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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Africa QV to early QEII MLH & used on Hagners. A clean lot with Silver Jubilee Bechuanaland, Gambia & KUT used sets before Southern Rhodesi…
Sold $270
British Africa Lighthouse stockbook commencing with Northern Rhodesia noting KGV £2 Revenue, KGVI dupl MLH/used to 10/-, 1953 Rhodes MUH x 3 sets …
Sold $180
British Africa Untidy range on Hagners incl KUT 1935/37 10/- KGV MLH (stained), Rhodesia incl 1910/13 ½d-2d, 3d, 4d & 6d Double Heads MLH (Cat. £…
Sold $270
British Africa Postal Stationery in a bundle of mostly used b&w pre-1910 Postcards & QV & KEVII PSE's. Noted "Camps Bay" Tucks Postcard with CGH ½…
Sold $50
British Antarctic Territory 1963-1981 arranged in stockbook incl 1963/69 defins to both £1 MUH (Cat. £250), 1965 Churchill & 1971 surcharges MUH,…
Sold $200
British Antarctic Territory Collection on Hagners with pre-decimal to £1 Endurance MLH (Cat. £190 as MUH), surcharges to 50p & later sets with M/…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth Aden to Brunei MLH & used accumulation in quality stockbook noting Aden QEII used to 20/-, Bahamas 3/- staircase CA wmk (Cat. …
Sold $170
British Commonwealth "A-F" countries sets & part sets in large Lighthouse stockbook. Noted Aden KGVI 1939 to 10R & 1951 surcharges to 10/- MLH with…
Sold $1800
British Commonwealth "A-J" countries in large quality Lindner stockbook with useful MLH/MUH duplication incl Ascension 1956 to 10/- x 2 sets (one m…
Sold $300
British Commonwealth "AN-EG" countries in alpha order on 45 Hagners in binder with mixed MLH & used. Better incl Barbados 1858 6d imperf shades use…
Sold $170
British Commonwealth "FA-GU" countries with singles & sets in MLH & used noting Falkland Is UPU set F/U & £1 orchid F/U plus a few MUH commem sets…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth "G-S" countries in Prinz stockbook with a wealth of complete definitive sets both MLH & used incl part sets & some commems. No…
Sold $1600
British Commonwealth "HO-IN" countries with MLH & used on 40+ Hagners in matching binder. Generally "budget" material but noted Hong Kong 1941 $1 C…
Sold $85
British Commonwealth "L-V" countries in large Lindner stockbook with MUH/MLH odds & short sets with many useful pickings noting Singapore KGVI $2 p…
Sold $260
British Commonwealth "MA-NI" countries mostly common but did note Malta 1938 10/- MLH, Montserrat 1953/63 $2.40 F/U, SWA ovpts on South Africa War …
Sold $70
British Commonwealth "PI-Sierra Leone" MLH & used with dupl on approx. 40 Hagners in quality binder. Noted Pitcairn 1957 to 2/6d MUH plus various t…
Sold $70
British Commonwealth "SI-SR" countries on 40+ Hagners in Hagner branded binder. Mostly used in cat order noting Singapore in both perfs to $5 with …
Sold $70
British Commonwealth "SU-ZI" range of countries with MLH & used on c40 Hagners in matching quality binder. Noted Zanzibar 1952 10/- F/U (Cat. £20)…
Sold $70
British Commonwealth "S-Z" countries with sets & part sets in large quality Lindner stockbook starting with St Vincent KGVI to £1 MLH & used & to …
Sold $800
British Commonwealth Used range in alphabetical order in Lighthouse stockbook. All reigns represented with good pre-1870 Ceylon majority essentiall…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth Ireland-Lesotho MLH & used range neatly arranged on Hagners (40+) in 4 ring binder. Better incl Ireland 1940/68 St Patrick set…
Sold $70
British Commonwealth Queen Victoria range in Lighthouse stockbook with majority used & neatly arranged in chronological order with better items fla…
Sold $220
British Commonwealth QV to QEII used off paper in biscuit tin. Some duplication but potential. (approx. 1300)
Sold $65
British Commonwealth KEVII duplicated range in Lighthouse stockbook. Largely used low vals & fiscal odds however better items have been flagged by …
Sold $75
British Commonwealth KGV MLH & used with items flagged showing SG (2003) Cat. Numbers & vals. Arranged in alphabetical order with duplication in th…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth KGV to QEII MLH/used lightly dupl collection in Senator Medium binder, mostly 1935/60 incl Ceylon KGVI to 50r simplified MLH, …
Sold $130
British Commonwealth Stanley Gibbons King George VI Imperial album in very good cond with mixed MLH & used. Noted comprehensive 1937, 1946 & 1949 o…
Sold $640
British Commonwealth KGVI MLH & used in Stanley Gibbons KGVI album noting Aden 1937 2r dhow used & 1951 10/- used, Antigua to 5/- MLH, Australia 10…
Sold $200
British Commonwealth KGVI MLH short sets on Vario sheets etc noting defins from India, Pakistan, BWI & Malay States. Also Morocco Agencies & some M…
Sold $40
British Commonwealth KGVI selection in large Lighthouse stockbook with majority MLH with odd MUH. Noted Coronation (44), Victory (47), Silver Weddi…
Sold $600
British Commonwealth KGVI to QEII used collection in 48 page stockbook with many useful noting Cyprus 1955 to £1 & 1960 500m ovpt, Gilbert & Ellic…
Sold $200
British Commonwealth QEII MUH (the majority) & MLH collection in Lighthouse stockbook. Arranged in alphabetical order noting Ascension Birds to 2/6…
Sold $350
British Commonwealth "War Tax" ovpts with both MLH & used on leaves, Hagners & Vario sheets housed in display books. Duplication but noted many lar…
Sold $750
British Commonwealth 1937-1951 Omnibus issues on Hagners in binder with slipcase. Starts with UPU in cat. order complete MLH x 2 sets, 1946 Victory…
Sold $240
British Commonwealth 1953-1965 QEII in 3 album, 2 with slipcases plus a few Swiss & other odds in small stockbook. Nearly all MLH with most defins …
Sold $230
British Commonwealth 1960's-1980's range of sets arranged in 2 Lighthouse stockbooks plus a few foreign also noted. Majority appear to have strong …
Sold $150
British Commonwealth Useful selection on stockcards noting Papua 1½d with "POSTACE" flaw (?), Ascension KGVI 1d x 2 MLH (SG 39, Cat. £90) & Cape …
Sold $120
British Commonwealth Range of early 1900's b&w/colour postcards incl Aden to Madrid 1907 with tied KEVII Indian stamps (2) & 1951 2As KGVI, Bahamas…
British Commonwealth Davo stockbook starting with Rhodesia 1892/97 "Badges" used on Hagner (inside front cover) with neat 3/- & 4/- (latter also ML…
Sold $130
British Commonwealth SG Devon peg-fitting album with strength in KGVI to 1960 QEII noting British Guiana KGVI to $3 & QEII to $5 used, Gold Coast 1…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth Omnibus ranges in mixed MLH/used sets plus odd vals with 1937 Coronation (130), 1935 Silver Jubilee (24), 1946 Victory (66), R…
Sold $40
British Commonwealth Selection comprising Nigeria 1961 to £1 MLH (Cat. £30), Bechuanaland 1961 to 2r MLH (Cat. £90), Jamaica 1964 to £1 MLH (Ca…
Sold $24
British Commonwealth Attractive early postcard selection noting Burma with KEVII stamps of India to Australia & the USA (1910), Cape of Good Hope P…
British Commonwealth Whitfield King standard printed album for issues to 1920 sparsely filled with MLH low val odds noting odd better incl Cayman I…
Sold $220
British Commonwealth Booklets range containing all different QEII types. Mainly African countries & Atlantic Islands but noted Solomon Is (Cat. £2…
Sold $100
British East Africa 1887-1965 substantial MLH & used collection in "Viscount" binder. SG Cat. numbers are pencilled below each starting with 1890/9…
Sold $1000
British Levant 1901-1905 Postcard selection with various b&w or colour scenes & all with GB stamps tied by Smyrna postmarks noting QV x 2, KEVII x …
Sold $80
British Southern Africa Quality large Lighthouse stockbook with Orange Free State MLH & used, South Africa from KGV with heavily duplicated low val…
Sold $50
British West Indies Jamaica, Leeward Is & Montserrat in quality Lindner stockbook with Jamaica incl QV (38) MLH/used to both 2/- arranged without a…
Sold $280
East Asia Large Prinz stockbook with Japan heavily duplicated early 1900's through to 1960's defins used plus a few China mistakenly included befor…
Sold $130


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