Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark |
 2/- brown. MLH, centred right. ACSC 35, Cat. $650 $180 Archived |
 5/- grey & chrome with "white line adjacent to coast in bight" duty plate variety. Fine & fresh MLH. ACSC 42A(D)e, Cat. $1750 $420 Sold $320 |
 5/- grey & chrome. MUH with slightly aged gum & a couple of short perfs. Useful at this reserve. ACSC 42A, Cat. $5000 $1500 Archived |
 5/- grey & yellow CTO with part DE 3 1913 cds. ACSC 42wb, Cat. $300 $80 Sold $85 |
5/- grey & yellow. CTO with some tone spots on perfs at base. ACSC 42Bwb, Cat. $300 $50 Sold $50 |
5/- grey & yellow. Fine Melbourne CTO dated 3 DE 13. Centred right but fresh colour. ACSC 42Bwb, Cat. $300 $80 Sold $80 |
5/- grey & yellow. MLH with a couple of blunt perfs otherwise fresh with excellent colour & centring. ACSC 42B, Cat. $900 $220 Sold $130 |
 10/- grey & pink, centred high, (ACSC 47Ax, Cat. $750), £1 brown & blue (ACSC 51Ax, Cat. $1000) & £2 black & rose. centred right (ACSC 55Ax, Cat.… $700 Sold $750 |
 10/- grey & pink. Fine used with neat cds at left. Centred low but excellent colour & perfs. ACSC 47A, Cat. $1100 $300 Sold $300 |
 10/- grey & pink. MH centred low with hinge sweated off & lightly soiled surface however a useful "budget" example. ACSC 47A, Cat. $2000 for MLH $75 Sold $120 |
 £1 brown & ultramarine. Good to fine used, centred right & with repaired telegraph puncture obscured by Kalgoorlie cds. Useful "spacefiller" & rem… $200 Sold $200 |
 £1 red brown & blue. Fine MLH, centred right. A shortish perf at right does not detract from this most attractive example. ACSC 51B, Cat. $4500 $2200 Sold $2200 |
 £1 red-brown & blue with "Specimen" type A h/s. Fine MNG, centred high. ACSC 51Bx, Cat. $1000 as MLH $250 Sold $320 |
 £2 black & rose. Lightly used with part Registered cds. Unfortunately this has been re-perfed at the base. Lovely colour & a useful spacefiller at… $500 Sold $500 |
 £2 grey & rose. A very small closed tear in perf above "T" of Australia is barely noticeable. MLH & well centred with rich fresh colour. A most at… $5000 Archived |
 £2 black & rose with "Specimen" type A h/s. MLH, centred slightly high. Rich colour. ACSC 55A, Cat. $850 $220 Sold $340 |
 £2 grey & rose ovptd "Specimen" with "Red line on map north of Bight" variety. Drury cert (2022). Sweated MLH gum with a couple of wrinkles & cent… $260 Sold $200 |
Kangaroos: 1915 2nd Watermark |
 2d to 1/- group with 6d centred right & others well centred. 9d with slightly aged gum but 2d fresh MVLH. ACSC $1600 (5) $360 Sold $290 |
 2d grey pair perfined "OS" used (ACSC 7ba, Cat. $50), 9d violet F/U with cds (ACSC 25, Cat. $90) & 5/- deep grey & yellow used by Perth 9 MR 15 cds… $180 Archived |
 2d grey to 5/- grey & yellow set. All very good to fine used with better than average centring & perfs. SG 24/30, Cat. £650 $280 Sold $220 |
 2d grey to 1/- blue-green. Fine MLH with reasonable centring. ACSC Cat. $1725 (5) $400 Sold $400 |
 2d grey to 1/- emerald range, 6d with left selvedge. MLH selection, some with very light gum toning otherwise good colours with perfs & centring be… $260 Sold $260 |
 2d grey with "cut throat kangaroo" variety. MLH with slightly stained gum & thin to one top perf reflected in reserve. ACSC 6A(1)j, Cat. $375 $60 Sold $60 |
 2½d indigo. MLH, well centred with good perfs. ACSC 10A, Cat. $225 $60 Sold $60 |
 2½d bluish indigo with "islands south of WA" variety. MLH, well centred with good perfs. ACSC 10B(2)g, Cat. $400 $150 Sold $90 |
Kangaroos: 1913 1st Watermark |
 6d ultramarine with "retouched second E of Pence" variety. MLH verging on MUH, centred low with one short perf. A difficult stamp. ACSC 17(1)j, Cat… $400 Sold $460 |
Kangaroos: 1915 2nd Watermark |
 6d ultramarine. MUH & well centred with fresh colour. ACSC 18A, Cat. $2250 $340 Sold $380 |
 6d deep ultramarine. MLH with light gum toning & 3 blunt perfs at left. A useful example at this reserve with good colouring & centring. ACSC 18B, … $150 Sold $150 |
 2/- brown. Fined used with 2 part cds's & well centred. ACSC 36, Cat. $350 $100 Sold $100 |
 1/- green with "break right of "O" variety of "ONE" & in bottom frame under "H" of shilling" variety. Fine used, centred down. ACSC 31A(2)I, Cat. $200 $50 Sold $50 |
 1/- green. MLH/MH with reasonable centring. ACSC 31, Cat. $375 $90 Sold $90 |
 2/- pale brown. Centred high with MLH aged yellowish gum. Useful "spacefiller" at this reserve especially as frontally fresh. ACSC 36, Cat. $1500 $300 Sold $180 |
 2/- brown used with "White flaw in grass behind kangaroo" variety. Fine sued with pmk well clear of variety. ACSC 36(2)I, Cat. $600 $150 Sold $150 |
 2/- light brown. Fine used & very well centred. ACSC 36, Cat. $350 $90 Sold $90 |
 2/- light brown. Fine used with part Qld cds in blue. Well centred. ACSC 36, Cat. $350 $90 Archived |
 2/- light brown. MLH with expertly sweated gum. Centred slightly left but remains presentable. ACSC 36, Cat. $1500 $500 Archived |
 5/- deep grey & yellow. MLH with slight tan line & stained gum. Frontally fine & useful at this reserve. ACSC 43, Cat. $1500 $300 Sold $300 |
 5/- deep grey & yellow. Fresh MLH & well centred. ACSC 43A, Cat. $1500 $500 Sold $500 |
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark |
 2d to 1/- incl shades of 6d blue x 2, 9d x 3 & 1/- x 2. Generally fine MLH but both 1/- heavily hinged. Useful group at this reserve. ACSC $1100 (10) $220 Sold $180 |
 2d to 5/- short set good to fine used. 2/- maroon & 5/- grey & yellow with heavy pmks & reserved accordingly. SG 35/42, 73 & 74, Cat. £300 (10) $50 Sold $40 |
 2d deep grey in lower right selvedge strip of 6 showing part (Harri)son imprint. Two toned tanned MLH/MUH gum with vertical perf separation at top.… $90 Sold $55 |
 2d deep grey, Die I MUH (ACSC 7A, Cat. $150), 2d grey with inverted wmk, Die I MLH (ACSC 7Ba, Cat. $225) & 2d slate, Die I perfined "OS" MLH (ACSC … $100 Sold $100 |
 2d grey with "Retouched left frame & - State II - with additional scratch from left frame to map" variety. Fine used with pmk partly obscuring vari… $900 Sold $900 |
 2d grey with inverted wmk & bottom margin. Fresh MLH. ACSC 7a, Cat. $225 $75 Archived |
 2d grey. MUH block of 4, diagonal crease affecting top left corner of top left stamp. Well centred with good colour. ACSC 7B, Cat. $600 as single s… $180 Archived |
 2d silver-grey, Die IIA with "inner frame missing opposite "T" of TWO" variety, MUH with light gum crease (ACSC 8Ap, Cat. $150) plus 2d bluish-grey… $80 Sold $65 |
 2½d blue block of 4 from the bottom of the plate - see straight line wmk under 2 bottom stamps. MUH, centred slightly right. Excellent colour. ACS… $220 Sold $130 |
 2½d blue in MUH selvedge block of 6. Centred high but very good perfs & rich colour. ACSC 11A, Cat. $600 as singles plus premium for block $200 Sold $160 |
 2½d blue x 2 with "islands south of WA" & "very heavy coastline to WA - state I" varieties. Both fine used. ACSC 11C/B(2)da & (2)g), Cat. $240 (2) $70 Sold $90 |
 2½d blue, 2½d deep blue, 2½d indigo & 2½d pale bright blue. All MLH with odd perf fault reflected in reserve. ACSC 11A, B, C & E, Total Cat. $2… $80 Sold $80 |