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Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1351_sml.jpg) Western Australia Swans & QV range of "OS" perfins neatly arranged on typed up pages noting 1882/93 1/- CrownCA wmks incl shades, 1898/1907 & 1912 … $580 Archived |
Western Australia Postmarks 2000-2010 range of addressed & unaddressed all with special cachets & cancels. Incls the CUP-PEX 87 album. Noted many o… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1353_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black swan. Mint with 3 clear margins, just touching at right. SG 1 Cat. £1000 $250 Sold $250 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1354_sml.jpg) 1854 1d black swan clearly rouletted on all 4 sides F/U with clear 15 bar 3 cancel. A lovely example. SG2 Cat. £650 $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1355_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue swan with 4 close to large margins. Fine used with neat barred "2" numeral cancel. SG 3 Cat. £200 $100 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1356_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue swan. 4 even clear to large margins. Fresh unused with lovely colour. SG 3 Cat. £375 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1357_sml.jpg) 1854 4d pale blue swan. 4 large margins. Unused with strong colour. SG 3 Cat. £375 $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1358_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- pale brown Hillman. Mint with 4 close to large margins. Fresh colour. SG 4c Cat. £425 $180 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1359_sml.jpg) 1854 1/- pale red-brown swan. F/U with 4 close to large margins. This is the paler shade of the deep red brown. $400 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1360_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- chocolate brown swan. F/U with 4 even large margins. This distinct & difficult shade is not listed by SG. Rarely offered so fine. $750 Withdrawn |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1361_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- grey brown. Unused. Tight at right but clear to large margins. Lovely rich & deep shade. SG 4b Cat. £550 $350 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1362_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- grey-brown swan. 3 good margins with left almost touching. True colour & fine unused. SG 4b Cat. £650 $400 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1363_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown F/U, cut square example with all margins clear & wmk standing out boldly. Exc stamp. SG 4c Cat. £325 $80 Sold $110 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1364_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown swan. Clear, even margins & rich colour. Unused. SG 4c Cat. £475 $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1365_sml.jpg) 1855 1/- pale brown swan. Clear, even margins & rich colour. Unused. SG 4c Cat. £475 $200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1366_sml.jpg) 1857 cover to England via "P. Dolphin" with 1d black swan imperf (SG 1) horiz pair & 4d blue (SG 3c) single cancelled by bold grid cancels. Und… $9000 Sold $7500 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1367_sml.jpg) 1858 2d brown-black on red Hillman F/U with light barred obliterator. Wide margin at base, others close to touching & a natural paper fold. SG 15 C… $120 Sold $180 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1368_sml.jpg) 1859 6d grey-black Hillman showing transfer error on the swan. F/U with 3 clear & 1 touching margin. SG 19var. $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1369_sml.jpg) 1860 2d pale orange swan with pre-printing fold. Fine mint cond. A lovely example. SG 24var. $400 Sold $400 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1370_sml.jpg) 1860 4d deep blue engraved swan with wmk upright. Mint with small part original gum & 4 clear margins. Shows clear off-set on reverse with portions… $500 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1371_sml.jpg) 1861 6d sage-green swan. Mint, no gum, with good colour & margins touching on 2 sides, just cut into at base & clear at left. SG 28 Cat. £2250 as MLH $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1372_sml.jpg) 1860 6d sage-green swan rouletted 7½ to 14 on 3 sides. F/U with BN "2" in blue with 3 clear margins, tight at right. SG 32 Cat. £650 $70 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1373_sml.jpg) 1861 6d purple brown swan, clean-cut perf 14-16 with design cut by perfs at base but still very attractive. MLH SG 42 Cat. £425 $100 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1374_sml.jpg) 1871 3d pale brown swan with massive imperf margin at base. F/U bar light "F" barred cancel. Pulled corner top left however unusual & otherwise fin… $30 Withdrawn |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1375_sml.jpg) 1873 Perth to Bunbury letter with 2d chrome yellow tied by clear duplex addressed to H.C.Prinsep,a member of well known farming family (Belvidere … $200 Sold $390 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1376_sml.jpg) 1881 1d ochre I.R. 2 bars mint plus a used example with bars short at left & another short at right. Also 1881 1d on 3d & 3d on 3d violet I.R. fis… $50 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1377_sml.jpg) 1882 1d yellow-ochre swan with wmk crown CA sideways & reversed. F/U. Listed but unpriced in SG cat. 76x $100 Archived |
1882 Lease agreement with 7/6d attached & fiscally signed. Rare usage. Also an 1894 WA Lein ticket with £1 & 1904 "Dr Henry Berry & Co. Salt, Spic… $60 Sold $60 |
1885 1/- olive green with crown CA wmk. F/U block of 8 with 9 Perth cds's dated OC 3 1903. SG 102 $30 Sold $30 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1380_sml.jpg) 1885/1912 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 1/- & 5/- swan & QV group with "WA" perfins, good to fine used. (7) $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1381_sml.jpg) 1887 OHMS stampless letter with Perth duplex, Kalgoorlie (first address) cds, boxed "UNCLAIMED" & Dept. of Lands frank stamp plus 1896 OHMS cover… $40 Sold $95 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1382_sml.jpg) 1890 1d carmine swan, perf 14, with Crown CA wmk inverted. Good to F/U with almost complete Fremantle Type DxL 2a barred numeral. One of only 12 re… $250 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1383_sml.jpg) 1890 2d grey swan, perf. 14, Crown CA wmk inverted. Fine used by Perth DXF-2 GPO/D duplex cancel. One of only 6 known examples. Scarce. $350 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1384_sml.jpg) 1893 1d, 2d, 3d & 6d on 3d "I.R" on small lilac swans with the 2d MLH & others used (1d postally (?) & scarce thus) plus pen-cancelled 3/-, 5/-, 7/… $200 Sold $260 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1385_sml.jpg) 1893 Revenues "long lilac" types with CA 1d, 2d, 3d MLH, 6d to £10 (excl. £5) with fiscal cancels (latter very fine rubber stamp strike) plus WCr… $60 Sold $170 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1386_sml.jpg) 1893/97 Postal fiscals with 1d x3, 3d x 2, 6d mint & 5/- (faded). Also "IR" TWO PENCE & 1d Telegraph perf 14. Postal cancels on all 1d & 3d vals p… $40 Sold $85 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1387_sml.jpg) 1894 (4th Jan) Fremantle local cover with strip of 3 1d IR stamps tied by three Fremantle DxL2a index 1 cancels. A few rust spots assisting with ch… $30 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1388_sml.jpg) 1896 1d to £1 Revenues with CrownCA wmk, perf. 14. Fiscal cancels. A clean, sound lot. (9) $120 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1389_sml.jpg) 1896 (21st Sept) unstamped official cover to Fremantle with very fine Perth GPO duplex on front plus handstamped signature cachet in violet in lo… $60 Sold $160 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1390_sml.jpg) 1897 (9th June) Illust insurance company cover from Sydney to "Mr P.P. Curtin c/o Mrs J.A. Healey Cycle Express Agency, Coolgardie, Thence by Cycle… $16000 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1391_sml.jpg) 1898 (3rd Oct) inwards mail with 2a6p India embossed env addressed to Perth via Colombo & probably Albany considering TPO GSR, type GS5. Other b/s'… $50 Sold $75 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1392_sml.jpg) 1898 (18th Oct) Land Titles Department Frank Stamp (Karman Cat. W260.2) on OHMS env with neat Perth Registered ORS3-a strike. Worn cond with some t… $75 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1393_sml.jpg) 1899 (13th March) 1d brown postcard with Ship Mail Room Perth 8 bar GPO duplex addressed to Hodechagh in Austro-Hungarian Empire then re-directed t… $90 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1394_sml.jpg) 1899 (17th July) L.C. Room Perth DxG index 3 bold strike on 1½d on 3d swan surcharged postcard (PC5) with scarce Poste Restante cds 5-a with an un… $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1395_sml.jpg) 1899 (25th Aug) Perth DXF-2 GPO/D in. 14 cancelling 2d swan on cover addressed to South Aust with 'ADVERTISED UNCLAIMED ADELAIDE SP 1899 oval cance… $60 Sold $60 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1396_sml.jpg) 1899 OHMS stampless to Kalgoorlie, 1898 registered Perth OHMS stampless cover with many instructional markings, 1903 ship letter to Adelaide franke… $75 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1397_sml.jpg) 1901 ½d brown swan post card used with crisp, bold Albany duplex of FE 13 1902. Locally used & sent to Major Deer, Officer Commanding Forts, Alban… $60 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1398_sml.jpg) 1901 (7th May) OHMS cover Wongamine to Northam with Education Dept. Frank Stamp & Northam receival on reverse. All neat, clear strikes on a cover i… $150 Sold $600 |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1399_sml.jpg) 1902 2d yellow swan with V/Crown wmk reversed (sideways left when viewed from front). F/U with part Fremantle Railway Station DxPO-a in. 2 cds date… $350 Archived |
![](https://acestampauctions.com/auctions/15/lots/1400_sml.jpg) 1902 4d to 10/- incl 2 shades of 2/-, 2/6d all good to fine used with "OS" perfins. Missing 5d. Foxed perfs top of 5/-. A useful group. (10) $100 Sold $80 |