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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth "A-I" countries MUH & MLH with 1937-1980 short sets & odds incl later noting Christmas Is 1997 M/S & 1998 sheetlet. Also Falkl…
Sold $60
British Commonwealth "A-N" countries in Senator binder. Mainly KGVI to 1970 with reasonable GB MLH & used from QV incl 1925 BEE 1½d MLH & some KGV…
Sold $40
British Commonwealth "A-Z" range in Lighthouse stockbook. Largely oddments in mixed cond. but would suit general collector in early stages of addic…
Sold $35
British Commonwealth "C-F" countries attractively presented with Cocos 1963 to 2/3d MLH & used with later patchy mainly used to 2003, a few Cook Is…
Sold $80
British Commonwealth "F-L" countries on leaves in "as new" Senator binder. Strength in 1937-1980 period with many defin short sets & cheaper commem…
Sold $180
British Commonwealth "I-Z" countries MUH & MLH with mostly 1937-1980 with strength in short defin sets & cheaper commems. Some better noting Malta …
Sold $80
British Commonwealth "N-S" countries on leaves in Senator binder with mixed MLH & used from late KGV to 1990's noting Nigeria 1953 to £1 used, Nor…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth "S-Z" countries plus Victory omnibus issues used. Starts with Singapore KGVI set perf 14 used, 1955/62 & 1969 defins complete …
Sold $100
British Commonwealth 1840-1936 used collection in two fine "Imperial" illustrated albums in their original boxes. Noted GB with 1840 1d black, 1841…
Sold $350
British Commonwealth 1953 Coronation & Royal Visit omnibus MLH plus "A-C" countries largely 1937-1980 short sets incl Antigua KGVI to 5/- MLH, 1954…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth 1992 40th year of Queen's Accession Omnibus with MUH sheetlets of 20 or gutter strips of 10 for Antigua/Barbuda, Ascension, Ba…
British Commonwealth KGV-QEII MLH & used with largely defin issues noting Falklands Deps. 1944 ovpt set of 32 & Falklands 1952 to £1 MLH plus wide…
Sold $420
British Commonwealth KGVI used collection in SG KGVI quality illustrated album in exc cond. Noted GB 10/- dark blue, Swaziland set to 10/- (ex 5/-)…
Sold $75
British Commonwealth MUH/MLH/used accumulation in 9 small stockbooks & 3 larger vols. Incls GB duplicated used in cat. order in Lighthouse stoc…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth Used "budget" collection on leaves in binder with issues to 1972. Patchy but noted North Borneo 1902/12 British Protectorate/P…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth Selection incl Aden 1937 ½a to 5r Dhows in good to F/U cond. Also ½a to 8a MLH. SG 1/11 & 1/8, Malta 1914/21 2/- purple & br…
Sold $130
British Commonwealth Mainly used noting Australia kangaroos vals to 1/- & KGV to 1/4d. Canada with useful 1920's-1930's MLH oddments, Christmas & C…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth range in Lighthouse stockbook with New Guinea & Papua odds, Turkey, Bahawalpur duplicated incl useful Officials, Burma, Turks …
Sold $150
British Commonwealth Booklets for Fiji (3), 1990 Pitcairn Is. (2), N. Rhodesia, S. Rhodesia, Rhodesia (2) & Zambia (2) booklets. Exc cond. SG Ca…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth Range on 50+ Hagners in binder. Mostly cheaper oddments but some better incl Solomon Is KGVI defins to 10/- & 1940 PD's MLH & …
Sold $100
British Commonwealth Mint range in Lighthouse stockbook. Noted GB incl KGVI 1951 festival to 10/-, few Ascension to 1/-, Australian 6d AIF & others…
Sold $75
British Commonwealth Used selection. Not much to "jump out" on a quick viewing but a good spread from QV to QEII with few highlights incl Gibraltar…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth noting Christmas Is MUH & many used with Zambia, Br & Fr New Hebrides, Liberia, Libya, Tonga incl script wmk set to 5/- MLH & …
Sold $160
British Commonwealth with Grenada/Grenadines, Zimbabwe, Northern Rhodesia, Rhodesia, St Vincent/Grenadines, South African provinces, Pitcairn Is g…
Sold $160
British Commonwealth Mainly pre-1930 in mixed cond with pickings in GB, Hong Kong & bag of USA blocks of 8¢ to 13¢ commems & defins MUH. Randomly…
Sold $40
British Commonwealth with GB QV to QEII used oddments incl 1883/84 5/- used & 1951 Festival of Britain MUH plus small range of Aust States & others…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth Range of Ceylon, Hong Kong (incl KGV $2 & $5 used), Singapore, Malta (incl 1965/70 to £1 MUH), Gibraltar (Silver Jubilee used…
Sold $120
British Commonwealth in large Lighthouse stockbook starting with good coverage of Barbados from late Britannia's & incl 1948 RSW MLH, 1950 KGVI to …
Sold $520
British Commonwealth Mainly used South Africa in 1 stockbook & various Gibraltar, Basutoland, Ceylon, Antigua, Dominica, North Borneo, Northern Rho…
Sold $40
Europe Mainly common Russia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia & Romania with only saving grace, a small MLH selection of early 1950's West …
Europe 1900-1990 range of commercially used overs incl some 1920's French postcards. Mixed cond but good value at this reserve. (approx. 100)
Sold $20
Europe Mainly used accumulation pre-1950 with France strong in Peace & Commerce types plus various other countries in packets in small tin. Noted s…
Sold $40
Latin America with binder of Cuba & Central America used middle period with light duplicated, a stockbook of Nicaragua post-1950 MLH/used with dupl…
Sold $50
Malayan Area 1924-1967 range of 70 small covers & aerogrammes. Strength in 1950's with some duplicated of aerogrammes. Most have franking on rear f…
Sold $30
Malayan Area on Hagners with handy oddments in Sarawak noting 1888/97 25¢ MLH (cat. £60), 1918 25¢, 50¢ used (cat. £35), 1947 Cypher ovpt to $…
Sold $300
Middle East Noted Bahrain 1970 Archaeology Conference MUH (cat. £30) & 1964 defins MUH (cat. £45) plus earlier MLH/used incl 1955 10R used. Jorda…
Sold $200
Pacific Islands 1940 Postage Due sets of 8 from Fiji, Gilbert & Ellice & Br. Solomon's. All MUH but with toning on all Fiji & some others as usuall…
Sold $100
Pacific Islands plus Christmas Is, Cocos Is & Indian Ocean. A haphazard but useful lot on 50+ Hagners in binder. Useful MUH M/S's incl 2009 Pitcair…
Sold $190
Pacific Islands MLH & used odds to c1975 incl some useful N.W. Pacific Is ovpts e.g. 1st wmk 5/- with foxed perfs, 1/- perf "OS" fine plus others t…
Sold $100
Persian Gulf "back of the book" & others on c50 Hagners in binder. Very colourful, but majority CTO disreputables & the Hagners are definitely wort…
Sold $45
Persian Gulf & Yemen Range with about half being Yemen in its various guises plus a good selection of Sharjah & a few of Fujeira. As expected major…
Sold $45
Persian Gulf States with strength in Qatar incl 1966 new currency ovpts 5, 15, 40, 50, 75d, 1R, 2R (cat. £285) & the basic 1961 set (cat. £20) al…
Sold $40
Scandinavia & Suriname. Starts with Greenland (c70) from 1938 set to 40ö MLH (20ö faulty) with others to 2007 MLH & used. Aland (23 used). Icelan…
Sold $60
Scandinavia in Erka album for issues to 1965. Denmark well covered from few cut close imperfs & incl 1934 Airs used to Anti-Cancer MLH & defins to …
Sold $70
Scandinavia Lightly duplicated used in no particular order on c50 Hagners in black binder & slipcase. Most value in Hagners. (1000+)
Sold $30
World "A-M" countries range on Senator leaves. Noted late 1950's MLH Ecuador but overall "quantity rather than quality". (100s)
World "P-T" countries used range with Portugal to 1970 & Russia pre-WWII being the best. (100s)
World "A-Z" range with much pre-WWI of modest value incl France P&C issues etc. Later to 1982 mainly used. Patient scrutiny may reward but estimate…
Sold $40
World "A-Z" duplicated in large Lindner stockbook. Largely packet material used but some better sighted incl USA 1984 Olympics 20¢ half sheet of 5…
Sold $50
World incl Australia with vast range of countries with majority used neatly arranged by country on 185 practically brand new Hagners. Useful CTO Au…
Sold $90


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