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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1902/12 2/-, 2/6d, 5/-, 10/- & £1 QV. Latter no gum, the others MLH with evidence of minor sweating. All with nice frontal appearance. SG 124/128
Sold $175
1902 1d blue postcard mint (PC8) with pictorial advert on reverse "American Dunlop Tyres Are The Best" … Splatt, Wall & Co Perth. Fine cond. Sim…
Sold $100
1902 Edward VII Coronation cards set of 8 diff colour cards each with ½d Swan tied by matching LC ROOM 17JU 02 PERTH duplex cancels. Message side…
Sold $110
1902 (23rd Jan) Boulder DXF-b index 5 complete 100% strike tying 2d swan on cover to Perth with "T.P.O E.G" index nil, type EG4 on reverse with LC …
Sold $150
1902 (23rd Jan) Coolgardie DXPO-a index 5 crisp cancel on 2d yellow swan on cover addressed to Perth with T.P.O. EG index nil, type EG4 on reverse …
Sold $150
1902 (12th Apr) Albany to Perth Registered cover with complete Albany Registered Letter Branch ORS2a in magenta. 2d & 3d swans tied by cogwheel Reg…
Sold $100
1902 (8th May) Mt Malcolm to Perth cover with clear DXPO on damaged 2d grey swan with full complete 100% strike of "T.P.O-E.G" index 3, type 6 on r…
Sold $270
1902 (10th June) Marble Bar 3b index B with DO13 tied to 2d swan on cover addressed to Perth. LC ROOM GPO JY 11 02 part cds on reverse. Late use of…
Sold $120
1902 (19th June) complete 100% full Boulder DXF-a index 5 strike on 2d yellow swan on cover addressed to Perth with full "T.P.O-E.G" type 6 strike …
Sold $260
1903 (March) ½d postal card uprated with ½d greens swans x 2 addressed to London & pmkd Lennonville ( 4 impressions) with S.M.R. Perth WA transit…
1904 2d dull yellow swan, perf 12.4, with V/Crown wmk upright inverted. Used with neat Bridgetown 3b AP 8 05 cds. ACSC W17Baa Cat. $250
1904 (15th Jan) cover to Hobart, bearing pair of 1d (1902 type) tied by dumb obliterator. Karridale cds struck clearly well away from adhesives. B/…
Sold $30
1904 (4th Nov) cover to England with 3 x 1d red swans pmkd Kookynie 3b type cds's (poor strikes). Perth transit S.M.R. cds for 17 NO 04. Neat Richm…
Sold $25
1905 2d orange-yellow swan, perf. 12 x 12½, with Crown/A wmk sideways reversed (crown to right when viewed from front). Fine used with SP 10 1910 …
1905 NZ Insurance Co Cargo Policy document with £10,000 cover on Steamer shipments from 27/6/05 to 27/6/0 with £5 black & purple stamp duty tied …
Sold $75
1906 2/- orange on yellow & 1911 2/- brown-red on yellow. Upright wmks. MLH & used for each with MLH in brown-red creased while used has F&G perfin…
Sold $30
1906 6d bright violet MUH/MLH block of 6. Some minor perf separation at top otherwise well centred with lovely colour. SG 115 Cat. £210
1906 Barrambie Ranges Gold Mining Co, 1940's Mountain View Gold NL, Blue Spec Mining Co NL share certificates plus two USA railway certificates fro…
Sold $30
1906 typed legal document on quality laid bond "Original Turkey News Kent" paper. Regards estate distribution of £20. Stamp duty of 13 pence …
1906 (20th Apr) Bulong to Hobart cover bearing 2d yellow tied by 2 strikes of Bulong cds. Reverse shows Perth APR 21 machine cancel & Hobart 2 MY …
Sold $40
1907 Mining Transfer with £1 Revenue signed & cancelled by "MINING REGISTRAR CUE" cachet. Also 3 other Mining Transfers for Mount Magnet & Cue wi…
Sold $100
1907 original printing plate produced in England for WA Govt Railways. Almost identical to the wmk 6-1 as used for the 1907-1951 2nd series stam…
1908 Visit of the American Fleet "Australians Welcome Americans" mint postcard with imprint of 2d blue swan & pre-stamped with rectangular red stri…
Sold $200
1908 (2nd Dec) Moora 3b type X2 double strike on 2d QV orange pre-stamped env addressed to Perth. L.C.R. Perth arrival cds on reverse. Few small te…
Sold $40
1910 1/- green swan, perf 14 with WcrownA inverted wmk. F/U with part Kalgoorlie cds dated 23 FE 10. ACSC Cat. $150
1912 "ONE PENNY" on 2d orange PSE showing ovpt off-centre & "O" just outside stamp imprint area. Unused. EN8 Cat. $200
1912 1d carmine swan with Crown/A wmk reverse (sideways left). A scarce dated example with Kalgoorlie 18 MR 12 cds.
1912 3d brown swan, perf. 12½ with upright Crown/A wmk. F/U with a couple of lulled perfs but a difficult stamp. ACSC Cat. $250
1912 (15th Nov) 2d red swan with diagonal "ONE PENNY" in mauve overprint cancelled by Perth machine cancel. Pre-printed on reverse details of a mee…
Sold $80
1918 typed document in connection with discharge of a mortgage totalling £232.10.0 bearing 1d bicolour & 3/- lilac Internal revenue. Interesting u…
Sold $50
1927 legal acknowledgement to Commissioner & Registrar of Titles, Perth bearing £1 lilac internal revenue & 3d & 6d bi-colour duty stamps signed. …
Sold $90
1931 (3rd Nov) Dowerin to Perth registered cover with red label No. 894 & Dowerin cds tying 5d KGV. Origin & destination cds's on reverse. All clea…
1931-1935 group of 5 Registered letters to firm of solicitors in Perth. 3 with 5d & 2 with 5d on 4½d impressed. All fine from different senders wi…
Sold $75
1934 (12th June) 3d KGV x 3 & 3d Airmail cancelled Wyndham plus oval "POSTMASTER WYNDHAM" dated cachet on OHMS PMG printed enc. with Airmail label…
Sold $85
1935 incoming 15c Registered Letter env from Straits Settlements uprated with 1, 2¢ KGV & 5¢ Silver Jubilee & Singapore reg label & sender's seal…
Sold $20
1937 RTS letter from Titles Office showing Nanga Brook 1938 cds & Perth machine cancel of 15 Dec 37 plus a "P.O.142 - West Aust Parcel Post Receipt…
Sold $100
1940 (19th Oct) Big Bell Mines censored & taxed company env with 3d AIF tied by 19 OC 40 Big Bell cds's & taxed 5¢ on arrival in New York. Very ne…
Sold $50
1940's Tax Stamps with "W.A." imprint in red on Australian Tax Instalment stamps for 6d x 7, 10/- x 5, 14/- x 9 & 15/-. All m/s cancelled with sig…
Sold $75
1941/55 1d Revenue Duty right pane of 120 with Crown/WA wmk inverted & reversed MUH. 2 stamps show gum disturbance on the back caused by being "stu…
Sold $140
1941/55 1d scarlet revenue with normal upright wmk, inverted wmk & a complete offset on reverse. All MUH Spectacular & offset. (3)
Sold $60
1941/55 2d blue Revenue Duty lower selvedge block of 14 with wmk Crown/WA inverted & reversed complete with strong off-set on reverse. MUH & a love…
Sold $200
1945 WA/German POW mail with "H.Q. No.16 POW CAMP MARRINUP, WA" cachet in mauve on notelope pmkd Melbourne 12/12/45 to Germany. Fine cond.
Sold $120
1946 WA Military covers with one from POW Control Centre W22 Toodyay to Perth & other POW Control Centre W1 to Perth. Both in very good cond. (2)
Sold $80
1959 Mining Transfer with 20 x 2/- bi-colour Stamp Duty swans applied around the edges. All cancelled by oval "MINING REGISTRAR MOUNT MAGNET" in vi…
Sold $220
1959/60 Hospitals Benefit Fund of WA payment card that has been used with 2 x 5/- purple & 24 x 5/6d yellow HBF Receipt stamps cancelled by mauve s…
Sold $160
1979 City of Perth Surf Life Saving Club Donation stamps - cinderellas. Se-tenant strip of 5 with 50c, $1, $5, $10 & $50 vals in sealed pack with i…
Sold $60
1986-1990 $10 x 3 & $20 x 5 Airport Departure Tax stamps on/off piece cancelled by Perth Immigration & Ethnic Affairs cachets. Good cond. (8)
Sold $20
1988 (12th Sept) Priority Paid env with $1.57 in stamps pmkd South Hedland with matching timed cachet & "POSTED INCORRECTLY OR TOO LATE" cachet in …
1992 (9th May) 1992 Cue Centennial pictorial pmk on 2 diff PP PSE's (only 1000 serviced) & 2011 (3rd July) Mount Bruce 150th Anniv cover with speci…
Sold $30
WWII WA Forces MaiI addressed to "Mr Wise Premier" of Western Australia. 1d franked with undated oval bar cancel. Dumb obliteration DO-8 possibly u…
Sold $30


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