 1863 1/-, 1884 4d & 6d MLH plus odd KEVII. Also KGV to 1/-, 1930 se…
Sold $160
Bangladesh & Burma. Value in the latter noting Jap Occ 1942 1a scarlet & 1943 State Crest on piece tied by cds (cat. £50 as used singles) plus a f…
Sold $50
Barbados 1873-2008 collection with pre-WWII mainly cheaper oddments, then 1949 RSW, 1950 to $2.40 MLH, 1953 $2.40 MUH pair & 1964 block wmk 60¢ MU…
Sold $110
Basutoland & Lesotho 1938-1989 MUH & MLH on Hagners in Hagner binder. Noted 1938 to 10/- MLH, 1954 to 10/- (2 sets MUH), 1961 surcharges MUH incl t…
Sold $170
Basutoland & Liberia Noted 1938 to 2/6d, Silver Jubilee used, 1954 to 10/- & 1961 surcharges to 25¢ then Liberia 1860-1979 MLH & CTO with cheaper …
Sold $22
Basutoland/Lesotho, Bechuanaland/Botswana & Swaziland used range. A clean lot with useful incl Basutoland 1938 set (5/-, 10/- MLH), RSW MLH & 1961/…
Sold $95
Bechuanaland & Bophuthatswana Odd better noted in the former incl 1887 1d, 2d, 4d, 6d & 1/- used plus 25 other pre-1900. KGVI 2/6d, QEII 1955 to 2/…
Sold $60
Bechuanaland & Botswana 1932-1992 MUH & MLH on 40 Hagners in binder incl 1932/58 PD's MUH, 1938/52 to 10/-, ditto 1953/58 MLH, 1948 RSW, 1961 surch…
Sold $260
Bechuanaland-British Solomon Is Used collection noting in the former QEII 1/3d & 1961 set to 2R then Botswana 1967 to 2R plus some later thematic t…
Sold $90
Belgium 1849-2009 wide ranging collection on over 150 Hagners in 3 binders. Pickings incl 1915 5 FRANKEN F/U (SG 193, cat. £190), 1925 Stamp Anniv…
Sold $520
Bermuda & Jamaica Used collections to 1972 on leaves. Bermuda incls KGVI 2/-, 2/6d & 5/-, 1953 to 2/6d, 1962 to £1 (ex 3/-, 5/-) & 1970 to $2…
Sold $65
Bermuda (on 48 Hagners) & Turks & Caicos (on 20 Hagners). Bermuda starts with c20 oddments to 4d, 1901/09 "Dock" mixed MLH & used to 4d, KGV 1910/2…
Sold $310
Bolivia noting 1960 "Excavation" set of 19 MLH (cat. £100 MUH). Also lesser quantities of Bhutan, Guinea Bissau & Benin. Some disreputable "back …
Sold $65
Bosnia & Herzegovina MLH & used collection from 1879 to ovptd issues for Yugoslavia neatly presented with SG Cat. numbers & annotations in Lighthou…
Botswana 1966-2008 range incl 1966 ovpts to R2 MLH, 1974 Minerals to R2 MUH & surcharges (1976) to P2, 1978 Birds to P5, 1982 to P2 & 1992 Anima…
Sold $130
Brazil 1850-1992 Few earlies incl 1866 500r, 1878 to 300r incl 260r, 1978 surcharges MLH (SG 460/64), "Service Aereo" ovpts, 1929 to 10,000r ML…
Sold $180
British Guiana & Guyana 1863-1995 with basic pre-1930 but later pickings incl 1934 24¢ & 48¢ MLH, 1983 to $3 MLH, 1954 to $5 MLH, 1969/71 Animals…
Sold $50
British Honduras, Honduras & Belize British Honduras has 34 QV items incl 1891 50¢ MLH plus $1 & $2 "SPECIMEN", KEVII 20¢, 25¢ & $2 "SPECIMEN" &…
Sold $100
British Virgin Island 1866-2007 MLH & used on 24 Hagners in binder. A few low value earlies, then 1935 Silver Jubilee MLH, KGVI 1938/47 to £1, 195…
Sold $85
Brunei Good range of "River View" types to 50¢ plus 1947 set to $1 & a later good range. Noted 1992 & 1994 strips MUH & 1996 defins to $10 used. S…
Sold $65
Bulgaria 1881-2006 range noting 1927 Airs MLH with 1930's sparse but better later with useful 1955-1960 sets. The 140 Hagners themselves make this …
Sold $80
Burundi Mixed MUH, MLH & CTO with full sets & M/S's on 40+ Hagners. Various themes with flora & fauna well covered plus paintings, sports, space, s…
Sold $30
Cameroun General range from colonial period to 2005 mixed MLH & used, some faulty on 30+ Hagners. Wildlife, paintings & sports the dominant themes.…
Sold $55
Canada 1859-1995 used in 2 boxed standard Schaubek albums with pages to 2009. Noted 1859 1¢ & 12½¢, 1893 20¢ & 50¢ (average), 1897 Jubilee to …
Sold $200
Canada 1859-2001 MUH, MLH & used range plus FDC's in 6 vols with a handful of Newfoundland in a seventh. Rather untidy in write up & arrangement wi…
Sold $160
Canada 1860's-1950's duplicated used range in quality stockbook starting with a few Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & Newfoundland. Pickings & shades bu…
Sold $65
Canada 1870-1995 MUH, MLH & used with duplication in 2 stockbooks. Some better noted incl 1898/1902 20¢ F/U, 1942 13¢ to $1 MLH & 1949 50¢ "OHMS…
Sold $60
Canada 1870-2003 used collection. Whilst cds examples are in the minority & only a few "back of the book" issues are present this is well presented…
Sold $75
Canada 1897-2000 duplicated used range on 20+ Hagners in 4 binder. Many useful pickings with cds strikes from 1927 onwards, vals to $1 pre-1950 (4 …
Sold $40
Canada 1899-1983 used neatly laid out with special groupings for 1976 Olympics, Christmas issues & "back of the book". Cond varies but good cds exa…
Sold $60


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