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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Hungary MLH & used range in Minkus album to 1965 but modest pre-1960 mainly used, later with most commem sets to 1965 MLH or used. No M/S's but inc…
Hungary Range of better items in small "Magyar Posts" stockbooks noting 1920 Air surcharges in blocks of 4 fresh MUH, 1932 Madonna set fine MLH (Ca…
Sold $150
India 1947-1973 Post Independence (incl 1949 to 15r) collection of MLH & used in Simplex album. Missing key vals but many issues present in both ML…
Sold $70
Great Britain 1980-2009 Prestige Booklet Panes incl those with tabs. Rarely seen so complete & well arranged in quality Lighthouse stockbook. Fine …
Sold $1400
Indochina 1903-1960 covers & a 1903 postcard plus 1927 Cochin China with 5¢ pair on reverse & Singapore (11/10) & Rangoon (17/10) b/s's. Also note…
Sold $100
Indonesia 1949-1984 in Davo album with majority MLH though noted some MUH with sets to early 1970's before largely used sets & odds. Incls M/S's, P…
Sold $120
Indonesia 1961-1999 miniature sheet collection close to complete in MUH/MLH cond on leaves in 4 ring binder noting 1989 Orang Utans pair (Cat. £27…
Sold $550
Indonesia 1976-1999 range of booklets incl SG SB10, 11, 12 (3 incl "a" & "b"), 13a & b, 14a & b, 15a & b, 16 (2) & 21. All fine. Total Cat. £220+ …
Sold $30
Ireland 1922-1932 MLH range on album page noting 1922 Dollard ovpts (Cat. £50), Thom incl 2d Die I & II (Cat. £50), Dollard 10/- (SG 21, Cat. £1…
Sold $100
Ireland 1922-1954 MLH on Hagners noting KGV type I ovpt to 1/-, type II to 9d in both colours & 1/- "Saarstat" ovpts x 7 to 9d before 1922 defins t…
Sold $120
Ireland 1922-1978 MLH/used on leaves with "Rialtas" ovpts to 1/- (26), "Saorstat" incl 2/6d used, 5/-, 10/- MLH (15) before a close to complete sim…
Sold $200
Ireland 1922-1983 MLH & used mounted on leaves with no ovpts on GB, but then a good coverage incl some better noting 1937 St Patrick "Se" wmk 2/6d,…
Sold $80
Ireland 1922-2007 duplicated range with pre-1939 in very mixed cond but later MLH/used incls useful 1939-1960 commems MLH or used & sometimes both.…
Sold $40
Ireland 1946-1957 group of covers comprising 1946 to WA using 2½p & 3p Parnell/Davitt commems, 1948 Wolfe Tone 2½p pair & 3p on FDC (19 XI 48), 1…
Sold $30
Ireland 1974-1996 selection of booklets (19) incl 40p, 50p x 2 (1974 & 1977), 70p (1975) & £1 (1993) before commemorative/prestige booklets from 1…
Sold $50
Israel & Palestine Collection to 1965 in 4 vols attractively written-up. Starts with German P.O.'s in Turkish Empire 1pi & 2½pi ovpts on Reichspos…
Sold $700
Israel (Judaica) Thematic type collection written up with issues from various countries reflecting Refugee Relief issues, Human Rights, 1960 Taviv …
Sold $200
Italy & San Marino Range on stockcards & album pages with many useful noting Italy 1926 Filiberto 1 lire 75 & 10 lire used (Cat. £260), 1935 Horac…
Sold $340
Italy (Trieste Zone "A") Prinz stockbook starting with Regd 1953 Airmail cover to Perth WA bearing 7 diff "AMG-FTT" ovpts before 1952 60l Aeronauti…
Sold $100
Italy 1807-1983 Selection of covers & card plus 1944 German Fremden "Foreigners" photo pass. lncls 1867 Italy stampless better with Firenze cds, 19…
Italy 1926-1927 Revenues on legal documents with handwritten accounts. "Tassa di Bollo" small types to 10lire & 20l to 150l large types with many o…
Sold $120
Italy Early range with Sardinia 1855/63 10¢ grey-brown used, Italy with 1862 20¢ used & 40¢ MNG (Cat. val is for used), 1863 PD MNG & 1863/65 2l…
Sold $150
Italy incl States & Colonies Heavy duplication of low val defins with odd better commem but few sets. Incls a few San Marino & Fiume interspersed. …
Sold $60
Italy Lighthouse stockbook in VG cond containing 1948 Revolution 50l (Cat. £200), 1950 radio (Cat. £400+), Tobacco (Cat. £140), 1925/27 60¢ ora…
Sold $200
Italy MUH/MLH selection in quality stockbook starting with 1890 Parcel Post 2¢ on 50¢ MUH/MLH block of 4 (Cat. £340+), 2¢ on 1.75 MLH (Cat. £6…
Sold $950
Italy WWII Italian Social Republic (GNR) ovpts, Espresso & War Propaganda types ovptd MUH/MLH with varieties such as "I" for "L" in "Sociale" in ma…
Sold $100
Ivory Coast 1892-1942 MLH/used selection with block of 4 parcel post imperf 1f on 10¢ P/D & a few 1892 Tablets to 1f MLH plus later part sets. (72)
Sold $40
Japan 1876-2000's duplicated in catalogue order on Hagners in binder. Pre-1950 mainly common with a few better later noting 1955-1957 Philatelic We…
Sold $110
Japan 1970-1993 MUH pairs & M/S's "flagged" with SG numbers & year of issue. Noted 1970 Expo booklets & M/S plus a few New Year Lottery M/S' & comm…
Sold $42
Japan 1972-1987 New Year M/S's complete bar 1974 & 1982 plus a selection of other commems & a 1978 Yearbook plus another titled "Traditional Craft …
Sold $38
Japan MLH & used in Japanese printed album with commems incl 1915 Enthronement MLH, 1919 Peace used, 1946 Postal Service MLH (1 yen stained) & 1947…
Sold $170
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika MLH & used in Lighthouse stockbook noting 1935 to £1 MLH & to 10/- used, KGVI MLH & used incl perfs to £1 (perf. 12½ …
Sold $650
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika 1938/54 on Hagner in mixed MUH & MVLH cond. Grouped by perfs. 13¼ (1¢, 15¢), 13¼x13¾ (1¢ & 15¢ in both colours), …
Sold $100
Kuwait 1939-1976 MUH/MLH arranged on Hagners noting 1961 defins to 100f MLH with 250f & 1d MUH (Cat. £40) plus some earlier incl KGVI ovpts on Ind…
Sold $300
Laos 1951-2003 mainly used in Premier 3 ring binder with 1950's-1960's oddments before later in sets (sometimes missing top value) CTO. Colourful t…
Sold $40
Luxembourg 1950-1957 MLH selection comprising 1950 War Orphans (Cat. £200), 1951 "United Europe" (Cat. £450), 1952 Centilux 2f & 4f large design …
Sold $140
Macau 1952 St Francis Xavier set MUH (Cat. £75) before a range of MUH sets from 1983 Medicinal Plants (Cat. £32) & from 1989 to 1996. STC £300+ …
Sold $90
Macau 1970's to early 1980's MUH sets & blocks noting 1981 Canoes & 1984 birds sets in blocks, Medicinal Plants M/S MUH (Cat. £275) & 1985 CNY boo…
Macau 1982-1995 sets MUH on Hagners incl 1985 CNY (SG 602) booklet (Cat. £45), "Ameripex 86" musical instruments & "Buildings" defins to 15p plus …
Sold $120
Malawi 1964-1970 in Prangnell album with all commems x 4 MUH & used plus FDC's & M/S noting 1964/65 defins to £1 MLH, 1966/67 to £2 MUH (latter a…
Sold $180
Malawi 1970 surcharges to 1974 UPU in Prangnell album. Complete commems incl M/S's, FDC's & sets in blocks MUH & in used singles noting 1971 Antelo…
Sold $70
Malawi 1974-1979 in Prangnell album with commem sets in MUH blocks of 4 & used sets with FDC's & M/S's complete while the defins with 1975 birds in…
Sold $80
Malay States 1953-1960 complete used excl Malacca 1960 $2 on leaves in binder plus Hagner with Penang & Federation MUH Airs & blocks. A clean lot w…
Sold $130
Malay States & Straits Used QV to KGV on leaves in springback binder. A clean lot with majority fine used & vals to $5. STC $1500+ (300+)
Sold $120
Malayan States & Malaysia An accumulation in large quality stockbook with cat. vals shown in pencil next to many items. Modest pickings incl Kedah …
Sold $130
Malaysia & States Large accumulation all neatly arrange from Straits followed by States in alpha order & Malaysia. Many useful & all flagged with S…
Sold $140
Malaysia & States Used range noting 5 different RSW top vals & UPU sets x 11 all fine used. Other better items incl Kedah 1937 $1, Straits KGVI $5 …
Malaysia Starting with Straits common lightly dupl used to $1, FMS tigers to 20¢, BMA to $5 & States with MLH/used ranges. Noted Trengganu 1957 10…
Sold $50
Maldives 1970's-1980's MUH sets & M/S's in 3 display books with a high degree of completeness. SG STC £1000+ (Approx 750 stamps & 150 M/S's)
Sold $250
Malta 1860-1956 Schaubek hingeless album with a solid MLH & used collection from 1862 ½d Cr/CA orange-yellow (Cat. £40) noting 1886 5/- MLH (Cat.…
Sold $420


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